"Listen. And understand. That a Xenomorph is out there, it can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead…"
Fuyumi took in the cold air. Winters weren't that great, but they always beat out the heat. Which she sometimes enjoyed, the only thing she hated about winter was the cold slow melting snow that blanketed the vivid green grass and patches of gray. All that mattered at this point was reaching Katie's house for a surprise visit. But since Fuyumi was failed at planning things thoroughly… so she was forced to hike over to Katie's house in the blistering cold.
"s**t, I should have planned something" she seethed darkly. "s**t on all that opposes me." Fuyumi could have waited until summer to visit Katie, she could have. But both were to be extremely busy and unable to see each other until next year, sadly by then Fuyumi would probably be spending the whole summer at river Ranch as a counselor to little girls whose parents didn't want them around for a few days or a week. She sighed, she had not been in Carnation or at River Ranch for years and next summer would be a good excuse to be there.
Fuyumi sighed away that wondrous thought and looked at the sheet of paper she had printed instructions on. From what she read, it had told her she wasn't very far from Katie's house. She smirked and checked the time on her beaten cellphone; 3:20pm the phone had read out in red lettering. She sighed and stuffed it back into her pocket. "Like I told Jayme~" she stated in a sing-song voice, almost tasting vomit by doing this. "I can so live without electronics." She swallowed the bile and continued treading in the snow to Katie's house.
In decent sense, Fuyumi was a young woman, last month she had turned 16 and regardless of anything, she actually did forget what they did for her birthday. All she could remember was something about the mall, pancakes and laughing about a cheesecake that was being eaten for dinner. She always did laugh at that. Fuyumi's bangs were slightly framed almost lining up with the rest of her dark brunette hair, her bangs were originally a dark brown but was changed when she dyed it blue and now it was just a simple golden yellow that now highlighted the rest of her hair and showed her blue eyes more vividly then before. Fuyumi's sense of fashion was always little off, but she always wore a blue tank top and a pair of ripped jeans, over the tank top she wore a gray RIVERSIDE T-shirt and she sometimes wore a thick gray jacket to keep warm during the winter. This always messed up her appearance in height, but it never bothered her. She was always the complete opposite of her Older sister and even know she was meeting Katie today for the first time, one could instantly tell that the two were different in everything, but similar in interests. But what most people liked about Fuyumi was that she was playful when she jacked her friend's jackets.
Her friend; Katie was a wondrous person to talk to and among things, she was a blond who left her down at all costs and her bangs stuck to whatever fit her own natural style, it hung around her shoulders and swung whenever she ran or walked. She had bright vivid green eyes that were simply brightened due to her blond hair. But looks were always deceiving among many people; a lot of people considered every blond that they met were dumb and fussy all because of the stupid dumb blond jokes, but no. Katie wasn't like that and in an honest truth, she was a lot smarter then most people her age. Despite that, Katie was an extremely funny person to talk to whenever you felt depressed. From what Fuyumi had heard about Katie was that she enjoyed reading and loved to draw whenever she got the chance to do it. From the pictures Fuyumi had seen of Katie, Katie always seemed to wear a shoulder-less orange long sleeved shirt, it had black buttons that connected the shirt together and spilt down the bottom showing a black under piece to the shirt. She even wore black pants to match her shirt; her shoes from what Fuyumi had seen were Gray and black. This struck out Katie's personality showing that she was a bright and cheery person while being intelligent, despite what other people say.
"Excuse me Miss, would you like a ride?" a man stated, pulling up slowly in a white pick-up truck next to Fuyumi.
Fuyumi looked up at the man and just smiled at him. "No thanks, I'm almost to where I'm heading to" She said. "Thanks"
"Okay than Miss. You be careful now" he said driving away.
Fuyumi blinked, watching the pick up drive away in a speedy fashion; after the truck vanished, Fuyumi shrugged it off and continued her way through the snow covered ground. Fuyumi was one of those people who viewed life like a novel or a movie, namely a horror movie or novel and upon knowing stranger danger too. Getting a ride with some man could result in something terrible. Smarts were better then stupidity and common knowledge. But Fuyumi never viewed herself as someone who was in possible danger, namely because she didn't think of herself as someone that was very attractive among all other things and she was very sure that Katie probably thought the same thing.
The wind blew harshly and Fuyumi looked up. Nothing the sign on the corner road, she was extremely close. In excitement she ran over to a faded green house labeled 960. Upon reaching the house steps, she took a deep breath and then knocked. Movement bustled about inside the house and then the door swung wide open, to reveal a girl who was a few inches shorter then her; she had blond hair & vivid green eyes. She wore Black pants and an orange off shoulder shirt. Her eyes wide in surprise and shock, a grin spread on Fuyumi's face. This girl was the exact splitting image of what she saw in the pictures that Katie had showed her on Windows Chat.
"FUYUMI!" She screamed happily hugging Fuyumi. Fuyumi smiled and hugged her back for a good six seconds before letting her go.
"Good to see you too" Fuyumi laughed, patting the blond on the head.
"Well it's a first! I've never met you in person until today! Why didn't you tell me you were visiting?!" Katie exclaimed feeling very mutual about what was going on.
"Well, I wanted to surprise you and I did." Fuyumi said shivering in the cold. The air in Ohio was bitter and hateful, in a way that not even Fuyumi's thickest coat could keep it out. At the moment, Ohio was like a mini Alaska. "God its bloody cold" Fuyumi said, limiting herself on the cold and harsh grammar.
"Ah, right." Katie said apologetically to Fuyumi. "Come on in."
Fuyumi smiled happily at Katie. "If you say so" she stated cautiously stepping into Katie's house. Fuyumi was one of those people that always felt entirely uncomfortable in somebody's house, namely someone who she met for the first time and being in their house wasn't always the greatest feeling. But Fuyumi bulked up and ignored that nervous trait about her. As Katie stepped into Katie's house, a shiver ran up her spine for unknown reasons, but she threw it aside to enjoy a visit with Katie before she checked in at the Hotel in the next town over.
"So how'd you get here Fuyumi?" Katie asked handing her some Coco. "I mean I didn't hear or see a car pull in…"
Fuyumi smiled and took a swift sip from her Coco that Katie had given her. "Well, I came here by plane and I'm just glad that I'm no longer on that metal flying death trap." Fuyumi started beginning her long conversation with Katie.
Acid Blood Chapter 1
This Story is and has been PURELY MADE as a FANFICTION!!!
meaning that all in here may not be entirely correct and the history of the Company is UNKNOWN towards my knowledge and towards the other Fans of the ALIENS Universe. At this point I am JUST GUESSING AT HOW THE COMPANY GOT STARTED therefore my theory is NOT ACCURATE to the ALIENS Original concept.
Can be found on DA and Fanfiction.net by Fuyumi-kun/Lady Fuyumi
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