the story is based on a brother and sister they're parents died during the war. the mother was a beast and and the father was a human the daughter had the appearance of her mother and the son had the appearance of his father.
A year after their parents death the brother was drafted in the military for the second time of his life. He left his sister with the only friends they had, two years after he left the war had ended and when the sister came to the airport to meet her brother she soon found out that her brother had disappeared in the midst of the final of the battle that won the war for their country.
They had searched for an entire week yet they had found no trace of him or his unit of ten unique soldiers. They now have his unit listed as M.I.A.
heart broken, she had returned to her home and three years later with no sign of her brother and her becoming an adult she decided to go to the city where he had disappeared and there she found someone she did not expect.
when she entered the city she immediatly noticed that she was being followed by a group of three beastial' and attempting to shake them off she ducked into the alley but soon found she was trapped. she was surrounded by the three beastials and they soon declared their reasoning for following her.
They were formerly of the cities military that had defended against her countries assault on their homeland and despite that, it still wasn't the reason why they would soon attack her. Instead, it was the fact that she had the same features as one of the most feared Super Soldiers of the enemy military. It just so happened to be her brother.
They decided to assault her in an attempt to avenge their brethren. As they begun their attack, a dark figure suddenly appeared in the alleyway. He whispered to her, as if into her mind "Shut your eyes" and out of fear, she did. The sounds she heard through her intensified senses made her feel quite relieved that she had sealed her eyes.
At first, the beastials had growled in a menacing manner. Then, suddenly the sound as if a warping was heard. Then a gust of air blew through her hair and she heard the first of many screams from the beastials and one scream soon was cut off by a sickening crack. As if the creatures spine had been severed savagely.
The second scream was soon turned into that of a strained gurgle as the sound of flesh and cartilage was ripped from it's body and the third roared out in anger as he watched his two fellows fall before the mysterious figure, the sound of steel being drawn from a leather scabbard was heard. Though despite that sound, whatever creature was facing them, soon dealt with the now armed Beastial, and the roar was cut off, torn away from him, and the subtle sound of steel sinking into flesh was heard, as if a whisper.
It was after the whimper of the final beastial died down, that she felt a powerful grip upon her shoulder. She felt her body being pushed forward and she was finally told to open her eyes. She did, and as she looked up. She found herself staring up at a giant humanoid. Robed and masked to where the only thing she could see were a bare pair of arms with strange black runes inscribed upon his flesh and the mismatched pair of eyes. The left eye a dark violet that pierced the darkness of his hood and his right a beastial gold. His bare skin suggested that he was that of a human, not of a beast.
As they left the Alleyway they would soon talk. The figure would introduce himself as Marek. She would recognize the name was her brothers second in command in his unit. He would continue on to say that it was her brother that had sent him. That he was no longer of his unit, but now he was her guardian.
With the information she yielded from Marek. She soon found that her brother was still alive. That he was well, and that he was someplace else. A place Marek would guide her too.
With the hope of finding her brother renewed, and glee filling her heart. She'd follow Marek to the wooded fields surrounding the ruined city that was still being rebuilt from the war. She was taken to a grove, a small ruin lay within the grove and within the ruin, lay a portal. Four stone posts formed a small square in the center of the wild ruin. Within the square was a single circle and she was soon instructed to stand within the circle. That was when miniature lights burst from the chambers of the ruined temple surrounded her. They tore apart her being little by little and swept her away to a new world.
When she reformed within this new world, she found herself within a grove much like that she had originally come from. When Marek joined her, he would tell her that it was now up to her to find her brother. That he would follow her whichever path she chose to do. Though the desire to explore this new world was dominant within her emotions. She was determined to find her brother, and immediatly set off to where she felt he was.
Thus, the story truelly begins.

- Title: Beast
- Artist: Yeummy
a group story
Author: Kyle C Jarvis (my brother)
Co-Author: Krista M Jarvis (Me)
enjoy :D - Date: 12/21/2009
- Tags: kikiyo coshra
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