Part 21
Ji Won walked down the aisle looking at the 5 new candidates. He nodded his head as he studied them.
“Pretty good,” he said to them. “Alright,” he clapped his hands for attention. “All of you know how it’s done. Jae Jin and Jae Duc will jump each of you in. If you’re still standing after 5 minutes, then welcome to SechsKies.”
Only 2 of the 5 guys lasted when Jae Jin and Jae Duc were done beating them up. “Okay,” said Sung Hoon. The two newest members to join is—“
“Wait!” shouted a voice, interrupting Sung Hoon. Everyone looked over to see who it was.
Ji Won stared at the young boy who was walking towards them. ‘What the hell? Damn! This kid looks like Mina!’ he thought. ‘I must be losing it. How come I keep seeing her today?’
Sung Hoon looked at the new boy curiously. “Yes? What do you want little man?”
I looked at Sung Hoon. ‘Gosh, he developed an attitude’, I thought. I took a deep breath. This is it. “I want to join SechsKies.”
A guy I recognized as Jang Su Won busted out laughing. He placed his hand on top of my head. “You? How old are you boy? 15? 16? And how tall are you now? 5’?”
I moved his hand for him. “No. I’m 18 and I’m not 5’, I’m 5’3.” That remark made all the other members laugh, except Ji Won. I looked at him curiously and realized he was checking me out.
‘Oh no’, I thought. ‘Please don’t recognize me’.
Ji Won held up his hand for the others to stop laughing. “Hey, if he wants a chance, then we’ll give it to him.”
Then he turned to face me. I felt my heart thumping loud and prayed he couldn’t hear it. He placed his hand on my shoulder. Dang, he smells good, I thought as I tried to suppress a smile.
“Look kid,” said Ji Won to me. “You have to be jumped in to join. These 2 guys (pointing to Jae Jin and Jae Duc) will kick the crap out of you for 5 minutes. If you’re still standing, you’re in.”
I nodded my head. I knew I had to last because I’m doing it all for Ji Won. I stood there as Jae Duc and Jae Jin began to hit me. Jae Jin threw the first punch and it gave me instant pain. He’s even stronger than my stepmom, I thought. Jae Duc kicked me and I was knocked to the ground but I kept pulling myself up.
Ji Won looked at the helpless boy who was struggling to stand up. He doesn’t understand why but when he looks at the boy, images of Mina replaced him. Right now in his eyes, it looked like it was Mina being beaten up by Jae Jin and Jae Duc. He couldn’t help it.
“Stay down!” he yelled to the boy. Everyone stared at Ji Won. Both Jae Jin and Jae Duc stopped hitting the boy because they were surprised that Ji Won was being nice out of nowhere.
I heard Ji Won yelling for me to stay down. My ears listened but my legs wouldn’t. I refused to stay down. No matter how many times they hit me or how hard, I managed to get up. Finally 5 minutes was over and I was still standing.
“Am I in?” I asked in a weak voice. I saw Ji Won staring at me with a surprised expression.
“Yes, you’re in.” he said patting my shoulder. I smiled and fainted into his arms.
Ji Won held the boy, surprised. He realized the boy had fainted. Usually he would have let go if someone fainted on him, but this time he held on tight.
The other 5 Kies members looked and the 2 new recruits looked at Ji Won with queeried eyes. “Uh, hyung,” said Sung Hoon, as he patted Ji Won on the shoulder.
“What?” asked Ji Won, as he continued holding the boy.
“What should we do about the new recruits?”
“Give them instructions and show them to their rooms. We’ll have a meeting tomorrow.”
They all left but once in a while, they all would glance back looking at Ji Won, who was carrying the boy in the other direction.
Part 22
Slowly I began to regain my consciousness and I woke up. I looked around and realized I was in the biggest room in the Nam Hotel. The Presidential Suite.
“What am I doing in here?” I asked myself. Then suddenly the chair in front of me spun around. Ji Won was sitting in it. I stared at him with wide eyes. I started to panic because I was all alone with him in the room.
Ji Won gave me a sideways glance. “You okay?” he asked. I nodded my head. Ji Won got up out of his seat and walked towards me. He sat down on the bed next to me and looked at me straight in the eyes. “So what’s your name?” he asked.
“Mi-“ I began but instantly cut myself off. ‘Stupid, I thought to myself. You almost said your real name!’ I saw Ji Won’s eyes grow wide.
“What did you say your name was?”
“Min-Sung,” I answered him quickly.
“Oh,” he said and backed away from me.
Ji Won stood up and walked towards the window, looking outside. He knew the new recruit was a boy but somewhere inside him wished Min Sung would say his name was Mina. He let out a sigh.
“There’s a meeting tomorrow. Be there okay?”
I looked at Ji Won with his back facing me. It had only been 2 years but I felt as though I couldn’t read what was going on in his mind anymore. I let out a sigh myself. “Ji Won, where do we meet later tomorrow?”
The call of his real name made Ji Won suddenly look up. He ran over to where Min Sung was sitting and grabbed him by his shoulders. “How do you know my real Korean name? No one knows me by that. Everyone calls me Matthew.”
Oh no, I thought. I had completely forgotten that Ji Won had changed his name to Matthew but I thought fast. “I didn’t know your name as Ji Won. All I said was, ‘Gee, wanna go out later tomorrow?’
I felt Ji Won’s grip on me loosen. He had bought the story. When he was looking, I let out a sigh of relief.
‘I’m losing it,’ thought Ji Won. “We’ll meet in the main dining room tomorrow,” Ji Won told Min Sung. He nodded his head and left. Ji Won walked out to the balcony and looked up at the sky.
“I love you Mina, that’s why it hurts so much that you’re not here.”
But the real Mina had left before she could have heard those words
Part 23
Meanwhile back in the hotel lobby…
After Sung Hoon and the others gave the new recruits instructions and about the meeting, they all went back to their rooms.
“You think there’s something wrong with Matthew hyung?” asked Jae Jin.
“Yeah,” said Jae Duc. “Did you see the way he held the new guy?”
They began to shudder.
“No, it’s nothing,” answered Sung Hoon.
“You think maybe Matthew is gay?” asked Ji Yong.
“You’re the one who looks gay,” said Jae Duc, jokingly.
“Shut up!” yelled Ji Yong as he punched Jae Duc lightly.
The others began to laugh. Then Su Won said, “Could be though. I never saw him ‘be’ with a girl before.”
Sung Hoon lets out a sigh. “Okay, I’ll tell you guys the real deal. But don’t let this get back to Matthew okay?” They all nodded and leaned forward to hear the story.
“It was like 5 years ago when Matthew hyung met this girl named Nam Mina….”
“She a babe?” asked Jae Duc, interrupting.
Sung Hoon gave him a look. “Yes, Duckie, she’s a babe.”
“Oh, okay,” said Jae Duc. “Continue.”
“Anyways, Matthew knew her before he met me. It turns out that she was the first person who ever really cared about him and Matthew fell in love with her. But you know how hyung is. He could never tell anyone exactly what’ s on his mind or how he feels. Instead of saying he wants Mina to be his girlfriend, he said he wants her to be his dongsang—“
“That’s stupid!” yelled Jae Duc, interrupting Sung Hoon. “Why did he say that for? She’s a babe!”
“Sh..!” yelled Jae Jin, Ji Yong, and Su Won at Jae Duc.
Sung Hoon continued. “Well, Matthew ended up having this blood ceremony with her. They scarred each other’s back with their initial. It looks like a blood tie but later on I found out it was his symbol of promised love-“
“Ow..that must have hurt,” said Jae Duc, as he hugged himself. Jae Jin smacked him on the head for interrupting again.
“I think they knew each other for a year before they met me. At first I thought Mina was cute, but then by the way Matthew acts, I can tell she was off limits. See, Mina had this heart condition where air would suddenly be closed off and she couldn’t breathe. The only way to get air in was by this respirator—“
“The one hyung always carry?” asked Jae Duc.
“Yes Duckie,” said Sung Hoon, rolling his eyes. “Anyways, it was either that or mouth to mouth. Once when Matthew went collecting shells for Mina, I was walking along the shores with her. One of her attacks came on. I freaked out of course, but I knew what to do. I laid her down and I was about to give her CPR but then Matthew ran the speed of light and knocked me into the ocean and he gave her CPR.”
The others started laughing.
“Dang, ain’t he a Romeo?” said Jae Duc, laughing.
Sung Hoon smiled. “It’s cause he loves Mina and didn’t want any other guy touching he. I mean, during school, if any guy talks about wanting to date her, Matthew made sure he didn’t. Oh yeah, Matthew hyung hasn’t always been Matthew. His real name is Ji Won. The ‘M’ scar on his back stands for Mina, not Matthew.”
The others opened their mouths in shock. They never knew Ji Won had been this much in love before.
“How romantic,” whispered Jae Duc.
“Shut up hyung,” said Ji Yong. “Quit interrupting!”
“Okay, okay,” said Jae Duc, blocking himself from Jae Jin’s hand.
Sung Hoon began talking.
“If there are no more interruptions, then I’ll continue.” He paused for a second and then continued. “The day before Matthew and I made it to Korea, he and Mina were supposed to get married. Matthew didn’t like his dad and there was this feud in their family on who gets the grandpa’s inheritance. Matthew got it, of course, and he took it all and left Hawaii. He took me and he was planning on taking Mina too. When he went to her house though, his uncle’s men were guarding the place and he couldn’t take her. He ended up leaving Hawaii without saying goodbye to Mina.”
All of them remained silent.
Then Su Won spoke. “Last year hyung sent me out to get some news on Nam Mina. She had died drowning.”
Sung Hoon nodded. “Yeah but Matthew and I think she committed suicide. He think it’s because Mina can’t handle living with her stepmom, who always abuse her. If you ask me, I think Mina committed suicide because Matthew left her without any reason. I think hyung thinks that too but he won’t say it. I think he blames himself for her death and since then he hasn’t been the same. He used to be nicer and not this touchy. Also that’s why he’s never been with another girl. I mean, we see him flirt with other girls but none of us actually see him ‘be’ with another girl right?”
The others nodded in agreement. Sung Hoon continued. “About this new boy today. I think Matthew is losing it. He probably thinks when he sees the boy he is see—“
Sung Hoon stopped talking as he looked up. He finished his sentence with a “—See you later!” and he ran off.
Part 24
The others looked up surprised. Jae Jin smacked Jae Duc on his head.
“What?” asked Jae Duc. “I didn’t interrupt!”
“It’s not Duckie’s fault,” said Ji Yong. “Look.” Ji Yong pointed to where Sung Hoon ran off too.
“Aigo,” said Jae Jin. “It’s that same waitress babe.”
“See?” said Jae Duc. “It’s cause of a girl, not me. You hit me by mistake.”
“No, it’s not a mistake. I still wanna smack your head cause it makes this cool hollow sound,” replied Jae Jin as he smacked Jae Duc on his head again.
“So, wanna go out sometime?” Sung Hoon asked Kyung Hee, leaning near her. She rolled her eyes at him.
She answered flatly, “No” and began to leave.
Sung Hoon held onto her arm. “Come on babe. X-mas is next month and don’t be a scrooge.”
Then suddenly, Kyung Hee gave him a seductive smile. “I guess. How about we go out on November 31st then?”
Sung Hoon gave her a sexy smile back. “It’s a date then,” he answered, letting her go. The other 4 walked up to him.
“How’d it go Mickey?” asked Su Won.
“Hey, hey, what can I say?” answered Sung Hoon cockily. “I’m the man!”
Jae Jin gave him a high-five.
“Alright!” yelled Jae Duc. “When you 2 going out?”
“November 31st,” answered Sung Hoon.
“Uh, Mickey,” said Ji Yong. “Sup Ji Yong?” said Sung Hoon.
“November doesn’t have a 31st.”
“What?” asked Sung Hoon, surprised. He looked at the calendar. November ended on the 30th. He looked around but Kyung Hee had already left. He started cursing while the others tried to hold back their laughter.
November 23, 1998
“This meeting of SechsKies is now in session,” announced Ji Won to the main members of the group, along with the new recruits. His voice got their attention and they quickly focused their attention on Ji Won.
Ji Won looked to see if Min Sung was there. He was. Ji Won gave a little smile to him. He didn’t know why but when he looks at Min Sung his mind would replace Min Sung’s face with Mina’s.
“So any new business?” he asked the members.
“Yes,” answered Jae Jin. “The Black Dragons have killed some of our members and took away some of our businesses.”
“Damn it!” yelled Ji Won as he pounded his fist on the table. “We’ll just have to see that this Black Dragon matter will be solved. Mickey you, Ji Yong, Su Won, and the 2 new recruits deal with the businesses. Jae Jin, Jae Duc, and Min Sung will come with me.” Everyone looked at Ji Won strangely.
Sung Hoon began to speak. “Uh, hyung. You want to take Min Sung along?”
Ji Won glared at him. “Yeah. Anyone here have any objections?” No one answered. “Meeting adjourned,” announced Ji Won and everyone went to work.
Part 25
I followed the Black Kies to a dark alley. I was surprised Ji Won wanted to take me along, considering I was one of the weakest members. I thought I would get to work with the White Kies in businesses.
“Hey kid,” said Jae Duc to me. “What is it?”
He handed me a gun. “Use this to protect yourself.”
My eyes widened as I held the cold metal. ‘Please don’t let me use it’, I prayed silently.
Ji Won walked over to Min Sung. “Okay, the coleaders of Black Dragons are meeting around here. You’ll recognize them by the dragon tattoos on their arms. If you see them, just shoot them as they come out.”
“But Matthew hyung, I—“ but my words were cut off the sound of gunshots.
“Get down!” yelled Ji Won as he covered me. Then he started firing. I covered my ears and watched Ji Won in disbelief. He had shot 4 people and killed 3. Ji Won stood up smiling.
I couldn’t believe it. I was in love with a cold-blooded killer. Jae Jin and Jae Duc killed some other members and Ji Won told them to kill every single Black Dragon member.
One Black Dragon member lay hurt on the ground. Ji Won pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and pointed a gun to his head. “Tell me who’s your leader punk or else I’ll blow your brains out.”
The young boy was whimpering. I felt sorry for him. “Please don’t kill me. My leader is Eun Tae Won.”
“Who the hell is that?” asked Ji Won angrily. “What the hell does he have against me?”
“He’s the godson of Mr. Eun, who’s one of the heirs of the Eun Hotel Empire and he came to get the inheritance back from you.”
I listened to what the boy was saying. I never knew that Ji Won’s uncle had a godson. From what I had heard, Ji Won’s uncle had passed away 2 months ago and he had an heir. ‘The heir is the leader of Black Dragon’, I figured out. “That b*****d,” said Ji Won. “He’s dead and he still has someone after me.” When Ji Won wasn’t looking, the Black Dragon boy had pulled out a knife, ready to stab Ji Won.
I didn’t have time to think so I reacted instantly. I shot the boy. He fell back in pain but managed to get up and run away. Ji Won looked at me surprised. He gave me a smile. “Good job, Min Sung,” he said walking over to me and patted me on the back. I was appalled at what I had done. I couldn’t answer him so I just handed him back the gun.
Just then Jae Jin and Jae Duc came back to us. “Got them all hyung,” said Jae Jin smiling as he did fancy handwork with his gun. "Good,” said Ji Won. “Min Sung here just saved my life. I knew it was a good idea to bring him along.”
“Really?” asked Jae Duc. “Nice work kid.” Then he punched me lightly on the shoulder.
When we made it back to the hotel, I ran into my room using my respirator and swallowed a pill. Afterwards, I took a shower. I felt so dirty because what I had done. I knew this was going to be only one of the many dirty work I would have to do to stay with Ji Won.
Part 26
A few months later…
During this time, since I saved Ji Won’s life, he began to trust me more and confided in me with everything. I was like his new best friend. SechsKies continued traveling to many places and recruited new members.
More war between SechsKies and Black Dragons broke out. Many businesses were shut down and more members were killed from both sides. All the blood shed and fighting was getting to me but I held on. All the members of SechsKies accepted me but sometimes I overhear them whisper that I’m gay. I didn’t care as long as I had Ji Won.
April 30, 1999
Finally, after many days of hard work, SechsKies finally got a day of rest. The leaders always hang out together but Ji Won always included me. We were at this fancy restaurant and were all having a good time. Jae Duc was telling us funny jokes. He stopped in the middle of a joke as he saw the Black Dragon leaders enter the restaurant.
Tension was felt by everyone. The Black Dragons sat down across from us. Ji Won and Tae Won were giving each other glares.
Underneath the tables, we pulled out our guns. I knew the Black Dragons were doing the same. We didn’t know which side fired the first shot but before we knew it, bullets were flying everywhere.
Ji Won covered me as we ran out of the restaurant safely. We met up with the other 5 Kies in a dark alley. The Black Dragons were still chasing us.
“Damn it hyung! What should we do?” asked Jae Jin. “Kill them all!” shouted Ji Won.
“There are too many,” Ji Yong shouted back. “Let’s just hide out in this motel.” We all ran and hid in this cheap motel’s restaurant. The Black Dragons lost us and continued searching.
“I don’t believe this!” said Ji Won furiously. “I, Matthew Eun, of SechsKies have to hide down here in this cockroach motel like I’m a dog or something!”
“Calm down,” I said to him gently, patting his back. “It’s not so bad.”
“Yeah hyung,” said Sung Hoon. “It’s only for one night. Besides, we’ll make them pay for this.”
All of us looked around. There was only one bed. I could tell none of us wanted the floor because it was disgusting and reeked of something. “I ain’t taking the floor!” all of us shouted in unison.
“There’s only one bed though,” said Su Won.
“Look on the bright side,” said Jae Duc as he laid out the sheets on the bed. “At least it’s king size.”
I nodded my head. “It’ll be tight but we’ll all have to try and fit in.” Soon it was Jae Jin, Jae Duc, Ji Won, me, Sung Hoon, Ji Yong, and Su Won lying down side by side uncomfortably on the bed. We were laying down one by one and the others looked at me strangely as I ran to be the next person who lie near Ji Won.
Soon everyone fell asleep except me. I made sure everyone was asleep before I made my move. I bent over to kiss Ji Won lightly on the lips. Then I laid my head down on his chest to hear his heart beat. I sighed contentedly.
Then suddenly I felt Ji Won’s leg twitch. Oh no. I knew what he was about to do. His 360. I placed my entire body on top of his because I didn’t want to get kicked.
As Ji Won did his 360, he kicked everyone except me off the bed. As always when Ji Won was done, he had a huge smile on his face. Then he held onto me tightly. I was overwhelmed with happiness.
The others must have been exhausted because none of them woke up except Jae Duc. He opened his eyes sleepily and said, “Huh?” “You’re dreaming,” I whispered to him. He nodded his head and went back to sleep. Soon I drifted off to sleep too.
Part 27
Next Morning…
May 1, 1999
Ji Won began to stir. He woke up finding Min Sung holding onto him tightly. Ji Won widened his eyes and gently unraveled Min Sung’s arms and legs off of him.
The guys already called Min Sung gay and he didn’t want them to think he’s gay too. He sat up and saw 5 of the SechsKies leaders lying on the floor.
Then Sung Hoon began to wake up. He sat up and looked around. “Gross! How the hell did I end up down here?” Ji Won shrugged his shoulders.
Then Jae Duc woke up. “Damn, my butt hurts. It feels like someone kicked it last night.” Then one by one everyone woke up.
“P.U.!,” yelled Jae Jin. “This floor stinks!” Everyone started laughing.
“Sorry you guys,” said Ji Won laughing. “I must have done a 360 and kicked you all off.”
“How come you didn’t fall off Min Sung?” asked Ji Yong.
Uh, oh, I thought. “I did,” I answered him. “But I got back up and went to sleep on the bed again.”
“Really?” asked Su Won. “I didn’t even know. I just went right on sleeping.”
Ji Won began to study Min Sung. It was weird but somehow Ji Won had a feeling that Min Sung knew he does a 360 in his sleep. ‘But that’s impossible,’ he thought to himself. ‘Only Mina knows that and why didn’t Min Sung say anything about me kicking him?’ Ji Won didn’t know what was going on with Min Sung but he knew he had to find out. We all got up and ready to leave the room. The coast seemed clear so we walked out unarmed. Big mistake. There was an ambush waiting for us.
“Disperse!” yelled Ji Won and we all ran our separate ways.
Black Dragons chased after each one of us. I lost the Black Dragon member that was chasing me but I didn’t want to go back the hotel room without Ji Won so I turned back to get him.
When I found Ji Won, he was backed up against the wall by a Black Dragon. It was the leader, Tae Won. He was telling Ji Won to bow down and beg for mercy but Ji Won ended up spitting in his face. Tae Won got angry and pulled the knife back to stab Ji Won in his throat.
I ran as fast as I could and knocked Tae Won down. He dropped the knife and fell to the floor with me. As he fell, he used the handled of the knife to knock Ji Won unconscious. Tae Won got up glaring at me.
“Do you know whom you’re messing with?” he asked me angrily.
I glared at him back unflinching. “I’ll make you pay for hurting Ji Won.”
“Oh you must be the gay SechsKies member I’ve heard so much about,” said Tae Won laughing. “You’re afraid your f*****t leader would die leaving you alone?”
That made me really angry. I didn’t care that he called me gay but calling Ji Won a f*****t ticked me off. Since he was distracted, I grabbed the hand he was holding the sword with, and made him stab himself. He cried out in shock and pain. He pulled knife out of him.
Tae Won pushed me away and cuts me in the knee with his knife. I fell down and saw him raise the knife above my head. I was going to die.
Then suddenly a voice screamed out, “Gang Rape!”
It made Tae Won run off. I looked over to see who it was. It was Kyung Hee screaming for the cops. I saw her looking at me sighing and walked away. “Kyung Hee!” I screamed for her.
Kyung Hee looked at me strangely as she approached me. “Do I know you?”
I nodded my head and motioned for her to come near me. When she did, I whispered in her ear, “It’s me, Mina.”
“Mina? But you’re a guy!” she yelled back at me.
“Look at me closely.”
When she did, her eyes widened as she grabbed a hold of me. “Mina, it is you!” I turned her back to face me. “Please help me bring Ji Won back to the hotel.” Kyung Hee made a face of disgust.
“What are you doing with the SechsKies leader and why are you dressed like a guy?”
“I’ll explain later,” I told her. We both put Ji Won’s arms around us as we carried him back. Along the way we found Sung Hoon unconscious on the ground, bleeding. I set Ji Won down gently and lifted Sung Hoon up.
“Sung Hoon!” I said, shaking him. He was hurt badly. “Kyung Hee, please do me a favor. You carry Sung Hoon while I carry Ji Won.”
Kyung Hee looked at me reluctantly but then nodded. I lifted Ji Won onto my back and carried him back to the Nam Hotel. My leg was still bleeding from the cut and I was limping.
“Mina, can you carry him?” Kyung Hee asked me, concerned.“I’ll be fine,” I answered her as we made it back.
Part 28
I took Ji Won back to his room while Kyung Hee took Sung Hoon back to his. I washed Ji Won’s cuts and nursed his wounds. When he was bandaged, I sat down on the chair next to his bed.
Then suddenly, I couldn’t breathe. One of my attacks is coming on and I didn’t have my respirator with me. My heart was aching so painfully that I was gasping in pain. But then I remembered Ji Won had a respirator. I searched his pockets and sure enough, there it was. I started pumping it quickly and air entered my lungs.
My vision cleared and I began to breathe easier. Then I put it back into his pocket. My touch made Ji Won stir. He began to wake up. He looked at me.
“Min Sung?” he asked weakly.
I nodded my head. “Yes, it’s me hyung.”
Ji Won lifted himself up. “Where am I?”
“We’re back at our hotel.”
“Oh,” Ji Won said as he looked at my leg. “What happened to your knee?”
I looked down at it. It was bleeding through my pants. “It’s nothing hyung. I’ll be okay in a few days.”
“Did Tae Won do this to you?”
I nodded my head.
Ji Won pounded his fist on his desk. “Damn him! I’ll get him back.”
“It’s okay hyung,” I said calming him down.
“By the way,” he asked me suddenly, “how did you end up finding me? Weren’t you supposed to come back here by yourself?”
His question hit me by surprise. I answered him truthfully. “I came back to look for you because I was worried you might be in danger.” I saw Ji Won look at me awkwardly and inched himself away from me. ‘He thinks I’m gay’, I thought.
“Uh, thanks for coming back to save me then,” Ji Won said to Min Sung awkwardly. Min Sung nodded and left his room. Ji Won lets out a sigh. He loved Min Sung as a friend and definitely nothing more. He didn’t want Min Sung to have any thoughts.
Instinctively Ji Won reached into his pocket to check to see if his respirator was still there. It was but it was different. Ji Won stared at it with wide eyes. His once filled respirator was now only half full with air.
Someone had been using it.
Part 29
Later that evening Ji Won posted a note on my door telling me to meet him. It was 8 p.m. and I knocked the door to his room.
“Come in,” said Ji Won. I entered his room, not knowing what he was going to say. “Follow me,” he ordered. He left the room and I followed him.
He took me to the beach that was near our hotel. Then he walked over to a spot where there were two rocks side by side. I caught my breath. This looks exactly like our spot in Hawaii, I thought.
“Come here and sit next to me, Min Sung,” said Ji Won to me, patting the rock next to him. I sat down near him and closed my eyes as I breathed in the salty sea air.
Ji Won began to study Min Sung. ‘He looks like Mina in a way,’ he thought. ‘Could he be Mina in another form?’ Ji Won didn’t believe in reincarnation but Min Sung was too much like Mina for him. He wanted to see if somehow Min Sung was Mina so he had to test him.
“Min Sung, you want to hear a story?”
“Sure,” said Min Sung eagerly.
Ji Won smiled as he told his story. “There once was this rich boy who came from a messed up family. He had no friends at all. Then one day he met this little girl who became his friend. She was really nice to him, unlike his family, so he began to adopt her as his dongsang.” Ji Won paused right there to see Min Sung’s reaction.
My smile faded when Ji Won began his story. He was talking about our life in Hawaii. Then I figured out he was testing me. ‘The respirator’, I thought. ‘I must have drained it when I was using it so now he suspects me’. I steadied myself and tried my best to give no reaction.
Ji Won stared at Min Sung, who appeared to have no reaction to the story. “Well what do you think?” Ji Won asked him.
“That’s a cute story, hyung,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
Ji Won continued. “Do you know why he took extra care of his dongsang?” Min Sung shook his head no. “It’s because she has this heart problem and needed this respirator to breathe.” He took out the respirator from his pocket and showed it to Min Sung. Again, no reaction.
“Poor girl,” said Min Sung.
“Yes, poor girl,” said Ji Won sadly. “She died a few years later.”
I looked at Ji Won sadly. I knew Ji Won felt bad because of my death but since I’m no one special to him, it wouldn’t matter if he knew the truth that Mina was still alive and with him right now. Then Ji Won took out a stone and handed me one. I rubbed the white marble stone for a while.
“Throw it,” he told me. I shook my head no. To me it was like a present so I didn’t throw it but just kept it in my pocket. Ji Won threw his into the ocean. It skipped 3 times.
“Perfect,” he said.
“Why is it perfect?” I asked him.
This time I wished he would tell me the significance of the 3-skip. “When the stone skips 3 times, it means 3 words. I love you.” I looked at Ji Won in an overwhelming joy. Did Ji Won love me? He had thrown the rock and it skipped 3 times many times before.
“So did the rich boy ever really loved his dongsang?” I asked Ji Won.
Ji Won looked at me. “Of course he does. He has a lot of brotherly love for her.”
“Oh,” I whispered softly. My heart began to ache.
As Ji Won continued staring at the ocean, I began to walk home with a heavy heart. Ji Won began to shake his head. ‘Mina’s dead already so why am I denying that I love her?’ he thought to himself as he stared out to the ocean.
“Actually, Min Sung, the rich boy loved his dongsang the first day he met her but he’s such a weak person. He never could admit his feelings for her and just waited for her to say that she loves him first.”
Ji Won turned around and saw that Min Sung had left. ‘Oh well,’ he thought as he headed back to the hotel.
Part 30
*Since some of you wanted to hear more about Sung Hoon and Kyung Hee, this chapter is a little side story.
Sung Hoon woke up aching. He realized he was back at the Nam Hotel and in his room. “How did I make it back here?” he asked himself. Then he realized he was wearing nothing but his boxers. His bathroom door suddenly opened and out came Kyung Hee. “Hey!” he shouted as he pulled a blanket over to cover himself.
Kyung Hee rolled her eyes. “It’s too late for that. I’ve seen it all already,” she told him as she yanked the blanket away.
Sung Hoon crossed his arms over his chest. “So you took advantage of me in my weak state?”
“So what if I did?” she snapped at him.
“That means you have to marry me and support me while I give birth to your child.” Kyung Hee couldn’t help but laugh.
Sung Hoon smiled at her. ‘I guess he isn’t so bad,’ she thought. “You know,” said Sung Hoon quietly. “You didn’t have to diss me like that when you said you’ll go out with me.” Kyung Hee looked at him.
“I had to! You were such an arrogant jerk and you wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“Maybe it’s because I like you too much to leave you alone,” he replied back.
Kyung Hee blushed a little and decided to change the subject. “Give me your arm,” she said to him. Sung Hoon’s right arm was bleeding and Kyung Hee began to wash the cut.
“Ow!” he yelled in pain, pulling his arm back. “That hurts.”
“Does it?” Kyung Hee asked him, concerned. “I’m sorry.”
She leaned over to blow on his cut. Sung Hoon stared at her the entire time. He felt warm and shy being around her. He never felt this way for a girl before. She was nice to him and not dissing him like she usually does. He really liked that feeling. Kyung Hee gently placed his arm into a cast.
“There,” she said. “All better.”
“You know,” said Sung Hoon softly. “Everyone says kisses make boo-boos feel better and go away.”
When Kyung Hee was nursing Sung Hoon, she developed a liking for him and his nice body was a good addition. “Really?” she asked skeptically. “I don’t believe you.”
“Why don’t you test it out then?” he challenged her smiling.
“Maybe I will,” she said, flirting back. “Where does it hurt?”
Sung Hoon pointed to his knee. Kyung Hee kissed it. Then he pointed to his hand. She kissed it too. Slowly he pointed to his forehead, which she also kissed. He worked his way down to his nose. Kyung Hee couldn’t help but laugh as she kissed his nose lightly. Sung Hoon’s nose was broken.
Then he pointed to his lips. Kyung Hee was about to kiss it lightly but then Sung Hoon held onto her tightly to deepen the kiss. Kyung Hee felt drawn to him so she didn’t push him away. He turned her over so she lie down on his bed, with him on top of her.
His hand went under the back of her shirt and he stopped there. Kyung Hee continued kissing him and ran her fingers through his hair. Since she wasn’t stopping him, he was about to continue when…
*knock knock*
‘I’m going to kill that person,’ thought Sung Hoon as he broke off the kiss. “Yeah? What is it?” he yelled.
“Matthew wants all of us to go down to the dining room for a meeting,” said Ji Yong.
“Okay, I’ll be there in 5 minutes!” Sung Hoon yelled back. When he heard footsteps of Ji Yong leaving, he kissed Kyung Hee once more. “Sorry honey, I have to go but I’ll be right back.” Kyung Hee nodded and helped him into his clothes.

- Title: what i did for love
- Artist: Nillax0
- Description: what i did for love the 2nd one, look for my first one if you find this, this is part 2/3. +sorry, i need to upload part 31-36 tomorrow because you can only post 2 per day.
- Date: 02/12/2010
- Tags: loveotherhalf
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Nillax0 - 06/23/2011
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- Sally Spearow - 06/17/2011
- Nooooo!!! That can't be the end!! Fiddle..... please post the rest!! I love it!! <3
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