One day at school. there was a new student I had a crush on her . The teacher made us seatmates we would talk together and solve things together it was just like we were meant together. The next year she started not talking to me i think there was something different about her like there was something wrong every Friday i would meet her in our school group i always observe her. One Friday my group mates said that there was someone who did wrong things to her. And i was surprised it was my friend Villeuin or V for short. Then my group mates said last summer they S**ed. but i didn't believe them. Because I know Alexis, my crush, won't do anything like that. After that the school Olympics came. I was in the Ches team for our team. I always think that I could win for her. But... when i was playing they kissed eek I just found out when i was done playing chess. Imagine I was playing for her to notice me but that is what I get out of it. It was the saddest they of all after that i didn't want to love anymore i felt that there is nothing to be done no goals, no ambition, no love... Then that was the time to go.. after that i didn't want to love her again. Then my friend said that Alexis said we would have been BF and GF . but V already had S**ed her thats why we can't be besides I didn't know that someone said to her parent's that they kissed. But I still have hope that's why i had two spies one said one the b-day of the class president they went to the house of Alexis and they saw a small child and she said to my spy that was her child. that's why I learned not to have a crush for they will crush you...
it is the saddest thing ever that happened to me.
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hehehe...love taste's good
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