LoZ Nobal Chronicles chapter 2
The red dragon had broken through the barrier and grabbed Link and Lea. Link: "Lea!"
Lea: "Hold on Link!"The dragon satisfied with his catch flew back to the mountain. When they arrived the dragon chained them to the wall.
Lea:"Why did you bring us here?"
Gron:"Isn't it obvious?,I brought you here so i could eat you!Wa ha ha!"
Link: (Damn what a great predicament we're in and i can't even do anything!)Link shut his eyes in frustration.Lea noticed and turned her gaze to Link mistaking the Link's look for fright.
Lea:"Don't worry i'll get us out Link."(I just wish i knew how)At that moment a goron burst through the wall.Link's eyes widened when he saw that it was Darunia.
Link: (What's Darunia doing here?He should be in Hyrule....wait maybe that's not the same Darunia but a alternate version from this world,that must be it)
Darunia:"What are you doing Gron?"
Gron:"What's it look like i'm doing."
Darunia:"I thought you swore off eating humans from the last time."
Gron:"I lied."
Darunia:"It seems you still haven't learned your lesson."Darunia walked over to where Link and Lea were chained up and hit the wall with the megaton hammer, which caused the chains to break.
Lea:"Thank you."
Darunia:"No problem, now stand back."
Lea:"Okay."Darunia charged at Gron.Lea guided Link to a safe place. Link:"We can't let him take on that dragon by himself!"
Lea:"I know but there's nothing we can do to help him,we'd just get in the way." At that moment a red fairy appeared out of no where and flew around Link and Lea.
Vivi: "Oh yes there is,Follow me!"Link let go of Lea's hand and ran after the fairy.
Link:"Come on Lea!"Lea caught up to Link just as the fairy stopped in front of a wall.
Link:"Is there something behind the wall?"
Vivi:"Yes, a special treasure!" Lea:"But how do we get past it?" Link ran up to some bomb flowers.
Link:"Maybe we can use these?"
Lea:"Link don't!"But it was too late Link had already picked up one of the bomb flowers and placed it near the wall. Link: "Were you scared that i wouldn't be able to pick it up Lea?"
Lea:"No it's not that, it's just only gorons can pick up bomb flowers."
Link:"Well, i guess i'm one of the few humans who can."(Thanks to my goron bracelet)
Vivi:"Enough chitchat, come and see the treasure!"Lea and Link walked into the hole in the wall that the bomb flower had created and peered into the chest. Lying in the chest was a shield and a pendant in the shape of a sword. Link leaned into the chest and grabbed them.
Link:"I call dibs!"Lea grabbed the shield and pendant from Link.
Lea:"Un uh, fighting dragons isn't for kids ."Link: "Awww!"(Man, i wish i was in my older body....) At that moment the pendant started glowing and turned into a sword.
Lea:"Awesome, now i can help that goron."Link pouted and crossed his arms.
Link: (That is so unfair!)Lea hoisted the shield onto her back and went back to the room that the dragon was in but to her shock Darunia was lying on the ground unconsious and the dragon was standing over him.
Gron: "How pitiful,
He actually thought he could beat with all the strength i got from that jewel!"
Lea:"How about i try my luck then."Lea smirked.Gron lifted his head and a grin spread across his face.
Gron:"If you think you can little girl!"Gron breathed a long stream of fire at Lea but she rolled out of the way and hit Gron with her sword.
Gron:"Ow, that hurt!"Gron spread out his wings and flew into the air. Gron:"Let's see you get me now!"
Lea:"It'll be my pleasure!"Lea jumped and grabbed onto Gron's tail,then crawled up his back.
Gron:"Get off me!"
Gron started thrashing in an effort to shake Lea off.
Lea:"Not a chance!"Lea raised her sword above her head and stabbed it into Gron's neck.
Gron:"Aggghh!"Gron fell to the ground with a loud crash which caused the ground to shake and brought Link and the fairy running.
Link:"You did it Lea!"(That sure was impressive)
Lea:"Yeah, no sweat,so,how's the Darunia?"
Vivi: "He's coming around."Lea kneeled down by Darunia.
Lea:"Are you all right?"
Darunia:"Yeah, i'm fine thanks to you."
Lea:"It was no problem."
Link:"Hey Lea, look what i found!"Link handed a white crystal to Lea. Lea:"Where did you find it?" Link: "I found it in the dragon's remains." Darunia:"Can i see it?"
Lea handed the crystal to Darunia.
Darunia:"This must be what gave Gron all that power, there are probably more of them.
Link: But where?
Darunia:"I think the next place you should go is Gale forest."
Lea:"Really alright,but i think we should go back home and get some supplies first."
Link:"It wouldn't be good to go unprepared.Lea and Link returned the village and stocked up on supplies then left for Gale Forest......with a new friend.
To be continued
i was always the popular ki...
hope u enjoy this actually ...
doesnt rhyme but hey its a ...
finding the difference betw...
Yes I was a warrior.
Then ...
There was a lot of strange ...
Once had to rewrite a nurse...