Blades clanged as once again Haru and Arlisenda clashed blades. Haru feinted with a left slash, then moved gracefully into an overhead double-handed chop. Arlisenda however, brought her sword sweeping before her as she leapt back, countering Haru’s attack before dashing in low to the ground and slashing upwards.
The duel lasted a while, neither gaining ground, before they tapped their swords on their shoulders and called a draw.
“You’re getting better, Haru.” said Arlisenda.
“Well, I might be, but Dytraid will be better by now. I’ve only met him once, and I have already seen his power. You almost beat him, but that was after he was beaten by the Periath force. And still he managed to freeze you. What chance do I have?”
“You have the strength of the Wild Magic, and that of Orenar,” she hesitated, then added softly, “And me.”
Haru stole a quick glance at her as she said this. Her face was downcast, staring at the ground; the setting sun caught her long brown hair in a glorious sun shower. She had washed in the river soon after he realized that he was the Abyss Warrior, although now he had reverted back. Her beauty struck him anew again, and he wondered anew at her prowess in battle.
“Anyway,” he said to try and lighten the moment. “How’s your shoulder?”
“Huh?” Arlisenda looked at her shoulder. “I barely even noticed I was wounded!”
She pulled off the crude bindings then gaped at the unblemished skin that met her eyes.
“What… happened to the wound?” she muttered. “It disappeared!”
“The enemy draws closer…” Silvermane stepped behind them unnoticed, drawing attention away from her healed wound.
Both the friends had whirled around, blades out and ready, Orenar glowing with inner flame. The unicorn shook his head. “I am no foe. Your foe lies yonder.” He gestured with his horn at the large mass that lay further out from their position.
Haru shook his head. “I have no idea what happened, but it’s fine now, so let’s concentrate on the battle.” He said. “By the way Silvermane, how’s your wound?”
“It will mend, Iaothar.”
Haru had used the Wild Magic to heal the wound as best as he could, and had carefully burned the arrow away.
Some time had passed since Dytraid had appeared on the horizon. They had decided not to go out and face him directly, but to lead hit & run attacks on the enemy flanks. In between the attacks, they sparred with each other to keep their senses at a keen edge.
Suddenly, a horn sounded at the edge of the forest they were sheltering under. Immediately, the three sprung into battle stances, blades and horn pointing at the edge of the forest. “Are we not safe even here?” muttered Silvermane.
“Licht Kugel!” shouted Haru suddenly, firing a beam of light out of Orenar at the canopy above. The light illuminated the area, revealing a group of swords and spears, glinting off bows and arrows. However, the warriors seem extraordinarily short.
Arlisenda gave a shout of recognition. “I knew I recognized that horn call! It’s the Periamoot! The remaining soldiers of the Periath! They must have tracked me after they realized I was missing!” She ran forward, calling out.
A single figure stepped forward, and answered. “Arlisenda, daughter of Frena! We’ve found you at last! Hail, Queen of Periaths!”
Haru gaped. Silvermane blew out of his nostrils.
“What?” blushed Arlisenda. “Just ‘cos I didn’t tell you my father was the King of the Periaths…”
Haru gaped even more. Silvermane nudged him. “Close thy mouth, Iaothar. It does not pay to be so easily surprised.”
Haru closed his mouth, then stepped forward. Immediately, the Periamoot surged forward in a protective circle around Arlisenda, swords and spears leveled by those in front, those behind drew their bows.
“Hold back!” Arlisenda barked a sharp order.
Reluctantly, the Periaths lowered their weapons.
“This is Haru, my friend. Do not harm him, on pain of death!”
Haru had never heard Arlisenda speak with such authority, and he observed her out of the corner of his eye. He noticed, to his amusement, that he was not the only one. Many of the Periamoot were also looking at her, obviously besotted by her beauty. He also saw that the Periamoot also consisted of females, although after watching Arlisenda fight he had had no sexist thoughts.
In all the commotion of the arrival, he failed to notice another new arrival. A strange unicorn had cantered up, and was standing patiently next to Silvermane, waiting for introductions.
Haru turned to the unicorn, noting that this unicorn had a spiral horn instead of a straight one like Silvermane. Then, as he got closer, the horn started to glow. The bearer of the horn turned towards him, and he saw with a shock that the unicorn’s eyes were of a deep black. It was then that he noticed that the unicorn’s coat was of a deep black, like his armor in Abyss mode. He took a step back.
Silvermane turned, sensing his sudden movement. “Haru, this is Iamenel. She is the elder of unicorns. And, as you have seen, she is black, the steed of the abyss.”
Iamenel gazed deep into Haru’s blue eyes. Then, to his astonishment, she did the closest thing to a bow that a unicorn could do, bending her front legs down. “My lord…” Her voice was soft and low, like the smooth velvet of night. “My lord Ia. I am here to serve thee; the unicorns are under thy command.”
Silvermane bowed too, then standing up, he gestured with his horn to the eaves of the wood, further along than where the Periamoot had appeared. A herd of unicorns were clustered together, their white coats reflecting the setting sun.
Arlisenda went and stood beside Haru as he gazed out at his newfound allies. A bird flew overhead, piping a mournful song. Arisenda sighed, and without thinking, she slipped her hand into Haru’s. To her surprise, he returned her grip, tentatively at first, then more firmly. The two of them gazed out at Dytraid, who had amassed a huge army.
“This will be a hard battle…” said Haru, half to himself. “And I still can’t kill in cold blood…”
Arlisenda squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry. In battle, death is no one’s fault. You won’t be killing in cold blood, you’ll be killing in hot blood!” She grinned up at him.
Haru smiled grimly. “Orenar and I will have a lot work to do ere this is over at last, and Dytraid is vanquished…”
Arlisenda leapt up, and caught him in a hug, surprising even herself. “You silly idiot!” she scolded, hugging him close. “Don’t worry about all that. We’ll win this, for sure!”
Haru blinked, then laughed, a deep warm sound. He hugged her in return, then gently lowered her. As Arlisenda was lowered, she felt the muscles in Haru’s back ripple, and thought about how much the boy she had known had grew. In the week that they had been together, the boy had become a man, and her feelings had grown, more than she had known.
Haru, on his part, wondered what had caused Arlisenda to act like that. Not that he minded. Feeling Arlisenda’s lithe body against him, he wished that he could have held her longer, but he knew that he couldn’t force himself onto her.
The two of them stood side by side, their feelings and emotions hidden.
Haru swung Orenar, slicing a zombie in two. However, the zombie just stood back up, each half attacking him.
Haru ducked instantly, and a barrage of arrows flew over him, stopping the zombie in its tracks.
“Don’ worry ‘bout those twitchy buggers!” shouted Idris, a Periath who had come with the Periamoot. “We gots ‘em where I wants ‘em, and no bastards gonna get past me, alive or dead!”
Iamenel reared up beside him, deterring the goblins near Haru from attacking with her sharp hooves and determination. Her horn glowed a ghostly white, and a ghostly call came up from her, rising higher and higher as it grew in volume, into a siren shriek, the war cry of the unicorns. It put new heart into the allied forces, and despair into the hearts of the incoming horde.
Idris answered the call, letting rip with a barrage of arrows, the two ranks of archers he commanded shooting alternately, the first rank shooting, then kneeling down to reload while the second rank shot, alternating in a seemingly endless volley.
The other Periaths charged, spears and swords bristling in a porcupine formation, especially useful for them because of their short stature. The unicorns charged behind them, cleaning up the survivors with their sharp horns.
Even with their superior numbers, Dytraid’s army was being slowly pushed back, due to the unending courage and determination of the defenders. Suddenly, a blast of fire smashed through the Periath porcupine, melting swords and spears, incinerating all in its way. The Periath, already heavily outnumbered, were further lessened.
Arlisenda gave a shriek of grief and anger. Drawing her dangerous blade, she charged, single-handedly forcing the enemy hordes back, bit by bit.
Dytraid, far above them on his dragon, grinned. “Just a bit further, queenling… Then you may feel the pain in my foot a hundredfold!” He winced, feeling again the pain in his foot that Arlisenda had stabbed, although it was long healed by now. His dragon roared, then slowly flew lower, hovering slower and slower until it was right above Arlisenda, who was oblivious to her situation.
“Arli!” shouted Haru, seeing her peril. “Arli!”
He ran towards her, but his way was blocked by goblins and zombies. A glowing spiral horn suddenly protruded from the heart of a zombie, which is the only known way of actually finishing off a zombie: stick something through their heart.
“Quick, get on my back. Thy beloved is in danger,” she said, rearing up to throw off a zombie who had leapt on her back.
Haru was taken aback to hear her say it so directly, but at the same instant, he knew it was true. He loved Arlisenda, and would do anything to save her. In one smooth leap, he was up on Iamenel’s back, Orenar shining like an avenging thunderbolt in his hand. “Nin estar Iaothar, Orenar, anno nin tur!”
Flames roared once again around him, as he willed it not to harm his allies, and especially not Iamenel and Arlisenda. The intense heat melted any zombies near him to the ground, setting the goblins on fire.
The Abyss Warrior sat atop his unicorn steed, Orenar blazing like a wildfire contained in his hand as he clove his way to Arlisenda.
“Pull back! You’re in too deep!” he shouted, hoping she would hear. Indeed, she was in deep, deep into enemy territory. Surrounded, the Queen of the Periaths fought a strong defense, keeping the zombies away. However, they hemmed her in, even as she fought valiantly, not for her own life, rather, but for the lives of those who had fallen. Her eyes shone as she anticipated her death to avenge her kinsmen, to go down in a blaze of glory, fighting to the very end. Failing to look above, she missed the slow arrival of the dragon as it swooped silently over her, moving carefully so its shadow wouldn’t be seen by its quarry.
However, being missed by Arlisenda didn’t mean it was missed by the others. I mean, how could a dirty big dragon be completely hidden? So while Arlisenda missed the hulking big flying lump behind her, many pairs of eyes saw it.
Silvermane was first to react. With a loud neigh, he leapt forward, striking down with his horn any who stood in his way. His cloven hooves trampled all enemies while his teeth and horn dealt with the rest. He shrieked loud and long, the battle cry of the unicorns as he went.
His call galvanized the others into action. The Periaths gave a roar of anger, and charged forward, desperate to save their Queen. Volley after volley of arrows rained down onto the enemy horde, spears and swords fell all in their way. “For Frena! For Arlisenda!” they shouted, as they heaved forward.
The unicorns neighed angrily, eyes flashing with the Heartfire that burns within all things Wild, and which Orenar was named after. They charged, horns thrusting out, hooves lashing, heading to distract the dragon.
But loud and clear above all was the battle-cry of Haru Glory, the Abyss Warrior: “Death! Death!” Riding bareback on the Abyss Unicorn, crimson cape billowing behind him, onyx and ruby melded in his armor, he looked the very embodiment of anger and war.
Arlisenda gazed in awe at the man that Haru had grown into, the role that he now played. A powerful aura radiated out of him, filling their foe with fear. The dragon gave an ear-rending screech, then reared up into the air, ignoring his rider’s shouts of anger.
The dragon was very confused. A dragon is both the Wild Magic and the Old Magic, and now faced with the prospect of two masters, it did not know who to aid. It roared its frustration. Flames sprang from its mouth, as it made its anger known.
The Periath immediately leapt onto the unicorns’ back, who made an instant break for safety. Haru leapt off Iamenel’s back, his cape liquefying, then solidifying into a pair of wings, one white one black. He flew to Arlisenda, raising his midnight shield up against the flames, hovering above the Periath Queen as the flames rained down on him.
“Haru, what are you doing?! Get outta here before you get burned to death!” shouted Arlisenda.
“I’m not gonna leave you here, Arli! If I go, the flames will burn you! And I won’t let that happen!” shouted Haru, straining with the effort of holding back the dragon’s flame.
Orenar gleamed, as a blast of Wildfire roared out, smashing as a solid wall against the dragon’s fire, holding back the flames with the shield. With the temporary relief, Haru quickly flew to the ground, picking up Arlisenda while firing a ring of fire around her to protect her. Wrapping his wings around her, thus protecting her, he flew out of the flaming death zone, leaving the zombies and goblins to perish under the dragon-flame.
As they flew, Arlisenda gently laid her arms around Haru’s neck, and together they flew to the safety of their allies.
Landing safely within a ring of steel, Haru laid Arlisenda on the floor and knelt down beside her.
“Okay, first of all, what the heck made you go out there all alone?!” He tried to make it sound stern, as though it didn’t really matter, but something made it come out more emotionally than he intended.
Arlisenda smiled up at him, realizing what was making him act like that. “Let’s just say that revenge makes the most seasoned warrior go crazy.” A shadow fell over her face. “Many of my friends have perished, and I will not rest until that score is settled. Rest assured, Dytraid, you will feel my pain…”
The rest of the Periath, now numbering only a score or so, nodded grimly.
“Aye…” said a Periath who had scars all down her face. “Dytraid will pay for all he has killed, and more besides. My family…” She clenched her fists. “My family roam homeless because of him. My lady, you stand not alone.”
“Not alone.” chorused the rest of the Periaths.
Haru drew Orenar. “Not alone.” He said grimly, feeling the edge of the blade. He gazed upwards, at the small speck that was the dragon, still raining down flames on the battlefield.
Suddenly, he felt a sudden pain in his gut. “Ugh!”
Arlisenda was on her feet in an instant.
“Haru, are you okay?!” she asked frantically.
Haru waved her away. “I’m alright, but something else isn’t…” So saying, he pointed at the dragon.
It was falling through the air, a long roar trailing off as it fell.
“He… he killed her.” Haru said flatly. “Because she wouldn’t obey him. She said that I am her true master. That the Wild shall triumph over the Old, because of the defilement.” His own fists clenched. “I will not allow her death to be in vain.”
Arlisenda cupped her hand over Haru’s. “Don’t worry. We’ll all be there for you.” She pulled his head down and whispered into his ear. “Especially me.”
Haru grinned. “I know that.”
The two of them gazed out as the thud of the dragon’s falling echoed throughout the silent battlefield, oblivious to their allies around them. It was as if the two of them were the only living things left in the world.
“’Ware arrows!”
The shout broke them from their reverie, as they ducked instinctively to escape the arrows.
Haru laughed aloud. “Looks like they learned something ‘bout our way of battle eh?”
Suddenly, Iamenel came up to him. “Ia… hurry. There is something that thou must see…”
Haru looked around at the urgency in her voice. He nodded.
Iamenel led him to a shallow hollow in the ground just inside the forest. In it lay someone familiar.
“Silvermane!” gasped Arlisenda.
Silvermane was pierced with sword wounds, and five arrows stuck out of his body. One had pierced straight through his ribs, and was perilously close to his heart. Twin rivulets of blood pumped out of each wound, in a gruesome replay of the night before. His breath was fading fast, even as they watched, and his chest heaved.
Haru ran to his friend, the first unicorn he had ever met. “Silvermane! Hang in there, you’ll be alright!”
Silvermane, on hearing his voice, opened his eyes. “H…H…Haru…. Iaothar… I… I am glad, glad that I could… could fight for the legendary… Abyss Warrior… And… that I could… have aided… a Periath… The little folk… shall never be forgotten…”
His breath seemed to catch, but through an enormous force of will, he held himself at death’s door. “Farewell… my friends… I hope Dytraid will come… and join me… ere all this is over…”
He raised his noble head, exactly like he had that night when they had first met him, then he lowered it, and his chest stopped heaving. His troubles in this world had come to an end.
“Silvermane!” Their two shouts combined in the air, calling out the name of their friend.
Their tears mingled as one as they wept for the loss of a loyal friend, of one who had risked his own life to save another friend.
“Silvermane, Silvermane!” They cried out his name again and again, keening and mourning, their tears landing on his coat of pure white, now stained with crimson and silver as the twin rivulets of mythical blood of the unicorn continued to pump out of him.
Iamenel’s head was lowered, her tears were falling too. Around the small hollow the loss and yearning of the small army rose in an angry tide of rage against Dytraid.
Silvermane was the first unicorn to fall in battle; the noble creature’s horn was pointed in the defiant angle it was in, just like that time on the road when Haru and Arlisenda first met him. They had not known him long, but he was the first of his kind that they had seen. He was the first friend Arlisenda had after the slaugther of the Periaths, Haru’s first friend besides Arlisenda. Their loss devastated them.
For the first time, Haru felt the enormity of loss. He had felt terrible agony when Arlisenda was dancing on the brink of death, but at least he had managed to save her. Now there was nothing he could do to revive his friend, to recall him from the eternal void into which he had fallen. He felt terrible anger and rage against Dytraid, who could not have done more if he had personally stabbed him.
“Dytraid... Dytraid...... Dytraid!”
Suddenly, the ground around Haru exploded. A ring of fire completely encased him, the heat repelling anyone too close to him. Strangely, the heat didn’t affect Arlisenda, who was able to stay close enough to see through the flames.
Haru was floating slightly above the ground, fists clenched, eyes wide open. His mouth was open in a silent scream; his hair was blowing in a wind only he could feel.
Hearing the call of their master, the forest responded. The very trees uprooted themselves, the streams bubbled over. The creatures living within it answered the silent call, coming as one as a solid wall of flesh and muscle. No animal was afraid of the other, and the gentle lamb stood shoulder to shoulder with the fierce wolf; the sleepy bear alongside the cheeky squirrel.
The sky clouded over, lit as though by an inner fire. Thunder boomed as lightning forked along the edges of each cloud. The birds of the sky flocked over, from the lowly sparrow, to the noble eagle.
The very earth trembled, as huge fissures cracked the smooth surface. The creatures of the earth returned to the surface: huge snakes that had never seen the sun, moles and armadillos cracked the crust.
A lake nearby rose up in anger, in answer to the call, creatures of the deep somehow transported from the sea rose to the air at the summons of their master. Huge serpents slithered out of the water, water falling in sheets from their scaly bodies as the Leviathan and Kraken of tales long forgotten answered.
Salamanders from the molten core of the earth crashed out onto land, lava flowing from their bodies to melt the very ground.
Last of all, a vortex appeared behind the Abyss Warrior, bringing him the true steed of the Wild: Shin, the spatial dragon.
Iamenel nodded. Her role as the steed was complete; now the dragon awakes. With her role done, her horn twisted back on itself, becoming straight as a normal unicorn’s. Her coat lightened to a silvery grey, as she became a normal unicorn again.
Shin opened his mouth and roared, the sound of it awakening Haru from his trance. The fires died down, and he stood back up. “What… What happened?” he wondered. Then, he saw the dragon. “Shin…” he murmured.
Shin growled softly, stepping forward and kneeling before Haru.
“Ia… Abyss… I am here to serve you.”
Arlisenda stepped forward. “Haru…” she began.
Shin growled, turning with his mouth open. A ball of light and darkness mixed formed in his mouth, as he fired a powerful beam of energy at her.
In an instant, Haru was at Arlisenda’s side, his shield up and deflecting the beam. But the beam was extremely powerful, and Haru’s shield was sliced neatly in two, as he pushed Arlisenda away. “Stop right now, Shin, Spatial Dragon! I, Iaothar, the Abyss Warrior command you!”
The beam stopped instantly. The huge dragon bowed his head. “I am sorry, master. But I will not tolerate anyone too close to you.”
Haru raised Orenar. “But her you will suffer, or be banished to the eternal night.”
“Very well…” nodded Shin.
Haru then turned, looking upon the body of Silvermane. “My friend, your sacrifice will not be in vain.” He lifted an arm, gesturing for the earth to bury his friend. A single flower, as white as fresh snow grew almost immediately, marking the grave.
Haru then addressed his newly increased army. “My friends and creatures, you have come to aid me in my time of need, and for that I thank you. But now, there is a flame to be stoked to a raging wildfire, a hatred to be multiplied a hundredfold! Dytraid is our enemy, and he will fall tonight! Let anger be our sword! Let hatred be our shield! Let our fires be the one who shall fall him, and rid this world of a scourge!”
He clenched his fist around his sword. “And for Silvermane, most noble of unicorns, who died defending us! For the foal of Shadowfleet, who fought valiantly for the Queen of Periaths, protecting her to the very end! Death!”
A huge roar answered him. The shouting of the Periaths and the battle-cry of the unicorns mixed with the unearthly roar of the assembled creatures. The low belling call of the Leviathan and the high screech of the eagles were as one. And not only were the natural creatures assembled there, the creatures and myths of tales long forgotten were there too.
Griffins screeched into the sky, giant lions roared their strength. Lesser dragons blew volcanoes of flame into the air; centaurs strung their bows with a low hum.
The army turned to face the still massive horde of Dytraid’s army. Haru mounted Shin, and bade Arlisenda climb up behind him. “C’mon. We’re heading straight for the big one,” he said, leaning over and holding out his hand.
Arlisenda nodded, and reaching out, grasped his hand. The moment their hands met, they knew that they would never part again. Their eyes met, and they nodded. In a single fluid movement, Haru lifted Arlisenda clear of the ground, while she spun around until she landed sitting astride the dragon’s back.
The Periaths and creatures of the Wild knew that the two of them would make a formidable pair, the Queen of the Periaths, and the Abyss Warrior.
Orenar glowed softly in the coming dawn as Haru lifted it high above his head, then burst into flame as he swung it down in an arc, pointing straight at Dytraid, who was standing on the carcass of the dragon, sneering at them.
“Charge!” rose the shout as, wild and free as his birthright; the Abyss Warrior flew into the sky on the Spatial Dragon, the Heartfire burning in his hand, the Queen of Periaths behind him.
Flying faster than the North Wind, the trio flew through the fouled air, straight as an arrow aiming for the sinister figure of Dytraid. Orenar burned in the air, the beams of light and darkness snaked through the clouds to punish the hordes of evil below.
Dytraid was waiting for them, his long katana glinting in the dawn sun. “Well, well, well… So the vermin arrive…” he sneered, lifting his sword to point at them. “And by this blade, my blade, they will fall. So sad.” He threw back his head and laughed, a cruel cold sound.
Haru swung Orenar in the air. “We will see who falls soon enough, Dytraid!” He shouted back at Dytraid. “The Wild shall vanquish you!”
Dytraid laughed. “Come down and fight me, then we shall see!”
Haru clasped Arlisenda’s hand, then to her surprise, leant forward and kissed her. “I’ll be back. For you,” he whispered in her ear. Arlisenda’s eyes were misted with tears as she returned his kiss with as much passion as she could muster. “Return, please…” she murmured.
Then all too soon they parted, as he stood, his cloak billowing in the wind, and leapt off into the air, his flaming green eyes never leaving Arlisenda’s blue ones. Turning in mid-air, he finally broke his final gaze with Arlisenda to stare Dytraid in the face. All fear had left him, all nervousness gone. This will be the final battle, and he held the hopes of all the free beings of the world in his blade.
“Flaming Retribution!”
“Death Gaze.”
The two attacks clashed together in a blaze of fire and red energy, the three blades, with Orenar splitting into two locked together. An eruption crashed up around them, completely erasing them from view as the two of them struggled for supremacy.
A thunderbolt smashed down from above, summoned by Haru, but Dytraid sent a blade of wind to destroy it. A gale raged around them as they sprang apart, then dashed in again, Orenar fused and blazing in Haru’s hand, Dytraid’s Yagami katana flashing in a swift attack pattern. The sound of their blades clanging rang out over the plains where the fighting was as fierce.
Arlisenda leapt down from Shin onto the head of the carcass, watching fearfully as Haru, his face tight with concentration, fought determinedly with Dytraid. She had often wondered why people bothered to fall in love, if the pain of losing them was so great. But now she saw that even if fate calls your bluff, and you lose all you had and more, the brief time of happiness and belonging made it worthwhile. Even if the happiness you had was only temporary, the happiness was such that it was all worthwhile.
A tear rolled down the warrior maiden’s cheek, then her tears flowed unchecked as she watched each move of her beloved with fearful eyes, sending all of her hope and love at Haru in her hope that he would survive. She knew as much as he did he was walking on the boundary of Life and Death. Only his talent and skill with the sword was keeping him alive at the moment. Watching Haru’s creased brow, she knew too, somehow, that her love was also what kept the Abyss Warrior alive.
“Be strong, Haru, my love. I will be by your side, in life and in death…” she clenched her fist, as her tears fell onto it. “Be strong…”
Haru was tiring. Orenar burned as strongly as ever, and his will to win was as great as ever. But the pressures on his physical body was beginning to tell. Every now and then, Dytraid’s long katana would come swinging in too fast for him to parry or block, and he would score another gash on his legs or arms.
The worst thing was that Dytraid seemed to know it too. His smirk was growing, and he seemed to be deliberately playing with Haru, not fighting to the full extent of his power.
Haru grimaced. This was harder than he thought. He shouldn’t have rushed into the battle.
“Well? Do you want me to stop playing and just kill you? You are no match for me. Do you still wish to rush to you death?” mocked Dytraid.
Arlisenda was weeping freely now. Each slash that connected with Haru made her clench her fist harder, and her nails were beginning to cut into her palm. Each drip of blood that seeped from Haru’s wounds scored a deep gash in her heart. Yet she couldn’t attack Dytraid, no matter how much she wanted to. Some part of her sensed that if she attacked Dytraid, it would wound Haru’s wild spirit, which was the part that she loved best. Her heart bled as freely as the wounds on Haru’s body, and her anguish rocked her body. “Haru… Haru… Haru!”
She screamed out the name of her loved one, keening for each surge of energy that left Haru’s body, for each wound on her lover’s body.
As the last echo of her scream and the metallic clang of the twin swords faded away, the earth began to rumble again. Far across the battlefield, the army of Haru and the horde of Dytraid stood as though turned to stone. Blades were withdrawn, spears retaken. The battle came to a complete standstill.
Haru and Dytraid stood like statues, their swords, Orenar and Yagami locked together in an ‘X’, their chests heaving. Suddenly, Dytraid whirled, mirroring Haru as they spun, their blades whipping through the air with supersonic speed, vying for their flesh.
Haru was good, but Dytraid was better. Orenar skimmed harmlessly over Dytraid as he ducked, while Yagami stabbed straight through Haru’s left shoulder, perilously close to his heart.
“ARGH!” Haru’s face was stricken, his mouth opened as he screamed. His eyes were open wide, Orenar fell from his grasp, landing with a clang onto the metallic scales of the dragon’s corpse below him.
Dytraid smirked as he pulled his katana out with a vicious tug, sending Haru spinning until he was lying on the ground. Reaching down, he yanked Haru up by his hair, then pulled back with his katana… and thrust forward.
“Haru!” Arlisenda screamed as she ran forward, knocking him aside. The katana caught her right in the chest, going straight through and emerging on the other side of her small body. There it stayed; the hilt and part of the blade protruding from the front of her chest, the end of the blade thrusting out of her back. Her face was frozen in a mixture of shock and pain, yet there was a hint of happiness at the way the ends of her mouth turned up, as she saved her lover with her life.
She swayed, then fell, straight into Haru’s arms. “Haru…” she whispered. Then she gave a small smile. “Onen I-estel Haru, u-chebin, estel anim,” she whispered, quoting her mother. “I gave hope to you, Haru, I have kept no hope for myself.”
Then her azure eyes closed. Out of the folds of her shirt came rolling out a small object; her flute, which will never again feel the sweet lips of its mistress bring forth the sweet lament to her parents and friends, the same song that had ignited a fire inside Haru.
Time stopped, as Haru mourned the Queen of Periaths, her beautiful face frozen forever, until the ravages of time took her away forever. His wound bled freely onto her body, but he was heedless of the pain. He tenderly reached down and took hold of the flute, grasping it to his heart before placing it on Arlisenda’s chest.
The Periaths, hearing his call, realized that their worst fear had come true; their newly found Queen had been slain. They gave a huge roar of fury, cleaving forward, never retreating, killing and killing in an attempt to avenge she who was slain.
When Haru next looked up, his eyes were blazing with the Heartfire. Orenar responded, blazing up in a spectacular bonfire.
He stood up, gently lowering the body of Arlisenda on the carcass of the dragon that served as their arena. He closed her eyelids, blocking their blue gaze forever.
“You did this…”
He glared at Dytraid, the intensity forcing the other back a step.
“You killed her…”
Orenar flared up again, as Haru swung it in a flaming arc to point straight at Dytraid. “You killed her!” His wound bled, the blood splattering onto the ground.
Dytraid looked surprised. ‘This boy… Is he human?! I have slain grown men who would have died from that first stab I gave him, but here he stands, bleeding onto the ground, and he cares not! Who is he… What is he?’
As Dytraid watched, eight orbs appeared to hover around Haru. One was red, the one opposite it was light blue. Another was green, the one opposite was brown. Yet another was yellow, the opposite was dark blue. Finally, the top one was white, the bottom one was black.
Runes floated inside each of them, marked with the ancient symbols of the elements.
Dytraid watched the orbs in horror.
“Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Water, Light, Darkness…” he muttered, as he felt a sheen of sweat on his brow. “The elements of the world… All lined up against me? Very well. If they want a fight, they will get one!”
He twirled his Yagami blade, then charged forward.
Immediately, the fire orb glowed, sending blast of flame at him.
With a spinning slash, Dytraid leapt backwards, sweeping away the flames with a gust of wind that spun from his katana.
The ice orb glowed, sending a storm of icy shards at him, forcing him back.
All the time, Haru was standing in the middle of all the orbs, his eyes glowing red and blue alternately, changing color to suit the element that he was using. As the fire swept towards Dytraid, his eyes glowed red. As ice shards stormed onto Dytraid, his eyes shimmered a light blue. Orenar was sheathed in its scabbard on his back, but the large clear orb on the pommel changed to the orb of the respective element as Haru unleashed the wrath of the elements onto Dytraid.
However, as master of the Old Magic, Dytraid was in control of the elements too. Each time Haru sent an attack at him, he countered with an attack of the opposite element. Fire was met with ice, wind with earth, water with lightning, and light with dark.
Fortunately, Haru had his wrath on his side. Also, he felt a memory long forgotten stir in him: The first time he had seen Arlisenda in all her beauty. He felt again the wind that had tugged at her hair playfully behind her, the sun that had shone through her brown hair, much like it had when they had first met the Periamoot. And above all, he saw again the face that turned to face him, the blue eyes the color of forget-me-nots, the slight nose, the full lips, the high cheekbones, he will never ever forget them again. Through his memory came the sweet sad melody he had heard Arlisenda play that first night, the Beautiful Sadness.
Now his eyes were glowing like two independent flames, one green and one black as he unleashed the strength of wind and darkness at the same time, then releasing flames and icicles together.
Not even Dytraid had mastered the use of two elements at the same time, and he was slowly pushed back. He began to show the first sign of fear, at the warrior he was now facing. The use of the elements that he had used to counter Haru’s attacks had drained him of a lot of energy, and the effect was beginning to tell on him. His attacks were starting to get sluggish, and he went on the defensive rather than on the offensive.
Haru sensed this, and he pressed his advantage. The orbs continued to revolve around him, as he drew Orenar with a deadly determination.
“As you killed Arlisenda with your blade, you will fall to mine.”
The words rang in the air, cold and emotionless, a statement, no more. Yet the very flatness of Haru’s tone showed his anger. He was normally a talkative person, who wore his emotions on his sleeve. But when Arlisenda had fallen, it seemed that a part of him had died as well, the part of him that was open and happy.
The ground was now slick with his blood, mingled with Arlisenda’s as her blood seeped from the fatal wound that had pierced her heart.
Black flames ran along the length of Orenar’s blade, as the runes started to rearrange themselves. When they were finished, the runes on the blade matched exactly the runes in the orbs revolving around its wielder.
“Fire and ice, wind and earth, lightning and water, light and darkness. They will all witness your death.”
High above him, the low rumbling roar of Shin slowly grew into a mighty crescendo. Three larger orbs appeared on an inner invisible ring, colored magma, aqua and silver. There were no runes in them, but there was the picture of a dragon head in each orb.
“Dragon of Sea, Bahamut. Dragon of Earth, Neo Bahamut. Dragon of Space, Bahamut ZERO.”
As he said each name, each orb glowed, first the aqua, then the magma, then the silver.
“Dragons of the Wild, I summon thee. To vanquish evil, come from the watery deep, the flaming core, the eternal night. Come!”
At the final word, three immense dragons appeared behind Haru. One was all blue and watery, it fired a beam of energy that crashed through the battlefield, ionizing any enemies it hit. “Bahamut.”
The second dragon was all red and glowing as though with an inner fire, and it flew higher into the air, opening its mouth with a low roar. A massive plasma charge was gathered into its mouth, before being emptied all over the battlefield. Any allies hit by it were instantly charged with a powerful adrenalin surge, while all enemies were turned to ash instantly. “Neo Bahamut.”
The last dragon was even larger than the previous two. It spread its eight wings, gliding higher into the air, while a ball of space energy, the energy of nothing, was charged in its mouth. “Bahamut ZERO. Erase the meaningless creature.”
Haru pointed straight at Dytraid, who stood motionless with fear.
“Scared? You should’ve known better than to… to kill… her.” A single tear fell to the ground. “Now, you shall know death, the very thing you have been running from for so long.”
Bahamut ZERO roared, a loud cry that rang through the ears of Dytraid.
“Hyperion ZERO Dracon,” said Haru, his eyes never leaving Dytraid’s. His eyes now were so different to the eyes that had locked with Arlisenda’s clear green gaze only a while before; then they were a blazing green, now they were gold, pure gold, rage condensed.
Bahamut ZERO thrust his head forward, firing the pencil-thin beam straight through Dytraid. As it connected, there was a single piercing cry of pain, of pain eternal, than Dytraid simply vanished, as if he was never there.
Bahamut ZERO, Neo Bahamut and Bahamut disappeared with a final roar, as Shin ordered the Periaths and allies away from the battlefield. As soon as they withdrew, Haru gestured once at the zombie and goblin horde. The earth cracked open, swallowing them up, then closed up again as Haru gestured once more.
Finally, Haru turned his empty eyes upon Arlisenda. Seeing her again, the green returned to his eyes, but they never reached the same blazing point they used to.
“Oh… Arlisenda… I never knew… that… I loved you… And now it is too late…”
His voice choked by sobs, he knelt down beside her. Taking her still warm hand between his, he focused as much of his power as he could, trying to retain the warmth.
Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Orenar flew out of its sheath, landing in his hand as he whirled to face his new threat. But it was only his family. Or was it? His mother was different than he was used to; armor glinted under her clothes, and she held a bow that was although short, seemed deadly. The funny thing was that she held no quiver, and had no arrows. His father wielded a tall spear, and he was dressed entirely in white armor. A helmet over his head depicted a striking wolf.
“My son, you can call her back, if you wish. It would spend your power, and the risks are great. The only one who can call her back is the Phoenix, the bird of life and flame. If you can call her, you may be able to save your beloved.”
Haru felt a sudden rush of hope, and his eyes flew back into his normal flaming green. “Really?!”
His father nodded. “Yes. I have dismissed the creatures of the Wild, but the Periaths remain. Their grief is great, but you may be able to ease it.”
“Why didn’t you... tell me? About... who you are? What I am?”
His father looked troubled. “We did not wish to trouble you…”
His mother silenced his father with a hand.
“Haru... this is no great thing. The night you were born, Orenar appeared. In human folklore, Heartfire, Orenar is the blade of sorrow and partings, and the Omega, the end. It floated next to you, and you put out a tiny hand and grasped its hilt. The blade’s runes rearranged themselves as they are now, before disappearing.
“Two years later, I was cleaning the house when a doorway shimmered into view, the door I went into before you left. It led down, down, to a small alcove. There, wrapped in chains and cloth, was Orenar. Its runes were different however, not as it is now. Over the years, I have tried to remove it from our home. But it would never budge.
“However, last week, I heard a voice saying that now is the time. I dreamt a voice was calling, the night before you left. It said:
The Old is corrupted and dying,
Now is the Wild’s awakening;
With the Heartfire blazing in his hand,
Thy son shall purge this land.
“The next day, when you came with tales of Dytraid and Arlisenda, I knew what the voice wanted me to do. I went into the secret door, retrieved the Blade of the Wild. I gave it to you, my son, for your destiny has come.”
Haru didn’t move; his mouth agape. “But... but... how did you know Dytraid? Why didn’t you tell me you’re the Master of the Wild?”
Sakura sighed. “Five hundred years ago, my great-grandfather had a huge battle. He was the Master of the Wild, and his opponent was...”
“Dytraid...” muttered Haru.
“Yes. Dytraid,” replied his mother. “The very same person whom you just slew; and the killer of your lover. He was alive back then, living on stolen life forces. My great-grandfather was skilled in the art of the Wild Magic, but he wasn’t so skilled with a blade. The very elements fought each other, water against fire, ice against earth. On the hill of breezes, Hwesta, they fought to the death. However...” Sakura clenched her fist. “Dytraid was cunning as a snake. In one swift slash, my great-grandfather was slain, and his life force was swallowed by his killer.
“Battle after battle followed, as my family tried to slay him and avenge my great-grandfather. However, we all failed, and only served to lengthen his life with theirs.” Here she smiled.
“But I think that the one weapon we did not have was the power of love. Your love for Arlisenda the Periath Queen did what none of the Wild has managed for centuries, the summoning of the sacred Dragons. None but them could defeat Dytraid. But enough of this. Call the Phoenix. Every second that passes brings your beloved’s soul further away. Call her!”
They did not mention their fear as they watched the blood of their son flowing away from the wound near his heart, as his face grew greyer and his voice grew weaker.
Haru nodded. ‘Hang on, Arlisenda. I will come to you!’ he thought.
He quickly retreated into himself, searching for the most powerful of his power. Grabbing hold of his core, he sent out an urgent call, summoning the Queen of Birds to come.
“What dost thou wish of me?”
The gentle voice of the Phoenix floated through his senses.
“My lady, I beseech you, awaken my love from death!” Haru said desperately.
“Death, my lord, is something that cannot be healed. But I will do my best, for it seems that only her hope of recovery binds thee to this earth.” A sad look appeared in her eyes, for she had the gift of foresight, and she knew that whatever happens, the consequences would be dire for the Wild.
She began to sing a soft song, a song about pain and loss, of death and war. It was a song of sorrow and grief, yet at the end, there was happiness, true happiness.
As Haru heard the song, he felt all the wounds that he had suffered in his fierce duel with Dytraid take their toll. He suddenly felt tired, very tired. He laid back, oblivious to his parents’ cries. So tired… he was so tired.
Suddenly, he felt as though he was in a different world, as though he was flying through a tunnel. There was light at the end, and he couldn’t wait to get to the light. He felt an enormous longing for someone, and thinking so, he burst through into the light. A haunting melody flowed through the air around him. At first, he could not place it, but then the familiar strands of the Beautiful Sadness enriched the air.
Waiting for him on the other side was Arlisenda, Queen of the Periaths. Her gaze was clear and green, her smile true. She laughed, a high clear sound, beckoning to Haru. “Come!” she seemed to say. “Come!”
Silvermane, foal of Shadowfleet was beside her, his noble head held high, his coat unblemished. His horn was held defiantly, daring all to tame him, his eyes showed sadness and happiness as one. He gestured with his horn at Arlisenda, who was waiting, a small smile playing around her lips.
He went, clasping her close, locking his lips around hers, feeling his heart almost burst with happiness as it beat in tandem with hers. Magic, he thought; True Magic.
After Notes
The language that I call the Old Tongue in this short story is actually the language Sindarin, the Elvish language that Tolkien created. A sitesite has the information that you would need. Haru’s transformation chant, Nin estar Iaothar, Orenar, anno nin tur, literally means: They call me Abysswarrior, Heartfire, give me master! This basically means: I am the Abyss Warrior, Heartfire, give me the mastery!
The chant that Arlisenda tells Haru to call out near the beginning of the story, Hiryu Mellon Arlisenda, means Hiryu friend Arlisenda, which in turn means: Hiryu friend of Arlisenda, and is basically a summons to a friend of Arlisenda, who will not appear in this tale.
All characters and ideas in this story are entirely my own, with the exception of Haru Glory, who is a character from the popular Japanese anime series: Groove Adventure Rave, and the Bahamut line, which came from Squaresoft’s incredible RPG, Final Fantasy VII.
Also, the idea of Periaths came to me as an inspiration from the master writer J.R.R. Tolkien. His works inspired me to actually write stories. They were the hobbits, the little heroes of his tale. A last note: Anyone who has read the Cry of the Icemark before will recognize some elements of that tale in here.

- Title: Ye Olde Magick Tale: Part 2
- Artist: Senshi Ia
- Description: A little story I wrote for my Grade 9 assignment. Names are taken from elsewhere except for certain ones, and they're mostly listed at the very end of the story. This is NOT a fanfiction, but an original work. A sequel was in the works, but I misplaced it AND lost interest. This is the second part, the first part has already been posted.
- Date: 01/29/2010
- Tags: olde magick tale eolugia kirinelf
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