- September , 2010 i was walking with my best friend and two crushes who are just adorable but i heard shooting may i put in my two crushes are twins and then all of a suden a band bang bang my best friend got shot!I was crying as we rushed her to the hospital with my mom and dad happily married.Sniffle "Please don't die on me we were friends ever since daycare and younger born on the same day practically sisters same hospital im one second younger than you we have history!Your my sister almost and best friend!"i said.All of a suden beeeeeeep!"Sorry you need to clear the room!"the docters said."But i can't go without her!"i cried!"Well to be with her long let us do our job and back off."My mother pulls me out."It's time to go missy you need rest i got a dinner tonight her parents will be here i need you to watch the baby and house goodnight!".I'm home alone and the baby is sleeping with me tonight but i can only think of my bff.I wake up in the morning and my parents are downstairs."Good news sweety we are rich now i have all the requirements for the new job wich meens you will have alot of choices all the time for ballet and school but better home alone so you can have more friends over but make sure that they dont damage anything and stuff."she said."Oh yeah i forgot you will be home alone with our butler alot."she added on and on.I knew my mom was young and only 28 but she was acting like some weird teenager.So we all packed once i was settle i went to the hospital to see my bff she was in rehab they said starting to train her mustles.I was filled with joy to see her alive with her parents so i went to see her."Hey Fiona how are you feeling!"i said."Much better than before guess what i am going home today i will visit once and a while to see how my progress and recovery is going they said be careful."she replied."Well we have to goto school."I said.Me and her parents helped her up and we they dropped us off.While we were in study hall passing notes i told her my good news.Her face all of a suden changed when i told her into a blank expression almost a mixture as she saw somthing scary and almost like a omg face."Whats wrong?"i said."Nothing nothing i am very happy for you a little shocked but happy."she replied."Fiona i didn't even mean it like that i'm sorry it's not my opinion my life is changing my parents realy even don't care much about me your the closest thing i have."i said silently."Look i just am plain happy for you it is not like me okay i have just been through alot lately and i am off guard so don't blame me be happy."the belled ring she ran off.I went to my locker and got some things out.What a weird scene when i see her flirting with my crushes!i stopped and listened at the door."So how about we catch a movie you know that girl Mena the one who parents got the job offers she likes you ad your brother and she is a tramp look i did't say it flat out look all im saying is that she is a goodie tooshoes you can do better and im your type so get with me after the movie and we can make real magic."she said."Um okay see you later have sumtin that makes me say wow baby!"he replied.Tears ran down my face and i wait until they move and i go to second study hall for my credits."Hey Mena i am going to have ask my parents can you sleep over just us two like we are 4 again."she said.In my mind i was thinking about what she had said earlier about me to my crush and her being that kind of person.But instead i said "Okay my parents don't care anyways."Next day it was time for ballet practice i had her over.After that we went swimming her foot had got caught on something i don't know what but we were under a dock with one boat she was drowning i went down and brought her to shore and pumped her stomache until she coughed up water.So she went home the next night was the sleepover she invited me to her parents were gone i was in her bed room waiting texting on my phone i was worried as heck i was thinking where is she now is she okay will she come home i was all alone in this cruel world.Then i here the door open i text brb.Then i see her making out on the couch with my crush "Hey!What are you doing why are you doing this your better than that Fiona!"i said.She gets up."You know i ♥ him and me and him have history i see i can't hang with you and him anymore."I pack and go home.As i lay down on my bed resting my head im filled with sorrow i didnt cry butler is gone i can only despise.My parents are 3,000,000 miles away so not like comfort is here.I change my hair to look crazy.I went to practice oh snap i said in my mind."I have to practice my guitar o well i guess i wont have good sleep or eat."I went to my concert and all of a suden *thud* i collapsed.Good thing that somebody had seen me lying on the ground and took me to the hospital.I woke up to a hot boy."Am i in heaven i see a angel."i said."No cutie you collapsed.My name is Zaquan do you know why you collapsed?"he said."Well....."i went on."Thats why you pushed yourself to hard don't do it again you need to relax.What school do you go to? Mediting you know that middle school by the coast." "I go there too we should hang out sometime and get together do you have any friends?"he said "No i am all stressed out and seperated from my family cus they are playing a big company and have inportant lives."i respond.Next day we are hanging in school and i see my enemy.We are deep in the woods."Hey i have to admit these pass few months have been the best months of my life i love spending time with you i wanna always be together with you i am sorry but i kept a secret i am a vampire i didn't tell you i wanna change you but i won't unless you spend your life with me forever will you marry me and we can be happy! : to be continued

- Title: Cruel Fait
- Artist: mommymeme
- Description: interesting
- Date: 06/06/2010
- Tags: cruel fait
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