Gunners #25 Memories of the Past
The Ten Evil Blades
2004, December 25th Japan.
Hakuru: “huff” “huff” “huff”
Biological weapons… clones…. Genetic freaks… all of you are so useless. You manage to survive. I’m impressed.
Those eyes. the blood. You could still barely move and yet you can fend off my attacks. But not as long…
Hakuru: AHH!!!!
“cough” “cough” “huff” “huff”
You still stand… with those two legs. Maybe I should chop them off. Maybe your head.
That way you don’t have to move anymore.
The unknown runs in and jumps from the two walls side to side and slashs her blade against Hakuru. Hakuru slams her combat knife against her blade as they fight against each other. Hakuru landed a back turning kick and a flash kick. But then Shino slashed a scar on Hakuru’s back.
Hakuru: AH!
she fired another crusader but then Hakuru rolled over to take some cover.
Hakuru threw a grenade and ran to the elevator.
There it lifted her up to the surface as Hakuru carried the data.
She was bleeding a lot on the ground. As the doors opened she saw the unknown girl again.
Its no use running. No matter where you run, I will always appear.
Hakuru: “huff” “huff” ah!
Join me…. I will give you a name…. I will grant you power. We will change the world the way we want it. We can change fate.
Hakuru: ah…
Hakuru grabbed out an AK47 and fired it at her but then she unleashed a red barrier.
Then I guess talking is useless.
Hakuru gripped on her blade and ran straight at her as Hakuru jumped with fury eyes.
Hakuru wakes up from her bed.
Hakuru: the same dream again?
No, it was a memory.
I remember, somewhere in Japan, in 2004 December, I was on a mission to retrieve the data of a genetic code or something.
Hakuru: ….
Yo you awake?
Hakuru: coming Yamota!
Yamota: hey man, everyones waiting down stairs.
Hakuru: okay coming.
Sukya: so whats for dinner?
Hakuru: fried western chicken, fish fillet and chips. Dig in.
Hakuru: I seriously don’t know how I do it I guess it comes from my bio genes.
Project.Apple. the place where I fought that girl. No doubt about it. It was her. It was Shino!
By the way her voice sounds, her eyes. the hair! The blade she was holding.
It was definitely her. I know it.
Hakuru: but why was she there?
Yukina: why what?
Hakuru: oh its nothing.
Fuka: lets go to America!
Hakuru: oh we’ve been there before and trust me Fuka remember what happened?
Fuka: yeah I know they kept chasing us.
Hakuru: that’s right, so Rizumi how do you like the food?
Rizumi: its good, I’m getting really addicted to your cooking, but shouldn’t you make a healthy break fast?
Hakuru: healthy ones go in the afternoon Rizumi I like eating junk food in the morning. Now eat.
Now at school.
Hakuru: okay people from now on we will be doing tae kwon do.
Tae kwon do? Isn’t that a Korean martial arts Hakuru-sempai?
Hakuru: yes, whats wrong with tae kwon do?
Well, its Korean, can’t we do Karate..?
Hakuru: …
Saya, you wanna do Karate with them?
Saya: okay.
Hakuru: went outside.
******** ******** ******** ******** ********!!!!!!
The students went outside as Hakuru was gone as they saw a tree being kicked by all both ends.
The tree then fell down to the dojo.
******** TAKE THIS!
Yamota elbowed the outsiders and kicked them in the nuts.
Hakuru: hey whats happening?
Yamota: just kicking some limp dicks.
Outsiders: we’ll get you for this!
Yamota: uh-huh…
Outsiders: WE’RE GONNA ******** ******** YOU IN THE a**! AND ******** YOU THERE! AND ******** YOU HERE!
Yamota: hey Hakuru I’m hungry, lets go eat.
Hakuru: yeah.
Hakuru done and axe kick and a five combo elbow technique.
Hakuru: how about I ******** you there?
Yamota: wow, someone turned Hakuru into a bad girl.
Hakuru: eh?
Yamota: never mind. Lets go.
They stopped at a restaurant and ate some ice-cream deserts.
Hakuru: so then, blood was all everywhere, I didn’t know what the hell to do. I mean. That dream was all like out of nowhere all the time.
Yamota: could it be real?
Hakuru: yeah obviously yeah. Memories keep on flashing back at me. the missions, the suffering life I went through. And the killings I hae done which I regretted.
Yamota: well when was the last time you dreamt?
Hakuru: just now.
Yamota: the same one?
Hakuru: yeah, the dreams I have usually keep flashing back and fourth, I think I know where this place is.
And its definitely not at Mt Fuji.
Its somewhere in Japan.
Probably at the forest regions.
Hakuru: I was going to go and infiltrate a base known as Project Apple. Look what I’m holding Yamota.
This is an applie, and it’s a currently normal size, but the base is bigger, like the size of this apple here. pretend its big and imagine yourself you have x-ray vision.
The apple has a core right? Which has seeds.
Well you see that’s the design of Project.Apple. the seeds has like 3 or four seeds right?
In the base they have four nuclear generators which could give power to Project.Apple for pretty much over four centuries.
Yamota: hey that’s a lot of energy.
Hakuru: yeah, and it could give power to whole of Japan. Sadly, I destroyed one of them and destroyed half of the base.
Yamota: so like what? Theres 3 left?
Hakuru: yeah, so I’d say they’ll give power for 3 centuries.
Project Apple is an underground base. And it’s a genetic lab.
Its one of the biggest labs of the BWF. The Hurisha company tried to look for this base but they couldn’t find it.
I don’t know when or how it was built but, I just wanted to get out of that place alive.
Since it was a genetics lab, they test on human experiments, dogs, animals, and yes…
Yamota: that’s horrible.
Hakuru: it was disgusting, hell, you could see a clone barely growing an arm and a leg. Even someone that is trying to grow their own head.
I was one of their experiments once.
Yamota: wait you were?!
Hakuru: yes, but I managed to endure the drugs and their experiemnt tests.
I was the only clone that could withstand the drugs.
The drugs give clones strength and boosts their speed ten times than an athelete.
Only a few clones of me manage to survive. The rest died off.
Since we were going back to the BWF. Project Apple was under maintainance for some reason. Onimaru sent us a message to check it out.
Yamota: Hakuru!
Hakuru: ah…
Yamota: lets go and get you some sleep.
Hakuru: no, we’re going to the forest region.
Lets go!
Yamota: man you just never let a day stop
They got inside of the car and drove off to the forest region.
Hakuru gets out her two 9mm pistols and reloads them and gets out an SMG and loads it.
Yamota: woah woah woah Hakuru what are you doing?
Hakuru: genetics engineers left other experiments inside Project.Apple. the experiments went loose and went on a berserker on everyone, killing thousands of lives inside of the facility. Yamota I need you to drop me off by there. I need to get more answers and I need to know why I had to do a suicide mission like that.
Yamota: wait a minute, you were sent on a mission to go there but you didn’t know why?
Hakuru: yeah, it was a classified mission, my superiors didn’t tell me anything. Nor my team. It killed my entire platoon in there. Clones were shred. Legs were torned off. Heads being bitten off.
Hell, they even expiermented frogs to grow them bigger.
Yamota: f.. frogs!
(Yamota hates frogs)
Hakuru: Yamota you still got your magnum’s with you?
Yamota: only one.
Hakuru: here.
Yamota: woah this is a colts!
Hakuru: belonged to my dad, Laura gave it to me. now I want you to have it. For good luck.
Yamota: thanks.
This will do just nicely.
Hakuru: even so I gave it to you, doesn’t mean you can come with me inside of Project.Apple.
Yamota: EH?!
No way I’m coming in with you!
Hakuru: well alright then, but if you see a frog don’t come crying out for help.
Yamota: aw that’s just mean!
Hakuru: ….
Bio #15, your getting too slow! Keep up!
Bio #01, head to next phase in 0451176
Bio #01: understood..
Alright good. Now Bio #01. kill Bio #15..
Hakuru: …
Bio #15, look at your left and look at Hakuru.
Now Bio #01, kill Bio #15.
Hakuru: …
Please copy that, masters.
Kill Bio #15.
Hakuru: …
Why do I need to-
You are to kill Bio #15 understood!
Hakuru: ….
Hakuru: ah… yeah what is it?
Yamota: we’re here at the forest region.
Hakuru opens up the car and packs all of the equipment.
Hakuru gets a strap and puts it around her right leg as she attachs grenades on it. She gets oput two 9mm pistols, one SMG. Her Lucky Long Shot Mk lV. And her katana.
Death is Meaningless….
So why am I called The Death…?
Heh. I wonder…
(Death is Meaningless is carved on her sword)
Lets go Yamota.
Yamota: right!
Hakuru: things has changed….
Yamota: what’s that?
Hakuru: hm?
Doors are open..
Hakuru: odd…
It was the elevator door. she looks down as there was a rope.
Hakuru: somebody is here. we’re not alone.
Yamota: could it be expierments?
Hakuru:no, the expierments were all in lock down.
Yamota: looks pretty deep.
Hakuru: hang on to me tightly.
Hakuru grabs Yamota around the waist.
Yamota: um! Woah!
Hakuru grabs the rope with her leather gloves as they slide down.
Yamota: where are we going?
Hakuru: theres about nearly 100 floors in Project Apple.
The 55th floor are where all the genetic scientist create formulas, drugs, and its also where they test it on experiments like myself.
The 100th floor is where they keep all of the genetic experiments there.
Yamota: so where are we going?
Hakuru: the 55th floor. I need to go and check something just in case.
We might find someone there. I saw footsteps at the elevator so I knew someone would be here. but why..?
Ah here it is!
Hakuru kicks down the elevator door and swings back anf fourth as they landed in the room.
Hakuru opens up her right eye.
She sees damaged materials, equipment. But then when she sees capsules she immediately identifies the object.
Yamota: what is it?
Hakuru: …. No way.
Yamota: huh?
Hakuru: Bio #015…?
Yamota: Bio what?
Hakuru: number 15. her and i. were clone partners. I was far too advance for her while she was on an average rate. She couldn’t keep up with me as her partner. So I was ordered to shoot her.
I kinda thought. I developed a close friendship with her. Not just soldiers but friends. i only just realised it now. I always felt something weird between the two of us. It was, friendship.
If only I didn’t killed her. I would of…
Yamota: Hakuru..
Hakuru: don’t worry. This capsule is empty. They must’ve injected her already.
Yamota: could she be somewhere in this facility?
Hakuru: I don’t know. Maybe. I haven’t seen her face for quite some time.
Yamota: hey check it out, this computer still works! The generators must still be running!
Hakuru: let me check on something.
Data #21.
Year 2004 26th of October.
We have tested our new genetic capsules for the clones, but they all kept on dying. Humans died for about five seconds, animals turned them into savage beasts. However not one.
We’ve tested it on a dead clone her subject number is Bio #15
Hakuru: I can’t believe it!
The experiment works. Her function seems normal, her genes and bio cells are still running, and her brain seems to function normally, although her phsyical strength and speed are ten times better than average clones. Such as Bio #01. we could use this capsule to revive other dead clones. It has the ability to regenerate itself in seconds! Faster than other clones. If we could make more of these, we could save up money and don’t have to waste more money on making newer clones all the time. we could revive as much as we can. However the budget seems to rise and not much income has transferred in lately. Much of our experiments die in minutes and they always slaughter each other.
Hakuru: #15… your still alive.
Yamota: so what now?
Hakuru: we’re gonna go look for my partner, shes somewhere in this facility.
Yamota: check if theres anymore date in that computer.
Hakuru: right.. hey wait a minute?!
Deleting date. Deleting date.
Their deleting the files!
Hakuru: damn it!
Shes out there somewhere! And shes somewhere in these levels!
Yamota: alright then lets go!
Hakuru: theres another elevator! Lets take it!
They opened the elevator and went in.
Hakuru: computer, take me to level 100.
Yamota: that’s where all the genetic experiments are kept right?
Hakuru: yeah, get ready…. Because when I was in a mission. All the experiments were loose.
I bet theirs heaps of them here.
They probably reproduce their minions into numbers. Crap happens like that all the time. pretty much male genetics are probably ******** the clones right now.
Yamota: eeww that’s gross seriously Hakuru.
Hakuru: yeah well, its how they number their size. One ********, one pregnant. Bam they just burst it out. And in a matter of minutes they grow into a fledgling genetic clone.
Yamota: okay I’m really gonna vomit.
Hakuru: want a bag?
Hakuru: ah… yeah?
Yamota: ******** you!
Hakuru: whatever…
I hope theres a flamethrower in the 100th floor, I think I still remember, I hid it somewhere there, just hope theres still gas in it.
The doors opened. Yamota and Hakuru walked out of the elevator and see if there were any enemies.
Hakuru:don’t let your guard down, their still out there hiding. Normally they would pick up from the vents and chew you down and spit you right out.
Yamota: Hakuru seriously, stop describing to me about scary s**t man…
Hakuru: just saying Yamota-san. Besides I saw it with my own eyes. the trick is to duck down low, just crouch down like I’m doing.
Yamota: oh come on I’ll just blast em with my flare b-
A tongue suddenly grabbed Yamota by the neck and lifted her up to the vents.
Hakuru got out her 9mm pistol and fired the tongue. Yamota dropped to the ground as Hakuru fired out Skull Crusader. It was a huge frog. It was still alive coming right at them.
Yamota: AHH!!!
It burned to ashes.
Yamota: “huff” “huff” “huff” s**t… that was scary s**t man “huff”
Hakuru: told you…
These guys really don’t know how to give up.
Tongues were falling from the vents.
Yamota: eep…
Hakuru: just duck down low. Or crawl.
Yamota: ah right!
Yamota: how long have you been with your partner?
Hakuru: well I’d say pretty long. I was abour like what? 14 years old?
Yeah that’s right 14 years old I was with my best partner. Her and me always archieve our mission with our team work.
The problem was that she couldn’t keep up with me because there was something wrong with her. She was only an average clone, but to me she was my best partner.
But then when orders came, I had to kill her. I couldn’t get the system out of my head.
All clones have systems, the system allows orders to go through the brain into the control room. Once that’s done they will obey whatever they need to do. Suicide, kill, rape. It was crazy.
When I killed my partner, I went crazy after that. And stucked in prison for 3 years….
Yamota: 2008, that’s when I met you.
Hakuru: if only my shinzou was human. I wouldn’t of shot her.
(shinzou means heart)
but my heart always become shin no zou (true hatred)
Yamota: you cared a lot about her haven’t you?
Hakuru: yeah…
Alright we’re here!
Hakuru: computer open this door!
The door opens.
Hakuru: alright get up, we’re going inside.
Yamota: this is where all the creeps hang out?
Hakuru: yeah
Hakuru: my flame thrower should be in here somewhere. I bet the green house has already died out. Heh.
Stupid plants, oh well, I doubt that we’ll run into mutated plants.
Yamota: wha… mutated plants…?
Hakuru: yeah, this place is like a haunted house, scientists barely walk inside here.
They say…. It’s a monster house…
Hakuru: I knew you would be scared.
Yamota: wha… ******** you! Don’t do that!
Hakuru: hm?
I saw something moved.
Yamota: could it be… a frog?
Hakuru: worst than that…
A man with two heads came out of nowhere with his right hand as a claw and his left leg which is mutated like it has been slaughtered.
Mutant: DIE!!!!
Hakuru tordio kicked the mutants head and stabbed the 2nd head. Then she sliced off his claw and his legs.
Man: AAHH!!!!
Hakuru: you, tell us what happened here?
Man: grr… why would you like to… know? Didn’t you know..?
Hakuru: bastards didn’t tell me anything, but here, only you can. Are there still more here?
Man: heh, you won’t stop them. They’ll keep multiplying everyday and every night… besides… we gave up on the sun light now…
Hakuru: well I already know their multiplying, but that’s not it. What really happened here?
I know what kind of experiments they did to you guys. And I know what they did on me.
Tell me, what the hell happened when we first got here, in 2004.
Man: ah… 2004…
Yeah I remember, that year. It was one heck of a hell hole.
Hakuru sees the man’s badge. It has his name and his ID number.
Hakuru: my god…
Yamota: what is it?
Hakuru: Dr. Ryoma Takashi.
Yamota: Ryoma?
Ryoma: yeah, I couldn’t be ******** getting this badge off, it just sticks on my skin.
Hakuru: Dr. Ryoma, do you remember me?
Ryoma: remember you…?
Hakuru: take a closer look.
Ryoma: wait… your…
Your Bio #01!
Hakuru: I’m not Bio #01 anymore, my name is Hakuru Sakura now. Look Doctor, I’ve known you ever since we first met. I know you’re a good guy. And pretty much you hate Onimaru more than I do.
Ryoma: but how the hell did you got out of that prison?!
Hakuru: easy, got one of the doctors ID cards, swiped my card onto the panel, and killed my way out. Simple as that.
Ryoma: my you must be powerful then. What about your genes! Your suppose to be dead.
Hakuru: no, I’m not dead. Well use to be dead. But I always come back. We’ve found the cure which was in the Hurisha Organization.
Ryoma: ah… how long has it been?
Hakuru: its been eight years now Doctor.
Ryoma: whats the BWF’s plans?
Hakuru: well, since all these years of chasing my for four years, they’ve started to give up on me. for now I think…
Ryoma: I see… whats happening at the outside world?
Hakuru: well more people are still chasing me. more shits been happening lately and-
Yamota: lets just say Hakuru is the hero of Earth!
Ryoma: a hero?
Hakuru: Yamota we’re not suppose to talk about that.
Yamota: oh come on!
You see these guys are called Gunners man! They try to kill us!
More than that! Hell exists. And their also trying to kill us! But nothing stops Hakuru’s way!
She saved Earth like about two times already! And also stopped the invasion of these guys in Tokyo!
Ryoma: I’ve missed a lot huh…
Hakuru: ah… look, tell us what happened please.
Ryoma: … okay.
In 2004, when we finished experimented your body, we’ve supered up your genes of your DNA. However we couldn’t stop the flow of the disease which was still carring in your bio cells. But it did manage to hold them off.
Also we’ve figured out that your half-
Hakuru: human, yeah I’ve figured that out already.
Ryoma: Dr. Laura?! Shes still alive?
Hakuru: yeah, you know her?
Ryoma: I’ve only read about her! Shes quite a famous scientist and doctor!
Hakuru: hey she never said that to us did she Yamota?
Yamota: didn’t hear a word famous out of her mouth before.
Hakuru: well anyways go on Ryoma.
Ryoma: well yeah, since you went back to base, we’ve tested on a new gene sample on Number #15.
Hakuru: keep going I need to know more about this.
Ryoma: Number #15 was our very last subject to test on. and also our very last gene sample.
She was still dead, so we’ve tested it on her. The gene sample’s design was to bring back dead clones from the battlefield, or missions. Or in other words, if three clones were in a mission and one clone died. they would take out the gene capsule and inject it into the dead clone. Once then the cells would revive back again and run normally, and her brain would function again and so would all of her functional organs.
The experiment worked, we all screamed and laughed for joy.
But when I took a closer look at her. Her wounds started to heal…
The bullet shot that was in her skull. It healed rapidly than any other normal clone would do. She had a lot of damaged organs, but they healed as well. Her healing rate was faster than we’ve ever seen before, the results were so confusing, so fast! People stopped screaming and laughing for joy.
It was unbelievable! Honestly….
Since we’ve succeeded on testing on Number #15, we’ve decided to bring her back to duty, or just send her to the Special Clone Corp.
Yamota: Special Clone Corp?
Hakuru: its like the Special Marine Corp. but these clones are more advance and has never died against the clone disease.
Yamota: were you with them Hakuru?
Hakuru: no I was never with the Special Clone Corp, not since when I was still in prison.
Yamota: ah… oh.
Ryoma: well as I was saying.
Since we were trying to transfer Bio #15 to the Special Clone Corp a sudden attack came in.
We heard an explosion coming from the 100th floor, then it was the 40th floor. A few elevators were cut down and the power went off line. Except a few rooms though. It only cut out the light power.
Fire went into flames in every room, except the top floor.
The 100th floor broke out and killed a lot of scientists. Then suddenly all the chemicals dropped on the floor and diseases started spreading through out the whole levels.
It infected everyone and me, we all turned into these…
We call ourselves the Undergrounds.
A few people like us, tried to go freely outside. However, they were burned to ashes with the sun light.
There was a few equipment that we could us.
Animals began to like us, as for half of the underground dwellers like us, they began to fight each other to take control of the whole facility.
It was a man name Kizaki.
He was the former leader of the facility.
And I was the former leader of the Gene Capsule Project.
The Project Apple Facility, was now I known as… the monster house.
Our communication network still works, but…. We wouldn’t know what they’ll do to us if they start coming down here to rescue us.
So we began not to have help from the outside world and began to try surviving underground. But since the fighting went on and on, Kizaki began to steal all of the clones and started ot mate with them all.
Yamota: eeww….
Hakuru: I think I’m gonna puke… just skip that part, I already know that part when I first fought my a** here.
It was like a damn nightmare jesus I keep getting that dream ever snice, anyways what happened to Number #15?
Ryoma: well…
Kizaki wanted #15. she was still in coma, and yet she still couldn’t wake up.
We’ve tried everything could, but nothing. She was still alive and yet the genes were still in her blood.
I knew the project would be a success but I I thought of myself “when will she ever wake up? And how long will she stay like that?”
No body knows.
I have a few scientists in the lab…. However we’re a bit short. We can’t really work with our hands here.
Hakuru: Ryoma, where are they?
Ryoma: well.
There all in here. in the 100th floor, at the green house.
Hakuru: the green house? You guys gather there? I thought the green was long dead.
Ryoma: well there were soil and seeds left, we so began doing our research there.
Hakuru: I guess I can’t use my cell phone like this here. we’re too far below from the surface. Well I haven’t been practicing my powers much lately.
Oh well…
Ryoma: powers?
Yamota: watch this and be thrilled.
Hakuru: …..
Message Tunnel Way!
Her mind opened and her Skull Eye opened red.
Yukina: huh a message tunnel way? From who?
Yukina: ah! Hakuru, don’t scream at mel ike that.
Hakuru: sorry, look could you do me a favour?
Yukina: what kind?
Hakuru: stop by at the forest region, not far from where your location is. Bring a lot of equipment as well. we have a lot of times on our hands here. bring Asuka and everybody else here.
Yukina: got it.
Hakuru: alright its done.
Ryoma: amazing! You can send messengers with your mind as well?
Hakuru: its known as Energy. We focus our whole body and other things with energy. Every living thing is energy. And we use that energy for our own powers.
Yamota: its like… star wars!
Hakuru: except that I can’t use the force…
Yamota: you watch that movie too? I told you that “ would you like to watch Star Wars 5 with me?” and you said “no, I don’t want to!” and I said “aww why not?”
Hakuru: okay I get it Yamota…
Yamota: hehe.
Hakuru: well lead the way Ryoma, and… uh…
Ryoma: oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I also have regeneration powers.
His arm and legs grew back.
Hakuru: better than mine, I put my bio cells and energy together to regenerate quicker.
Ryoma: impressive, well lets enter.
They went inside.
Yamota: wow the green house!
Ryoma: welcome to the green house.
Doctors: hello Ryoma, whos this?
Ryoma: this is Hakuru Sakura, Bio #01. well not anymore.
Doctor: Bio #01?! My goodness!
Hakuru: well its Hakuru Sakura now.
Doctor: can I have a look at her?!
Ryoma: maybe later Higashi.
Higashi: well now… Hakuru! Do you remember me?!
Hakuru: Doctor Higashi, you look like a boiled crab man… the gene screwed you up?
Higashi: well… uh…
Ryoma: sorry, Hakuru you must be tired sit!
Hakuru: ah thanks…
Ah… man…
Hakuru: you guys must’ve put good work in this place. so…
So wheres Kizaki?
Ryoma: Kizaki is not far from this level. His up on the 40th floor.
Hakuru: the 40th floor?
Hang on… isn’t that the weaponry program facility projects?
Ryoma: yes, and he has all the weapons and people. And the clones. The clones are all under his control.
Hakuru: look, I’ll kill Kizaki, but I don’t feel like killing my own kind. I gave up on killing my own kind a few years ago, and I promise not to shed any blood on my kind. Because if I did, how will they have a taste of freedom?
Hakuru takes out a ciggaret.
Hakuru: want some Ryoma? Looks like you guys been here for damn while. I got this friend of mine to come over. All of my friends are coming here to help you all. Don’t worry. This friend of mine is a smart ******** genius.
She saved ous asses more times that I saved her.
Her names Yukina Suzuku.
Ryoma: Yukina Suzuku?
Hakuru: yeah, she might crack the code of your genes. She could find a cure for you guys, just as soon as she gets here.
Ryoma: so…
Higashi: Shes smarter than us?
Hakuru: well like I said, shes a smart ********….
Hakuru: god I love these smokes…
Yamota: so what really did happen to number #15?
Hakuru: oh yeah I forgot. what did happen to her?
Where is she now…?
Ryoma: … well.
Kizaki wanted to steal her because she was a very important specimen, pretty much wanted her as his queen.
He thought he was god himself, so his plans were to grow an army and take over Tokyo. But in order to do that he needed number #15 who is actually the main gene process for them to be invulnerable to the sun.
However have a few remaining clones to help us defend against Kizaki and his clones.
Hakuru: where do you storage the clones now?
Ryoma: at the back storage.
Hakuru: hm, okay then.
Hakuru slammed her feet at the carboard.
Ryoma: huh?
A door opens as a flame thrower came out.
Higashi: a flame thrower?
Hakuru: I can’t believe you guys never found this. Ha. I knew my hiding techniques still work.
Oh… it still has fuel in it. Nice!
Yamota: hey whats that in there?
Hakuru: it’s a tommy gun. Yamota keep this.
Yamota: your really making me keep a lot of guns aren’t you?
Hakuru: juse have it, this tommy gun is the most effective gun against those ******** insane people.
I’m gonna make sure I cut Kizaki’s head.
Ryoma: yes?
Hakuru: is Kizaki a strong guy? Or one of those weak b***h punks?
Ryoma: well, actually his like us, he can regenerate and do all kinds of things. He usually steals other scientists powers though.
Hakuru: so all I have to do is slice his head and destroy the brain right?
Ryoma: yes.
Hakuru: alrighty then.
Its show time….
Higashi: hey I wonder how much equipment did you bring.
Hakuru: a lot, I got the Mk lV on me.
Ryoma: the artillery gun?! Really?!
Hakuru: state of the art of the BWF military projects. Wait your telling me…
This place actually build the Artillery weapons?!
Ryoma: I did! We’ve sent five of the Artillery Weapons across the world!
How on Earth did you found that?!
Hakuru: stole it.
Ryoma: oh…
Hakuru: well I’m off, Yukina should be here by now. So we better get moving. Ryoma, you know how to use a gun?
Ryoma: ah no not really…
Hakuru: well just stay here. keep the doors shut. Once we’re done with Kizaki, Yukina will come down here and help you guys out, and also I gotta find out what to do with the clones. Gotta give them some names. I hate numbers…
Higashi: you really are acting like a real human.
Hakuru: well, kind of. Yamota you lock n loaded?
Yamota: ready to go Hakuru.
Hakuru: lets go to the 40th floor.
Ryoma: take this elevator.
Yamota: cool thanks.
Hakuru: take care Ryoma.
Ryoma: right.
They went in and went up to the 40th floor.
Yamota: sweet three clips of the tommy gun.
Hakuru: good thing I also bring my famas with me.
This also affects them. If you see something move, kill it.
Man I really don’t want to kill my own kind.
Guess I have no choice.
Yamota: what do you mean?
Hakuru: Kizaki…
i think I saw his face a bit. Not much.
I don’t know if it was him, but I think he slaughtered all of my team mates.
He even turned clones into freaking monsters.
Hakuru: guess its time to end this, I need to find #15… I need to find her, no matter the cost.
I regret what I did.
I regret what I’ve done…
Hakuru: I’m going ot put an end to this, with my own hands.
You with me Yamota?
Yamota: haha!
I’m always with you.
The elevator opens as monsters started to crawl and run to the elevator door at Hakuru and Yamota.
Hakuru: lets do this…
They fired their guns at the crawling monsters as Yamota was firing rapidly with the tommy gun and as Hakuru was firing with her famas.
Run came from the top as Hakuru fired the vents.
Yamota: s**t their coming from the top!
Hakuru kick the crawlers and unleashed her Skull Crusader.
Yamota: yeah melt those ********!
Hakuru’s eyes were different as their eyes were like from the past. Just killing without hesitation.
A clone was there holding out her hand at Hakuru. Hakuru shot her in the head without hesitation.
Yamota: a bit harsh don’t you think Hak?
Hakuru didn’t say anything as they just kept moving.
More monsters came, this time bigger, and animals began to ran. Door cells slided to the other way as monsters with guns and flames threw everything they had at Hakuru and Yamota.
Hakuru: Yamota, hold them off, I’m going to make a bomb…
Yamota: can do!
Hakuru got out wire tape as she got out three grenades and one claymore attache to it. She taped them all and stuck them all on together.
Hakuru: alright now!
Hakuru pulled all the pins out of the grenades and threw them at the monsters.
Hakuru: GO GO GO GO!
Yamota: s**t!!!
They kept on running and running as the bomb exploded.
Hakuru: get c over now!
They jumped to right and left to take some cover as the explosion blasted rapidly through the tunnels and the corridors.
The explosion stopped as they got back up.
Hakuru: lets keep moving.
Yamota: wouldn’t they-
Hakuru: regenerate? No, only their brains can do that. But since the bomb I threw at them, it already fried they’re brains.
Lets keep going Yamota.
Yamota: right.
Hakuru hears a crackling noise as she hears fire coming out of the vents.
Hakuru: ?!
Hakuru flips back and holds Yamota down.
Yamota: ah! Thanks!
Hakuru: no problem…
Hakuru: ?
Kizaki: I knew Ryoma would send one of you…
Hakuru: you must be Kizaki. Main leader of the weaponry projects for the 40th kai (level)
Kizaki: yes I was….
When I get out of this place I will be known as God! God of destruction!
All humanity shall serve me! and they will inspire me!
Hakuru: you idiot, no one can become God.
Theres not even one god in this world d**k head.
Kizaki: wrong! Only I can become god!
Hakuru: not till I cut your head that is. But before I do that… where is Bio #15?
Kizaki: Bio #15…. Subject 15 is nowhere to be found…. Last time I checked it was kept with Ryoma for awhile…
Hakuru: Ryoma?
Kizaki: his been protecting it, but by the vents from his room. They say she was gone… all of a sudden…
Hakuru: gone?!
Ryoma: yes…. Not so long ago…
Yamota: someone must’ve kidnapped her…
Hakuru: could be…. I saw footsteps from the surface to the door…. who was the one that entered here?
Kizaki: like I know…. I don’t even know who the person was! Even if I knew I would cut his head off!
Hakuru: damn. Your useless then!
You have one chance to surrender, if you surrender there will be a cure waiting for you and the rest of you all….
Kizaki: why a cure…? A cure is nothing, as long as I have this power no one shall stop me!
Hakuru: guess your chance is lost then! Yamota smoke him!
Yamota: right!
Kizaki fired out little small tentacles from his arm and destroyed Yamota’s tommy gun to shreds.
Yamota: ah s**t!
Yamota ducked down and rolled back as she got out her double barrel shotgun.
Yamota opened up her double barreled shotgun and placed two shells in.
Yamota: Hakuru any more grenades?!
Hakuru: one left!
Hakuru pulls the pin and kicks it at Kizaki.
Hakuru: take cover!
They took cover as it exploded. But that did not slowed down Kizaki.
Kizaki: heh. Human weapons are useless to me!
Hakuru got out her Mk lV gun and fired it at Kizaki.
Kizaki: GAH! What?! The Mk lV artillery gun?!
Hakuru transformed it to the Mk lV artillery shotgun round and fired Kizaki rapidly.
Kizaki: GAH!
Hakuru: this Mk lV was built by you yes? I’m betting the rest spread out across the world…. Hm…
I wonder…
Kizaki: wait! I’ll show you more! I’ll give you weapons!
Guns! Money! Gold!
I’ll make you stronger!
I’ll make you the best Bioweapon of all!
Hakuru: …..
I’m already stronger, and I don’t need you to make me strong. Because as long as I’m with my friends, and the will to survive, I will become strong…
Kizaki: WAIT!
Hakuru: the data?
The chip right…?
Kizaki: yse! I can tell you whats inside!
Hakuru: I Ryoma to tell me that. It’s the Genetic Data right?
Kizaki: no…. its not a Genetic Data.
Hakuru: its not?
Kizaki: its…
It’s the Subject #15 data!
Hakuru: … what?!
Her hand started shaking.
Yamota: Hakuru…?
Hakuru: the Subject #15 data?!
Kizaki: yes… it was the gene data for Subject #15…
Ryoma told you about the gene capsule right?
Hakuru: go on…
Kizaki: while Ryoma was testing on her abilities, I was the one to lead her for the weapons program. Her skills was magnificent! Greater than yours!
But the thing is now, I don’t know where she is…. Her blood was like a cure… a cure to cancer! A cure to everything!
She was-
A blade was cut through his throat.
Hakuru: what the?!
Shino: he talks too much…
Hakuru: Shino?!
Shino: we meet again… Hakuru.
Hakuru: why did you cut him? I almost found the answers to what happened here! why I was here! and the answers to find my partner!
Shino: the stuff he said was correct. But not all. The man that stole your partner was no human, gunner or demon.
He was a devil.
Hakuru: a devil…?
Shino: I give you a hint. His name starts with D.
Yamota: D…? you don’t mean-
Hakuru: Diablo!
Yamota: s**t…!
Hakuru! Whats taking you so long!
Hakuru: ah Yukina, don’t worry we’re coming back up.
Shino: ?
Hakuru: why were you there seven years ago?
Shino: ah… Project.Apple right?
I came here to look for the tenth member…
I guess you stopped me to it with your courage.
I came back here to get what I was looking. I guess the devil himself got it before me.
Hakuru: ….
Shino: it doesn’t matter now. If you face Diablo. He might tell you about her.
Hakuru: I see.
Thank you. Shino.
Shino: ….
Shino disappeared.
Yamota: did you just say “thank you”?
Hakuru: yeah what about it?
Yamota: firs time you said thank you to an evil person.
Hakuru: I don’t think she was that evil Yamota. i thought I felt a little sadness in her.
Like me.
Hakuru: lets go, Yamota-san.
Yamota: right!
Ah s**t!
Akada: this thing is broken! I can’t get her out!
The Demon Samurai: no, you just don’t know how to use it.
Akada: shut up!
Akada hits the door.
Then suddenly it opens as smoke comes out of the cyro chamber.
Diablo: its here. Bio #15….
I wonder what shall we name you hm…?
Akada: dip s**t.
The Demon Samurai: mind your manners Akada…
Akada: what?!
The girls mouth started to move.
Diablo: I guess you would like to name yourself then..?
Then what shall it be…?
The girls mouth started to move again. her lips moved as the words were…
Urukah 15….
To be contined.
Next Chapter: #26 The Immortal Moon
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/06/2012 |
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- Title: Gunners The Ten Evil Blades#25
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Gunners The Ten Evil Blades #25 Memories of the Past, sorry if it was a late post, i was really lazy posting my stories because i was too busy working one three series at the same time which is the new Gunners series Gunners War of Sorrows, Gunners Hands of Guns and Bloody Rose, sorry about that
- Date: 02/06/2012
- Tags: gunners evil blades
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Comments (1 Comments)
- KuroNekoNyanNya - 09/03/2012
- Could you pm me more? I really love this!!!!
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