As I was walking to my car today I looked at the sidewalk and saw the words that I have seen there many times before. I, as always, wondered what it said, for time had made the woods illegible. As I walked on I thought about it realized that like many things we people do the words were pointless. The reasons why people feel the urge too write in wet cement was a mystery to me, even though I myself have done it before. I thought about it and realized that it is another way we try to preserve our selves for ever. We humans have always had a fear of death and a desire to live forever. No mater who you are you have the urge to make sure that some part of you lives on forever even if it is just a legacy of deeds you have done.
Yet it is all futile, for nothing that man has made has ever lasted forever, and nothing we make probably ever will. Eventually it will all fall, our buildings will crumble, our roads shall be torn apart, and our existence will be lost in time. So ye who write the concrete words some day the words will go away, as we speak the process has begun for the institutions of man will always fall to the reality called nature. For "the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry."

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