It was a normal Friday afternoon. Me and my best friend Madison were walking to her house from school. "So, when my mom leaves for her night shift, we can walk over to JC Penny's. Sound good?" She asked me. "Yeah. I brought some cash too so I can buy some cute outfits for next school year." I said happily. We arrived at Madison's two story white house. "Hey Mrs. Burnin." I said. "Hey Julia. So your spending the night tonight?" I nodded. "Alright, just remember that I have to leave for work in an hour and Madison's dad won't be home for another three hours." "Okay." I said as I smiled. Madison and I went upstairs to her room. "OMG This is going to be so exciting!" I said as I sat down on her bed. "Yep I know! Hey is it okay if we have pizza tonight for dinner? My mom made me ask." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah I love pizza." I smiled. She went out of her room and yelled "Yes we want pizza." She came back and sat down in her swivel chair. "So what are you thinking of getting?" I asked as we looked through JC Penny's catalouges. "I'm thinking of a dress, I don't have one. Then, of course, short shorts." We both laughed. "This is going to be so fun, I can tell." I said.
"Julia! Madison! I'm leaving now." We looked at eachother and said "Yes!" "Okay mom. See you tomorrow!" Madison called. As soon as we heard the door close and Madison's mom's car drove off, we screamed and ran all around the house. "Alright you got your money?" Madison asked. I took it out of my pocekt and showed it to her. "Yep! You?" She showed her's up. "Okay, let's go!" We smiled and headed out the door, making sure Madison had a key to get back in. We walked the five blocks to JC Penny's. As soon as we got there, we walked straight to the Young Adults section. "OMG! What do you think of this?" I held up a cute black dress with white polka dots on it. "That is so cute! And it comes with a necklace!" Madison put down this shirt she was holding and rushed up to see the butterfly necklace up close. "You should go try it on! And I'll try these shirts and pants on." We walked over to the dressing rooms and changed. We came out and showed eachother our outfits. Then we went back and changed into our regular clothes. When we came out, we noticed that no one was around. "Must be late for some people." Madison said. We shrugged our shoulders and then I remembered something. "Wait I forgot the neclace that goes with this dress." We headed back into the dressing room and grabbed the necklace. Then the lights went out. "What the?" We said. We walked out the dressing rooms and noticed that everyone was gone. "O...M..G..." We said together. "We're locked in!" We basically shouted.
We walked around the whole store to the front, where we tried to to open the front door. But since they were all automatic, they wouldn't budge. "Well, what're we going to do? And expecially what time is it?" Madison took out her cell and looked at the time. "9:30! My dad's going to kill me!" We decided to call her dad. "Hey dad. No don't freak out. We decided to go to Julia's, because...uh...we were scared because no one was home." Madison put it on speaker phone. "Oh well, you scared me for a moment. Want me to come pick you u-" "NO!" We cut him off. "Well, were fine for now. We'll come home later. okay? Bye." Madison hung up. "What are we going to do?" I said. "We're stuck in here with no food." She said."Well, we could look in the back." I said. We walked to the back and sure enough, there were a bag of chips and three chocolate bars there. "Ooo yummie." I said as we grabbed the food. "Well, since we're set for tonight, why don't we have some fun?" I asked. I smiled and found one of those speaker phones and said, "Hello and good evening all you maniquines out there I know you wanna buggie so let's go!" I turned up some music and Madison and me danced with the maniquines that were there. Yeah, we're crazy. After that we stopped and ate some food. "You know, this is so much fun." I smiled. We sat down on this table with pants on it. "Yeah. We could even 'sleep over at your house'. or at least tell my dad that and put on some pj's and sleep here." We agreed to it and called her dad and told him we were going to spend the night at my house. "Alright well good night." We said to eachother after picking our beds. I chose to lay on top of the shirt rack and Madison chose to put a bunch of clothes on the floor and slept on that.
The next morning we woke to a bunch of people staring at us. "OMG!" We woke eachother up and ran int othe dressing rooms to change. We finally managed to sneak out the back door and run to Madison's house. "Boy was that some night huh?" She smiled when we walked in the door. "Maybe we should get trapped again sometime." We said together. We laughed.
This is about two girls who go to JC Penny's. They don't realize that the store is going to close in five minutes...
(P.S. This story isn't real)
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