When I first moved to Roswell, NM, I didnt have alot of friends. I didnt know anybody and I tried to make friends with them instead. Well I ran into this one girl in a class that I was taking and I had worn a dress that day. The girl that I ran into had stepped on my dress and ripped it all the way up to my thigh. That was embarassing in and of itself. Well she said to make it up she'd invite me to sit with her and her friends for lunch that day and she would mend the dress. I told her no on the dress part but sure on the lunch. I wasnt about to have a girl who I've never met go anywhere me with a needle. I ust dont think so. Well anyway some of her friends accepted me and started to hangout with me. I was happy I had friends. One day me and some of my friends were out walking on the campus and trying to dodge the major mud and water puddles. A friend of mine thought that he should show off and decide to walk right into the middle of a huge mud pit. He starts dancing and he's slippin and sliddin but hasnt fallen yet. I made the remark that I was going to laugh when he falls flat on his butt, and not more than two seconds later his left foot came out from under him and he was laying flat on his back in the mud. None of us came to his rescue 'cus we were all laughing to hard. He finally got up and turned around and we all just started laughing even harder because his entire back from his head all the way down to his shoes was covered in mud. His teacher wouldnt let him in the classroom until his mom came and picked him up to take him home to change.
Mud Slide
A friend of mine was trying to impress everyone and well he ended up impressing the ground instead.
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Ouch! This is a painful mem...
Dating a guy with different...
Yes I was a warrior.
Then ...
There was a lot of strange ...
Once had to rewrite a nurse...