What I Lost A Katrina Story
What I Lost A Katrina Story(A Story About What I Lost and Found)
On August 29 ,2005, my house was flooded. I had Six feet of water in my house and all my possessions were lost. The only thing that was left over were some documents and family photos. Everything was gone including my city New Orleans. My friends evacuated across the United States and I have not seen all of them today. It is hard to believe that all of these things can be lost in one day.
These things and my friends were very important to me. For about three months, I had no house to call my own. The closest I felt to a home was my grandma's house but even that was not the same as sleeping in my own bed. I finally got the phrase you don't appreciate things until they are gone.
After losing everything I felt like a person with no identity. In other words I had nothing to say “that is mine and I worked hard to get that”. I felt frustrated with my life and felt like God was just doing this just to see how I would come out the maze of life and find the cheese. I could relate with other Katrina victims, but I felt like the worst was happening to me. And what a selfish person I was.
Now I realize what I found. I did not lose everything I just lost things that did not matter in my life. What really mattered is that my family was not harmed in anyway. The last thing I found is that God would never do this to me because God is good and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
What I Lost A Katrina Story
Love YumiChika
Another English Assignment where you have to right about your feelings. This time i decided to post on Gaia to see everyone elses point of view. The topic was about something you lost the first paragraph is about what I lost, the second how did it effect you, and the last is how u feel about. I would like to dedicate this to my English teacher Miss.Norton, my girlfriend Yareli, and every Katrina victim.
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