High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- first day of high school by Hysteria1667
- i just thought i would write out this little thing in my little black book... haha its where i write everything @.@"
- funny by moonlightpath11
- random school day
- Loverboy by leeonardo1
- ♥♥♥
- Heartbreak by leeonardo1
- =)=
- Spitting Gets You In Trouble? by Jin Kenobi
- I had a bad day as it was, but I never knew spitting out a bus would EVER get you in this much trouble...
- I Peed in my pants! by Chefeetaboopers
- In the middle of the gym with my P.E class and two other classes having fun sucking at basketball and laughing so much that it made me want to pee...
- My Health teacher's Sex life.. by Chefeetaboopers
- My school couldn't find any high school health teachers for my 9th grade health class, so we got stuck with a College health teacher. She was so creepy- she shared her sex stories with us and demonstrated things that freaked us...
- Prank Call From Local Morgue by Chefeetaboopers
- My friends and I decided to make a prank call in the cafeteria one morning while waiting for classes to start. Our prank call almost made our friend's mom pass out.
- My 2 Worst Memories ever by LightJet324
- It takes place in a really stricted high school.
- I can't believe this happened. by Im0ldGreg
- ok so i should tell you right? no..maybe not.. but its kinda crazy..i got to let it out. should i? no. yes. no! yess! omg.. Shut up and say it! don't boss me around! ok i will say it.
- Funny Moment by BrownVixen91
- Basically it was around Halloween time and how I surprised my crush XP.
- Her.... by Kuronai Ikatani
- I wrote this after telling one of my best of friends that I loved them. It just didn't come out so well as I hoped it would.
- All These Memories by Splinter_Katana
- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" This is a story about a close friend of mine that committed suicide and how one of my best experiences in high school helped me work through the pain. The picture is a of ...
- A new school by KatsFaerie
- A new school is difficult for everyone. Now throw in a bunch of bogy rules and see how you do.