Chapter 5!!!
He was like Dumbledore to my Harry Potter. Seriously. Who would've thought the old guy kind of made sense?
Maybe I should explain myself. After the old geezer barged in on Jesse and I (which was a good thing for Jesse's sake) he FINALLY told me what was really going on here. I'm not exactly saying that I liked it, but he did make it bareable.
For example, you know that whole "I'm can never leave" crap? Well, as it turns out, after he saw Jesse's bloody nose and my none to happy self, he agreed to allow me to visit my friends and family AFTER I defeated Esmeralda, if I wished.
OF COURSE I WISHED TO GO! But I think he could tell I was satisified. He also said I would have my own maid service, chef (until I could learn how to do spells myself), tutoring with the infamous Jesse (who wasn't exactly very happy about that), and just about everything I wanted.
Here comes the big part though. In return for all of this, I had to do good in school, try my hardest NOT to hit students when I was angry, practice my spells (cool, huh?), and just one more minor thing...you know, I just have to go and kill some all powerful witch, that's all.
Could you quit screaming? My ears are starting to bleed. Yeah, I was soon learning that fist fighting was not in the program for me. I know. Too bad, huh?
Needless to say, I agreed. The old man- which I learned after calling him old man a lot was named Professor Daniels, or principal of the school- was offering me a pretty good deal if you asked me. I mean, getting to kick the chick who was a total bitchs' a** was okay with me.
Too bad not everyone was okay with me.
Yeah, you heard me right. Let's just say that my first couple of weeks at school were very tiring.
I walked down the halls, searching for my classes, and nobody, and I mean nobody helped me. What the heck? Did they want me to help thembeat that Esmeralda chickor what? Because I could've just left them hanging.
My locker, I learned, was out to get me. Literally. I fumbled, I swore, I cursed, I even tried beating it up (which didn't work out so well for me), but nothing worked. It wouldn't budge. From then on, I carried all my books with me.
I never saw Jesse during school hours, which was unfortunate for me, because he might've been able to keep me out of trouble.
In my defense, I would like to say that, they shouldn't have talked about me. Yeah, apparently, the reason every one was so snobbish to me was because they thought I thought I WAS A SNOB. Can you even believe it?
They talked about me every chance they could get. Which was a bad thing, because I don't take being talked about very well. That, is how I got my first detention at my school.
I had been talking to my potions (I know, right?) partner, the only person who was friendly to me, about our project when I walked into the girl's locker room for gym. Natasha Greenwich, had the girls surrounded around her, speaking very loudly as they all looked on in awe or shock. Either one. Marisa, my Potions partner, and I pressed ourselves against the wall so we could hear without being seen.
"Did you see her? Strutting around this place like she owns it." Natasha in her nasiliy voice, smirked. "Yeah," another girl spoke up, "I mean, one day she's a loser nogic and now she thinks she's all high and mighty." The girls laughed, seperating to go put on their clothes.
"What does nogic mean?" I asked Marisa, whispering. She shook her head sadly, "It means someone who used to be nonmagical, but then found out about their powers. It's a pretty big burn actually. I'm sorry, Lucy."
So, that's the way they wanted to play it? They asked for it...I got up and walked into the locker rooms just as the bell rang. The girls stared as I walked up to Natasha.
"Hello, Natasha." I smiled sweetly, to make it look like I was innocent. My fists were clenched tightly behind my back so she probably didn't suspect anything. These kids were so used to magic, I don't think they even knew how to throw a punch. "Hello, Lucy." she answered, her voice cracking. Her eyes darted bak and forth between me and her buds.
"Natasha, darling, if you're going to be two faced, you might as well make ONE of them pretty." The locker rooms suddenl grew very still. Muffled laughter could be heard from some of the girls who didn't want to be spotted laughing. I continued. "Because if you have something to say to me, say it, because I'm standing right here." Natasha's face suddenly changed remarkably fast. Her worried expression turned cold.
"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it? You don't even know how to do a first grade disarming spell." She snickered, but I slowly smiled. Just as I thought.
"Ha ha. Funny." What was even more funny was when my fist collided with her face. Bet she wasn't laughing then. I had her to the ground in a heart beat. I pulled her hands behind her back, laughing quietly. Ha ha. No voodoo for you.
"Let me go. Please. I didn't mean it." Natasha, who wasn't even fighting back, whined repeatedly. Ugh, who would want to be her friend? "Hold on a second, okay?" She nodded, sniffling. She wasn't bleeding, which was a disappointment, but I was happy none the less.
"Everyone. Can I have your attention for a moment?" The locker room girls, who had been frozen with fear, suddenly, backed up.
"Please don't be scared. I'm trying to be nice to you guys, but all I get is this snobby crap. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I don't strut around this school. Personally, I'd rather go back home. Now. If you are going to be rude and talk s**t, then learn cause and effect, because soon you'll be spitting blood. Got it?" They nodded mutely. Marisa was standing off in the distance, laughing. I knew I liked her. She was always so funny.
"I'm sorry, Natasha, but you deserved it." Just as I was getting up to let her go, Coach Hartman walked in at that same moment. Needless to say, I ended up in the office with a detention.
Jesse was switched with all my classes. "Just to keep an eye on you, okay?" Mr. Daniels said. He was lucky I kind of had a crush on Jesse or I would have refused.
So, I thought about Jesse as I walked down to my next class. Maybe I should have payed attention more, because next thing I knew, I was flying to the floor.

- Title: Magic Academy
- Artist: Taytom13
- Description: Woot woot. Chapter 5!!!
- Date: 05/09/2009
- Tags: magic academy
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