She was waiting outside the high school for her friend."Man he's going to make me late again."She said."Alex!Alex!You have to see this!"Said the boy."Not now Eric im waiting for Paul to come so we can go swimming in the creek."Said Alex."B-b-but this will only take a few mins. Come on you know you want to." Said Eric. he shook his hand in front of her face.Eric im staying here." Alex said in a mad voice. She hit his hand away and sighed."Alex for once won't you listen to me." Eric said.he started to walk away.Alex looked around."Eric?" Alex said."yes?"Said Eric.Alex walked up to Eric even if she was only 5ft 3 and him 6ft 0 she could kick his butt."I'm going with you."Alex said with a smile on her face."Alright! Now thats what i wanna hear."
They walked down the dirt road to the old tree house they made when they were 5 and 6.Alex looked to her right."Eric? Did you hear that?"Alex asked him."No"Eric said.Then some big ugly monster thing jumped out of a tree it run over to Alex picked her up and ran away."Eric help me!!!!!!"Alex yelled.Eric ran after them but he was to slow.Then something ran right pasted him it was so fast but what was it.
Something had hit the monster hit it so hard it let Alex go."what the heck was that?!"aAlex asked herself."I am Tabor your hero of the day."said the boy."Oh ok and im the tooth fairy come on dude get real ." Alex said in a joking voice.Tabor hit the monster up and then he hit it high to the sky."Well that will cost you 100$ miss." He walked over to her."What?!I don't have that kind of money."Alex said in a mad voice.
find out what happens in the next book hope you liked this one
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
the two love brids
Alex a 15 year old girl who finds a boy named Tabor who saves her life. Now she has to pay him back for saving hr. But he starts to fall in love with her. Monsters come out of no where so now Tabor and Alex have to keep the monsters away from Holly Town.
Book 1 of 3 Books
(if you like this one)
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