Raditz could see his breath outside as he stood out his front door. He was stupid when it came to this time of year, he never bundled up, unlike everyone else who wore coats and scarves. He walked into his apartment, his mother wasn't home. He assumed she was in labor since It was so late. There would be no reason for her to be working. Raditz changed into his warm pajamas and plopped onto his belly, into his bed.
He couldn't sleep later that night. All he could think about was today and how bad it had made him feel. Getting up out of bed, he put on some clothes, then hopped out of his window, then began to fly toward Diamond's loft.
When he arrived, He grabbed a few rocks and began to throw them at her sliding doors. Diamond heard it. But ignored the sound.
Raditz did it again.
In frustration, Diamond got out of bed and opened the sliding glass doors. "Raditz! It's three in the Damn morning, go home!" Diamond yelled in a whisper.
Raditz landed on her Balcony as she came out in a black t-shirt and closed the door behind her.
"I wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry for-"
"For not defending me in front of Vegeta, Lying to me about liking Tiffany, yeah thanks Raditz, thanks." She turned around and went to go back inside. Raditz quickly grabbed her arm.
"No, don't go."
Diamond took in a deep sigh. "We cannot sneak around, it won't work." It hurt her to say this. Unfortunately, if she mated with an elite the elite would get demoted.
"It wasn't a lie Diamond. I really didn't like her." He said releasing his hand from her arm. "We hung out one night and the world thought we were What's was with the kiss you gave me months ago?"
Diamond turned to him. "I-I don't know-should I have not?" she questioned if she made a mistake kissing him four months ago. She knew men weren't affectionate, but them being saiyans made them feel love even less. It was obvious that was a kind tender moment, Not a thing most saiyans did.
Her tail wrapped around her waist, for she was very unsure of herself. She held herself close, the weather made her cold. She began to wonder if what she did wasn't right. "I'm sorry." She felt like an Idiot, first being harmed in battle, then this. All these negative thoughts went through her mind like crazy.
Raditz raised his eyebrow as he noticed Diamond turning away thinking it must have been a bad thing that she had kissed him.
He Smirked and pulled her side so she could be close to him. "Come on don't think like that. What makes you think you shouldn't have, and what makes you sorry?" He grinned devilishly and winked, his Tail swaying back and forth for he enjoyed the kiss.
Diamond laughed and shook her head as she looked up at Raditz. She missed his grasp, the strength of his arms embracing her. "I never want you to feel bad about the things you've done or who you are Diamond. You're an amazing women."
Without warning he placed his hands around her face, pushing his lips to hers and began kissing her gently, he blushed himself of course, he couldn't believe he was actually kissing her like this, along with him making the first move made the kiss a tad awkward. At first gentle kiss turning into a deeper kiss. He lowered his hands to around her hips.
She felt flustered from the kiss, but couldn't stop moving her lips with his. Gently she pulled away. Her nose touching his as she looked into his eyes. "What about Tiffany?" Diamond asked in a whisper, feeling his warm breath against her face.
"She's gone. I'm so stupid, I do stupid things." He smiled in relief while placing his hand on her shoulder and slowly moving her strap off past her arm. He had been miserable without Diamond for months. Finally, he felt right again.
"Hey Raditz, I never want you to feel bad about the things you've done or who you are, because you are an amazing man." She winked mocking him and then jumped into Raditz's arms, kissing him wildly. He tried using his one arm to hold her up, and his other free arm to feel for the door handle. Finally he found it, considering it was hard to do with a girl wrapped around him.
He brought her inside and threw her onto the bed. He climbed on top of her body with a rush he had never felt before, an experience he had never experienced. He has never laid in bed with anyone female before, and he loved the excitement. She looked beautiful below him, with her rare eyes and messy dark hair. He stared at her for a moment.
Diamond gave a slight flirtatious giggle as their lips met once again. His lips traveled down her neck and onto her chest, traveling over her skin. Diamond felt like her breath had been taken from her as she felt him exploring her body. His hand made it up her shirt and she removed it with his help, revealing her breasts. She continued to kiss him wildly and couldn't stop herself. His clothes were quickly removed as well.
Raditz's heart had never pounded like this before, he had never been so excited, and she could tell. His body felt warm as she wrapped her arms around his back, digging her fingertips into his muscles.
His breath increased rapidly as entered inside of her body, the sensation was warm and pleasurable, a feeling he had never felt before.
She let out slight moans of pleasure as he laid ontop her her body, making over to her.
Raditz looked down at Diamond and smiled. She did the same back, kissing his lips. "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too. You're my best friend." Their lips met again. "forever."
Hours went by as Bardock, who had sobered up a little bit paced back and forth down the hall waiting and waiting. He turned around again to see, the Queen standing before him. His eyes widen and his heart stopped for he had never been face to face with her, and he knew she knew he was clearly the father of Renee's child.
Bardock bowed to her as she bowed back to him. He tried to not make contact and felt ashamed that Renee was going to get the heat for his actions.
"I take it you're the father?" The Queen asked as Bardock stood back up.
"I was just helping her, I'm not the father." He looked away so she couldn't read his eyes.
"I know that's a lie." She nonchalantly said. "Or he wouldn't have your hair."
Bardock looked at her in shock. "Hu?" he asked.
The Queen pointed to a glass wall. Bardock turned around to look at it. He approached the glass and saw him, with Renee's name underneath a small sign that wrote "Kakarot." He slept silently, cuddled up nude in a little pod with his exact hair.
Bardock placed his hand up to the glass and stared at him intently. He then realized that all his visions were true. That everything he saw was going to actually happen.
"He could be your twin." The Queen commented on behind him.
"Hmmm." Was all Bardock could say.
Renee walked out of her room, just to see Bardock and the queen.
Bardock's eyes met with hers and smiled. "You're alright!" he took a step towards her. She smiled and nodded to Bardock then her eyes shifted to the Queen in a frown.
"We need to talk" the queen said to Renee.
"I know." Renee nodded, for she knew she was in for some tough heat.
"I have to leave." Said Bardock. He began to turn to leave.
"Aren't you going to say goodbye to her properly?" said the queen. Renee and Bardock's eyes both widen.
"Bu-" Renee was cut off.
"The king doesn't need to know about this, he has enough on his plate." The Queen nodded and walked past Renee.
Her eyes met with his and she ran into his arms happily. He held her close and tight to his body, keeping her warm. "I have to go. I'll be back in the early morning" He whispered.
Renee nodded and released him from her arms. He waved and ran off down the hall, to reach the docking station. When he got there, he realized his crew already had left without him.
"Those guys are trying to steal all the fun." Bardock said one to the Alien men who helped him get into his space pod. Bardock then shot off to the planet to fight along side his friends.
Renee paced back and forth in front of the glass window, staring at her son Kakarot. Next to him she noticed a child crying, with long dark hair. She read his name-Broly.
She soon became anxious and when she saw the doctor walk down the hall she rushed to him. "Can me and my son go home now?" She seemed pushy.
The saiyan doctor shook his head. "No, all children are to be kept here 76 hour after birth." He said then flipped through a folder of papers. "Especially yours, who is to depart tomorrow."
"WHAT?! Renee screamed and grabbed his shoulders shaking him. "There is a rule that you cannot deport more then one son at a time, and my oldest is out already-I talked to the queen she said I could bring him home."
"It was ordered by the king, he overrides the Queen. I'm sorry." The Doctor gave her a sad look, and began to back up and walked away.
Renee had never even held her son, and now never will. She turned to the glass window and stared at him sleeping. She felt sadden and hopeless, she was tempted to tell the queen and have her change it all but after everyone knew her and Bardock were together, there was no way the queen would even consider it. So Renee began to cry, and sat down against the glass.
When Bardock landed on the planet he was meant to destroy. He laughed a bit seeing the planet completely destroyed. "They had fun without me!" he laughed out loud.
Suddenly his scouter beeped and he knew his friends were still there. Bardock flew into the air across the planet searching the surface of its grounds. Then he saw his best friend Tora, laying there, his body full of blood. Bardock flew to his side as his heart froze and stopped. He was in complete shock.
Bardock Scooped Tora into his arms. "How could you let them do this to you?" Bardock cried looking down at his best friend.
"Frieza's men ambushed us." Tora replied with hardly any voice. "I love you—old friend." Tora slowly died in his arms. Bardock laid him on the ground. He stood up seeing four of Frieza's men before him. Anger filled his blood as he squeezed it into a fist.
Bardock charged them, dodging every blast that was thrown at him. He then appeared suddenly over one of his purple alien men, and threw his fists into him, killing him quickly.
More energy blasts were thrown at him and he hid behind the smoke, holding another member. Through the smoke the enemies saw him and threw more blasts, but they killed their own man instead.
He began to charge the other two when he suddenly had another vision of his son, Kakorate, giving his Kaoken attack. Before he knew it he snapped back to the fight and was kneed in the face. From behind he was grabbed and punched in the chest, all his air leaving his body as he was hit. He then saw his son again, fighting Vegeta.
He continued to take punches in the face, and then he threw one of the men over his back so he would get hit with the punches. Bardock got set free and flew a distance throwing his last energy wave killing off the last two men. "That was from my crew to you!" Bardock landed to the ground, trying to gain back his breath.
Bardock's scanner went off once again and he turned around to see Didoria. Didoria opened his mouth throwing a large beam of energy at Bardock, blowing Bardock off his feet and into the ground harmed.
Renee looked at her son as they placed him in the pod. Tears streamed down her face as her small baby Kakorate laid there asleep.
The pod closed as she held herself. The pod then suddenly shot off into space.
A bit later Bardock regained his consciousness and slowly made way back to his space pod. He hit a few buttons and re launched back into space, back to his home planet Vegeta.
He laid their harmed and looked out his window to see Frieza's space ship floating in the air. He closed his eyes and began to think. Suddenly he felt an energy go by, a very familiar on. He looked out the window and saw a space pod go by. He ignored it and laid his head back.
He hit the landing pit quickly. Slowly, full of blood he started to climb out of the space pod. Two guards looked at Bardock as he tried to breath.
"Bardock you need to go into recovery." One of them said. Bardock still walking slowly away from them. "By the way your son just left. If I had known it was you I would have waited."
Bardock turned and looked at him and gasped. "Bardock, you need help."
One of them grabbed Bardock's arm trying to help him walk. "Find Renee." Said Bardock, pulling his arm away.
The guard gave him an odd look. "Renee? The Queens servant? Why would she want to have anything to do with you?" Said the Guard.
Bardock grabbed the collar of the guard and clenched his teeth. "Find me Renee!" he raised his voice. The one guard looked at the other ad the other nodded.
"I'll be right back Mr. Bardock." He said running down the hall.
Raditz's eyes slowly opened as he could see the sun peering through the window. He felt so warm being under a bunch of blankets during this cold time of year. The fact Diamond was laying right on him helped him stay warm as well, made him feel warm inside. He looked over at her, asleep on his hard chilzled chest. He laid his head back and smiled, for he had never felt this good in his life.
Looking over to her clock, he had one hour until he had to be at the docking station for yet another mission.
He looked back over at Diamond, who's hair was messy, hiding her face and sleeping over his chest. He gently pushed the hair out of her face, then stroked her cheek with his thumb. He smiled and kissed her forehead. Slowly he pushed her off his body. Her eyes opened for a second, she smiled, then fell back to sleep.
He got out of bed, putting on his armor and his boots. He stretched for a moment, then leaned over the bed and shook her gently. "Diamond, I'm leaving, I'll be back tomorrow" He whispered gently.
Diamond opened her eyes and rolled from her side onto her back, making eye contact with him. She gave him a small tired smile and stretched slightly "Be safe" she softly said back. "I love you."
He kissed her one last time on the lips and stroked her hair. "I love you too. When I get back, Let's get married."
"Are you asking me? But saiyans don't get married!" The naked Diamond smiled widely.
"Yes. I am. And some do." He let go of her hand. Raditz stood back up and walked toward her balcony. Her had never felt pain in his heart like he did right now. Having to leave her, even for a minute, made him feel like dying.
He opened up her doors, then flew off into the air.
Renee had yet to have left the building after her Son's launch. She began to hear her name being called. Turning around she saw a guard waving his arms at her screaming her name. She wrapped sweater around her nightgown since she had only just given birth 24 hours ago. She was not ready to be in armor again.
"What is it?" she began to walk towards him. The Guard panted and looked down at her. "Mr. Bardock—he-."
She cut him off. "BARDOCK?! Is he okay?" she raised her voice. The guard pointed to the docking station. Renee didn't waste time in running down the hall as quickly as she could bare foot. There she saw Bardock, his body covered in blood.
"Bardock" she screamed as she ran to him. He fell to the ground on his knees and into her shoulder. The guard was shocked to see her hugging a low life solider.
"Bardock is everything okay?" Bardock pushed himself off her shoulder and looked her in the deep blue eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked, he could tell she had been crying.
"They sent our son away." She replied to him as he tried to stand up, her holding his arm.
"I know-I thought there was rule." He clenched his teeth, standing the rest of the way up.
"Apparently there is a crises, a shortage of babies being sent out. Kings orders." She replied, staring at Bardock with concern. Her heart hurt seeing him this damaged. "What happened to you?" she questioned.
"I should kill the king on my own." He clenched his teeth.
"That doesn't answer what happened to you!" she placed her hand on his cheek, his eyes crying blood.
"My men were ambushed by Frieza's men." He looked back at her.
"What—they wouldn't—to the saiyans?" She questioned him, looking him up and down. "I think you're mistaken, you need rest." She pulled his hand to her.
"NO!" he jerked away his arm then grabbed onto her shoulders shaking her. "You need to believe me! Frieza is coming; he is going to kill us all. He is afraid that were too strong Renee. Please." He said.
Renee shook her head. She didn't know what to think. She worked with freiza on a daily basis and never did he mention coming to Vegeta. Right now all she wanted to do was tend to Bardock's wounds.
Bardock could see in her eyes that she didn't believe him. "I need to go." He said
"No!" she grabbed his arm. "You need to rest!"
Bardock jerked his arm from her one last time. "Please sir, let us escort you to the healing chambers." Said the guard.
Bardock looked back at them. He had another vision of his planet blowing up. His eye widen in fear. He then ran off down the hallway. That was the last time he ever saw Renee.
Renee looked into his space pod. Seeing all the blood from his body on the seats.
With confidence, Raditz walked onto the docking station, he saw his father and went to give him a large smile, but as he got closer he noticed his dad had been injured. It wasn't just a slight injury; he looked as if a thousand blades cut open his skin.
"Father!" he screamed as he went up to Bardock, who's body was covered in blood. "What—what happened!"
"Didoria ambushed me in my crew. Frieza is coming, you need to leave this planet. He will kill us all" Bardock coughed up some blood and collapsed to his knees.
"Dad, he is coming? What?" Raditz tried to help his father stand up.
"Coming to kill all the Saiyans, he will destroy planet Vegeta. I saw it in a vision to the future." Bardock hardly spoke loudly, with such a weak voice.
Raditz was sure his father was crazy, talking about seeing the future. It sounds like something Frieza would do, but his dad was clearly delusional from injury.
"Raditz, the Prince is waiting for you." Said a blue alien man who looked like he was some servant of Vegeta's.
"Dad, we need to get Mom, and Diamond out of here then." Raditz looked to his side, seeing a group of doctors rushing towards the two of them to help Bardock.
"I'll save your mother, and Diamond, Kakorate has left, just go Raditz. Get out of here while you can."
Raditz nodded to his father who was lead by the group of doctors to the rejuvenation tank in the center of the docking station, where all hurt soldiers were taken.
Raditz hurried for he knew Vegeta was waiting for him. He stepped beside his pod where he saw Nappa and Vegeta standing there. He nodded to his fellow mates and sat inside. Raditz could hear the sound of the pod closing and the air pressure that was released as the door shut.
He was then shot off into space, to the next planet of Frieza's Choice.
Diamond slowly crawled from her bed. Beside her, there laid Raditz scouter on the end table. She quickly grabbed it and looked at her clock. She knew Raditz had forgotten it, and wasn't sure if she could make it in time to the docking station. But when she did arrive there, she heard a man's screams. Familiar screams from someone. That's when she saw Bardock, completely naked running towards her as he fought off all medical help possible. She was sure he had just escaped from the rejuvenation tank.
Diamond couldn't help but laugh a bit at the silly saiyan, she assumed this was his typical behavior after every battle they tried to help him from.
"Bardock what are you doing?" Diamond laughed slightly.
"Renee! Diamond save Renee!" He screamed to Diamond. Diamond stopped laughing, and knew Bardock had become serious.
"What? What is it-?" her voice had changed, for she had now become more concerned, still holding Raditz scouter.
"Frieza, he is coming to kill us all, he wants us all dead! Get Renee off this planet, Raditz already has left, Please Diamond-" Bardock screamed, limping to her from down the hallway.
"Bardock, you're crazy. You have lost too much blood, Frieza wont kill us. Come on let's get you back—"
"SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Bardock screamed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. She looked into his dark eyes, she could tell this wasn't a joke. That Frieza was really coming to kill them. "Get Renee, tell her what is going on, and leave, leave this planet, got it!" Bardock stared her down intently.
"Yes." She nodded to him. He looked up from her and stared into the sky, seeing Frieza's ship. Diamond looked up as well.
Bardock, shot up into the air, bare nude, up to the spaceship to Fight his last battle.
Diamond knew what she had to do, and began to run inside the medical center to save the mother of the man she loves.
Bardock entered the building he lived in, while being completely naked. He walked down the stairs. He propped his arm up on the wall, trying to walk down them to the pub. Hitting the ground, he fell unconscious again. Seeing his son Kakorate with Bulma, Grandpa Gohan, Krillin, then fighting king piccolo.
The voice continued to tell him of his son as he watched him grow up and against fighting Frieza and seeing Frieza destroying his planet.
Renee looked over at the guard and pointed at him. "You, give me a view of the skyline!" she ordered him as Diamond appeared next to her.
"Oh uh yes!" he said in fear, trembling to her words as he hit a few buttons on the computer and before her on the screen was a view of their atmosphere. And there, before her she saw it. Frieza's ship.
"Bardock wasn't lying" she whispered. "We're all going to be killed."
Bardock widen his eyes and walked back down the rest of the stairs.
He entered the pub and fell onto a table, hearing all the voices laughing at him as he tried to get up. "You guys, Frieza is coming after us." Bardock said loudly.
"You mean you?" one cocky saiyan said to Bardock with his arm around a girl.
"No, he is going to kill all of us, listen to me, we have to go fight him!" Bardock stood up looking at them all at the bar having a good time.
"Bardock get's his tail whipped and it's the end of the world." Another saiyan man said and the rest laughed with him and whispered making fun of Bardock.
"YOU'RE ALL GOING TO GET KILLED." Bardock yelled and leaned against the wall.
"Whoa relax." They all stopped laughing as the one tried to help Bardock. Bardock turned around and ran back up the stairs and down the hall.
"What's wrong with him?" Another saiyan said.
The waitress replied. "He lost his crew that's what."
Bardock continues up the stairs and outside. He looked around seeing the town's people doing nothing of Frieza's soon arrival. So Bardock flew up into the air towards Frieza's ship. "This is for my Crew" He said to himself as he got closer and closer to the ship.
Frieza exited his ship as he saw Bardock coming after him. While he was getting ready to leave the ship he sent out hundreds of his men to kill off Bardock.
Bardock saw them coming at him in clusters and dodged them, hit them and threw energy waves at each of them, easily killing them one by one.
The suddenly they all stopped seeing Frieza outside his ship.
Bardock laughed. "You lived long enough, too long for my taste. Listen we quit, everyone here, all of us!" Bardock screamed forming a ball of energy in his hand. "This is for everyone we killed in your name!" He screamed as he threw the ball of energy at Frieza
Frieza began to laugh as he pointed his finger and crated a flaming ball of fire. Frieza pushed it towards planet Vegeta as Bardock screamed, it absorbing his flesh, his life.
Raditz stared out the purple tinted window of his saiyan space pod. There he saw Frieza's ship in the atmosphere of planet Vegeta.
Raditz clenched his teeth and looked at his controls in the ship. "Sorry guys, but I have to save Diamond." Raditz put in the coordinance to turn around to planet Vegeta. Before he could enter, he saw a flash of light before his eyes.
Planet Vegeta was gone. Renee was gone, Bardock was gone, Diamond was gone.
"My son will defeat you—" Bardock whispered, and then all of him, Renee, Diamond and planet Vegeta were gone.
It was 25 years later for Raditz. There he laid on his back, staring up into the earths sun. He looked to his side to see his dead brother, a hole in his chest. He looked to his other side to see a very satisfied Namek with one arm, standing over Kakorats son. Then looked down at his chest and saw the same hole his brother had. He bleed profusely from his armor. His head had become dizzy so he laid it back into the grass. He could hear Nappa talking into his scouter, calling Raditz's name. He tried to move his lips and respond but couldn't. Slowly, Raditz died on earth.
A flash of light came before his eyes as he was present to King Yama. Raditz was told to follow the dark yellow road to hell, and so he stared his journey to the hot world full of flames, where he would spend the rest of his life.
Raditz followed a dark yellow road. There he could see the opening. But as he walked closer her saw a figure. She sqinted for a moment to make out what it was, but it didn't help. He waited till he got even closer. He took in a sudden gasp When he saw her smile. There she stood, with her pink spandex, her bright yellow armor and her long straight hair. All these years she had been waiting for him, waiting for Raditz at the Gates of hell.
It wasn't too long after Frieza destroyed Vegeta, he then met with Kakorate. And not only did Frieza stare into the eyes of Goku's, which were just, like Bardock's. But he also stared into those blue super saiyan eyes, the eyes of his mother Renee.
- by NamekWoman |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/30/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Dragonballz: Bardock's Love 3
- Artist: NamekWoman
- Description: I always wanted to know who Goku's Mom was. So I creatred her and gave her a Love Story. I've combined this story with "Raditz gets a love story too." So it's he story of Bardock and Raditz. I hope you Enjoy the Romance between my characters. Still need to edit the grammar! If you like romance, Read my pure sold story as well :)-Sam
- Date: 12/30/2012
- Tags: dragonballz bardocks love dragonball dragonballgt
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