Chapter 2: The Truth
Alucard wakes to find himself in a windowless cream colored, the only exit being a steel door on the far side of the room. He looks out, breathing in oxygen through a mask normally used by paramedics. He’s hooked up to many devices by wires. He realizes the room isn’t filled with a deep violet colored liquid, but that he’s in a glass tube, the bottom, back, top, and sides (to a certain point) being metal. He feels something different with his body, on his head and where his tailbone is. Alucard gently moves his hands to where his tailbone is and finds not one, not two, but nine tails jutting from where there used to be only his bare lower back. He then moves his hands to the top of his head and finds two long, pointed ears, one on the left and one on the right sides of it. His expression changes from one of calmness to one of shock.
“What am I?” He asks himself, freaked out.
“Sir, Subject A-071794 is awake,” a lab worker says into his Bluetooth-like communicator. Moments later, who else, but Vladimir, would appear in the doorway.
Vladimir chuckles, “So Alucard, we meet again.”
Alucard growls, “What am I doing here? What do you want from me?”
Vladimir only smiles and shakes his head, “All in due time Alucard, but first, I want to tell you the truth.”
Alucard stares at him, “What truth? What’s the truth?”
Vladimir chuckles, “The truth is that you have a demon in you.”
Alucard looks at him, “Everybody has an inner demon they struggle with.”
Vladimir shakes his head, “You don’t get it, do you? You have a noua coada demon vulpe spirit in you.”
Alucard looks at him questioningly, “A demon vulpe what?”
Vladimir responds, “The spirit of the noua coada demon vulpe, or in your pathetic language, the spirit of the nine-tailed fox demon.”
Alucard stares at him blankly, “You expect me to believe that?”
Vladimir chuckles, “If you don’t believe me, I suppose I should keep you here until the full moon.”
It’s been two days since Maikl, Jakob, and Akira saw Alucard. Since then they have not done much to find him; they have no idea where he would be. So they make the most unbearable decision in the world: go to school torture for one, torture for all.
During their fourth hour passing period a couple punks decided to screw with Maikl since he was Alucard’s closest friend, “Hey Russian… RUSSIAN, talk to me when I speak to you.” That got Maikl’s attention. Maikl stopped walking and didn’t move.
“Hey where’s the freak, what’s his name? Boys what’s his name? School emo that’s what we call him.” Maikl slowly turned around; his eyes were no longer a dark hazel, what was hazel was now red with hate. His hair stood up, even though it was short, it seemed longer than normal. You could see the veins popping out of his arm.
“Come on Maikl, try me I dare you. What are you chicken? Fine then if you won’t I will.” The kids name was Sam, and his buddies that were with him just watched their names were Brandon, Sean, Logan, Josh. They didn’t know how serious their injuries would be when they arrive at the hospital. Sam started to run at Maikl and throws as hard of a punch as he can. Maikl doesn’t even try to move.
Sam starts laughing as his fist hit Maikl in the forehead. Maikl doesn’t even flinch and just sits there, “Is that all you’ve got… Because if that is, YOURE GOING TO HAVE TO TRY A LOT HARDER.”
Maikl grabs Sam’s wrist and pulls it away from his forehead, pushes him a few feet away, and back kicks him hard. Sam flew back a few feet, “What are you doing? Would you help me, you retarded pea-brained monkeys! ” Sam’s friends were hesitant for a moment because Maikl had barely moved. They flew in to help Sam. Logan, the smallest and stupidest, throws the first punch at Maikl.
Maikl dodges and knees him in diaphragm, then releases a punch into Logan’s face that causes his face to get buried into a locker. “Ow that hurt.”
Logan got up and charges right back at Maikl and completely missed, “What the hell?” He is panting by now; “He’s so fast, I can’t even follow his movements.” He followed through with a roundhouse kick, Maikl hops back and leans back. Maikl follows through with a tackle by grabbing Logan by the throat and stomach and pushing him into the locker, the locker caved in. Maikl kept pushing something about him had changed he seemed to know no pain and hadn’t even taken any damage from any maneuver. Maikl after finished pushing Logan into the wall he pulled him out and just held him there.
“What’s wrong not winning as easily as you thought? I hope I’m not making you feel uncomfortable.”
Logan was out cold, “I’m sorry kid,” at that moment a blue sphere formed around his right hand,
“What is he!?!?” Sam yelled. The sphere was slowly getting bigger it was about the size of a bowling ball. He dropped it onto the ground and it exploded and made a huge explosion. The school they were in was no more… the smoke finally cleared; there was nothing left of what used to house four thousand kids for eight hours. Four thousand people gone in the blink of an eye. Maikl was barely visible,
“History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If Vladimir kills all of us, me Alucard, Jacob and Akira, then his truth becomes written and ours is lost. I will not let that happen… AHHHHHHHH,” a sunny day became a stormy night, power lines shattered grass died off fire was erupting from the ground, and the world was experiencing a rate ten earthquake worldwide. A red glow was emitting from where he was standing all the smoke was a brilliant red. He had formed a black and red tail.
“Ah that feels better time to die Vladimir. I’ll find you and kill you. DARN YOU!!!” Flames erupted around him. He disappeared and reappeared at a Kiba stronghold.
“All hands we have an intruder. Ubiitsa member has entered the building, do not engage until Vladimir gets back hold off until he gets back I repeat hold him off,” the person on the speaker shouted. Maikl jumped up and curled into a ball and he started to emit a red glow. Hundreds of Kiba members just stood watching in horror as a massive red ball was forming in the air.
A loud yelling was heard, “AAAAHHHHHHHH,” instantly the ball exploded and released a devastating attack blowing San Latos city: no one survived. Hundreds of thousands of people died in seconds.
He went back to normal after calming down, “So much better, I needed that out of me.”
Vladimir says, “Tonight is the night of the full moon Alucard, ready to see what happens?” Alucard stares at him, “What’s the moonlight gonna do?”
Vladimir chuckles, shaking his head slowly, “On a normal night, nothing at all, but on a night with a full moon, like tonight, it will unleash the demon in you.”
Alucard shakes his head no, “I don’t believe you.” Vladimir laughs a menacing, soul-shattering, venom-filled laugh, “Only one way to find out Alucard.” He leaves the room, pressing a button that not only removes the oxygen mask, drains the fluid, and removes the wires but it also opens the roof to reveal a full moon.
Alucard doubles over, the pain shooting through his body as the transformation begins. His muscles tighten and constrict, leaving him on all fours. He watches in horror as his mouth and nose turn into a fox’s muzzle. His already claw-like nails turn into razor sharp talons as his hands & feet change to become more like paws. His legs and soles grow, stretch, and reshape to become more like a fox’s back legs. His thin & scrawny body becomes well built, the muscles having bulged to fit the rapidly changing body. His spine shifts to where when Alucard stands he’ll be hunched over. His already protruding, sharp fangs lengthen to become like thick needles. His eyes change into red irises, almond-like-pupil fox eyes. A tuff of whitish-brown fur sticks out of his body like a shoot of bamboo coming out of the ground. The whitish-brown fur covers his body, his jet-black hair becoming a distant memory.
He roars and runs for the steel door, his claws ripping open anyone who gets in his way. He slams into the steel door, shoulder first. The door has a dime-sized dent in it from where Alucard hit it. Alucard roars enraged and attacks the door several more times, causing the door to rip off its hinges, dent inward, & fall to the ground.
Vladimir chuckles, his voice coming from an intercom system, “Come find me Alucard.” Alucard sniffs the air, his super powerful nose picking up Vladimir’s scent almost instantly. “Found you.” Alucard says, charging down the hallway. He uses his nose to lead him to Vlad. The path goes left, right, right, left, right, left, right, left, left, left and right. Alucard’s thirst for blood shed grows stronger & stronger as he nears the area where Vlad is. As he approaches the door to where Vlad is, Alucard hears a high pitched sound, a dog whistle. He roars and kicks the door in.
Vlad lashes out at Alucard, kunai in hand, a sword on his back. Alucard swiftly side steps, sending Vladimir tumbling into the hallway.
Vladimir growls, “Big mistake.” He pulls on a chain and Alucard falls backwards. Next thing Alucard knows, Vlad is on top of him clawing and cutting his face. He growls and kicks Vlad off of him. Vlad hits a wall as Alucard gets to his feet.
Alucard growls, his voice deeper than before when he says, “I’ll kill you one of these days.” He runs to and breaks the large stained glass window, the colored glass embedding itself deep into its arm. He smells the air for the nearest scent of running water. Vladimir’s guards, who’ve recently rushed in, pour in from the right, left, and front, leaving Alucard’s only exit as the window. Choosing not to fight to the death, Alucard takes two steps back & plummets to the concrete below head first.
Alucard lands, hands touching the concrete. He lashes off the ground with his hands, backflips through the air, & starts sprinting to the park on all fours, his tails flowing behind him like kites in the wind. His tails pull up dirt as he runs through back yards, front yards, and everything in between. He arrives at the park an hour and a half after breaking out of the “compound”. He looks around and spots a pond with a stream attached to it. Hurrying over to the stream, he looks to make sure he wasn’t followed. He carefully gets down next to the stream and drinks as a fox or wolf would, his tails swaying back and forth slowly as he drinks. Moments later, he hears footsteps approaching from behind. Thinking it was Vlad, he turns around, ready to fight. Instead he sees two boys, both recognizable & unrecognizable at the same time.
“Alucard,” one of the boys asks, stunned.
“What the hell happened to you?” The other boy asks, not surprised even the slightest bit.
“I went through a transformation.” Alucard says, still trying to remember them. Soon his memory comes back full force. He realizes that the first boy who spoke is Akira and the other boy is Maikl.
“Where is Jakob?” Alucard asks wonderingly.
Maikl chuckles, “Poor b*****d couldn’t make it.”
Akira stares at Maikl, “What he means is that Jakob couldn’t come, his parents wouldn’t let him.” Alucard nods in understanding. Maikl stares at Alucard for a while, a silence between the three of them.
Alucard finally breaks the silence, “What? What are you staring at me for?” Maikl says blankly, “What the hell are you, some type of dog?” Akira nods, “Yeah I was wondering that too.” He says, starting to stare. Alucard shrugs, “Apparently, I’m a demon fox. I’m guessing this is a demon fox/vampire hybrid form.”
Akira stares, dumbfounded, “A demon fox? You really think you’re a demon fox? Newsflash Alucard, demons don’t exist! What would your aunt say…?” “Don’t bring up that a** around me!” Alucard growls viciously. Alucard tackles Akira. Before he knows what he’s doing Alucard is clawing and scratching open wounds deep enough to leave scars on Akira.
Maikl drags Akira away from Alucard’s grip. “Now knock it off, both of you!” Alucard runs from the park, away from his friends, and to Club N.V. trying to escape his problems. He climbs onto the roof, which isn’t very hard because all he has to do in this form is jump, and lies on his back to watch the sunrise.
As soon as the sun hits him, Alucard changes back. He climbs off the roof and into his room through the window. His room, like the club, has a black marble floor, a black-painted roof and blood red walls. However, Instead of having gold symbols, there are Black Veil Brides, Assassin’s Creed, and Disturbed posters randomly placed on the walls.
He looks down at the rags, “Can’t wear these to school.” He changes to Black Veil Brides chain boots, black jeans, a black B.V.B. t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and a black cap with the word Disturbed on it. The hat covers his ears and the jacket covers his tails.
“This is much better,” Alucard says, leaving his room through the window. He meets up with Maikl, Akira, and Jakob on the walk to school.
Alucard looks at Akira’s scratched-up, bloody face and asks, “What happened to you,” not remembering the previous night.
Akira growls, “Like you don’t know!”
Maikl shakes his head, “You two bicker like an old married couple.” Jakob chuckles at that comment, “If you two looked alike you’d be twins.”
Alucard glares at him, shutting Jakob up for the rest of the walk. Alucard looks over at Akira “So…What happened?”
Akira snaps and knocks Alucard back, onto the concrete, “You want to know what happened? I’ll tell you what happened! You did! Now do Jakob, Maikl, & I a favor and stay the hell away from us, Alucard, Permanently!”
Alucard stares at Akira, hurt, “Fine, if you want me to leave you alone, I will.” Alucard says and runs off, taking the long way to school.
Maikl looks at Akira, “Dude that was harsh.”
Akira just shakes his head, “Shut it. You weren’t attacked by him yesterday.”
Alucard runs into the school. This school, unlike the one Maikl destroyed has high stone walls, tiled floors, a dome-shaped skylight, & stature pillars that hold up the ceiling.
Sean, coming from one of the many shadows, chuckles, “Well look who it is. Hey Brandon, Logan, come here.” Brandon and Logan step out of the shadows.
Sean continues, “Its emo boy. Where are your guards, emo boy?”
Alucard stares at the ground, “Not here.”
Sean smiles, “Good.” He takes out a pocket knife and moves up to Alucard as Brandon and Logan grab him & hold him in place.
Sean grins evilly, “Now, Alucard, you die!” with that being said, he lunges at Alucard.
- by Alucard Daemon |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/06/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Chapter two- The truth.
- Artist: Alucard Daemon
- Description: Tell me what you think, meaning LEAVE COMMENTS!
- Date: 06/06/2011
- Tags: book societys outcasts
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