Part 1:Ever since the furneral,the town has seemed much better.In fact they barely noticed she was gone.Except for Luke.He thought she was perfect.Now that she was dead,he turned from just plain cute to cute and emo.He liked dark colors now and his room was filled with KIZZ posters.Sadly,summer was ending for him,and he had to go to classes like this. "Nobodys gonna like me,even to guys on the basseball team",Luke told his mom that night. "Don't be worried sweetie.Tommorrow will be just fine",his mom said before he went to sleep.
Part 2:The school bus slowly skitted towards the school.Nobody sat with him on the bus.He knew that the day would be tragic. Luke said,"This is gonna be a long day.He got his scheldule and went to first period math.He didn't hear a single thing that came out of her giant mouth.The day got worse and worse...but he was excited for lunch.He loved food alot more than before.Than he met...her....
Part 3:He saw her.She looked more perfect then Megan.She had pure black hair,brown eyes,wearing a black and white dresswith high heels.She got her lunch and tried to find a seat.Nobody would invite because everybody thought she was mental.Than,the last table she stopped at was Luke's."If he doesn't let me sit here,I'm gonna have to sit on the ground and eat",she thought to herself,trying to blurt out the words."Can I sit with you?",she finally whispered...
Part 4:"Sure,"Luke said calmly.She sat.She saw what he was wearing.Black jacket,white sneakers,black jeans,and a black hat covering his dark brown hair.She saw his blue eyes."You new here?",Luke asked.She said,"Yea.First year here.I haven't nade any friends yet.How about you?""Same here,"he said.It turns out she was in the same classes as he was and henever noticed.The lunch bell finally rang."I'll see ya in Tech Ed I guess,"she said.Luke said,"Yea.Hey,what's your name?"
Part 5:"My name's Paige,"she said getting pushed and shuved in the crowded tan and white hallways,forced to stare at the light blue shining lockers.They went to woodshop.They made a bridge out of thin peices of wood.As the days went on,they seemed to talk to each other and wanna be with each other some more.Just as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.That's when Luke saw the poster for the dance...
Part 6:They both stayed after school to practice for woodshop.The teacher,Mr.Wooder,was telling them they were the best builders.After the tutor,the stopped by the stairs of the school."Paige,I have a question for you",Luke blurted out quietly.Paige said,"What is it Luke?""Will you go to the dance with me,"Luke finally managed to blurt out as they both sat down...
Part 7:"I would love to.I've been waiting for you to ask,"she said happily.There a awkward silence.They knew they loved each other.They wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend.Luke finally whispered,"Ok.I'll pick you up at seven.Does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend'.There was another silence."I don't know",Paige said,"but will this help answer your question?".She leaned over and kissed Luke and his cheek with her black lipstick."See ya there",Paige said leaving...
Part 8:Luke went to her front porch and knocked on her door...

- Title: Living forgivness 2!
- Artist: khnjley
- Description: You get to choose if you want another sequel after.Luke is back and different and with somebody else.Just read it.
- Date: 11/21/2009
- Tags: living forgivness
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Mistress of the Samurai - 10/09/2010
- You switch tense in a few sentences and you also could use some more details. If you want a proofreader, just say the word.
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