She walk slowly to the hotel were Glenn Beck was staying and with each stride of her beautiful form she drew closer to the hotel. Her name was Morrigan, a beautiful Night elf women her hair was short and white as the fallen snow and her skin the most beautiful shade of royal purple you have ever seen. As she walked closer and closer to the hotel her breast large and firm bounced with each step she made and as she moved in that way all women do her a** swayed side to side in a motion demanding of the lotion (Protip: I just talked about wanking it)
Morrigan: This is the place where he is staying huh, good it won't be long now.
Morrigan walked inside the hotel it was a beautiful place, gold plated columns lined the structure and classical music rang though out the facility. However, she had no time to admire the architecture there was god's work to be done. Before she continued, though she took out a picture of a beautiful Draenei woman, Morrigan was next to her smiling and throwing up the piece sign and the Draenei women was drinking a soda and laughing.
Morrigan: I love you Julia, I do this for you for us.
She kissed the photo and put it back into her pocket. She walked to the elevator and took it the 16th floor. Soon she was upon the hotel room of Glenn Beck. She knocked and there was an answer.
Glenn Beck: what is it
Morrigan: Hello Mr. Beck I am Maria for the agency all the "pure Race" girls you asked for were held up and I'm all they could send. Now I know we Night elf girls may not be what you're into but as we say in the business "you're never too old for a new fetish"
Glenn Beck looked at the women before him he never liked the mud races if they "weren’t white they weren’t right" he always said. However, this woman was odd; her body was like none he had seen. She was so curvaceous and well endowed, the Chun li thighs, Kim kardashian a** and breast barley contained by her t-shirt. Truly, no white woman could have such a body he thought.
Glen Beck: Very well, come in.
Morrigan: Thank you Mr. Beck you will not regret it.
They walked into Glenn becks room, Glenn beck rushed to the small coffee table and took the bottle of wine and show tickets off the table before Morrigan saw them he would not have her drinking wine reserved for the pure race. He guided her to the bed.
Morrigan: wait I have a surprise for you Mr. Beck turn around will you please.
Glenn beck: Very well, whore.
She glared for a moment and began to get undressed. First her shirt then her blue jeans last she pulled out her member, it was flaccid but soon became firm she smiled the time had come for vengeance.
Morrigan: Ok turn around!
As the right wing, retard turned around he saw her in all her glory. However, it took him a minute to notice her d**k. Horror and wonder filled his eyes. (Protip: She has a p***s)
Glenn beck: what sick joke is this, I am calling the GANKKKKKK…!
Morrigan knees Glenn beck in his fat giggly stomach. He drops like a sack full of sand. As he lies in pain, Morrigan takes off his pants and positions herself behind him. With a rub or two she is engorged enough to enter his meaty manhole. (Protip: Butt sex)
Morrigan: Hey wanna here a story? Oh sorry slipped out hold on "There we go" all good. So where was oh yeah? A story.
Glenn beck did not hear the story she was telling he was too focused on the intense pleasure he felt now. She ******** like a liberal he could tell no Neo Con ******** like that. He had never had a woman who was young or attractive it was always old flabby Tea Partiers or greasy haired fox news junkies. Now Joseph Smith God of the Mormons had given him a true woman that was all he had dreamed about. p***s or not this was the most amazing woman he had ever been ******** by.
Glenn Beck: I want more o………….
Morrigan gave him a swift and brutal right hook to the back of the head.
Morrigan: Shut up highborn.
As she hit the back of his head, she let loose a torrent of warm Night elf woman j**z. In addition, with that she exited Glenn becks sore meat vortex. She stood up and kicked his a**.
Morrigan: Get up highborn; you want some milk of human kindness. I got plenty to give.
Glenn Beck: Yes goddess please I want more you have showed me all that is good comes from your seed.
Morrigan grabbed a glass from the coffee and began to jack off in it (seriously people do that in them glasses beware!!!) Glenn beck watch in pure awe and wonder as Morrigan wanked it into the glass. Her power and grace both commanding and loving soon she shot another hot torrent of lady j**z into the glass.
Glenn beck: and so soon, after your last release, Please goddess let me have some of your exalted seed
Morrigan: no not yet, you have to drink it on the balcony in front of everyone.
Glenn beck nodded and walked to the balcony with Morrigan but as she handed him the glasses she threw it over the balcony into the street.
Morrigan: Ooops hahaha butter fingers
Glenn beck cannot stand life without the seed of his goddess and soon throws himself off the balcony in pursuit of her exalted seed. He falls into the street his tongue out stretched in hopes to land upon the split seed. Just then, a truck runs over him killing him instantly Morrigan smiles vengeance is sweet.
Suddenly her Vox link begins to buzz.
Doom: hey "baby blue" we got ten plus foot mobiles closing in on your position.
Morrigan: s**t how did they get the word so fast?
Doom: HVT like beck have a heart monitor in their body, once that thing goes dark they call in strike teams to recover the body and kill who ever did the deed. And that's you "Baby Blue".
Morrigan: well then, you got a mark on my position.
Doom: yeah 16th floor balcony and…..Holy s**t DAT a**! God blue there is no way I am letting you die the dark gods would hold it against me if I let such a marvelous a** fall into the void.
Morrigan: Oh, that is so sweet! What is the plan Doom?
Doom: I placed snipers around the hotel the hostiles will not get within spitting distance of you. Just head out the back and well have transport for you to Canada. Sound Good?
Morrigan: Sounds great see ya at the border, Have fun doom.
Doom: Ha, ha you know it, doom out.
- by Her Killer |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/21/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Warcraft/Glenn Beck Fan fic
- Artist: Her Killer
OK if i don't get banned for this there is no justice and evil can go unhindered though the world of Gaia online.
Also if you like the thing i do here my deviant art account
http://bloodkillington.deviantart.com/ - Date: 12/21/2010
- Tags: warcraft glennbeck futa
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