- a traveller allways on the go, never staying in one place for to long, comes to a forest, which will not let him go, in his travels, he hasfaced expanential danger, but he always defeated them, and went on his journey, and when the locals asked him why he always travelled, or why he didnt stay in that region, he would always answer "because im searching for someone special, and she is always onthe move" the man never said much else, but in every region, people, beasts and demons alike, liked, or despised him, no one had a inbetween feeling, they got their feelings from meeting, or stories, the man was a legend unintentially, he did things for leads on the person he is searching for, but in this forest, it is empty, yet full of prescense, is this the end of the travellers journeys? The traveller walked up and down this forest, the forest was lush green, and smelled of a sweet scent, but everytime the man followed the scent he came to a small river bed, so the man made a house their, alone in the forest, and always tried to think of ways to escape the forest of no exit, but even though he was alone, he always felt a prescence, and he had the feeling someone or thing was watching him, but he never could find anything, so he told himself it was just his imagination, and everyday, the man remembred how he got into that acursed forest, he was just coming back from a big lead on the where abouts of the girl hes looking for, but night fell, and he was tired, so he took a nap near a river bed, when he awoke, and tok some water from the river bed, did some stretches, and set out, but not long after,he met a women with silky blue hair, and solid white eyes, she was simply magnificent, the man was compelled to go to her, and he walked to her, and looked into her eyes, after that, he blacked out, and ended up on the ground, next to a river bed, and lush green plants, the man tried to find the women everyday, but couldnt, which means she may be a demon, and if she got out, then he might aswell, so once again, the man searched the forest, searching for an exit, but something always puzzled the man, he has never seen one animal in the forset since he got there, and the fact hes been in their for more then a month with no food, and he dosnt feel hungry at all, the man looked around, researched, and the only thing he could come up with, is that the women controls the forest, but why does she need him? he asked himself that everyday, but couldnt find an answer, an so, a year passed, and the man was still at it, everytime he asked himself why he doesnt just give up, he would answer aloud "i cant stay in one place for to long, i have to find her" and that is what he said, and so he never gave up, but something perculier he noticed, he didnt age at all, or get sick from not washing his clothes, so he went back to the river bed and gathered his thoughts on a rock that was next to the river bed, he wrote with the chloroplast in the plants, and he covered almost all the rocks near the lake, over seventy, he felt exhausted after finishing the report, so he took a dip in the lake, it felt like he was washing all his troubles away, he felt ten years younger everytime, simply amazing, he has lived off of that water since he got there, drinking, an bathing, ....... and yet....... he never suffred any hunger, and........ the lake! The man finnally relized what was going on, ever since he got there, in that forest, he always thought he couldnt have come through the lake, since he wasnt wet, but now, he knew, he never explored the lake, never took a deep dive in, so the man, took a deep breath, and jumped in the lake, swimming and swimming, "How long is this lake?" the man thought, it took him 2 months, he didnt come out of the lake, but he was still alive, drowning, and being restored by the lake, but no matter how much the man dove, he could always see the top of the lake, the glow of the sun, or moon, he wondered why, and finnally the man gave up on the lake idea, and thought "its just like the other parts of the forest, it repeats itself endlessly" the mans head emerged from the lake, his eyes were blurry from spending so much time in the lake, but he couldnt find a place to wipe his eyes, so he wandered the forest, and fell, going unconciass do to exhaustion, when the man awoke, he was under a tree, like always, but this time, he felt a prescence he hadnt felt before, a soft prescence, he awoke, eyes still blurry, he wiped them on his sleeve, which was now dry, his eyes adjusting, he saw a figure, was it the girl who lured him into the forest, was she there to finnally do whatever she needed him for? , but the figure was diffrent, his eyes, adjusting little y little, saw a buetiful young girl, the man gasped, and his eyes wept with tears of joy, He........he had found..........her, the women he always wanted to see, he said her name, coverted by the animals he could finally notice where back in the forest, she looked at the traveller and smiled, and said, "How do you know my mother?" the man looked at her, shocked, and asked "where is your mother?" the girl said with a gentle tone "Mother........ died 2 years ago" the man was simply in shock, the girl, resembling her mother so much was only a child, the mans eyes were still blinded, so he saw her as her mother, tears flowed down the mans face, the girl asked "whats wrong mister?" the man with a smile, tears flowing down his face sayed "Child, do you mind hearing the stories of my Travels?" the girl simply smiled and nodded, the man, felt at ease, and began to tell her his countless stories...........
- by Bye-Bye-Crow |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/19/2009 |
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- Title: Fairy tales Act 2
- Artist: Bye-Bye-Crow
- Description: The second Story in my Fairy tale colection
- Date: 04/19/2009
- Tags: fairy tales
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