One Knife,One Girl,One Mistake
On June 20 the last day of school something went totally wrong..
Nyu- Hey luna have you seen my boyfriend Jeff?
Luna- No i havent seen him since last week why?
Nyu- I dont know it feels like something bad may be going down today.
Luna- Bad? Bad like what?
Nyu- You'll see
Narrator- nyu heard some noise coming from the boys bath room, even though it was aginst the rules for girls to go in there nyu had to find out why a boy was screaming in pain, nyu ran into the bathroom and saw her boyfriend jeff putting his D*** in kevin butt. emotion_hug
Nyu- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON emotion_jawdrop
Jeff- Nyu get out its the boys bathroom
Narrator- Nyu burst into tears
Nyu- ******** your my boyfriend!! why are you doing this to me!!
Jeff- hahaha me? date you? ******** outta here sweetie im gay i like D***s not chicks
Nyu- but jeff..we had sex last week doesnt that mean anything to you??
Jeff- um no not really , you had cramps so i did it in your butt dont you get it,
Narrator- Nyu jleft the bathroom crying, she ran to her locker and pulled out her knife, she ran back to the bathroom but the guys wasnt there, she went door to door trying to find them, she saw them holding hands in reading class, Nyu walked in the class and locked the door.
Drake- hey there goes my bestie Nyu! Come sit over here
Narrator- Drake saw nyu in tears, he knew somthing wasnt right
Drake- hold up hold up which one of you a** holes hurt my best friend!!!
Narrator- Nyu pulled out her knife and the class stood in shock, Nyu grabbed jeff by his blue hair and stabbed him repeatedly in his nuts,
Every one started freakign out, jeff was dieing, Nyu chased Kevin around the room and slit his neck open, Nyu heard a bang on the door * BANG BANG BANG*
Narrator- Nyu backed up into the window crying
Nyu- all i wanted was for him to love me!! he used me!! im no ones SLUT!!! -Screams-
Narrator- The police bust open the door nyu threw the knife at them, they opened fire 43 bullets went threw her, head to toe missing her pumping red heart, nyu fell back out the window landing on the hard glass ground.
Luna- oh god no!!!
Drake- This is ******** up did this just hapen i hope im dreaming, why did she attack them??
Luna- she thought jeff liked her becuase they had sex at the voodoo party remember!!!
Drake-...didnt she make a wish to the devil to have life forever like a vampier? didnt she wish to be imortal?
Luna- oh s**t !! ...yeah
Narrator- drake and luna walked to the window .. they looked down and didnt see Nyu body, they saw bloody foot steps on the ground and across the street.
Drake- looks like lucifer saved her ,
Luna- HOLY s**t
NEXT CHAPTER: pt2 The Living Dead Girl gaia_nitemareleft gaia_nitemareright
One Knife,One Girl,One Mistake
One Knife. . One Girl . . One Mistake is a really tragic sad love story about a girl who gets the wrong idea about ehr boy friend and goes on a rampage killing every one in her class.
I wrote it a bit different so you can get the story better:)
Characters : Nyu , Jeff , Luna , Drake, Kevin
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