people say that it will be difficult for me to find you but still i will. some say that i will be unsafe with you but i think i won't be it. others say that i will hurt me but how will that occur when you're the only one who makes me feel better. some say that im childish, but no im not. you steal my sleep. and everytime i close my eyes there's only your face in my mind. i get hard feelings when you're having difficult time in matches. i can't see every of your matches because i don't have telecasting facilities. but still, i wake up the time of your match and pray for you. i stay awake till it's not over but when it is, i don't find sleep. cause im too happy. you're so perfect. when you score a goal it's like i've succeeded. i would really like to be in the stadium next to you & shouting for your name but don't worry in years to go i'll be there. and when you'll score, you'll point out fingers at my. i think of you every single second. when im in the room to study, your face don't let me. it's like you're haunting me & im desperate to meet you & say "IM THE QUEEN OF THIS WORLD." cause it's only this that i've been dreaming of. maybe you get a feeling that something is missing in your life. i know we'll meet. i've full confidence about it. i know it, i know it. don't worry i'll complete your life. no matter how old you are & how much i am.
we'll meet.

- Title: i will find you
- Artist: magicly7
it is for the one i've been waiting for. he's a soccer player & he's the one to be taking me to heaven.
he is the one. - Date: 01/09/2011
- Tags: will find
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