I was walking around in a sea of people, today was the last day of school. All around me couples were holding hands, exchanging last hugs and kisses and here i was; right in the middle of all of this. Alone. I was turning in circles scanning the crowd, all my friends and their girlfriends or boyfriends were together not seeing me or the sadness my face held.
"Bailey...?" A familiar voice called. I turned to see my best guy friend Blake. Over a short 3 years i had fallen in love with him, i knew he could never ever ever share my feelings so there were a few crushes and a boyfriend or two along the way. I never really felt anything for those guys, they were just there to make me forget that it was Blake who held my heart.
"Hi Blake..." i murmured turning to see those gorgeous blue eyes slightly hidden behind the skater-styled dirty blonde hair.
"Will you come with me inside the school? I left something there and all of my other friends are....uhm....busy." He said scratching his left arm looking at the ground.
"Oh, OK." I agreed, proceeding into the building. I hated how he would do this, i was always a bit of a last resort to him. He never really talked to me when his friends around, but i was somewhat friends with them to. We walked around in silence, the halls were pretty much bare except for a few stray papers or a coule classmates hurrying up to grab some last minute items from their locker. I looked down as we walked at his hand. 'This could be my chance' i thought, 'I wont see him over the summer, THIS IS MY CHANCE!' my mind screamed. With a leap of faith I moved my right hand to his and intertwined our fingers, I looked up to see his reaction. I had not expected this. He was smiling, he was smiling that brilliant smile I had grown to love. I returned that smile and we kept walking, a couple kids would notice our hands and whisper 'oh how cute!'
We walked to a deserted part of the hall that was sort of blocked off, Blake stopped walking and looked into my eyes, I tried to look away but before i could he grabbed my face and pressed his warm lips against mine. He pulled away after a couple seconds to gaze at me once again, I looked up blushing then I looked up and pressed my lips against his once more.
~~end dream~~
I shot up in my bed shaking, i glanced around the dark room something wet was coming from my eyes. Instantly my hand shot up to touch the source of the wetness. I was crying. I layed back down trying to remember my dream, but there was a vibration that interupted my thoughts. I picked up my old dinosaur of a cell phone and pressed talk.
"hello?" i asked still sort of asleep.
"...what the ******** Katie?"
"I don't know, I was wondering if I could come over.."
"Yeah yeah, sure. Come over at the usual time. Ok? Bye." i hung up. I wasn't really in the mood to to have anybody over, but maybe Katie can make the pain in my chest go away.
Before Katie came I decided I needed some alone time, I walked outside still in my pj's up my drive-way and turned left on the road. I kept walking to my Elementary School, the first place i met Blake. I opened the the gate to the playground, savoring the feeling of the cold metal against my fingers. I walked, my bare feet on the wood chips didn't hurt, but didn't necessarily feel good. I walked to my favorite place on this whole playground, the swings. I sat onto the cold and slightly wet seat, feeling its bend to the curve of my butt. Then grabbed the metal chains, they stung my hands but I ignored it. I moved my legs out and in, gaining more and more height. I knew I was high, 'what if i were to jump? just jump and fly threw the wind. Crash and die, then this feeling would go away' i thought to myself, closing my eyes feeling the wind threw my hair and hitting my face.
"What are you doing here?" A voice called breaking my from my thoughts. Unconsciously i let go and soon i was falling.
The feeling of free-falling was ecstatic, soon reality hit me. 'I'm going to die!' I waited for impact, but it never came. Instead i felt my body hitting something slightly soft then a big THUMP. I opened my eyes and saw blue ones staring into mine, piercing into my soul, seeing into my heart.
"B-B-B...Blake?" I stuttered my eyes widening in shock.
"Yeah, Bailey what are you doing here?" He asked laughing, i could feel his warm breath on my face.
"...This is a dream." I muttered rolling off of him and standing up brushing wood-chips off of me.
"Do you really believe that?" He asked.
"Yeah, I do. I could never believe that you in real life would love me the way i love you." I stated beginning to walk away. All of a sudden i felt a warm hand on my cold arm turning me around.
"Wha-" i was cut off by Blake pushing his warm lips against my cold blue ones. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.
"God dammit Bailey, now do you believe that i love you?"
"Yeah... I do." I smiled hugging him.

- Title: I fell in love with my friend
- Artist: Bailurs
- Description: erm... i wrote this a while ago and just now decided to put it on here in hopes that one of you will like it. <_< its also on my quizilla account animeluvRgrl123, so dont be sayin that i copied it.
- Date: 07/05/2009
- Tags: fell love with best
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Greeneroo - 07/05/2009
- This was very cute and sweet!
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- crazy_raezi - 07/05/2009
- how sweet!! I luv it!! 200/5! Very heart warming..
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- Bubbly Buddie - 07/05/2009
- That was intresting
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