Kath, Aimee, and Trish were at the library on a Friday night. They were working on there thesis that was due on monday. Being busy working on it, they didn't noticed that time warped and it was already past midnight. They were the only people left there. They decided to divide the work and just meet up tomorrow, and they hurriedly packed there things and darted to the librarian's desk to log out. The librarian was no where to be found and the library was locked already. It was dark outside. The librarian's purse and the library's keys were still on the table.
A book drop from one of the shelves and Aimee screeched. Kath and Trish remained calm and held Aimee. Trish grabbed the keys while Kath and Aimee picked the book and read the title "Tomorrow May Never Come". They were petrified. Kath, who was holding the book, opened it and they saw photos of dead people. Kath dropped the book and they ran towards Trish while screaming. The three of them hurriedly went to the door but the door was not in it's normal place. Odd, but the door was at the end of the room.
They opened the door and more books started dropping. The books made loud noises that made there heart beat harder. As they passed through the door, they found out that there was no way out. The other side of the door showed a huge library with floating books and dead bodies on the floor. The library was only lighted by candles. The girls panicked and were scattered in the huge library. Books started hitting them that made them stoned. And the next thing they know, they were being burned by the undead bodies.
That morning, the girls were found at the library. They were insane. Kath was pulling her hair and banging her head hardly on the wall and her eyes were rolling. Aimee and Trish on the other hand were eating each other's flesh and there bones were already starting to show.

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