“We made a promise to her, to not get Carth until she was awake and at least strong enough to sit up in bed, and you know damn well I intend to keep that promise.”
Seeia Cora, or Revan as everyone calls her now sat next to her sleeping body. She was strong enough with the force to produce herself outside of her body. No one else could see her but they picked up that she was there with them by the force. Jolee and Bastila were arguing whether Carth should see her or not. They promised to Seeia that Carth would not see her or even know she was back until she was strong enough. Though they both knew that the possibility of hearing Carth’s voice could possibly wake her up from her force induced coma that Jolee put her in while she recovers. Seeia touched Jolee’s arm and he acknowledged her presence.
“I think perhaps she would appreciate Carth’s presence in her room.” He said with a soft sigh.
Bastila nodded in agreement. “Shall I get him then? Though I don’t think he’ll be happy knowing she has been here for nearly a month.”
Jolee sighed “We’ll get there when we get there then. Go get him but try to explain him the situation before bringing him here. He could possibly stress Seeia out.”
Bastila walked out of the room her mind was racing thinking of the reaction Carth might have knowing Revan is alive, knowing that she was being kept hidden by Jolee and Bastila.
“I can’t do this to Carth, he could make it worse on Revan. What if she never wakes up?” she thought to herself then a small voice invaded her thoughts.
"I’ll wake up, there is no reason to think that I’ll die. Every day I feel myself get stronger and stronger. I understand that you had to hide me, for my sake and Carth’s sake. Please don’t think that way. You know it’s a lie. You know Carth is the reason I keep myself on the lightside."
Bastila smiled and increased her speed. She can’t believe that after a month Revan finally crept into her mind.
“Alright, I’ll get him, for you. We hope that you wake up soon, we know every day you get stronger, you just need to wake up.”
Bastila was to distracted that she ran into someone knocking hot caffa and papers on the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see-” she stopped herself as she looked up “Carth! I was looking for you.”
Carth had a lopsided smile on his face and spoke “What for? I’m going to be late for work now since my work is scattered everywhere. Not to mention my caffa.”
He helped Bastila up and collected his papers.
“You need to come with me, I’m sure your job isn’t as important as this. Just please promise to not over react or throw what is left of your caffa on me.” She spoke sternly.
Carth shrugged and followed Bastila. By the time they arrived to Revan’s room he was more shocked then angry. Revan was back, the woman who taught him how to love again and trust others. He gasped when he saw Revan sleeping in bed.
“She isn’t supposed to wake up anytime soon, though we think she could possibly wake up now that you’re here Carth” Bastila said “She’s strong, but possibly not strong enough to get the energy to stay awake. Jolee and I think that possibly you being here could wake her up.”
Carth sat on the edge of the bed, he gently touched Revan’s hand. It was warm which meant she was alive, not like he thought she was dead or anything.
“She’s been here for almost a month and she’s not waken up or anything? Let alone even eaten anything” He said biting his lower lip. His face was a mix of emotions.
“She wakes up for just 5 minutes and we manage to get her to eat some food. But those wake ups are rare and not on a track schedule either.” Jolee said. “Should we leave you here alone with Revan?”
Bastila walked out the door, “If you close your eyes, you can feel her touch you Carth. Yes she is asleep, but she has managed to produce herself outside of her body with the force, we cannot see her. Just feel her.”
Carth sighed “Let me call my secretary and tell her I won’t be in. I find Revan to be more important than work and it saves me a day from doing paper work.” He got up and chuckled leaving the room.
“Please wake up Revan, Carth is here now with you.” Bastila thought looking at Revan
“I’m not strong enough, plus I’m scared. I keep having memories of the dark side flood in. What if I wake up and kill him Bastila?” Revan replied
“I’ll be outside then”
Carth returned and asked to be left alone. “I’ll be outside regardless.” Bastila said “I promised Revan that I would in case anything happens. Please let me know if she wakes up.”
Carth looked at Bastila and smiled “Of course”
The door closed encasing the room in silence. He ran his hand through Revan’s tangled auburn hair. “You sleep so peacefully though I know you’re having nightmares.” He whispered “It’s written all over your face.”
He felt a warm sensation on his arm, Revan was there with him, just like Bastila said. He gently touched Revan’s cheek, a single tear fell from his eye. He felt powerless, he remembered back on Manaan he promised to protect Revan, anyway he could he would try. She was against it but eventually gave into his wishes. Thinking that brought back memories, when he got caught on Kashyyyk looking at Revan, back on Manaan when he admitted he could possibly love Revan. But then it brought back the painful memories that he watched Revan suffer as he pushed her away after finding out who she really was. He felt stupid doing that then and wished he hadn’t, if he knew that pushing Revan away would send her spiraling close to the dark side he would of never done it, but he couldn’t change the past. The only reason she’s here now is because of him. He sighed deeply before leaning forward and kissing Revan on the forehead. Yeah it’s been 4 years, but he still couldn’t get over the love he had for her. Bastila entered the room and interrupted.
“She’ll be waking up soon, I can feel it.” She quietly said trying not to disturbed Jolee who fell asleep on the sofa.
Carth smiled “That’s good. Guess I’ll be the first one she sees when she wakes up.”
Bastila laughed, after a short silence she spoke “Be lucky you weren’t there when we first found her. I don’t think you would have recognized her. Thank the force we were able to detect her or she might be dead today. She was covered in battle scars, was bloody, not to even mention she was unconscious and had a fever. If it wasn’t for the bond we have, we could have lost her.”
Carth sighed deeply “Then I thank you for finding her and bringing her home to me. Once she wakes up, I hope I can start a life over again with her.”
Bastila smiled and nodded. Revan’s eyes fluttered open, she squinted from the bright light. She pulled herself to sit up in bed and was greeted by Carth.
“Welcome back beautiful.” He whispered. Revan smiled, she missed being called beautiful.
“It’s good to see you awake again, hopefully this time you manage to stay awake instead of quickly falling back asleep, but like you said, you’re already feeling stronger.” Bastila said standing at the end of Revan’s bed.
Revan nodded her head felt fuzzy, she couldn’t remember the past 4 years.
Bastila saw it on her face “To prevent you from having another melt down after the whole Revan thing” She started but interrupted with a sigh “Jolee and I wiped your memory of the past 4 years. We felt like it was the only option we had.”
Revan had a twist of pain on her face however she nodded “T-thank you” she squeaked “I’m sure those past 4 years would have been nothing but pending nightmares.” Revan pulled the blankets off of her body. Her legs looked like a war zone and she traced every healed scar with her finger. “I must have been pretty messed up, right Bastila?” she questioned.
Bastila nodded, “Every day Jolee and I would heal you, despite the force induced coma he put you in, you grew stronger every day, but Jolee’s main concern was if he actually knocked you out for good or not. It’s been a month since we found you. I was even starting to get worried if you ever woke up. I’m surprised Carth being here managed to wake you up.”
Carth got up and left the room. Revan felt empty without him by her side. Maybe he didn’t love her anymore, maybe there was someone else in his life. She felt a tear run down her cheek. Bastila sat down next to Revan.
“I know what you’re thinking, but that isn’t true. We’ve kept a close eye on Carth since you got back to Telos and we’ve not seen any other woman with him”
Revan smiled and wiped her tears away. “I’m sure he’s getting you food, you haven’t eaten for a few days.” Bastila said.
“I heard that and I’ll get her food if she’s hungry. I was just waking up the old man.” Carth shouted form the living room.
“Get her food anyways.” Bastila replied. “Me too please, maybe Jolee as well.”
Revan laughed. Things don’t seem like they’ve changed since she managed to get Bastila back to the light side from the Star Forge. But remembering their travels also pained Revan too. She remembered when Saul told Carth who she truly was, and how hard it was for her to fight the temptations of the dark side. Revan sighed looking down.
“What are you thinking of?” Bastila thought looking at Revan
“Just the past, how we were before we lost you to Malak” Revan responded
“Well stop thinking of that, it must be painful. I can’t imagine what you could have even gone through or how you even felt.” Bastila responded.
“I can’t help it. Those times were painful, I almost fell. When we ran into you at the Rakata temple I almost followed you to the dark side. I wasn’t myself because of Carth. It’s like he didn’t trust me. Even though he apologized for his actions I still felt a strong wall between us. At least until I turned you down and he found out. He was so proud of me that he confessed his feelings to me. I know being in love is against the Jedi code, but having him in my life just keeps me in balance.” Revan replied.
Bastila could tell Revan was in pain thinking about it. “Should we wipe your memories further back? That way you don’t have to deal with the pain he put you through after Saul?”
Revan shook her head. “It’s something I have to deal with and thinking of it might hurt, but it makes me feel empowered to the light side.” Revan slightly smiled looking at Bastila.
A short while later Jolee and Carth entered the room. They made soup for everyone. It was something light for Revan to eat since she hasn’t eaten anything for a while.
“I made sure he didn’t poison it.” Jolee said
“In your dreams old man.” Carth responded through a chuckle.
Bastila helped Revan out of bed so she could sit on the couch and eat her soup. It was warm and it tickled her nose with a sweet scent. “You sure it’s not poisoned?” Revan said in a teasing tone.
Carth rolled his eyes “Woman eat your soup.”
Revan broke out laughing and put a spoon full of soup in her mouth. The taste was soothing and she felt relaxed as it slid down her throat. A smile broke out on her face as she went for another spoonful.
“Told you old man it isn’t poisoned. If it was I wouldn’t be here today. It’s a soup I make once a month.” Carth said with a smirk on his face.
They remained silent while eating their dinner. Revan felt her conscious fading out but she forced herself to stay awake. Carth was here, and she didn’t want to give him trouble or anyone trouble anymore. She wanted to be depended on herself, be strong enough to be able to fight by their side again should the chance come again.
“Perhaps we should do another healing session on Revan. I can sense she has gotten a bit weak just by being up.” Bastila said grabbing Revan’s bowl before it fell.
Revan sighed and looked at Bastila “I don’t feel weak at all. Yes I am struggling a bit but I’m sure that is from being asleep for nearly a month due to a force induced coma by a certain Jedi.” Revan spat out.
“No need for that tone of voice.” Jolee said “If you weren’t out in that coma then you might have been crying in pain right now.”
Revan stood up and smacked the bowls out of Bastila’s hands before storming out of the room. The reaction shocked everyone, but Carth the most. He felt hurt, thinking that Revan might be hiding more than what she is really showing. Could she have possibly be having more visions that were from her past life as Darth Revan? Or is she just tired of being babied by Jolee and Bastila.
“I’ll go find her. Take her to my place if I do. You can pick her up from there.” Carth said getting up and rushing out of the door.
“Maybe she’s just done with us. She wants to feel stronger by herself but maybe we’re just holding her back.” Jolee thought aloud.
Bastila agreed before picking the bowls up off the ground. “At least they didn’t break that’s the best part. She needs time to herself. Let’s let her have that and not push her too much.”

- Title: Staring A New(Chapter 1)
- Artist: YukiRawrz
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to KOTOR
This story is wrapped around the after math of KOTOR after the Star Forge was destroyed. Our Heroin Revan, ran off for 4 years. I did not included KOTOR 2 what so ever in this story as I have not played that game yet though I do plan to. I do hope to make at least 10 chapters for this story.
NOTICE: I am NOT a good story writer but I did try my best. I would love critiques and corrections. - Date: 12/18/2015
- Tags: starwars kotor fiction drama romance
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