“Solitude: The state or quality of being alone or remote from others. Alone: Being without anyone or anything else…or…Being without equal; unique.” A young, small girl’s voice whispered through blinding white light of a square room. Padded pure white walls…no color…and to the untrained eye nothing in the room but scattered books and paper with lines and lines of writing on it. Though in the corner, something soon stirred, camouflaged against the wall with the help of a pure white blanket. Stirring turned into more noticeable movement as the blanket stood and walked across the room, a rather large dictionary…obviously, the words printed on the side of the large binding, dropping loudly to the floor with a small poof of dust. Small slender arms reached out and grasped another book on the floor, opening it and flipping through the pages for a few moments before dropping it as well. “Stop dropping those so carelessly! They cost money!” echoed in the room. Though white and also camouflaged in the room, the small girl knew there was a speaker on the wall opposite the door. This message signalled the staring of her plan, sitting down and keeping as hidden as it could beside the door. Hours and she stayed in the exact same position, not moving an inch, so stationary that it was completely hidden in the white.
Hissing air split the silence as a panel of the solid white room started too press outward, popping out of the wall and sliding to the side, allowing entry into the room from the outside world. “G329…?” echoed in the room, a middle aged male's voice. Another more familiar sound to the blanket could be heard as well, causing it to flinch a bit. Guns cocked and the sounds of electronic breathing sounded as three men stepped into the room, their dark colors disturbing the pure white. Two of the men were in fact carrying guns….dressed in black and red security armour, fibreglass gas masks and Kevlar too protect them from…whatever they thought they would find in the room. But the third man was dressed a bit in white himself, a lab coat wrapping up a rather slender older male with black short hair and wireframe glasses. “Where are you silly tiger~?” he said softly, walking around the room and feeling for anything out of the ordinary and the blanket. G329 was not planning on being caught though, feeling around and finding the string for the trap she set, tugging on it and making a large pile of books in the far corner collapsing. Though the guards stepped away from the door, falling for her trap, she was too scared to make any sudden movements, crawling very stealthily past the guards and out the door, slipping past into a blue and white hall. The tiles on the floor and the light blue paint were fascinating to this little blanket…but she had to pull her eyes away and hurry now
Alarms started sounding and the blanket almost disappeared she was running so fast, faster than any human her size could have. Holes in the walls opened up wide in the hall in front of her, electric wires firing with a loud bang in a grid from one end to the other to another. Spaces however, were visible above and below the line of wires. Unfazed, the blanket jumped up to the top of the hall, gaining impossible air and skimming its back over the ceiling as a corner of the fabric hit the electricity and singed. Again, blanketed girl was not fazed, hitting the ground, rolling, and sliding to avoid the next one just a few feet away, getting underneath it. She hadn’t slowed down a bit, standing back up on the other side and starting to bolt again. Her pure white blanket a tiny bit singed and dirty as she made her way down the hall, trying to find a certain door in the hall.
“G329!! Halt!” a half electronic half angry male voice yelled, the blanket whooshing right past a guard and turning around. A bulge came from the blanket very fast, hitting in the back of the knee and sending the armoured adult to his knees, being out of sight before he could get up, having turned a corner in the hall as soon as the blow landed. “Got you!” The blanket fell to the ground with a boot print in its white chest, caught in her own fabric as the corners were grabbed and held together by the guard, a makeshift burlap sack too carry her in. The figure inside went limp and just lay inside the sack as the guard triumphantly showed her to the guard that she had sent to his knees, having caught up once her got to his feet, boasting that it was too easy. Slowly, a small pale arm crept out of the top of her confinements, along with a silver revolver, putting it too her captors chin. Frantically, the guard that arrived later reached for his…too find that it was missing, looking up in confusion and horror at the scene in front of him. “Drop…” a little voice sounded, being complied with instantly, being dropped to the ground.
Before the blanket fell and could reveal her, a second arm reached around and grabbed a corner, pulling it over her head. Rushing to get herself too her feet, the blanket still over her head and hiding her. Just like that, she was off, emptying the gun and throwing it down the hall as she continued running just a few halls more to her goal. She saw the door…marked 82B12; this was what she came here for. She reached up with a key card for the cafeteria and jammed it in the crevasse between the door handle and the wall, it clicking open after some wriggling and letting the girl inside. Looking around, it was just a dark room…a fluorescent light fixture illuminating a table in the center of the room. Silver shone on the table in the form of a covered platter, without missing a beat, the blanket ran towards it and picked up the top. Placed carefully there was a pink cupcake, covered in sprinkles and little fish candy on the top. With a deep sigh, the blanket extended her arm to take it, hesitating before snatching it and sitting down with an ‘oomph’, starting too eat…maybe even a bit happily.
“Congratulations G329…you have successfully navigated your way through armed guards, high powered electric fences, and even broke into the door with…’my’ lunch ID…”.Darkness lifted from the room, showing it was another cell, the floor and roof solid white, yet surrounded in glass revealing a whole audience The girl still hidden under her precious blanket. Other than the table in the room where she had taken the cupcake from, there was a little red chair with a stuffed white tiger on it, just a beanie baby, a little worn-out., the only thing that the little girl under the blanket was paying attention to, trying to sneak over. Black and grey shoulder length hair, red rimmed glasses, lab coat covering her entirely from the v-neck down. Still relatively young features, and still with young and explorative eyes. Looking down with a twinkle here eye at the girl, almost proudly, but not at the little thing that was now rushing to eat her treat before she had it taken away like she expected it to be, but…more of herself. 'Arrogant' was passing though G329's mind, she was good at reading faces, one of her only skills besides reading and writing...and all the training. “Ladies and Gentleman…” the woman said, turning to the crowd of at least 100 people, most women, but all In black business wear in the surrounding glass booths “I give you the future of the world’s human cloning and splicing program…”. Grinning ear to ear she stripped off the blanket.
With a sweep of her arm, the older woman had snatched the blanket away rather roughly, sending hair flying upwards with the wind it caused. G329 gasping a bit and covering her head with her hands, quickly sitting down. Slowly, her hair fell down over her shoulders, enchanting, almost as if it was threaded silver, her hair most covering her face, reaching down, almost able to touch her thighs before she sat. Standing not even at 4 feet tall, skin pale and delicate looking. Wearing light blue Pyjamas, complete with slippers that were just a bit too large for her. “g329…take it off and turn around…” the woman said softly, just getting a shaken head and a tiny voice in a stutter in response. “n-no…” “Doctor Hartman! Are there creations not even obedient..?” someone piped up, a man with wireframe glasses standing with a notepad. “No sir, their sentient…and can choose too or not too do something…” the old woman said in response. Some of the people for too mumbling about it, through all of it Dr. Hartman’s face starting to flush, growling and grabbing G329’s arm and forcing her up. “a-as you can see! As a result of the complete synchronisation between her original genes and that of a human, her ears have pointed and have receded too the back of her skull, like those of fictional creatures, elves.” Hartman said quickly, chucking a bit as everyone laughed, G329’s face turned red, feeling humiliated.
“next is the back…” she said, grabbing The poor girl’s back and lifted up her shirt, a few buttons scattering and leaving her falling too her knees, grabbing her Pyjamas and holding it too hide her chest. Looking up defiantly and trying to stay in that position. Dr. Hartman didn’t mind, it giving a clear view of her back. Fur lined up her spine…disappearing going down her back into her pyjamas, and going up her back to her neck. Though there was only about two inches of white and black fur, following a scar of some sort...no fur on that spot, going up in a slight zigzag pattern up to the lowest point of her neck. “as you can see here, she’s been injured…fact is that at the age of 4 all our little ones must go through a special spine realignment surgery…too make sure that they can grow upright…since half of their genes are fighting for that, and the other half to make her bend over so she can walk on all fours…though there was a breach of security from the organisation SAH or Spliced vs. Humanity…and they entered our subject here’s operation room just as they were about to put her too sleep for her surgery. Though they let them go through with it while they were there…or rather forced them too.” Everyone went silent, looking down at the girl, expecting some kind of sobbing and crying. None was even hinted at, she just pulled her shirt back down and made sure she did up all her buttons, sitting down and continuing too pet her tiger with her head hung “without anaesthesia…for 20 hours…until their demands were met, they broadcasted her across the PA system…after 4 hours the broadcast went silent. G329 has not shown signs of psychological recovery…”
People muttered for a few minutes as Dr.Hartman squatted in front of her experiment, reaching over too pet alabaster with her. Every tiny muscle in the child’s body tensed and she pricked at the doctor’s hand with one of her small pointed nails.. “o-oh yes…and…this subject has developed harder nails turned claws than the normal subject…” she said, retorting and holding her hand, it bleeding pretty well with just that small p***k. “G329…will…will be specially monitored by the Security officers….but…she will be liable for the social interaction release in....5 years…two years later than the normal quota…but…she’s special. We suspect her IQ is off the charts…since she is already finished the works of Homer and Plato at the age of 3 years 8 month”. People looked at the little girl rather impressed, but a woman in what looked to be normal clothing, like she was a housewife, stood and spoke up “Her eyes, is there something wrong with them…? She has not uncovered her face this entire time, the MAS would like all of your subjects to be liable for human adoption, but this seems like antisocial and rather dangerous behaviour.” She said, people not really taking her seriously since her she represented the people instead of a multinational company like the rest of them. MAS stood for the mother association for the Spliced. G329 stood up and before the doctor had a chance to make her, gently fixing her hair out of her face and looking up at the crown with her crimson red eyes, them flashing at them in annoyance.
“Those seem rather....predatory. Im hoping that they will soften a bit?” the Mother asked, seeming frightened at the little …but in the silent room it rang. “Humans, all the same, if it’s not you it doesn’t do…” she said, walking over to the door and opening it, storming out into the hall. Dr.Hartman panicked a bit and ran out with her, grabbing her arm as the sound of guns cocking sounded from the 20+ men in the hall. “ Gentlemen, It was a test, lower your guns and take her to the showers and then too bed!” The doctor barked, most of them clearing off, but two staying for nanny duty, pushing and pulling G329 down the hall a bit, once out of sight from the doctor one hit her in the back with the butt of one of their guns, G329 yelling out in pain as she fell, the other guard picking her up and almost tossing her down the hall. “GET UP! Soulless little monster!” he yelled at her. G329 slowly brought herself too her feet, a large bruise already appearing on the back of her neck. Though she was delicate…these men were treating her like a prisoner…like they said, a soulless monster. “Soulless...” she repeated too herself, he back straightening and her gritting her teeth as she walked into the shower room. Always humiliating…dehumanising…but since she wasn’t, they didn’t care. “On the stool, wash up, now!” one yelled, pointing a gun at her. G329 knew the drill…she stripped down, covering her chest with her arms and sitting down as hot shower water fell hard on her back, soap already inside it…she blushed bright red, growling and starting to feel the heat, too much for her...she liked the cold more...it made the guards less willing to reach in to grab her hair and offer to cut it off with their knives.
Something felt odd being all alone in the showers like this however...they sanitised it every day, but poorly...the scents of others present in the damp room. Fur as well...sometimes lodged in the drains...sometimes just on the ground from shedding...tails and maybe even full body fur...she knew that she would envy them if they had more fur. Always having wished that she would have more later on, hating she was more human than animal at this point. Things went a bit blurry as the fury of smells all around the bathroom consumed her...this often happened when she was overloaded with scent....doctors called it a rare form of Autism...she called it something that she would just have to get rid of. Shaking her head quickly and blowing the air out of a shampoo bottle right in her face, she concentrated on the scent of the watermelon and just found her world returning back to normal, sighing deeply and starting to wash again. Things in her body were not done yet....her senses were high, but she knew that her transformation was not complete as of yet, it would take a long while before she knew where it would stop...or if it would ever go past the point where her brain and body clicked with all of her senses and she would go mad.
- by SMTnocture |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/14/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Solitude
- Artist: SMTnocture
- Description: This is part of the opening scene of a book that I'm writing. Would love some feedback, support, anything really....I felt it was time to get this out there a bit.
- Date: 05/14/2011
- Tags: solitude
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Zailem - 05/29/2011
It kind of confused menin all honesty... "/
But I can see where your getting at with this smile ) - Report As Spam