- Stupid mornings, There always to bright. He said get out of bed. He turn on the news * Another vampire attack, the vampire took out five gaurds and three soilders.* jack let out a triedsome sigh. "These vampires just might be more peaceful if we didnt treat like some plage." Jacks cell phone rings. "Hello?" jack awsner. "Hey man want to get some food at the new place." Dan asked. "Yeah but your paying, Come get me in like a hour."Jack said then hang up. Jack got dress and ready, Then the news said. *been warn of vampires, The sign of a vampire are pale skin, bright eye color,and the are force by law to were a red ban some were on them that is visable* Click, Jack turn off the tv and hear dan yell for him to come on.Jack got in the car. "So what dose this place sever?" jack ask "the normal, hamburgers, fries, and soda. But i heard this place is awsome and cheap to eat at." Dan respawned. "Cool." That all jack said til they got to the restrant. They went in and it look like a mom and pop place." Hi come with me to your seat." The waiter said, they just followed and order there food. "Be right out with your order." the waiter said. "So jack have you heard of these vampires attacks?" Dan asked. "Yeah but i bet there not as bad as everyone makes them." jack awsnered. Then a lovly girl cought jacks eye, she was wearing a red dress and a red ban on her arm. She walk to jack. "Hi im crystal, Mine if i set with you?" Crystal ask. "not at all." jack respawn then he ask. "are you a vampire?" "Why yes I am but I'm clamer then others" she said. Dan whisper to jack " Hey man im not so sure about her im going heres some money for the food." Dan left. Then crystal started to cry. " Hey whats the matter?" Jask asked. "Every one runs from me, Cause im a stupid vampire. I never wish to be one but it happen. It's all the stupid other vampires that make us look bad." Jack put his arm around crystal and said "Im not going to run, im not afraid." Crystal look up at him whipping the tears away "thank you." she said. Then a vampire ran in the place looking like jack. The vampire died on jack table, But the army was following and bust in the place "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" one of the soilders yell at jack. Then jack try to run but the army fired at jack killing him. "huh i thought they got me?" jack asked. crystal was over his body with blood dripping from her mouth and hands "they did then i got them and then i got you. I hope you dont get mad at me." crystal said. "Why?" jack asks " You are the frist to care for me so i want to be care for so much that i could help my self." Crystal said then started to cry again. Jack whip the tears way and kiss her on the lips " We should go then, They wont let it that go and they are going to hunt us now." Jack said "Your going to leave your friends for me?" Crystal ask. " There not my friend cause they want me to be them and hate vampires." Jack said grabing her hand, throwing the money on the table, and run away with her. "Where are we going?" Crystal asked. "anywhere the wind takes us." Jack awsnered. Crystal just look at him and montion her head ok.

- Title: vampire part one
- Artist: fire48
- Description: tell me if i should keep going on this story or not and i know the end kinda sucks but im not good with endings
- Date: 03/06/2010
- Tags: vampire part
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