A kid sat there sleeping as a sudden beat come to the door he looked around and peaked trough his door and watched three men they were laughing shot gun shells filled there gun belts.they both had the guns in there hands they laughed and shot the kids parents as the kid slamed the door and pushed the bed in front of the door. He looked around to see his window he climed out to see a hourse wlak up to him he jumped on it and looked around. ( this takes place in the wildest) He looked around not nowing were the hourse came from all sudden the three men walked behind the house and shot the kid as the hourse took off running but the kid foot got stuck and the kid was draged 20 miles.He woke up in a tent he looked around tryed to lean up but pain went trough his body he riped his shirt off to see bandges he got up and limped out a man sat there eating some type of meathe looking stuff and said "are u ok u were shot by the bandit now eat some food i will explain the rest later"
It was late that night when i walked up to him and he told me i was his son and i was shout but after awile i new the truth he was lying but i never said a word and i loved him till he dies and i still do
the western
a kid that get a new family
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