Dark Bleach #1 The Threat
Darkness of Reckoning
Death Gods…. The Soul Reapers who kills Hollows…. When a person dies their soul becomes ghosts… when a soul becomes the ghost the ghosts chain is attached, when the chain attaches the chain will slowly fade and turn into its Hollows form making it to kill the humans and eat the souls…. But what if a human has a strength to just kill one Hallow with a Death Gods strength? But is it possible for a human to kill the Hallow with its own strength?
15 years ago in the hospital of Shujinku the very heart of Tokyo
Father: *huff*huff* how is she?!
Doctor: shes fine the baby will come out soon
Father: Kikio I’m here
Kikio: GAH!!!! Shojo!
Shojo: don’t worry you’ll be fine just hang in there!
Doctor: ok long deep breaths and push!
Kikio: AHHHH!!!!!!!
Doctor: ah! Its almost coming out! Ok Kikio just one more time! Long deep breaths and push!!!!
Kikio: GAHHH!!!!!
The baby was finally out and the new-born was crying but the mother and father were happy
Kikio: oh…*huff* it’s a girl…. I’m so happy… what would we name her though?
Shojo: I don’t know… what about Tatsuki?
Kikio: Tatsuki sounds good…. How about… Tatsuki Shi….?
Shojo: Shi it is then… Shi Tatsuki
Kikio: gah……
Shojo: what?! Whats wrong Kikio?
Kikio: Shojo… that hallow injrued my very week point… it almost killed our child… please… please take care of her…. Ahh….
Doctor: no! we’re losing blood preasure!
2nd Doctor: we… we lost a pulse…
Shojo: Kikio… KIKIO!!!!
Suddenly a man with a gun came and shot Shojo in the chest and shot the two doctors
Shojo: gah… Shi…..
Man: sorry man…. But I have my orders…
Shojo: no… don’t touch her…
Man: I’m sorry… please forgive me…
Shojo: no… ahh….
Dark Bleach…..
Darkness of Reckoning….
15 years later after the new born baby was born
Shi’s appearances is: Tatsuki’s same hair style from the original bleach, purple eye at her right eye and the other is red at her right eye which is covering it with an eye patch, white uniform shirt wit ha red ribbon attached to it, black gloves, grey skirt, school uniform shoes and purple hair.
Boss: are you ready to fight?
Shi nodded as a yes and went out to the ring
Boss: ladies and gentlemen! Our fighters shall enter the ring! On our red corner is Yasudora Jino! A Muay Thai kick-boxer from Thailand! And on our blue corner! The one and only one! The demon beast! Shi Tatsuki!
The crowd cheered as Shi quietly standed there
Man: sorry Tatsuki that I have to do this
The man removed the eye patch from her right eye and her force of power unleashed and her red eye glowed voilently
Yasudora: come on what you got?!
Shi: sorry but I don’t have time to waste on such weak fools like yourself…..
Shi put a smurk on her face and angered Yasudora
Yasudora: why you?!!!!
He ran up to her with his anger but then Tatsuki jumped up and axe kicked him with her heeled foot up the air onto his skull
Yasudora: GAHH!!!!
Shi: what a waste of time! I should finish you off right now!
Shi smiled evily and brutally unleashed her brutal force of her animal instincts and started kicking him, punching him, kneeing him and elbowing him
Shi: die…die…..DIE!
Shi trys to punch him but she stopped
Shi: you know what… how about this? I’ll give you 5 seconds to get out of the ring how about that?
Yasudora: gah… *cough* yeah sure! No probs… I’ll never come back here again I pro-
Shi: hm? Whats wrong? Can’t move?
Yasudora: no… my legs.. whats going on with my legs?! I can’t move!
Shi: when I heeled kicked you I managed to cut off one of your connections with your legs…. No wonder you have a weak skull see what I mean…. Look at you… your just but a piece of s**t… now your nothing but dog s**t…
Yasudora: no! no!!!! wait aminute! Whats wrong with my eyes?! Its like the outer ring is too far!
Shi: one…
Yasudora: no please!
Shi: two..
Yasudora: GAHH!!!
Shi: three….
Shi: four…
Yasudora: no please don’t kill me!
Shi: five… I have bait…
Shi dashed towards him and gave him an evil smurk and slammed his head to the ground and jumped on top of him while punching his face with such brutal force
Shi: die you piece of s**t die!!!!
Meanwhile the next morning at high school
Shi: such a noisy day…..
Girl: hey Shi-san! How about less watching more working!
Shi turned around with her look
Girl: GAH!!! You know what you can watch as much as you want!
Shi: I wonder… how was I born? When I was born? Who gave me this name “Shi”?
As in pronounced “Death” and also the number “4” which is commoned bad luck
Shi: and who were my parents anyway? This is so confusing I don’t even know why this is happening… when did I have this eye anyway? And why am I seeing ghosts?
Ghost: ho ho!
Shi: damn why are you so annoying?!
The ghost slowly hurralled around side to side while Shi started looking to him moving her eyes slowly to the right and slowly to the left
Shi: your really annoying…
Ghost: oh come on Tatsuki! I mean how amny times have you seen ghosts?!
Shi: a lot….
Ghost: and?!
Shi: ……
Ghost: oh come! Don’t give me that look! How about taking that eye patch for once?!
Shi: I only take this off when I’m engaged in battle….
Ghost: but you do know that you act as that other form don’t you?
Shi: don’t even know what your freaking talking about
Ghost: well anyways I’m off hope you have a good day!
Shi: how random was that? well I’m gonna go back to class…. Cya
Meanwhile back at class
Shi: whats for lunch? Nothing…. All for that fun for nothing huh? I always knew that… for fifteen years I always knew they would treat me this badly…. Every half a month they will just give me just a meat that’s it… every half a month…. While I watch from my cage at them they would just celebrate some christmas party….. then every home time people are just being so happy even when they picked up by their parents… mothers…. Fathers.. sbilbings and grandparents…. What is the feeling of having a family?
Student: hey Shi wake up already
Shi: hm?
Student: you were like talking to yourself and day dreaming about family and all
Shi: ahh… sorry, hey wheres the teacher?
Student: oh teacher? He had to go and pick up something
Shi: oh I see…. Hey whats it like having a family?
Student: whats it like? Well lets see…. Pretty much happy I guess
Shi: happy huh? *the only thing happy is when I engage into a fight*
Shi: hey can you tell me…. How its like to be happy?
Student: why are you telling me this for? What you’ve never been happy since you were a kid or something?
Shi: yeah….
Student: well lets see… enjoyable I guess and even so peaceful and laughable
Shi: enjoyable huh?
Student: yeah! I mean even so when your free like a bird you can live happily and just enjoy yourself with life!
Meanwhile after school in the van the boss punched Shi in the gut with his metal knuckles
Boss: your five minutes late!
Shi: ……
Boss: I said your five minutes late!
Shi: gah….
Boss: why don’t you scream?!
Shi: sorry…
Boss: enough! Lets just get back home… no wonder we don’t feed you! Stupid b***h… eve nso your father was a fool….
Shi: ……
Boss: anyways step on it!
*yeah! I mean even so if your free like a bird you can live happily andj ust enjoy yourself with life!*
Shi gripped her fist and punched him in the face and kicked the two body guards
Boss: gah why you!
Shi: my father.. .what do you know about my father?! And how do you know I have a father?!
Boss: its because… its because we shot em!
Shi: what?!
Boss: your mother died giving birth to you and your father was shot by one of my guards man
Shi: you… WHY YOU b*****d!!!!
Shi fully head butted him and slammed her fist towards his face and brutally he slammed straight through the van and slammed through the wall
Shi: I hope you die in hell!
She ran away freely on her own back to the school
A man in black with a strange shaded hat with a katana spied on Shi and gave a puts a smurk on his face
Meanwhile at night time while hiding
Shi: so… this is how it feels like to be freed….but I don’t feel like I’m happy.. maybe time will come
Ghost: well well well Tatsuki-chan hows it going there?
Shi: comfortable I guess….
Ghost: come on Tatsuki-chan whats with that look on your face?
Shi: just a bit lonely
Ghost: want me to comfortable you up?
Shi: don’t even think about it
Ghost: aww…
Shi: look…. Those guys are probably chasing after me and I need to find a way to-
Shi: hm? Whos there?
Hollow: ggagagaga…. So you can see me huh? Let me guess… are you a Death God?
Shi: Death God?
Hollow: must one of those rumours I heard from… well anyways…. I love to feast on women…
Shi: sorry to tell you but I’m not really fit to be a women yet you cold hearted b*****d…
Hollow: grrr…. You think I’m a fool?!
Shi: sort of…
Hollow: why you?!
The Hollow slams a punch on the ground then luckily Shi dashed back
Shi: such strenght…. Guess its my turn… SENFUKEN!
Hollow: hm?!
Shi spinned kicked him three times unleashing powerful spiritual wind blows
Hollow: GAH! What in the hell?! A human just affected me with her legs!
Shi: final wave! Brutal Punch!
Shi ran up to him and dashly punched him straight down with her fist unleashing a powerful blow
Hollow: NNNGRRR!!!!
Shi: I’m not done yet….
Shi tooked off her eye patch
Shi: I can smell your fears worthless beast…
Hollow: no… who.. who are you?!
Shi: just a girl whos going to ******** kill you! Your in deep s**t now you sonavabitch!
Shi: 3rd martial arts Hell Blow!
Shi unleashed a powerful combo while dashing her legs and arms painfully killing the Hollow beast
Hollow: no! this can’t be happening! NOOO!!!
The Hollows ashes disappeared and slowly vanished
Shi: *sigh* what a worthless piece of s**t…. Gah! Whats happening to my eye?!
Her eye started to glow painfully while blood spills out
Shi: no! my eye… whats happening?! Wait…. I’m.. its like… I’m dying or something…
Man: bravo bravo
Shi: gah?! Whos there?!
Man: just a man who likes to have fresh air that’s all
Shi: you don’t seem to have fresh air… I think your just a dog making a joke
Man: A DOG?! WHY YOU! I have a name! its Fujio Kikazaki!
Shi: well Fujio-san… lets see what you got then…
Fujio: yeah.. that’s right…
Shi: first of all… who sent you?
Fujio: nowhere really… I was ordered here to capture you…
Shi: cacpture me huh? Sounds a bit like a villain isn’t it?
Fujio: well…. We’ve sensed a new spiritual and I mean a very strong one… a spiritual who can protect… but we sense a threat against you…
Shi: oh I’m a threat? You have no idea what kind of threat I am…. Prepare to die
Fujio: damn your like a hollow or somethin…
Shi: NGRR!!!!
Shi dashed towards him and side kicked his shoulder
Fujio: GAH! What the?! My left shoulder is numb now!
Shi: I numbed your left shoulder by using my left-foot impressive isn’t it? Just by connecting your shoudler to your brain I managed to disconnect it
Fujio: what?! I can’t move it!
Shi: shame… but what a worthless katana you have there
Fujio: *spit* its not just some katana, its called a Soul Slayer…. And it also has a name… wake up… KIGAME!
The sword unleashed its true power transforming it into a shaped huge chainsaw sword
Shi: what in gods name is that?!
Fujio: meet Kigame… shes a beauty isn’t she?
Shi: I’ll say shes a deadly b***h
Fujio: you’ll regret that for saying that to her… Kigame unleash your power!
Fujio fully unleashed a deadly wave which scratched Shi’s face with a scar on her but it deadly sliced the wall in half
Shi: holly cow…
Fujio: don’t let your guard down b***h!
Shi: what the-
Fujio pulled straight down his sword into Shi’s shoulder then suddenly shi holded the blade tightly which only pulled down half of her shoulder
Fujio: nani?!
Shi: GAHH!!!!!
Shi kneed kicked him in the gut five times and threw him with a Judo technique
Shi: this power… I’m feeling.. what is this? My.. my eye… its burning! Its burning! I can feel it! I can my blood boiling within my eye! AHHH!!!!
Shi grabbed Fujio and looked him into his eye
Shi: look into my eye as you shall die!!!!
Fujio: GAHH!!!! Wait! Stop!!!
Shi: DIE!!!!
Fujio: NGAHH!!!!
Shi: huh?
Fujio: ahhh… captain?!
Shi: captain?
Chin Jakura Squad leader 15
Shi: who are you?
Chin: the names Chin Jakura nice to meet you
Shi: you want to die too?!
Chin: please i do not want to waste my energy little girl
Shi: you’ll regret that….
Chin: oh is that so?
Shi: damn right…
Chin: then lets see what you got?
Shi ran up to him and jumped up the air then suddenly Chin dashed towards with such speed and brutally stabbed her through her body
Shi: AHHH!!!! My body…. Whats happening?!!! Is this where I die?! No I cannot die! I am Shi Tatsuki! I’m going to kill who ever gets in my way!
Shi grabbed the sword and pulled it out and tries to kick him then he dodges
Chin: too slow
Shi: why you?!
Chin: I think its time for you to go to sleep
Shi: go to lseep my a**! Senfukin!
Shi unleashed spinning triple kicking blows then Chins sword cracked a little
Chin: hm?
Shi: final blow!!! 3rd Martial Arts Technique! Hell Blow!
Shi unleashed her final strenght and power dashing all of her moves at him
Chin: gah..
Shi: ahhh…. Mother…father…. Forgive me…. Ngahh….
Shi falled down with her oddly looking eyes and rested on the ground
Chin: hm… shes just resting….
Fujio: did she hurt you?!
Chin: just a bit
Fujio: a bit?
Chin: when she used Senfukin one of the trigurs was disconnected from my brain which suppose to connect to my arm then suddenly my arm couldn’t move for a bit so then when she used her final attack she managed to give me injure
Chin tooked off his torso clothes and showed Fujio his bruces
Fujio: holy crap!
Chin: the Soul Society was right about her… she is a deadly threat… but… she can also be useful…. Our mission is done here… lets bring her in and patch her up she has a big day tomorrow….
To be continued….
Next Issue: Training Begins….
- by Hakuru-san |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/19/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Dark Bleach #1
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Darkness Of Reckoning....
- Date: 11/19/2009
- Tags: dark bleach
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