Ten years ago, C3 beat his friends in order to find and kill his brother, Cujami. Cujami assisted in the murder of their parents and later the kidnapping, and then killed their only sister. Since then, C3 has been training and tracking his beloved brother.
Now, C3 is sitting on a rock near a rocky valley. His dark blue hair is longer and spikier than before. And he keeps his two long sharp bangs in his face. His style has changed a bit. Short sleeves instead of long, cargo pants instead on jeans, no jacket, and old-fashion Black Label hats. But lately, he has kept a container of blood elixer on his waist and five others in his backpack.
He started on the one on his waist. There was a faint sound in the forest. C3 paused. A gun was put to his head. A female with bright blue, and purple hair with a lock of pink; a low-top cowgirl hat with a feather; a white jacket that came down to the middle of her thighs with accentuating pink at its limits; sports shorts that could barely be seen; open toed heeled sandals; and bright pink eyes stood behind him. “Don’t Move.” She demanded. C3 smiled.
He leaned forward. “I said don’t move!” Putting on his backpack he chuckled, “I missed you too, Bunny. It took you ten years to find me. I’m impressed. The other have no clue”
“I swear… I swear I’ll shot, this time.”
“This time?”
“Oh Right.” He turned around, “Last time, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t look at me. If I remember right, you didn’t want me to see your beautiful face cry, am I correct?”
Her face was calm and serious. “I’m different now.” “Really?” C3 put the gun to his heart with his claw-like hands. “Well?” There was silence. Bunny put her head down. C3 smiled.
Then there was a loud sound. She shot him. She shot him in the shoulders. C3 stumbled back in surprise. “I can’t believe it. Kate Bunny; my own girlfriend, that I’ve had since high school, just shot me.” Looking up at her from the edge of his hat, he continued, “But does she have what it takes to finish me off?” The bullet in his arms was being pushed out of his body. Kate smiled. She pulled from her side a second gun! Pointed at C3 as he smiled with anticipation, and leaned back. Kate went on a free fire frenzy.
A second in the same shoulder. Third, in the other. Forth in the collarbone. Fifth in the right hand. Sixth in the left thigh. Seventh and eighth in both chest cavities. Ninth in the middle of the abdomen. Tenth, neck. Eleventh and twelfth in the kneecaps. 13th, left elbow. 14th in the right forearm. 15th, left biceps. 16th, right foot. 17th, right upper ab. 18th, stomach. 19th, kidney. 20th-22nd, rib cage. 23rd, left thigh. 24th, left wrist. 25th, left ear. 26th-30th, heart. And 31st, in between the eyes.
Kate panted. C3’s body fell on a tree and slide down. His hat fell to his chest. Hands uncurled. A tear fell down her check, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” A figure jumped down behind her and kicked her in her side. She hit a tree. The figure grabbed both her wrists and slammed her to the tree. It was C3!
“What are you apologizing for?”
“I thought…”
“You thought the worst kind of wrong.”
There was a pause as he tightened his gripped causing her immense pain.
“Dead wrong!” he yelled as he threw her across the field. “I told you last time, if you are going to hunt me like the others; be prepared for anything.” Kate slowly stood up and asked, “Do you remember what you said to me the night before you left?” C3 looked down with soft brown eyes. “You said, as we laid in bed together, ‘Behold a dragon has fallen in love with a rabbit. An innocent bunny rabbit and a hungry killer dragon. A fiend and his food in the eyes of the world. But life locked lovers in the eyes of the other. I hunger for the blood of the innocent bunny. She hones for the protection of the isolated dragon.’ Remember I said ‘What a stupid fur ball’ and you said ‘What a crazy lizard.’”
C3’s eyes softened and his body still. “Do you remember?” Kate asked. She threw down her hat and unzipped her jacket. “No. No, I don’t.” He said walking to her with intense eyes. “But I do remember that this dragon is on a hunt. And you’re a possible appetizer.” He ran to her.
She threw a dagger at him from the inside of her jacket. He caught it with his teeth. He tried to cut her, but only got her shirt. He elbowed her in the stomach. When she slid back, he put one arm out and the other to the opposite’s inner mid-point. Kate looked up. “Northern Dragonease Art of Impact: Saji’s Current!” C3 said. A force of wind and energy surged from his forward palm. The force sent Kate into a rock.
C3 jumped to kick her. She ducked. C3 kicked off the rock into the air. Kate grabbed his leg, swung around, and threw him through the rock and near the valley opening. C3 rolled back. Stopping himself, C3 looked up. His eyes darkened and narrowed.
Kate reloaded her side arms. It was a stare down. The wind howled. “You said you were an untamable animal right?” Kate took aim and fired. C3 mid-air shifted. The rock melted. Reappearing, C3 chuckled, “Acidic hallow heart mary bullets. Very nice. You might just mean it. Game on.” C3 ran for the valley opening. Kate fired freely. C3 dodged without looking back.
“You gotta do better than that.”
“******** you and your infinite sight.”
“I’d steal your innocence, but I’m busy dodging your b-strings.”
“I hate you. Why won’t you die?”
“Ask Satan, not me.”
C3 was jumping from wall to wall to dodge the bullets. Kate ran and shot like wildfire after him. She ran out halfway through. “Come on.” C3 landed, “You gotta get at least one shot in, before I get to one of my safe homes.” “Don’t worry, I will.” Kate loaded a chip the looked like a giant fang.
C3 ran up the wall. Kate started firing energy bullets. They had a bigger bang. She still couldn’t get a point blank shot. One shot was cast straight in front of him and sent C3 flying in Kate’s direction. “Gotcha.” “No,” C3 grabbed falling Rocks, “You don’t.” and threw them in the way of the incoming bullets.
C3 grabbed onto the cliff above him. “What’s wrong, baby? Can’t keep up?” “You wish. My pet.” She gathered energy with the guns. C3 ripped a giant rock from the wall and threw it. “1,000 Bulls eyes!” One thousands bullets shot from Kate’s guns. They demolished the rock and pursued C3. C3 jumped to the top of the cliff. They pierced and destroyed the cliff.
Kate panted heavily. “You dead, yet baby?” Cracks descended from the cliffs hole. C3 burst through the wall with his right hand forward. His right hand was surrounded with red, silver, and black lightning.
She tried shooting, but the bullets were deflected by the energy. “Yushi!” He crashed a hole in the wall. Kate was sliding from his side. “You should know by now; the Devil’s Tear doesn’t hypnotize me like everyone else, so you can’t hit me as easily.” she snickered. “Well I guess it’s time to show you off.” C3 cocked his right hand back. The energy formed a hallow ball center around his hand. Putting the other hand over the ball, pitching his left foot high in the air, C3 announced, “The feel is up. The pitch is on.” He pitched, “Rahsama! Curveball!” Before she could react, Kate was stuck and engulfed in the energy. She went flying through the valley.
The force was so intense; Kate flew through the valley, pats and through the passage edge. She plummeted 80 feet into a forest.
As she laid there bleeding, slowly breathing, dazed, and fading into unconsciousness a wolf wandered its way over. “Descu mai, ichikachi. You look mighty tasty for a human.”
C3 jumped in-between Kate and the wolf. “Hello there, yourself lugaru. Hungry? Get your own food.” C3 seemed to get more and more beast like as eh and the lugaru stared down. “Fine. You dragonease are so territorial. One of these days that’ll lead your race to its destruction.” “You’re a bit late. That fate was sealed when I was born.” The lugaru retreated.
Kate slipped into unconsciousness. Her last sight was C3 leering over her with his sharp teeth and all white eyes. “The lugaru was right. You do look tasty and you smell…” He sniffed and began breathing heavily “You smell… you smell delectable.”
Kate woke up in fear. She panted holding the bed sheets close. “Why didn’t you give up, like everyone else?” C3 walked in with a tray of food. “Well I wasn’t ready to abandon you. And the others didn’t give up. They’re training.” “Yeah right.” he sat at the bedside, “Eat up will you?”
“What is it?”
There was an intense silence.
“Sorry, it’s Logei Su Gayfirsome.”
“I’m not dragonease. English, please.”
“Fresh deer with linday sauce.”
After Kate ate her food and drunk her wine, she followed C3 to the kitchen.
“What? Your silence is nerve wrecking.” “Why didn’t you let me come with you?” C3 sat Kate up on the counter. Grabbing her by her thighs, C3 looked down, tapping his left big toe to the floor behind his right calf. “I didn’t want this to happen. I wanted you to stay in Luna and move on like the others. Have a normal life. After my brother attacked you, I knew it was time to leave.”
“You think I care for a few scratches?”
“Scratches!?! You call being sent to the Nightmare Realm a scratch?! You call being cut and chocked by my brothers tail a scratch?! And when he.. When he..”
“It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not. That was unacceptable. Unforgivable.”
“I’m alright, now.”
“No! He already took our parents and our sister from me. I’ll be damned if he takes you from me. I mean. When he started drinking your blood and stealing your life force. I felt unless.”
Kate lifted his head. Her light pink eyes met his shadow brown. “Don’t give me that look.” Kate began tearing. “Don’t cry either.” “I don’t wanna lose you to the likes of yourself.” “Then move on.” “I can’t. I’ve tried, but I just can’t.” “You stupid rabbit.” “You sick dragon.”
They kissed. A pauses. Then a longer more passionate kiss. “No!” C3 jumped back to the wall. “No, this is what happened last time.” He turned away. “Please, don’t make this like last time. Don’t leave.” Kate walked up to C3. His eyes became empty black.
“Christopher, please.”
“Katherine, don’t. You’ll regret it.”
She leaned in. He put her back to the wall. His fangs grew to a noticeable size. He leaned in mouth opened. She closed her eyes tightly.
Kate felt his cold breath near her ear and fangs on her neck. She thought, “He’s going to feed on me, like Cujami did. I hope it doesn’t feel the same. I like your pain. It’s exciting, lustful, and pleasurable. Unlike before.”
C3 kissed Kate’s neck. She eased her eyes. He kissed lower and lower until her got to her collarbone. They looked at each other.
Kate took off her jacket. The only sound that was heard was the fireplace and the singing of the stars and moon. She touched his chest and went for his shirt. He remained still. It was raised halfway, C3 grabbed her hand. He took it off the rest of the way. His claw-like hand hesitantly, yet, gently cur-rested her face. Kate smiled. “Come with me.” C3 held Kate’s hand and walked outside. “You’ve seen me as an angle and demon, even both at the same time. But I think it’s time you see me as a dragon.” A look of pure curiosity and confusion overwhelmed her.
They walked out into the moonlight and gazed at the stars. Kate’s eyes glossed in the light. “It’s beautiful, Chris.” She looked around. She was alone with the tall tree, stars, moon, and mysterious eyes watching her.
“Chris?” She looked around holding her arm. “C3 if you left me again…” Kate’s eyes widened. There was a deep growling behind her. The creature stood up in the moonlight. Not including the tail; the creature was 7 foot 1’ spiky dark blue mane that went from it’s head, down its spine, and to the tail; a long strong face; a strong muscular body structure; massive wings with inscriptions on the blue in color; dark blue claws; white scales covered its body; green highlighted hair and scales; green tongue; and teeth sharp enough to destroy the hardest of substances.
Kate was frozen in fear. She was sure it was a dragon. She was sure it could kill her just by waging her tail or by it laying its massive chest on her. She was sure she was defenseless. She wasn’t sure of what to do. She wasn’t sure if C3 was testing her again. She wasn’t sure why she felt so relaxed.
It got on all fours. It growled at her, moving closer. Kate closed her eyes and held herself tight. The dragon slowly walked around her. It brushed its soft scales against her skin. “So soft.” She thought. It snorted on the back of her head. “So cold.” She thought. It leaned its head on her shoulder and smiled devilishly. “So evil.” She thought. It coiled around her. “So lustful.” She thought. It put its front claws on her biceps and blew a gust of wid. The wind made the flowers sparkle like diamonds. “So romantic.” She thought. It flapped her wings. The flower petals danced around them in the moonlight, they gleamed, shined, glistened, and even glowed. There was a blend of white, blue, red, pink, yellow, and purple flower petals whisking around the two of them. “So beautiful.” A tear ran down her check.
“I remember this. You did this fro my birthday. I was 13. You saw me crying at the Luna Lake. You picked me up, stood behind me, and did this trick. You learned it from your temple. It was called…”
“It was called Dragon art of The Wind: Singing silence.”
She knew the dragon was C3. He rubbed up against her body. She pets him from his head to tail. Kate held his face and kissed him. “I told you I was stupid.” she said.
C3 stood high and took flight. His tail grabbed Kate and flew high. She screamed. Stopping in mid-flight, he tossed her in the air. “Oh my god!” She yelled. C3 zipped through the air, underneath Kate; she locked her arms around his neck and laid on his back. “Hold on.” “Who said I was going to let go?” They flew gracefully through the air at an unimaginable speed. To normal sight, C3 was a silver blur at night and a divine arrow at day.
C3 loopy looped, spiraled, jet streamed, floated, up shot, warped, and hovered all around the planet. They saw all kinds of beautiful sights from around their world. Flying on the way back, Kate shied from the words. “You wanna fell the clouds?” C3 slowed down, “Go on. Lock your legs around my shoulders and you‘ll be able to move your upper body freely. Try it.” She did it, exactly.
She reached out to the clouds, slowly. C3 rolled his eyes and shook his head. Kate shied from the clouds. C3 dove into the clouds. Kate was a little afraid, but she got conformable. So conformable, she sits up and starts laughing. “There you go.” C3 popped out the clouds and cruised over a city. “Enjoying yourself?” “I love you.” C3 laughed. “Know it’s your turn.” “No.” “Come on.” “No.” “C3, please?” “Fine..” There was a loud sound.
There was a long pause. “Chris, you can do it. Don‘t be shy.” They began to descend. “Chris. Chris?” Her face filled with fear as she felt something warm on her leg. “Chris?” They began falling. “Oh my god. Wake up. Wake up!” They were falling fast and were on a path to an out going bridge. “Chris, I swear to your God of Warriors, if you die on me… I’ll… I’ll… I’ll never forgive you.” He remained silent and unconscious. “Damn it. What the hell can I do? What will the others think about you dieing like this?” They were closing in and he still remained un responsive. “What will your family say? What… What would Cujami think?!” C3’s eyes opened slightly. “Yeah. What will our family think?” “Our… family?” He thought “Yes, yes. Our children. The ones you wanna see.” She looked down, “Oh god!” “I have a family? Wait. What!?” C3 woke! He flipped behind her. “Curl up!” “What?” “Just do it!” Kate curled up into a ball. C3 held her close and curled himself up into a giant ball. Using what little power he had left, C3 rolled . He rolled at a high velocity. So high and fast, he looked like a giant snowball. When he crashed on the bridge, he rolled forward. Cars were crushed and there was a gaping hole in the bridge when they made their getaway. The ball began to shrink. C3 was losing lots of energy and blood, but they crashed in a nearby field. They hit and knocked over a tree. C3 uncurled unconscientiously and unchanged. Kate sat up dazed and bleeding from her head. “C3!” she ran to his side. He wasn’t moving. He wasn’t breathing.
Kate cried on his body. Two hunters walked up behind her. “Well, well” one said, “Look at what we have here. A lady and her pet.” “Get away!” “And she’s got an attitude.” The hunters walked closer. “Don’t worry we’ll sell your pet for a good price.” one said. “Yeah a real good price. Then you can live with us hun.” the other commented. C3 tried to stand. “Look, the beast is here to protect the beauty.” Halfway up, he was shot in the back by a shotgun and crossbow. Kate gasped. C3 used a tree to stand back up. He turned around and was impaled to the tree with thicker arrows. “C3!” Kate yelled. C3 looked at Kate run to him. Unfortunately, he also saw one of the hunters grab her by her hair. He growled, blood gurgling. The other put the crossbow to his head, “Don’t move, moneybag.” “Over Flow.” he mumbled.
A pulse wave of energy knocked the hunters off their feet. C3 turned back and was free. He was also in between the two hunters. “Let her go.” he demanded. “Your… a…” C3’s eyes hallowed out.
The one who had Kate pointed the crossbow at C3. “Stay There.” His eyes returned to normal, but a cold look arose. His hands unclenched. Eyes fixated on his target. “Yeah, even the dragonease know when their beat.” “Oh really? What about those that are half Dokihara?” Within a blink of an eye C3 was behind the captor. “Don’t move.” The captor turned half way and was back fisted. His skull smashed a thick rock. “I told you not to move.” C3 said slipping out of his shoes. “Hey!” the other yelled. He fire the multi-falcon shotgun. C3 ran through the fire and after him. Fearful; he fired at Kate, running in the opposite direction. C3 tapped his foot, kicked him in the air, and ran to Kate. A green energy cloaked him as he ran past the bullets. Standing in front of Kate C3’s cloak took the shape of his dragon form. The bullets ricocheted of the cloak.
“Armageddon’s gift of Distance.” Kate thought, “He must have found him.” The cloak vanished like fire. Kate eyes widened.
C3 was gone. He reappeared over the rock. The hunter got up. “Where the..” C3 kicked him in the air. A company clone was waiting for him on a bridge. It punched him in a different direction, where two more were waiting. One jumped, the other grabbed the hunters feet and they sling shot him higher in the air at an awkward angle.
Once out of the treetops, another company clone jumped up, grabbed his collar and threw him straight down, “Welcome to Company Countdown! Go!” The sling shot duo and the first clone jumped in different directions. The first jumped and back fisted the hunter’s neck ,“3!” He descended faster. The second bounced off a branched and punched him down, “2!” The third swung off a branch and axe kicked his nose. “1!” C3 dove from above the red, silver, and black energy over his right hand; “Devil’s Tear: Yushi Gates!”
They crashed and the hunter laid dead with a gaping hole for a chest. C3 walked out of the crater toward Kate. “He’s… he’s… becoming like the Dragon King.” She thought, fearful of what that might mean for her. He smiled to see her safe. Looking in her eyes, C3 saw the reflection of the other hunter taking aim. C3 stopped. He looked back. “He’s tagged.” The hunter took aim. “Wait! He’s not looking at me!” The shot was fired at Kate! She looked at C3 and then the incoming bullet. She screamed. “Gotcha.” The hunter said.
The crows flew in his sight. His celebration was cut short at the sight of C3 laying in Kate’s lap. “Ones good enough.” he chuckled, “Better get out of here, I guess.” The crows flew in a panic. Their feathers scattered. The hunter looked at one of the falling feathers. Unannounced to him, the hunters eyes became shrouded in darkness. Satisfied, he jumped out the tree. He was anxious to fall to the ground. He’s anxiety soon wilted away, for he couldn’t stop falling. The farther he fell, the farther he seemed to have to go. There was no end in sight ,and no branches to grab. He seemed to fall for years, he felt like he was aging as the time flew by. “What’s going on?” he thought. Looking to the side, he saw C3 on one of the passing tree branches. “You!” He continued falling for the longing of time. Then again on another branch. C3 was there. “What are you doing to me?” he asked, slowly rotating to a falling backward position. “Why would someone whose afraid of falling from heights, hide in a tall tree?” C3 responded.
“Stop it! Stop it, damn you!”
“As you wish.”
The ground was within view again. But something was different. The hunter felt death on its way. Something was terribly wrong.
A sharp smile opened below him. He screamed for his life. He screamed long and loud. The mouth swallowed him. Falling down the throat, it got warm. Then, hot. Very hot. Unbearable. “Western Dragonease of Fire: Breathing a Blaze!”
A turn of fire rose in the throat. The hunter became that monarch to the wildfire, that didn’t get away.
The Dragon King was at one point good. Protected any and all who needed help, until he killed out of pure hatred. After that, the Dragon King has isolated himself from everything and expanded his evil and hatred to everyone. Who did he kill to turn him pure evil? His father.
Kate, and their friends, feared C3 would become like him.
Family less.
Void of Life.
C3 stood over Kate. She looked up. The company clones returned to his body. C3’s hand came from his arm, both hands in his pocket, he walked past her. Kate stood up and followed him. “There.” C3 pointed at a hill side house, “My safe house.” “Then, where were we before?” “My family’s vacation home.”
He kneeled. Kate stood behind him. “Getting on or you walking?” Kate smiled and leaned on his bare back. “Are you walking?” “Maybe.” C3 walked at a short pace for a short time, “Nah.” Feathered wings sprouted from his back. They scared the hell out of Kate, but she rested on him. “I promise, no surprises this time.” He said lightly flying.
As they slowly landed on the roof, the wings vanished, and they floated down into the house through the ceiling. “Welcome. Fill free to stay, if you wish.” C3 sat Kate on the kitchen counter. Kate smiled, admiring his body walk over to the refrigerator. “Can I get you something?” C3 asked opening the door. “Kate?” He caught her staring, she swiftly looked away. “See something you like, Bunny?” She blushed, he looked in the refrigerator. “You heal fast.” “Thanks.”
C3 brought out wine and one glass. “I thought you stop drinking?” “I did, too.” “No glass for me?” “Who did you think the glass was for?” He poured the glass of wine and gave it to her. She ran her hand through one of his two bangs. “Aren’t you thirsty?” C3 took a drank from the bottle, “A little.”
Kate giggled. “I really miss you. Can you please come back?”
“I can but I won‘t. Not yet.”
“I have something to do.”
“Please, come back.”
“No, especially if you’re going to keep lying to me, virgin.”
“Oh, you remember.”
“Yeah,. Unless you had sex with another guy, you don’t have any kids, virgin.”
“For what?”
“Don’t be.”
“I just love you too much to lose you.”
Kate stood up and kissed him. C3 dropped the bottle and kissed her back. “I love you, too.” They made their way to the nearby bed.
C3 laid Kate on the bed. He kissed her down from the back of her ear, down her neck, off her breast, to her belly button. She took off her shirt and bra. He took off her shorts. He kissed her belly button and went down until he couldn’t go down anymore. She brought up his head, after an air gasping moan. She undid his belt and pants. She slowly removed his remaining clothing and admired his unbelievable body. He slowly drove himself inside her.
Kate bit her lip. Then, she turned over on top of him. “I want to be on top, first.” “Fine.” They began kissing. She began stroking. She grabbed his hands and squeezed her butt. Such went on until she started bouncing. She bounced, he held her waist, he thrusted as she came down. Moans that would turn a few ears took place, loud and lustful. She soaked his entire lower body. C3 put Kate on her back. “It’s my turn, now.”
C3 put one of Kate’s legs on his shoulder. Kate raised an eyebrow eager. One hand held the leg up, the other held the other thigh wide, and he sucked on her breast as he took his time. In and out. In and out. Over and over and over and over. She clutched into his back and onto the bed. It hurt, but the pleasure overwhelmed her. It took full control. Her legs pulled him in and locked onto his shoulder and waist. He looked at her enchanting face. He smiled and pulled out until nothing but the head was in. He was wet, warm and a little sticky. Putting his arm around her back; hands on her shoulders. C3 pushed directly in. Gasping; Kate pulling him in, wrapped her arms around him, and bit his neck. He yelled instead of her. “No fair, Virgin.” “Not for long.” “I guess not.” “You guessed right.” They continued for several more hours.
By the morning, all was well. Kate woke up to a rose on her pillow. She went to the kitchen and kissed C3. “That was wonderful.” C3 turned to her, “Wait for me.” Kate began to cry. The company clone disappeared, ‘Sorry.”

- Title: Mortal magic: we meet again
- Artist: Fijuku
- Description: my boyfriend wrote this i really like it n hope you do to
- Date: 04/19/2010
- Tags: mortal magic meet again
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Comments (2 Comments)
- harmony324 - 01/10/2011
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- Chibii Hime - 06/20/2010
- love it. Read it 4 times today!!!
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