I sat in my school's cafe...silent... my friends talked about their boyfriends and how great they were...i could not join them...i had no boyfriend...i had no one...my mom had just died of cancer and my father....well...he just got put on trial for murder...he left the country. I looked down at my food to notice that i was crying My friend Kelly looked over to me with her bright blue eyes and said to me..."are you ok?!" i did not answer her she fliped her long beautiful blond hair out of her face "please tell me..." she said I still didnt answer...i never told them about my dad...then my other friend Lily, my best friend, said to me "if you dont want to tell us thats fine" she smiled and put an arm around my shoulder. I wish i could tell them but they probably wouldnt be my firends after that...maybe Lily...
After school i used to get picked up by my Dad...but...nevermind...so now i walked home...it was 25 blocks...but it doesnt matter i always got to go home to my pictures...i loved to take pictures with my mom...they were very special to me....they were...we took pictures of animals...moutians...and so much more...huh? i stoped walking and looked back. i had the feeling i was being watched but no one was there...i went on walking again but then i heard someone running in the forest i stoped and turned to my right. i looked at the forest for a long time but i saw no one. no one...was there? i said to myself i went on walking i finally got home. i lived alone now...so very lonely...i sat down at my kitchen tabel and started my homework i read out loud " (3,9) m=2 hmm...too easy! the answer is y+-8=2(x+3)" i finished my homework in under 20 minutes. i started to make dinner chicken dumplings. i heard a noise outside, i looked out the window and saw no one i started to cook again but then a heard a chrasing noise outside i was frozen with fear i couldnt move i told myself i was hearing things but i knew that wasnt true. i started to the door ever so slowly i didnt know what was outside it could be a murder or maybe a robber? i dont know...i got to the door and opened it slowly...i saw a bat and the ground and i picked it up i walked around my my big white house...i saw no one...i droped the bat and ran back inside my house i shut the door and locked it. i went around my house and locked every door and very window i even blocked the fire place so no one could get in....it was getting late so i went up to bed.... i got changed into a pick tanktop and white sweat pants...i was still very nervous about the noise i lay on my bed starting to fall asleep...sleep...sleep...sleep...
i woke up at 3:00 A.M. i heard something down stairs...i slowly got up and walked down the stairs slowly i heard the noise from the family room i walked slowly to the room no one...i turned around to see a boy he was my age with beautiful brown hair and gold eyes staring at me i steped back he reached toward me and said dont be scared...im not going to hurt you...i promise... his voice was so soft and gental. i started to back away when i bumped into something...or someone...i turned to see another boy but he had sharp teeth and red eyes he put a hand over my mouth..and...and!
i shot up from my bed..."it was...just a dream...?"I tried to forget about the dream but i couldnt...when i was in my civics class i didnt answer one question on my test...all i wrote was my name....i couldnt stay focused with everything...my Lily is worried about me...she keeps asking me whats wrong....but i cant tell her...i cant tell anyone....i also noticed that Kelly can get very jealous of me...i was in the study hall with Kelly when Mike Jasper came up to me and asked me out on a date, Kelly likes Mike alot even though shes dating Josh Freeman, i sure how about we see a movie and friday he agreed and walked away, Kelly then turned to me and glared at me with her blue eyes and said "hmph so you're going on date with Mike? hmph whatever...he was probably payed or something" i know most people wouldnt let her say that but whatever i mean i know she likes him... well...nothing going on anymore...i got to go to my Lit class...oh i forot to say...my name is
Jacqueline or Jac i have red brown hair and green eyes...im 16 just wanted you to know that...
~in Lit class~
Mr. Fraqui slowly walked in the room with his black dress coat flaping behind him "Ok class..." he said. "today we will be reading Katies story" the whole class including me sighed...we hated reading in his class...he always made us write 20 paged reports on the book "Now class...please...it a very good book." We heard a knock on the door. everyone turned to door "ok class ill be right back" he said walking out of the room. We all started to talk. Lily turned to me and started to talk about how i was going on date with Mike...she even tried to get me to like him...but hes just a friend. Mr.Faqui walked back in the room "Ok class we have someone new here...please welcome him...his name Axel Charms" then a boy with soft colored brown hair and gold eyes walked in i slowly turned to him...my mouth droped open...i couldnt believe it...it was...him from...the........dream..........no... what...how...he...its..him....f-from...the dream...? my breathing became short my eyes blacked in and out....i put a hand on my head trying to calm myself...but i couldnt control anything....i felt Lily put a hand on my shoulder...i..i...i....everything went black..."Jac! Jac! hey!" Lily yelled Mr.Fraqui ran over to my side "oh my! someone go get a nurse!" he said. Axel smiled and walked over to me "here..."he said in a very soft and beautiful voice, "ill take her...." Mr. Fraqui looked at Axel in the eye "but do you even know where they nurse is?!!" he yelled in an angery matter "Trust me..." Axel said nicely as he picked me up and walked out of the room...
i opened my eyes a little bit to Axel's beautiful gold eyes staring into mine...i was in the nurses room, sitting in a bed "h-huh? what happened?" i asked with a little shake in my voice Axel smiles at me with his pearl white teeth, "you fainted!" he laughed "oh...."i said back, i blushed. the nusre, Mrs-well Ms now, Ms.Flagon walked in the room...ever since her husband had died her eyes looked lonely and sad...her face looked worn out...and unhappy..."so how do you feel dear? " she asked me "i feel fine, thank you" i said "dont thank me! thnak this young man over here!" she pointed to Axel. "thank you...Axel right?" he nodded "and your name is?" he asked me "oh my name is Jacqueline, but you can call me Jac" i said he smiled at me "well im gonna go! see you later Jac!" he said as he touched my cheek....my eyes felt heavy...i couldnt keepthem open...so...i started to fall asleep...i heard his foot steps walk out of the room....no...dont...leave......
I woke up in a feild....i was standing there all alone...no one...a had a very bad feeling in my stomach...i heard a noice from behind me...i turned...no one...what is this place.....what..is...something grabed me! i struggled but i couldnt get loose...i tried and tired..but...i couldnt....i felt a cold breath move up and down my neck...and...and...and.........
i woke up from my dream breathing hard...i didnt know what time it was...i sat up in the bed and looked for a clock...there! oh..its lunch...i wonder...what Axel is going....well...i should get going to lunch....i got up from my bed looking around for Mrs.Flagon but i couldnt find her so i just signed myself out...i dont think she would mind....i walked down the blue and gold hallway thinking about that dream...i couldnt get it off my mind....i finally got to the lunch room...i scanned the area looking for Axel...but...he wasnt there...so i picked up a trey and got in line for my food...the food here stinks...seriously...it does...the only thing that i could stomach was a peice of bread...i walked over to my lunch table where Lily, Kelly, and Jen sat..."hi guys..."i said depressingly "whats wrong Jac?" Lily asked worried. "nothing..." Jen spoke up "she probably triped down the hallway and landing in the boys locker room!" Jen is my sister from another mother as i call her. we have been friends since pre K ... but she has now become my evil twin as i call her....Kelly laughed. Lily dipped her fingers in water and splashed them with water. "whatever!" Jen said madly "EW EW EW!!! LILY! IM ALL WET!!" Kelly yelled. "uh...yeah ok" Lily replied. i giggled a little. we sat and talked the rest of lunch period. for once i had my mind off of Axel...just once
After lunch Jen and i walked to our next class....math....i was pretty good at math but Jen was a genius! she has always gotten better grades then me. she was an amazing at drawing too...she has the nicest Bf in the world. his name is Sam, Sam Dough, he is on the football team he has straight As and always takes Jen to the nicest places. i have never had a Bf before....i think im ugly, but everyone says im beautiful and graceful...but......nevermind! on with math!
In math i sat next to Mike, Kelly sat two desks behind me...i always felt that she was always looking at me...like a lion staring down its food...weird...Mike looed over to me "so what movie do you wanna see tomorrow?" he asked. "it doesnt matter, it up to you." he laughed. "you have always been like that!" he said i smiled. i opened my mouth to say something but Mrs. Birdturd i mean Mrs. Burton walked in the room...she is the meanest teach ever! she always gave us too much homework. and no one ever gets 100s on her tests. most of the rtme i get Bs... "Settle down class..." she said. no one settled. she sighed "SHUT UP!!" everyone hushed "thats better...now! open your books to page 200!" i pulled out my book from my purple white backpack we will be learning about functions! everyone rolled their eyes. she laughed as she started to explain everything. i tried to keep up but i couldnt...that dream was still getting to me....i tried to find a way to think it out but i couldnt...my mind was going to explode...then thats it!i found out what it meant! so simple! easy! its-"Jac! what are you doing! your not even looking your book! what is wrong with you!" Mrs. Burton snaped "oh im sorry Mrs.bird- Mrs. Burton" i said almost laughing "Hmph!" she said. everyone giggled. finally math class ended...
I walked out of the class room with my head down...i had the idea...but i lost it...damn...i bumped into someone and fell and my butt. "ow..." i looked up to see Axel smiling down at me "need help?" he asked as he helped me up "sorry Axel" i said quickly. "its my fault" he said with a smile. i wanted to hug him...buti couldnt...i wish that these feeling would go away...i wish....i darted around him quickly...i ran out of the school building running home...i ran in my house and quickly shut the door i dropped my books...stupid Axel!! stupid! stupid! sexy...hot amazing...what! no! no!!! keep focus! keep focus! i had already finsihed my homework...so i decided to say in and put on my PJs...I jumped in my bed...i didnt want to have anymore of those dreams...i dont want to think about Axel either...i sighed...my eyes started to feel heavy...i blacked in and out...i tried to stay awake..but...i...i..i fell asleep...
in my dream i was wearing what looked like a wedding dress...it was cream white and puffed from the waist down...it had pearl button on the back and big bow...my hair was up in a bun. i looked around the old looking church but no one was there...i sighed but then i heard a piano play...i followed the beautiful sound to a big pearl colored room...i looked to see a man playing the piano..i walked over to him and touched his shoulder, he turned around...his eyes where glowing red and his teeth were sharp he jumped at me...and i awoke...
it was three A.M....great...i know this sounds stupid...but i went for a walk...when i was little my dad took me for walks to calm me down...i pased the old town bridge...the shops...and downtown...i felt alone...it was very quiet when no ones around...then i heard a something from behind me...i turned slowly to see no one...i turned back around and kept on walking untill i heard it again...i stoped...i moved my head from left to right...no one...but then...someone grabed me "HEY LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" i screamed "hehehe no way!" a mans voice said. I struggled and struggled but i couldnt get free...i felt him grab one of my breasts. i jumped. "N-no!!" i said. "never!" he took off my shirt and brought me to an ally...i couldnt move i was frozen with fear...he then took my pants off...please...dont take anything else off! he then ripped off my bra...no...no...he was about to take of my underwear when he was knocked right off me by someone...i didnt see my his face...the other man got back up and took a gun out and pointed it at my helper...my helper stood there fearless...the man shot but it didnt hit my helper somehow it hit the man! i didnt believe my eyes! my helper bent down to me and handed me my clothes..."here" he said and then he was gone...i quickly got into my clothes...i wish i could have seen my helpers face...
i walked home with tears in my eyes...i wish that the man didnt die...i know that he should be punished but not killed...and...how was the one who helped me...who was that guy...i thought to myself for 20 minutes thinking...but nothing came to mind.....i looked at the clock..."wow 5:00 already...i might as well get dressed....." i looked through my closet and pulled out a blue dress that went down to me knees and white leggins...i walked down stairs putting my backpac on.....i grabed my ipod and put it in my ears i walked out of the door...i turned on Dance with the Devil...i really like the song...i walked....and walked....then i felt a tear fall from one of my eyes...."why...am i crying...?" i fell to my knees in tears...i couldnt stop crying....why! why! WHY!!!!! i felt someone take me in their arms...i opened my tearful eyes to see Axel holding me close...my eyes widened..."Axel...?" "Yes?" i felt a blush..."what are you doing here?" "i was walking to school when i saw you crying..." i smiled weakly...."thanks" i said as i got up "wanna walk together?" he asked. i nodded. he took my hand...i blushed...
When we got to school everyone looked at us...i blushed..."Thank you Axel" he smiled and hugged me "no problem cracker Jacs!" he chuckled. "is it ok if i call you that?" i giggled, "sure" he smiled and waved good bye as we both went our ways....
i couldnt run anymore...i loved him...
My classes went by fast and finally study period...i sat at my usual table...i opened my backpac and pulled out one of my reading books...but something made me look up from my book....to...see....no...i looked past all the other tables...to see the one in the very back...to see....a boy...looking at...with blood....red....eyes................................................................................................no....it was him from the dream....he smiled at me showing his sharp teeth...i closed my eyes and then opened them....he was gone......my eyes got bigger......he wasnt really there.....i looked back at my book.....i tryed to focus on my book but i couldnt...i know i saw him...or did i....i kept on reading until Lily touched my shoulder "Hey girl! what up!" i looked up from my book to face her "oh you know! just reading!" "So! i saw you holding hands with Axel!" she teased "oh ha ha ha! very funny!" we both laughed "i know your going to the movies with Mike tonight! so do you wanna come over Sunday?!" "Why sunday?" i asked "oh you know! just in case you and Mike have some..'alone time' hehehe" "what! im only sixteen! you got a sick mind Lily!" we both laughed. i looked at the clock "oh! its lunch! we better go!" we both walked to the schools cafe.
We sat down looking for Kelly and Jen....Jen ran up and sat down "Sorry im late! i had a huge test!" we all looke around for Kelly...but no sign of her...we waited 5 more minutes...but she didnt come...
After lunch i walked to my locker to put away some books away in my locker...i closed my locker to see Axel standind behind me "Ah! Axel! you scared me!"he chuckled "sorry...so whats your next class?" "hmmm...today its Trig." "interesting...i have Lit" we both smiled untill the bell rang...we both said our good bye and left....
I took my seat in Trig class...we all waited for the teacher to walk in...i pulled my head up to see everything was in slow motion...but i wasnt...i moved my head from left to right...then i turned around to see....him....it was the boy with blood red eyes and sharp teeth sitting in the desk way in the back.....he was staring at me...like he was staring into my soul.....i shook my head and everything went back to normal.....

- Title: vampires
- Artist: robgirl
- Description:
- Date: 08/22/2009
- Tags: vampires
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Chaos Titanium - 03/18/2010
- This story, is sickening. It's just like every story in the site. Try Something ORIGINAL.
- Report As Spam
- Taurius Dreams - 01/28/2010
i truly love it but you need to use your quotation marks for your dialog more and also not rush in to fast. I love it though smile love to hear more!!!!!
also i think this is meant for Fiction - Report As Spam
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