Stricken with Sadness
Her hand was entangled with his her bright green nails sat flawlessly on her soft hand. While his was rough and upon his middle finger rested silver ring with flames upon it. She wore sleeves that covered up her forearms and above that was a tight black shirt that she had on for the day. She also wore a pair of tight blue jeans and a pair of black skate shoes. Her brown eyes went perfectly with her shoulder length light brown hair even though she had streaks of blue in it. He wore a black shirt covered by a hoodie of the boondock saints. He had blue gray eyes and shoulder length red hair. He had a little red goatee and wore a pair of old blue jeans that had a hole over one of the knees. After that he wore a pair of black skate shoes with camo on the sides of them. They sat in the middle of her room talking about different things. Her voice was soft and musical when she asked “So would you die for me?”
He didn’t answer he just looked at her and smiled. Then bent gently down and kissed her on the lips. She faintly smiled back but that wasn’t what she was expecting. She knew soon her parents would come up and tell him to leave. Since they didn’t like him for some reason. And sure enough not even ten minutes later her step dad came up and told him it was time for him to go home. He didn’t object he just looked at her and gave her another soft kiss and walked out of her bedroom. As her mom walked into her room ,probably for another one of their family meetings on how he wasn’t right for her or not good enough for her (which he agreed with but knew it was her choice), She shot him a dirty look like yeah you better leave. He walked out the front door and smelt the fresh air; it was only seven a clock and all he was going to do was walk around the block and sneak right back into her room for a little while longer. This had been a routine for the longest time. And yet her family never found out anything was happening. As he walked the block he kept thinking about how happy he had become since they started dating if he was always like this then he didn’t think anything could stop him. He got back to her house and climbed up to the first story roof and went over to her window. He tried to open it but it was locked. He looked inside it now and saw her sitting on the floor with one of the knives he had forgotten to take with him held at her wrist. She was crying and the knife’s light blue green color was right on top of her skin pressing down just light enough not to hurt her. He didn’t want to break the window and scare her so he jumped down from the roof and since he knew that her life was in danger he didn’t worry about knocking on her parents door he just ran in and up the stairs straight to her room. Her step dad and mom were screaming at the top of their lungs for him to leave right now or they would call the police but their threats fell on deaf ears. Because he could only think of her and how she was in danger, he tried to open the door but it was locked as expected. So without anything else in mind but her he kicked the door down and saw her slicing her wrist open and blood started pouring out as she started to fall. Tears streamed down his face as he took off his hoodie and his shirt and wrapped it around the wound. And applied pressure so it would maybe stop the bleeding but he was having no luck. He looked down into her eyes which were only half open now and she said softly “I am sorry.”
Her eyes shut as the tears fell faster from his face and his gripped tightened. Her mom and step dad were standing in the hall half shocked at what they saw and half full of sadness. The knife was still clutched in her hands but when her step dad came closer to try to take it away. His deep voice cut in and stopped him with “Don’t even dare touch it or her!” He sounded angry and yet full of pain and sadness at the same time. But then again the girl he loved was bleeding to death in his arms. He picked her up and walked out of the house itself he was determined to get to the hospital in time before she died. Her parents finally caught up to him a minute later in her step dads truck and he got in the back with no questions asked he never let her go and never loosened his grip even a little knowing that it could mean the difference between life and death for her. All throughout the ride he kept whispering into her ear “It's ok, it’s ok, I'm here, I’m here I won’t let anything happen to you.” When they got to the hospital he got out and carried her straight into the ER without even waiting for her parents to catch up. He screamed someone please help, and as soon as he did three nurses and two doctors were at his side all asking questions but all he could say was “save her, save her, please you have to save her.”
The doctors took her away from him and put her on a stretcher and carried her away into an operating room.
Two hours later the doctor came out and talked to the parents first and he got the whole story on how it happened. Then he spoke to all of them and said sadly. “Well I have some good news for you all. Well she hit a vain which is only life treating if you bleed to death and she almost did if it wasn’t for him then she wouldn’t even have the slim chance she has now. But I have bad news as well. She has the blood type AB positive and we don’t have any extra of that to give her a blood transfusion. I am sorry.”
Her boyfriend sat quietly not looking anywhere but into the room she disappeared into until now. He stood up and asked firmly “Why can’t you just get some extra blood from another hospital?”
The doctor looked shocked and said “don’t you think we have tried? The closest hospital with extra AB positive blood for the transfusion is over a day away and she will be dead by then.”
Her boyfriends face hardened as he hit a wall, his fist sank in to it as the impact shattered what was once there. The step dad spoke next and said softly “what if we could find someone since neither her mother or I have the same blood type?”
The doctor looked at him and said “It might work but I doubt many strangers would give most of their blood to this young lady just because you ask them to. And besides AB positive blood is not that easy to find.”
The boyfriend spoke again as he finally pulled his fist out of the wall. “I have that type of blood why don’t you take it out of me?”
“That would be irrational it would probably kill you and only if you were near death would I ever even consider such a thing.” The doctor responded immediately
Her mom finally spoke her voice shaken and her eyes full of tears “C-can we at l-least see her?”
The doctor’s face toned down to extreme sadness as he said “yes, of course just follow me please.”
They entered a room where she laid in a white bed with a white blanket over her and a bandage wrapped around her wrist. As the doctor turned to leave. Her boyfriends face turned extremely sad as he saw the sight and he said “She asked me if I would die for her. And I didn’t answer; she did this because she thought I didn’t love her, this is my entire Fault!!!” He pulled out the blade she had cut herself with and jammed it straight into his chest right over where his heart was.
The doctor turned around and saw the knife plunge into his chest as three more doctors rushed in with another stretcher and he was on it immediately. All of the doctors looked at the one who was in here when it happened and asked what to do and the main doctor started issuing commands and as the parents were rushed out he began the prep for a blood transfusion operation. It took them over an hour to go out by witch times the boy’s family had arrived. And after everything was explained to them everyone was quiet and they knew that they could only hope that maybe just maybe she would make it out for there seemed to be no hope for the boy. As the doctor came out he said confidently “She will be fine, we completed the operation and it was a huge success I actually have never seen a heart take someone else’s blood this naturally before. But I digress she has been sedated and is sleeping you can go in and see her but we will have to keep her here for a few days to make sure no harm comes to her. And do evaluate her psychological health. But as for the boy I have amazing news, when he stabbed himself it went right over where his heart was. And he plunged it all the way through to where there is a wound on his back where the knife came out at. But somehow it seems as if his heart moved out of the way, because it is perfectly fine, not even a scratch. But he still has a slim hope of survival he is also in recovery and you can see him but we warn you he seems to be in a coma.
The next day the girl awoke she was happy but the one person she wanted to see more than anyone was the one that was missing from the side of her bed. Once she noticed that her face became sunken into a sadder face while she kept moving her head back and forth looking for him maybe to show up. Until her mom looked at her and asked “What’s wrong Kendall you look like as if someone is missing we are all here, me, your step dad, your brother, and sister. Your family is here who else you need.
Her eyes filled up with tears and her voice was shocked and full of sadness as she said “Shaggy where is Shaggy? I thought he l-loved me I thought that no matter what he would stand beside me.”
Her step dad walked over and gave her a big hug and patted her on the back while saying “Aww I know, I know how you feel Kendall you feel betrayed and it hurts I know that. But me and your mother tried to tell you that he was no good for you.”
As soon as he said that the doctor walked in with a smile on his face. He seemed to have a spring in his step and a lighter tone then it had been the night before “So the princess is awake finally so how are you feeling? Hey, hey come on now I would have thought that a girl that had her life saved by her boyfriend like that would be a little happier.”
Her face seemed shocked while her parents were angered. The doctor looks at them with disgust and said furiously “What you haven’t told her!!! That young man stabbed himself in the chest just so we would give his blood to her and you are going to make it seem as if he left her here alone! You people are a disgrace to parents everywhere. That young man is laying in a bed two rooms away in critical condition which is a miracle in itself. But now you are trying to break him and your daughter up? Man you guys are pathetic hasn’t he proved he loves her? Hell I would love a guy that noble and that caring would date my daughter. I haven’t seen a guy like that in I don’t know how many years and you just pass him off as a street thug!”
Kendall’s face tightened with the force of her anger “YOU WERENT EVEN GONNA TELL ME WHERE YOU? YOU WHERE JUST GOING TO LEAVE HERE WITH ME AND STILL MAKE ME MOVE WITHOUT SAYING A WORD NOT EVEN LET ME SAY GOODBYE. It’s your fault I am in here if you weren’t trying to force me to move then I never would have tried to commit suicide and me and shaggy would be together instead of in the hospital separated by these god forsaken white walls. Well I will tell you this now if you make me move I will runaway and I will come back here and I will do it until you realize I don’t care if you like him or not because I love him and he loves me. Doctor Can I get transferred into the same room as him so I can at least see him?”
The doctor had a grin on his face as he said “Usually I would have to say no. But considering how he did just save your life and showed me that there is some good still in the world I would have to say that we both owe it to him for at least that much.”
That day she was transferred into the same room as him and saw him lying there motionless at first she burst into tears and when she finally calmed down she asked to see where he had stabbed himself. It wasn’t a large wound but it was deep It went pass the skin all the way through his back. As soon as they lifted up his shirt to show her she sobbed so hard she passed out. Over the next few days she spent every waking moment with him even though he still lay motionless. On the fourth day she was able to get up and walk around freely she paced back and forth in that room so much she was surprised that there wasn’t a rut in the ground. Day after day passed and he didn’t seem to be getting better but he wasn’t getting worse the doctors were confused about why he hadn’t either wakened or just gave up. She didn’t know why he wasn’t waking but she knew as long as she was by his side he would never just give up. One day after a month she finally was about to be released to her much disapproval but still when she went and gave him a kiss to say goodbye she felt something in his pocket. She took it out and it was a small velvet black box. Tears streamed down her face as she opened it an elaborate ring sat in the middle with a perfect gleaming diamond sat in the exact center of it. Under the ring was a note it said “I have already given you my heart. No wonder nothing can ever seem to hurt me. I have already given you everything I possess but I still think you need more. I would like you to become my wife so that you may share in all the glories that come with it. And so that I can be the one who you can rely on more than anyone else. I know I haven’t spent much money on us lately and I know your parents probably thought I lost my job or something. But that was not the case I was saving up for this I wanted to see your reaction. And I really want you to become my wife. So if it’s not already obvious…”
There was nothing more written on the piece of paper and nothing more to read she looked down at Shaggy and it was even more of a miracle. His eyes were open and the first thing that came out of his mouth was “Will you marry me?”
- by psycho Shaggy |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/07/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Stricken with Sadness
- Artist: psycho Shaggy
- Description: A Short story i wrote for my girl
- Date: 03/07/2009
- Tags: stricken with sadness
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Comments (1 Comments)
- waalli - 04/17/2009
- your description is..... a SHORT?!?!!? story??? that isnt that short there are other people that write short storys but this,,, LOL razz
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