angel And Roses
By: Angel
Rose And Angel Meet...
He walkedapon her, He stood there whatching her, As she stood there she wore a pure white cloak it went down all the way to her feet, He looked down seeing her white sandels, He looked back up looking to her silky hair it went down to her lower back as it shined a dark red. She turnedto see him standing there, As her eyes shined a dark black, She smiled to him as, she noticed his crystal blue eyes his long dark blue cloak his long red hair with a patch of silver on his bangs, He whatched her as she stood under the moon light the light macking her hair shine even brighter, He stood there whatching her, To him she looked like a goddess, She smiled to him, As he blushed a lil then he bowed to her and wisperd hello there my name is Randy i am the Dragon King, As a dragon appered behind Angel The dragon Roared loudly. the dragon nuzzeled Angel from behind as the dragon is pure silver a patch of light blue hair on the tip of its head its eyes adark crystal blue. Randy looked to her this is silver fang i call her fang, She is my protecter, Fang looked to the girl and sneared her nose up as she blew hair out, Fang gets jealouse around beautiful girls, He smiled to her, Fang pushed Randy with her nose. She looked to Fang and bowed to her Then she looked to Randy she blushed a dark red as she said you are too kind sir Angel she giggled, well then Randy my name is rose aswell i am a whire priestess, As she pulled a white staff out from no where the tip of the staff as a light crystal blue diamond on the tip asshe looked to Randy with a glow in her eyes, Now i know you are with the priestess killers she started spinning her staff in the air fastly but justso u know i well protect my self and hold u back she grined, Randy just stood there amazed by what he is seeing feeling hisheart pounding he stood there just whatching her ashe put his hand out to touch her, she slaped his hand away with the staff, She took a fighting pose as the she held the staff behind her with the end at her side she then said if you arent goin to come at me ill come at you RANDY!!!, As she begines running fastly flash stepping from side to side she jumped into the air spinning as she spun her staff her intire body behing saround by a wirl wind as she comes down the wind knocking Randy into a tree, Randy grunted as he slide down the tree he bowed his head as he stoped moveing, Rose jumped back he cant be dead. His head came back up as he got to his feet growling loudly his eyes turning a dark red as his claws grew long and sharp his hair turning red and long all the way to his a**, His cloths changing to pure dark bloody red as he stared down Rose ashe spoke with a deep evil voice hello there i am lusha the real priestess killer, A mark appered on his right harm a rose goin threw a girl with a man standing over her with a sword, He grined at her well well looks like we have another priestess to slay. Lusha jumped at her roaring loudly, As he came down Rose jumped back twice looking surprized yet a lil scared. I am Randys inner demon pure evil i am the one that kills he cant bring him self too, She growled so Randy isent the killer, No he isent he laughed as he started forming two fire balls in his hand, He looked to her. She backed up growling then i shall set Randy free from you, A light formed on both of her hands as she appered behind her hitting points on his back in several different places, Lusha fell to his knees Damnit you cant win against me, I just did. As the fire ball disaperes, He started turning normale his crystal blue eyes his long dark blue cloak appered his long red hair with a patch of silver on his bangs. He looked up to her and smiled sweetly, She smiled to him "i since you are too innocent to be a killer but i also since you are strong and have lots of power you use this power to protect the weak and your self," Randy walked up to Rose and bowed on his hands and knees He spoke very lightly as he said Rose well you take me in to be yours i wish to be your pet well you be my Mistress, she looked to him.... Before she good answer he said i well do anything u ask from me you can even rename me My Lady Rose he smiled up to her then put hes head back down, She swayed his face lightly pulling him up to her so she could look to his blue eyes, She wispered lil one i well take you and i shall name you she looked away for a minite hmmm since you are sweet and you act like an Angel i shall name you Angel my dear. He looked up to her Thank You Mistress as he lightly kissed her feet, Rose grabed him and wispered no need to do such as she pulled him to his feet, She looked to him stareing into his eyes my dear Angel you have some beautiful eyes, Angel blushed and said not as lovely as yours my Mistresshe looked to his dragon Fang and said now Fang you must obey My Mistress, Fang bowed to Rose then growled, Fang then turned into a silver fairy, as she said I obey my Master, and his Mistress. Angel looked to Fang as she landed to his shoulder, then she said but if Mistress Harms Master..... I well harm her, Angel patted Fang on the head my lil protecter so Cute. Fang blushed oh Hush Master she giggled, Rose smiled then said i well never harm my preascuse lil one.. Fang then said good as she licked her Masters cheek. Rose moved here hand as she put her two fingers to her lips she then let a high wistel out, A dragon appered behind her. She has Dark blue skin her eyes redish yellow, Rose then wispered this is sappire my dragon by birth she smile, Angel and Fang both just stare as Angel wispered shes beautiful, sappire smiled and giggled as she said thank you Angel.
the apperence of suna
Rose looked to Sapphire and smiled then she looked to Angel, as he starts looking around he whispers to Fang do u feel that, she whispered back yes Master i do, Rose then asked is everything ok there lil one. Angel then looked to Rose he whispered as fang showed her Fangs and growled Master there here sorry Mistress we must be taken our leave now, Three Ninjas appered sarounding Angel and Fang as they wore red, as a woman appered behind them in a red battle dress with a hooded cloak hiding her face, the cloaked woman then yelled Halt stay there Randy stop and stay put, Angel opened a mind link to Rose's Mind find me at my castle as He told her its past the two tall mountains inbetween them go dont follow me Mistress trust me, she wispered back i well do as i please lil one but do what u well, He nodded to her. As the woman yelled you heard me Slave stay put, Angel then looked at the woman mad as he yelled I AM NOT YOUR SLAVE!!!!! i never was you started beating me and mistreating me so i escaped from your castle and went to my own now i am a king, as he started running threw the forest fastly. the 3 ninjas and the woman chased after Angel, He then looked back at rose and winked. Rose then growled as she jumped to a tree top following slowly watching the four chasing him closely. The three ninjas landed before Angel, They then started throwing daggers at Angel, As he jumped flipping dodging each and every one of them. He then landed to his feet sliding as he grabbed the ground coming to a stop, He started laughing is that all you got. The ninja's got angered as the did afighting stance, the woman appered behind Angel he looked back at her as he said you should let me be Lady Suna. Suna growled and slaped Angel in between the 3 ninja's Then she said slaves shouldent speack less told to. Angel looked to her and said i am no slave and i speack when i desire too less Mistress Rose tells me not too he grined looking to Suna, She growled highly as she yelled YOU ARE MINE AND THATS IT!. Angel started laughing i was never yours i only stayed with you to make sure nothing happined to your daughter BUT you sent me away and HAD HER KILLED! so i left. Suna growled and said you well pay for your disobediance as her cloak disapered showing a double bladed sword one blade red the outher black with the handel a jaded green, Angel then said thats my mothers you have no right to it give it to me now. Suna laughed and said when i took you in i tool everything u owned this is mine now, Angel looked to her in anger i said give me the sword Suna or you well face my rage my hatred for this worled you well regret everything you say this day. Suna looked to Angel growling do you think you can scare me .... I think not. Rose sits in the tree whatching and hearing everything she starts growling she then says we well not interfere less we need to, Sappire wispers yes My Lady Rosealine. Angel looked to Suna as his growls starts shacking the ground around them, Suna then started saying did you know Randy that im the one who killed your step mom and the one that put the black knight inside you dont forget the killer inside you. Angel looked to her in tears as he screams up YOU well PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME, As his screams make the ground break apart as the ground starts shaking. Rose's eyes grow big seeing his tears and his rage, sappire wispered he might be the one you are soposed to kill rose he might be the one that we heard about. Suna looked to him you cant scare me she started laughing, Angel started laughing evily u well be scared soon enouph when my sword gose threw your heart he looked to her with soulless eyes that went pitch black. Suna backed up, Angel started crunching into him self as chanting started from all over black energy started saround him as black energy starts comeing from his body, He starts chanting "Lum Ne Sheue Ca Rue Ma Ne Cana Peh Reh" [Anchient powers of the under world come to me and lend me your powers to slay my enemies.] Rose whatching looking concerned as she starts feeling the energy around her, Hes the one we have been looking for the one My Angel, Sorry My Lady Rose i wish it wasent hes too sweet, I know Sapphire. Energy explodes around angel making Suna and the ninja's fly back, Angel hoverd into the air keeping his eyes on Suna as he says in a very evil voice you shall pay for what you did as his tears turn to blood, "the chanting stops" Angel keeps his eyes on Suna as he begines chanting again Le Me Nu CA Ena MUSH Ca Bern Mu [I Give My Self To YOU Black knigh realease in me.] Black armer aperes on Angel as a sword apperes the blade curved down as the blade is pure black as snake on the hilt of it as he hoverd down to the ground, Angels then roared loudly at her now time for you to witness my rage first hand. Suna wisreled as fifty ninja's appered standing in the trees, Angel looked around what are you to afraid to fight me your self, Suna Laughed no these are my loyal pets they wanted to test them selfs against you Now My Pets Show him what ur made of as she raised her hand. They all jumped down sarounding Angel He grined light work huh, The ninja's start goin at angel as they jump to the air pulling out swords comeing down on Angel as he jumped to the air killing each one as one jumps at Angel from behind Angel takes his sword and turns it as he gets cut in half his blood spilling on Angel. Rose keeps whatching as she starts getting chills heis too strong, Sappire looks to Rose speach less. Suna starts grolwing 10 jump up trying to saround Angel but angel spined around and let a ginat slash goin up in a circule as it cuts them all in half as there blood pures on Angel He roared is that all you got as an arrow hits him in the back goin threw his stomich, Angel looked behind him seeing a ninja in a tree he growled as he slashed his sword 2 times sending an "X" at him as hit hit blowing him away,
Now theres only 10 left as Angel rounds them all up sept one the last one gets in frunt of his Mistress to protect her as Angel opens the ground under them as they all fall in the ground closeing and crushing them all, Angel looks to Suna coverd in blood. Angel put his sword in its holder as the last ninja got in a fighting stance and rand at Angel punching at him he grabed his hand and punched him back, then Suna put her sword threw him rushing at Angel. Angerl back fliped and dodged her, The ninja fell to the ground as Suna pulled the sword from him, Angel growled how dare you he was protecting you, The ninja removed his mask a lil sorry brother Angel she made me attack you she has my mother he passed out. Angels rage grew as his armer turning blacker he growled as it raddled the ground the ninja appered behind Angel, Angel spun into the air as he fliped comeing down on Suna as he pulled his sword out pulling on it with both hands as it split into 2 as he came down on her as she blocked with hers when Angels hit hers sparks flew, Suna jumped back, Angel jumped at her spiining fastly the two swords comeing at her as they hit her sword. The thrusts of Angels two swords sent her flying back, As Angel stood there whatching her letting some of his rage go from him, Suna got up growling she appered before him as she spun around kicking him into his gut into a tree, Angel grunted slideing down it He looked to Suna growling as he got to his feet he walked a lil ill give you one more chance set his mother free and leave here at once Lady Suna. ... .. .. ... Suna looked to Angel she wispered no as she grabed her gut, Fine Suna as he appered behind her, Angel grined as Suna turned to look at him Angel upper cutted Suna into the air, He appered above her spining as he kicked her down to the ground then he stoped in the air as he formed two void balls putting them together making one big one, He sent it at her as it hit her when she hit the ground explodeing as it burned her up burning her cloths off as she lays there nakked. Angel landed next to her picking her up i dident mean to do that much damage i dont want to kill you Suna you are speacial to me you tought me much. Suna looked to Angel and smiled it is ok i see you still care about me i dident kill your mother tho but the black knight is my foult but not the killer that is your real fathers foult im sorry Angel she let a small tear out. Suna passed out in Angels arms less i dident kill you. He let a small sigh out and i was once in love with you Suna, Suna smiled a lil. Angel layed her down on a rose bed as he pulled a small blankit out ashe swayed her face gently, Im sorry Suna he layed a kiss to her lips. Angel put a small letter on Sunas chest saying " I want you in my life you are speacial to me come live with me Suna as he put the directions in the note if u desideu may be my pet ashe wrote i love u., Angel grabed his mothers sword and put it to his back, He walked to his brother and heald him as he woke up go find your mother he nodded and vanished, he turned normale As Rose appered. She ran to him are you ok, well hello there i think i am he smiled, As he starts to get weak and he falls back as he passes out, Rose catches him "Hi My Lil One"she smiled, As Angel Layed in her arms passed out. Sappire appered are you goin to kill him, Rose looked to Sappire i dont know hes too sweet, but rose hes a black knight, i know he is buti cant kill him he hasent attacked me and i just cant hes been nothing but nice to me sappire wich is the first. Rose better hope that they dont find out, more likely they know already Sappire, Yes your prolly right morgan... Dont call me that Sappire. Sorry Rose, its ok dear Sappire she smiled, ...Angel wisperd i love you Rose... Rose then looked to Angel in surprize, Rose blushed dark red, Angel got a big smile in his sleep. "Hmmm as sappire looked to Angel" Rose wispered what is it Sappire, Sappire wispered to rose touch his face softly, Rose took her hand down Angels face lightly, As He blushed. Now cheack his heart beat, Rose put her heat to Angels chest, Rose then looked to Sappire hes heart is pounding is there something wroung with him. No Rose ill let you find out for your self she smiled, Rose looked confused umm alright then Sappire sometimes you confuse me tehehe, Sappire then said thats my job she giggled. Suna woke up grabing the letter as she read it she got a big smile as she blushed she looked down seeing the blankit replaced with Angels cloak, She walked over to Angel and movedhis hair from his facethank you Angel you woke me up from the evil that held me. she looked to Rose and said im sorry tell him ill be back in a few days i have to set everyone free in my castel before i can live with him as she vanished. Rose smiled well do.
Angels Castel
Rose got to her feet looking to Angel he is just too sweet see he dident even kill her when he had the chance he even felt bad when he hurt her as much as he did, Sappire looked to Rose you are right My Lady Rose she looked to Angel butthe blood of those ninja's are all over him you may want to go clean him up a lil, Yes Sappire you are right Rose picked Angel up carrying him to a creek as she bends the water around Angels body cleaning the blood from him, She grabs the tip of the arrow breaking it as She turns him over pulling it out from the back, Black blood starts to pure out from the arrow wond, Rose looked to Sappire hes Black blooded, And your White blooded. rose put her hand over Angels wond healing it as it closes up she cleans the rest of the blood off. As She picks Angel up she walks to Sappire getting to her back as Sappire roars jumping to the air her wings spreading out as she sores threw the air she heads towards the mountains, A few peaple walk around down on the ground as Sappire flew past them. Rose looked down at Angel as she touched his face swaying it as she takes her hand down to his chest as a rose apered glowing as it vanished she smiled now you have my mark. Sappire flew between the two mountains as Roses eyes grow big as she sees a gaint castel with several different parts to it, Sappire wispered its bigger than yours Rose. Rose said yea and its beautiful as the castel walls shine from the moon light as it seems the castel is gleaming as it looks as if the castel is moveing. Sappire landed in frunt of the castel as two female twin guards come running out there blond hair weaving around them there blue cloaks swaying in the air there eyes shineing red as they stop and say halt how dare... they both say Master as they run to rose what happined to Master he got into a fight hes okay hes just passed out from the power rage he had they smiled and sayed you may pass as they bowed, Rose gript onto Angel and got off Sappires back as Sappire flys off. Rose looks up be safe, the Two Guards run to the castel gates as they say an unknown word as the iron black doors open, Rose walks threw them as they close behind her as she sees the giant room where alot of peaple are dressed in golden and red cloths danceing as they stop and look to Rose and Angel. They all bowed as she walks past them into the liveing room showing vamperish furniture black leather with red leather the walls a bloody red, Rose looks around amazed as she walks all the way into the liveing room as a girl sits on the couch she stands up and walks to Rose, Rose looks to the side as two grown nine tailed foxe's lay on a red leather cushin sleeping Rose smiled, she then looked to the girl as she bowed hello there i am sin one of Masters loyal pets that he keeps close to him, Rose smiled well hello there sin I am Rose its nice to meet you she pulled sin to her feet no need to bow to me. Sin looked to Angel and said is Master of Rose, Rose looked to Sin yes he is just worn out is all mind showing me to his room dear. Sin smiled and said yes Rose follow me, Sin looked to the side as another girl appered Sin fathers room is ready she looked to her dad in Rose'es arms dont let me find out you where the one who harmed him im just like Father in every way, Sarah it wasent her, Sarah said im sorry im just protective of my dad she smiled and bowed. Rose said its alright dear I understand how u feel she smiled back, Okay Rose follow me as she lead them back into the ballroom where a couple of girls are sitting they are wearing all black there hair black with red tips as they stare at Rose carreing there Master, rose bowed lightly as she walked past them keeping behind Sin. Sin wispered dont worrie Rose no one well harm you everyone is just protective of Master, Rose smiled yes i know he is too sweet no wonder why they all want to protect him, Sin stoped and looked to Rose not just that he has saved most of us from abusive Mistress'es and Master'es he has gave us a home and took us all in this used to be just a small cabin till he decided to be a Master/King he is too good too us and he dosent punish less need we need to be and sometimes he still dosent. Rose looked to her i see i have several female and male ones that i have saved as well, He saves male ones too he just dosent keep them he gives them to Mistress'es he has only one male in here he creats the weapons for us and whatever eles we need me my self i think hes gay hes always stareing at Master she giggled. Rose looked to Sin and giggled with her your cute sin, Sin blushed thank you Master made my look i used to be a doll tell i meet Angel my old Master never would turn me so i left him and Master gave me this form the form of his lover that died in the past he gave me all the fighting abilitys if i need them several powers and outher things. Rose looked to Sin you used to be a doll, yes a cyborg doll i could talk and everything i helped Master in a fight once and my old Master saved him couse He saved me then my old Master asked him to take care of me thats when he turned me normale and i picked Master Angel over my old Master,Master made a clone of my old self and gave it to my old Master and i stayed with Master Angel he has been good to me ever since she giggled. Rose smiled thats good im glad. Sin turned to rose as her long pink hair touches the ground, SIn leads Rose to the stairs leading up as the steps are red and the railings are black. Rose looked around as she followed her up she wispered to her self so beautiful, Sin looks back at Rose yep sure is i love liveing here as they come to 5 coridors one red and black another pure black another pink another blue another blood red, Rose looked to them amazed. Sin looked back each corridor leads to another part of the castel at the end as she walks to the side past them Masters room is the bigest though as she walks to a Big black door with the words in red callors Master's Room, she opens the door showing a giant room with a few nine tails running around a round rug with a silver wolf laying on top of it The bed big with black and red leather as a White Tiger jumps off it the walls a bloody red with pics of vampires and hes girls on the walls, Rose just went WOW. Sin looked to Rose you like Masters room she giggled. Rose looked to Sin and nodded, Rose walked in and looked to the bed as she spoted Fang but in human form her silver skin her silver hair as she lays on her back laying there asleep, Rose looked to Sin who is that in Angels bed, Sin looked Oh dats Fang she always sleeps with Master He likes to keep her close to him it makes him feel safe at night. Rose looked to Sin oh ok she smiled at fang as sin pulled the covers down showing fang nude her skin shineing from the light, Rose layed Angel down next to Fang. Sin pulled the covers over them both as Fang got into Angels arms. Sin looked to Rose what are you to Master, Rose looked to Sin i am his Mistress. Sin smiled thats great he needs someone that isent a pet to take care of him anyway, Rose smiled then looked to Angel sleep well my lil sweet Angel.Sin looked to rose do you wish for a room too so you can rest, yes i would she smiled. Alright Rose follow me as she walked to a giant teddy bear as she moved it showing a door. Sin opened it right this way Rose as SIn walked in, Rose went in right behind her as it shows too beds one in Rose'es favorite callors, SIn looked to Rose if you dont mind id like to share a room with you she giggled. thats alright SIn we can share,wellcloths appered the minit u stepped in the kind you like if you want to change if not you can get in your bed and rest a while she smiled a lil. Thank you sin, your welcome Rose well i hope to see you around more if you dont move in i love talking to you and you can come see me anytime you want rose. well do Sin and i enjoy your company deary too cute, Sin blushed as Sarah appered come Sin we have chores to do, Sin looked to Rose sadly i have to go now sleep well, Sarah grabed Sin by Rose as they vanished. rose walked to the bed and sat down sighing As a small nine tailed fox came running from Angels room pure black as it jumps into Rose'es lap. She looked to him and took her fingers under his chin and scratched a lil, he started purring lightly as he meowed at her, Rose smiled down at him and started petting him gently, He purred even lauder.
The appereance of shin
Rose giggled and said ur a cutie, He nuzzeled her chin then he looked out the window as he hissed and ran into Angels room, Rose looked to the window seeing a man in a black cloak he was grining at her she feel over on the bed as she got up and he was gone, she ran into Angels room seeing him not in bed she looked around as she saw the closit door open, she walked to it seeing Angel nude getting dressed she gasped as she turned away. Rose'es cheeks went blood red as they matched his walls, Fang woke up and looked to her as she got out of bed showing her body, Fang walked into the closit with Angel, Fang layed a kiss to her Masters lips as she got dressed morning Master she wispered. Angel smiled to fang and wispered morning my fang as Angel put his pure silver cloths on his hair turning silver with his bangs red as they go down his face, Sexy Master she giggled, and your beautiful Fang. Fang blushed and giggled, As Angel walked out the closeit looking to rose well hello there Mistress. She smiled hello my lil one she grabed Angel and layed a big pashonite kiss to his lips, He blushed and smiled to her. Oh yeah some guy in black was out side my window, Angel looked to her a lil worried as he walked to Rose'es room your shareing with Sin hehe Shes so cute. He walked to the window looking out side well hes gone now Mistress, Yes i know he is but he was there. Yes i know i could since him its what woke me. The lil black nine tailed fox Ran into the room and jumped to my head as he meowed, Angel looked up at him then to Rose Mistress this lil guy is for you his name is Shadow, another lil ninetailed fox ran in slideing into a wall she meowed then saw Shadow in her spot she growled then ran to my leg and climbed up as she kicked him out her spot this lil pink girl is Foxy my lil pet as he petter her she purred, Rose picked up Shadow awww so cute thank you my lil one i love him she giggled. Angel looked to his sword on the wall then to Rose your beautiful, She blushed well thank you my sweet lil Angel. He looked toward the window sincing something gah hes here Mistress, I know Angel she starts growling as foxy and shadow run and hide, Damn not him how did he find out so fast he crunched his hands together growling heavealy as he looked to rose then to the window as he starts to open it, rose layed a hand to his shoulder whats of the Matter Angel. Angel looked to Rose'es black eyes as hes shine with pain and anger its my evil twin brother he is here to take you from me just like he did in the past. I can take care of my self thats what she said but he took her away he couldent break her so he killed her and she made me stay in the house she tied me down and that wont happine again so i am goin to take care of it my way this time. He grabed Her and kissed her as he sat her on the bed dont worrie i can take care of my self as his mothers sword apperes to his back and i have our mom on my side he smiled, alright just be safe my dear ill whatch from here. rose said wait as Angel turned to her Rose jumped to his arms and snuggled up to him im cold Angel started kissing her gently as he wispered i can warm you up Mistress he giggles she wisperd i bet you can tehehe, he looked to her as an explosian gose off outside and they heard everyone screaming. Rose jumped just be save my lil one as she wispered i love you my sweet Angel, He wispered oh how much i love yo..... the cloaked figure apperes putting his hand threw the glass pulling Angel threw the window throwing him down to the ground. Rose growled and jumped to the window seal as she screamed KICK HIS a** ANGEL!!!, He looked up i well he grined as he got to his feet. Angel looked to him Shin you wont get any of my girls this time, he grined i already have two of them as he raised his hand the two twin guards appere as shin said attack girls they wispered yes Master as they both ran at Angel, Angel down a hand sighn as they both got traped in place ashe chanted i realease you from his old as they wake up they bow to Angel as they wisper were sorry Master go help the injured girls and get in the castel and lock all the doors they bow and say yes Master as they do as there told. Shin growled as he ran at Angel jumping to the air sending fire balls at him, Angel dodged each one as he looked to shin appereing above him kicking him down to the ground then comeing down on him with his knee in his lower back he grined. Angel pulled shin up and kicked him up into the sky as two void balls hit him hard explodeing as he falls to the ground, Damnit brother i well be back as he vanished.
LuLu And LeLe
As he turned and looked up at Rose, She smiled and blew him a kiss good job lil one your the greatest hehe. He looked up to her arent i always he winked and blew a kiss back i well protect you Mistress and all my girls, As he swung his hands everthing turning normale everyone healed as rose looked down to me she thought to her self he is way too strong. Angel grined as the sun came out Angel looked to it as he smiled i love whatching the sun set, Rose looked down to Angel and smiled yet hes just a sweety when it all comes down to it she giggled. Angel jumped to the very top of the castel as he stared into the sun set, Fang layed on the bed as rose looked up at Angel ooo ur too high for me she giggled. Angel smiled gently as he fliped down to the ground landing there as he fell over looking up into the sky, all of a sudden two females appere one in a dress as Angel can see up her dress, Angel wispered hello LuLu and LeLe. LuLu looked down and blushed as she yelled RANDY!!!! she pulled up her dress a lil as it changed to black leather pants, LeLe looked to Angel hehe hey there Randy. My favorite pair of twins he giggled they blushed and layed next to Angel as LuLu said how are you Randy she giggled and snuggled up to Angel, im good LuLu iv missed my favorite twins he pulled them both tight and kissed both there cheeks. They both giggled and blushed and we have missed you Randy, call me Angel my dearest twins hehe, they said otay Angel. Why dont the two of you Move in with me i have a room just for my favorite twins he licked both of them they giggled and blushed as they looked to eachouther and both sayed yay we want too tehehe they giggled at eachouther we get to be close to our favorite guy, LuLu wispered well you be our Master Angel. Angel looked to them as they pouted and wispered please he grined alright i well be yours and LeLe's Master, they looked to eachouther and smiled brightly thank you Master they giggled. Angel looked to LuLu he grined and lickedher neck gently, LuLu looked to Angel and blushed as LeLe grabed and pined Angel down as LuLu tickled him, Angel kicked around laughing nooo stop im way too tickalish, they both said yea we know what of it as LuLu tickled Angel all over, Angel wiggled around laughing. LeLe looked to Angel and layed her head on his chest your always so kind to us Master we love you as LuLu looked to LeLe then to Angel she layed her head to Angels chest too and huged LeLe we both love you Master they giggled. Angel looked up at Rose as she looked down to the 3 smileing, Rose walked from the window to the bed as she layed down next to Fang, Fang smiled to her and got a lil closer to her, Rose pulled Fang into her lap and started playing with her hair gently. Fang purred gently calming into Rose'es lap as she looks up to Rose, Rose smiled down to her and giggled you are too cute.
- by KingDarkElf |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/22/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: somethingi have been workingon
- Artist: KingDarkElf
- Description: just a story my role play with my love
- Date: 12/22/2008
- Tags: role play storrie hehe
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Suprcheese - 12/22/2008
whenever somone talks there are no quotation marks D;
how do you know when they talk?? - Report As Spam
- KingDarkElf - 12/22/2008
- hope you like i know its a lil long but its not finished
- Report As Spam