(Recap) I then walked into my room, without breakfast I passed many people. As I did I saw a little girl on a bench who was sobbing. I stopped next to her and patted her back a little bit. She continued sobbing and looked up at me with sad eyes. Her eyes were a bright green and her hair was long and curly that went down to her waist (End of Recap)
“What’s wrong?” I asked feeling rude for asking her.
“The…doctor…told my dad that…my …mommy…wasn’t…going to live!” She said sobbing in between her words. I squeezed her shoulders.
“It’ll be alright just think of it this way, your mom won’t actually be gone she’ll be with you just not touching you.” I said standing up. She smiled very faintly and looked down at the ground continuing her sobs.
“Thank you.” She said to me through her sobs. I walked on towards my room and lay down. I thought about Angeni and his family, they were nice people and very good friends.
Angeni had once told me that everyone was just as good as the no one they cared about. It had brightened my spirits, because it had one come from Angeni and two it meant something to me. I smiled and stared quietly at the ceiling.
I stared at the ceiling for about an hour thinking about Angeni’s small family of Indian. I heard the door of the room open and close and saw Angeni.
“Hello Jasa, did you get into any trouble?” he asked me
“Well no actually.” I said laughing a bit and sitting up in the hospital bed.
“Good, well Jasa if you want you can come with the tribe and you could travel for a bit. Or you could continue on like a little thief.” Angeni looked at me questioning, he had used my annoyance to get me to come but I didn’t mind.
“Well,” I said teasing him “I think I’ll go with the tribe and visit some of them again.” I said after he smiled as he always did.
“Well come on Jasa we must go soon because the tribe is leaving in a few hours. Don’t worry about your old clothes you can wear them to the tribe but you must change them when we get there.” Angeni said happily. He grabbed my clothes off a nearby chair and tossed them to me.
He closed the door as he walked out of the room. I quickly got dressed and walked out of the room. I didn’t check out but it didn’t matter.
“Come, come Jasa.” Angeni said reaching for my hand, he took it and pulled me along behind him to where he had just been. What I supposed to be halfway there I began to get tired.
“Angeni I can’t run any farther.” I said pouting behind him; he made me feel like I was a little kid that didn’t want to leave.
“Jasa,” Angeni said in a slightly annoyed yet joking tone, he turned around and came up to me, “come, please the chief will not wait for me he thinks I am careless.” I looked at the sandy ground of a desert beneath me and sighed.
“Come on Jasa, I’ll carry you but you shouldn’t sit out here you don’t even know where you are.” He said to me, I looked up. He was smiling down at me again. I held out my arms as if to jump on his back but then put them down feeling childish.
“Jasa we are almost there just a few more yards.” He said pointing.
“Okay.” I said sighing and walking on next to him, my knees were burning. Angeni and I walked on until I could see the tribe all ready to go out of the small desert. Angeni and I ran down the slope to his family. His little sister, who had soft facial features, long flowing black hair, dark skin, and a bright smile like Angeni, turned around and squealed.
“Jasa!” she hugged me tightly around the waist. I smiled and rubbed her head shushing her.
“Calm down.” I whispered to her, she finished squealing and stood back. Her mother, a kind friendly faced woman, turned her around whispering in her ear. She smiled at me the same way her whole family did. I smiled back and pushed my hair to the side.
The chief began to speak and I listened not understanding him. I felt Angeni hug my shoulders.
“He is saying that we are to move if we are to keep hidden.” He whispered in my ear, I nodded as he translated the rest of the speech. As the chief finished Angeni put his arm down.
“He is a very lengthy speaker.” Angeni said to me jokingly, I laughed as all of the tribe began walking it was a very small tribe but all the same a tribe, there were only around five families left of the group. They would have used cars but the chief said it would not be to the spirits desire. I looked back towards where me and Angeni had walked from. I saw a figure at the top of the slope but ignored it as Angeni pulled me along to keep up with the tribe. I stumbled and then walked steadily.
“Mom,” I said to Angeni’s mother, she had insisted a few years ago that I call her mom. She looked back at me. “Do you have any extra clothes that I may use mine are sort of…” I said pointing to my now faded sweater and washed out jeans.
“Of course’ Jasa,” She said rummaging in her big pack on her back. She removed a nice dress that was like my old one just longer and the most beautiful thing.
“Mom I don’t think I should where that for the trip.” I said looking at the glorious dress. She nodded and folded the dress up neatly putting it back in the bag. She pulled out a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt.
We continued walking; I took the clothes from her thankfully. I held the clothes until we made our lunch break. I walked into a nearby store and walked into the bathroom changing quickly and coming out. I had just made it before they began walking again.
Angeni smiled and hugged my shoulders again, like a best friend would do, I put my clothes in the trash can and walked with him.
“Jasa why do you let people do it to you?” Angeni asked me, I looked up at him and leaned on his shoulder thinking as I walked.
“I don’t know Angeni, I really don’t they seem like they care and then they don’t.” I said staring up at Angeni; we were at the back of the group now. He looked down at me, sadly.
“Jasa you need to think more.” He said tapping his forehead. He then smiled.
“I know, but that’s when you show up, when I don’t think. Now if I thought then I’d probably never see you.” I said smiling at him.
“That is true Jasa.” He said smiling still. I noticed we had gotten behind the group.
“We better catch up.” I said walking a little bit faster. Wherever we were going we would be there soon, or so Angeni said.
“So what have you been doing since I saw you? Because your last answer doesn’t count.” Se said looking up at Angeni smiling. Angeni sighed looking down at me; he then began reciting where and what he had done in the last three months. I did not interrupt but listened as he recited with enthusiasm his tales. We then stopped at a small abandoned farm that used to be an animal farm.
“Now do you see why I said we didn’t do much Jasa?” he asked whispering. He winked slightly hinting to me that it was a joke when he had said it the first time. I nodded and I unwrapped his arm from my shoulders and looked around. Angeni’s little sister Juliet turned around and walked through the small crowd. She stood before me and nodded in acknowledgment, I repeated the gesture.
“Jasa?” she asked me.
“Yes Juliet.” I said leaning over to see her face to face. She cupped her hand and turned my head so she could put the cup to my ear.
“Do you like Angeni?” she whispered. I chuckled and pushed her shoulder gently so we moved away from where I and Angeni were standing. I did not feel like whispering, which is what I would have been doing if I had stayed where I was.
“What do you mean Juliet?” I asked, looking at her smiling like she hadn’t asked the oddest question at the strangest time.
“You know what I mean Jasa.” She said in an impatient whine, while stamping her foot. I sighed and pushed some loose hair from my face. I didn’t want to tell her something that wasn’t true yet I didn’t want to tell her the truth. I looked at her and turned my head to the side acting as if I had no clue as to what she was saying. I opened my mouth to speak and Angeni came over.
“Juliet mom says you must go take a bath.” He said winking at me so she didn’t see.
I watched Juliet run off towards her mother to complain. Angeni looked at me with a grin on his face.
“So what were you going to say?” he asked in a teasing tone,
“None of your business.” I said in an equally teasing tone. I crossed my arms against my chest and leaned back.
“I’ll find out sooner or later Jasa.” Angeni said to me in a knowing tone, he poked my stomach in a witty way. I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed. We had to go and eat dinner while the adults set up the tents.
I avoided sitting next to Juliet so she did not ask me anymore questions that I wasn’t ready to answer. I sat down next to Angeni and one of his friends, Dajab. Dajab is a very nice boy who was always smiling like Angeni. Dajab ate his spaghetti slowly but enjoying it, Angeni was describing something in the language he and Dajab had created when they were little. Dajab nodded towards me and I waved.
“Hey A, why don’t you talk so JaJay can understand?” he said laughing, I giggled along with Dajab. Dajab had long black hair that usually was on his shoulders, a lean figure, and a featured face, with milky brown eyes that were usually filled with excitement. Angeni was in the middle of a hand gesture so he was oddly positioned when Dajab had made him stop.“Day I’m almost done I’ll tell her later.” I heard him say. Then he leaned in and cupped his hand to Dajeb’s ear, Dajab stopped laughing and listened. I couldn’t hear Angeni but didn’t mind. Dajab smiled and looked up at me.
“Oh, ok so you were getting to…oh ok then.” Dajab said as Angeni spoke. I laughed at Dajab he was being so weird. I ate some of my spaghetti and watched Angeni continue his story. I hadn’t had too much spaghetti so I finished it as Angeni began to narrate another long tale. I got up and found where we were to put the dishes and put mine in with the rest.
- by PoisonousMoonlight |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/01/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Never Trust
- Artist: PoisonousMoonlight
This is part 12...I actually like this part it brings in the feeling I wanted to put into it. Just for this on of course. I will be submitting part 13 very soon in high hopes that I will get ratings and comments.
As asked before
Who is your favorite character?
Angeni, Jasa, Kaya, Dajab, or Jack?
(my favorite is Angeni!) - Date: 02/01/2010
- Tags: never trust
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