Red Moon
(Hope Rejuvenated)
Chapter 11 - “Sealing the Waters”
It’s been weeks of restless nights and tiring days of training when Youko finally comes back. Tatsuka tells us all to return to our cells while Youko reports where the next Jinchuuriki is. I see Tatsuka going back to his little hole in the wall as Youko runs into it as always. I then, suspiciously walk back to my cell. It’s always dark and impatient in here. Dark, Damp, and Damned.
I couldn’t hear it, but this was their conversation:
“So tell me,” he paused, “is the next one an elemental?” The young man replied, “Yes. The Jinchuuriki holds Sanbi, the water demon, sir. She shouldn’t be that hard for Katakune to handle.” He paused to look back, the direction of my cell, as Tatsuka replied. “Is that all, Youko? Do you have any history? Documents?” Youko replied, “I am sorry sir, but I have none at this time,” he bowed his head in shame. Tatsuka swept his staff in the air and declared, “Thank you, Youko, you are free to go.” The messenger bowed his thanks and disappeared. And under Tatsuka’s breath, he whispered, “I can’t wait until this little game is over. My patience it growing weary for your power, Youko… your promise for the Kyuubi,” he finished as his sinister chuckle echoed throughout the cave.
I looked up at the familiar figure when he opened my gate. “Come with me,” he said. I stood up and followed my Okashii. He led us into the shining bright cave, its roof agape. I squinted at the light as Youko turned around to me, “Your mission today is to capture the Sanbi. The water demon, alright?” I gave a dumb, “Uh…?” in response. He scoffed, rolled his eyes then stared at me. “The same procedure,” He stopped, seeing if I could get it already, “Go to the Water Country and find the Jinchuuriki. Bring her back here and we’ll do the rest. Easy enough? Oh, and as I said, ‘Don’t start a fight!’ ” He yelled, “You don’t seem to get it. If you were to start a fight, people will find you and arrest you! We need you in this group, Katakune, so don’t ruin it this early on.” He paused and smirked, “But then again, that shouldn’t be a problem for a trained assassin such as yourself.” He turned around, “The Water Country is a long ways away. Probably even the furthest out of all the countries, but the good thing is: when we get there, it’ll more than likely be night time, so assassination and capturing will be that much easier, got it?” I finally answered, “Yeah, whatever.” He could tell I really didn’t want to do this, but he probably didn’t care at all. I stared at the ground as I followed him out of the cave.
Over and over again, I could see him look back at me, and I would look back at him, the same time he’d go back to looking forward. It was very awkward, but I got used to it. After walking miles, I caught up to him and walked by his side. He just looked away and put on a sour face. “Look, I know you don’t like working with me, but I’m sorry, really. I just want to know who you really are. What you really are,” I explained. He briefly glanced at me then replied, “I don’t see why I should give out any information like that to you. Mind your own business: getting to the island safely.” I groaned and questioned, “But I beg you! I don’t even care if I’m being too nosey. But if you really are who you say you are, then I want to know exactly why you’re in Akatsuki.” He looked back at me, “Katakune, I’m sorry that you are confused, but I’m still not giving out any information. You don’t know anything about me.” I spoke gibberish for a second then practically yelled, “Well duh! That’s why I’m asking you! But you never answered me. Okashii, why are you in the Akatsuki? Am I your destined one like you said? Are you always supposed to look over me? Will I always know who you are wherever I am? Are you like a stalker to me? What do you mean by ‘Demon’? What if I have to go to the restroo--?” He stopped and yelled, “SHUT UP! You ask too many questions! First, do not call me ‘Okashii’ again! Second, I don’t look over you 24/7! Third, about the demon part…” He got quiet, “You’ll figure it out soon enough,” he ended with a chuckle. I really didn’t get it, ‘I’ll find out soon enough’?
And then it came to me. Shock. Disbelief. All of it came so quickly to my mind. All these ideas. All the emotions. Could he really be? Could he really be one of the demons? I stared at him, then his stomach. Jinchuurikis usually have a seal on their stomachs that identify that they have the Bijuu imbued within. But he’s a spirit, I reminded myself. Maybe he’s the demon itself? Impossible! But. About Kitsune. About the Kyuubi. More confusion… Kitsune can shape shift! Did this demon shape shift into this man? I stared at him with fear thinking, “Do I have to capture him too?” What about the tie between him and my brother? Why does he report to Tatsuka regularly? Somehow he knows him more than me. How is that possible? Did- did Tatsuka actually know this being before I was born? His mouth slowly turned into a smirk, as if he was reading my mind. But Tatsuka told me he sealed all of the beasts! What is going on?
Youko stopped and said, “He lied.” My mouth dropped, “He- he couldn’t have! He wouldn’t do that to me, I’m his brother! He… he loves me!”
“You really think that?” Youko asked, his smile growing wilder, “He’s the one who forced you into this organization. He’s the one who hurt you this whole time. He made you take the lives of the innocent just for his own well-being, you think that is love? Hurting you emotionally, scarring your destiny, abusing you physically, and forcing you to murder humans? I don’t think that’s truly love. That sounds pretty grotesque to me.” Then I thought for a second. If Youko reports to him and Youko helped me get through that pain, maybe it really was Tatsuka all along. My brother’s the one who gave me this beast to take care of me. But the real question is: Is Tatsuka using Youko to help me? Or is Youko using Tatsuka to help himself? Youko’s smile turned into an angry frown, as his scathing glare pierced into my eyes. The eye that was covered by his fringe was now clearly visible. Then, could I see the true demon inside of that body. I immediately couldn’t talk and my legs took over, walking the borders of all these countries until we got to the Wave Village, port to all islands.
Youko grumbled and said, “This is as far as I’ll take you. Take a boat to the Water Country and find her. Get it over with and come back here, I won’t be waiting.” It was already sunset and I stared into his visible eye. “Youko, what made you become a demon? What have you done to deserve this?” He sighed, “You just won’t give up on gaining information, will you? Fine, I’ll only tell you a bit. Once, I was a god. The god of Fire. My other godly friends and I ruled over the other minor lords as kings until they finally got tired of us. They made us mortal and transformed us into mere animals. We were devastated once we died our natural lives. After that we became servants to the gods under us. Others became maids, chefs, entertainers, etc. I, myself, became the messenger.” He made a sign and dispersed into a cloud of smoke again. “So he was the messenger to the gods? Like he’s a messenger to us. This is making more sense now.”
I stared at the vast ocean, then to a wading boat. I unchained the tiny craft and set sail, forward to the Water Country. About an hour later, it was moonlight, and I just arrived at the docks of the island. I looked around and noticed that there is no security, just spotlights. “Hmm, such bad surveillance, huh?” I tip-toed past the lights and got to the dock’s gates. “Now’s time to practice my new jutsu,” I thought to myself. I looked at the bars of the gate and then closed my eyes. They are not there. They never were. They never will be. I put my hands in-between one bar and concentrated my chakra on it. Without opening my eyes, I let all of my chakra go and put my hands down. When I opened my eyes, the bar was gone. “Success!” I excited myself, “The stardust jutsu took away the atoms of the metal bar, then obliterated them!”
I cheerfully giggled, then squeezed my body through the gap in the gate, and walked out of the dock area. I walked down a short road until I found myself next to a sign: ‘Welcome to the Water Country, we hope you enjoy your stay!’ and on the back said, ‘We hope you enjoyed your time at the Water Country, please come again!’ “Sounds like a sign on an inn or something…” I said to myself. I looked out, over the Mist Village, and noted, “Well, infiltration complete. Now to find the girl.” I put my hood on and slowly walked into the village. Everything was silent, nobody was on the streets, nothing was disturbed, and it was all very melancholy. It reminded of my childhood, when Tatsuka just left, and all I could feel was loneliness. I walked throughout all the poor streets, staring into the windows of every other house, until I finally found her. That’s her. The Jinchuuriki girl.
She was sleeping on the floor. She looked pretty short, and very sad. Her hair was unevenly cut and covered her eyes. She wore a long raggedy dark green turtleneck and nothing else but a necklace with a shark tooth amulet on it. “I’m guessing her Bijuu is a Shark?” I think to myself. I quietly open her window then sneak into her room, pick her up, and throw her over my shoulder. Just in case she wakes up, I injected her neck with a sleeping poison. I quickly ran out of the village, lay her on the boat, and rowed away.
Halfway there, I heard a weak voice. I stopped and looked around, nothing. I continued rowing until I heard girlish moaning. I turned around and saw the girl open her eyes and stare at me. “Shimata!” I thought to myself, “How did she wake up?” Her eyes opened wide and she started to panic. I let go of the roes and tried to put my hand over her mouth, but she hit my arms away and started to scream. I forced my hands to my ears because her scream was so loud. “Calm down!” I yelled, “Be quiet, please! Shush!!!” Her amulet started to glow bright and the boat started to crack. “No one’s gonna hear you anyway! Shut up!” The scream grew louder as the boat started to chip and break, destroying the boat in an instant. I gained balance as I collected my chakra to my feet to stand on the water. She disappeared for a second, and reappeared a few feet away from me, holding herself insecurely. “Stay right there! Don’t move!” I yelled. “G-get away from me!” she screamed back. And at that moment, her amulet gleamed again, forcing me back with a strong invisible blast. I fell into the water, but immediately got back up. “What was that? What kind of powers does she have?” I thought to myself. “Please just calm down and come with me, ok?” She didn’t answer, thoughts running in her head. “Um… Who are you, girl?” I asked. She answered shyly, “Chikaku… Who are you? And what are you doing with me?” She yelled. “I… I really don’t know. But if you come with me, I can take that demon that’s inside you away from you!” I lied. “You mean… If I come with you, you can take out Isonade-dono and let me live a normal life? Will- will I get to have my parents back as well…?” she said, bashfully. I stuttered a second then replied, “Who’s Isonade? And what happened to your parents, Chikaku?” She got silent for a second then answered, “Isonade is my master. I have to obey him,” she paused, “My parents orphaned me once they found out I had him sealed within me.” “So Isonade is the three-tails?” I thought to myself, “That’s so sad. Even I can’t take this poor girl to the hideout and kill her.” I bit my lip, trying to think of what to do.
Chikaku walked up to me and clung onto me, trembling, “Please. Take me with you, sir. I can’t take this pain any longer,” Tears made waves in the water, “Make my life better again. I’d do anything to get this demon out. All I want to do is be normal. I hate being an outcast. I hate living alone.” She started sobbing, “I hate being alone!” I wrapped my arms around her and held her, trying my best to comfort someone. At this time, I really wish I hadn’t said that lie…
She stepped back and restrained herself from me. The shark tooth charm was shining so bright, even she had to squint her eyes. She put her hands to her ears, to try and block out the screech, but it just overpowered her stance, making her squirm everywhere. And in a mix between her voice, and a true demon’s, she stared at me with red eyes, demanding, “Hell never allowed you to penetrate the emotions of this host. You have failed in your mission to trick me. I am very sorry, but Chikaku is now under my command, and we simply cannot trust you from here on out.”
She made the first move. Chikaku, under her will, pulled back her hand then shot it out in the air in the form of claw. From the cause, a monstrous wave arose from in front of her and engulfed the whole sky, and the moonlight with it. It came so quickly I had no time to react, and got sucked into the depths. I held my breath and closed my eyes tight at the last second, waiting for the force to stop. I began to fall slower, and the bubbles stopped flowing. I opened my eyes and stared up at the wavering moon above me.
In front of me a gargantuan shadow crossed my eyes leaving thousands of huge bubbles in the water. My air supply was running out and there was still no reply from my senses. “Ok,” I thought to myself, “I know what’s going on vaguely. But how am I supposed to defeat her?” The shadow, closer now, crossed pass me to my side, the force pushing me away. “What was that?” I thought. “Is that the demon?” Then, right in front of me was a humongous gaping maw. I flinched, losing a breath of my air. I tried my best to swim away, but the mouth was too fast… Darkness. Pain. Then… Nothing.
My senses came back to me as I looked up at the night sky. I was floating on the surface of the water with no energy whatsoever, out of breath. I looked forward and saw the giant demon suck itself back into the little girl. “Ow, what happened? There’s not a scratch on me but I’m already out of breath. How come I can’t stand on the water anymore?” The demon replied, “We eliminated any possible way for you to combat with us. Samehada, my acquaintance, took away all of your chakra. I am afraid you have lost this battle, little one. We are victorious. We are everything.” I looked on in shock. ‘How am I supposed to capture her now? Along with my desire not to hurt anyone and my wish not to kill someone as sweet as her’ I bit my lip in acceptance of denial ‘…I have run out of options.’
Chikaku made a graceful move, sweeping her arm down to the water then pointing to me, freezing me into the water. “Great, my chakra’s gone and now I can’t move!” I struggled to get out, but all attempts failed. “Resistance is futile, Katakune”, I heard him say. But right after that, Chikaku forced her hands to her temples and screamed in horror, “Gah! No! Make it go away! Stop it! Now! Agh!!!” She fell to her knees sobbing, as I got a chance to break out of the ice. I gained a tiny bit of chakra from the result of my stamina, and weakly stood on the water. “Uh, Chikaku? Are you alright?” I asked with concern. Her necklace gleamed; she looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and screamed at me to go away. Afraid, I slightly walked back. “What’s happening to her?” I thought to myself, full of worry.
The sky roared and the clouds concealed the Moon. “I see. So her anger creates thunder.” The waves rolled past me, making me a little sea sick. The winds blew strong and I finally realized the frigidness as the air hit against my pale face. I pinched my eyes closed and shivered. “Chikaku, you don’t have to follow Isonade’s orders. Just let it go! It’s only hurting you more! If you settle down, you can come with me peacefully and rid yourself of that beast!” I lied again, gulping. She stared back up at me, switching between demon and human, “Please help—No, you can’t help – get me away from here – There is no hope – Let me go! – You will die here! -- Ahhhh!!! -- … I have taken control. You have two choices, Katakune. You can run now and leave us be,” He paused, the winds growing wilder, “Or, you can fight me and ultimately die!”
Chakra encased her and added a tail as her physical features became more shark-like. Chikaku came rushing towards me with a sharp claw and I put on a serious face. “I guess I have no choice… but to fight you!” I held my arms out, bracing myself for her next action as the rain started to fall. Big risk. Just as she forced the claw down on me, I sucked myself into the ocean, pulling myself up behind her. “I’ll play the defense game for a while ‘till I get my chakra back,” I said to myself, “That’ll hopefully work.” She turned back around to me, growling. Her mouth opened to her growl, show-casing rows of teeth sharp as razors. “Ooh, scary,” I mimicked. She lunged herself at me as I did the same swooping move as last time. She turned around to me again, and yelled, “Quit playing games! You chose to fight, so fight! Stop thinking you are better than me, it’s worthless!” Another tail formed as she launched her hand towards me, attempting to put me into a chokehold. At the last second, though, I fell back. “Come on, chakra! You better form before she evolves fully!” I could practically see the steam coming out of her head now. The thunder screeched as the simple rain turned into a storm.
In the blink of an eye, Chikaku tackled me down into the water and started scratching my face. I didn’t care if I physically got hurt; I was only concentrating on holding my breath and gaining chakra. I tried to make a makibishi spike to stab her away but the stardust would not cooperate underwater. “Kuso,” I thought to myself, “I didn’t ever think I’d have to create something with stardust underwater. I really need to learn how to do this now!” She pushed us further and further down into the water. It got darker, and colder, and the pressure became stronger. My ears popped as we went down more; I actually thought my face was going to pop instead. I pushed her hands away from me and swam away, blood clouding my view. I could hear her racing towards me so I got out one of my already made kunai, and with all my might, threw it to her, blind sighted. Why did I even do that? Because of the force of the water, it was an easy dodge. And now that she blinded me with my own blood, she grabbed my foot. I’m all hers now. “Shimata! I can’t keep up this dodging game any longer! I’m just using up all my stamina. And I’m about to run out of breath too!” I tried my best to swim upwards, but her strength was too powerful. She pulled me down and threw me even farther down into the ocean. ‘It is so dark,’ was my first thought, then ‘I’ll never be able to get back up to the surface without drowning.’ “Her intentions are to eliminate any chance of me winning, fighting, or ultimately living,” I strategically planned out.
My heart skipped a beat and my mouth opened and gasped, longing for oxygen. My arms started flailing and out of will, I desperately swam up as fast as possible to catch a breath of air. Out of the corner of my eye, Chikaku was floating still, twitching, yearning for the demon to be out. As I was racing for air, my heart was racing to catch up with me, signaling it by desperate gasps for air underwater. No use. I had visions of my life, especially the time I almost drowned in the ship. I finally made it to the other side of the reflection and dramatically inhaled the pure, rich oxygen. “I have to admit,” I said out of breath, “This has got to be one of the hardest fights I’ve been in so far.” I sighed, looked down, and shook my head, “I better finish her off before becomes completely possessed.” I opened my eyes and saw her shadow emerging under me. I think some of my chakra is finally back, so let’s hurry this up.
I thought about how she sought to defeat me so easily. She took away my chakra, froze me into the water to stop any physical movement, blinded me with my own blood by scratching my face, and she tried to keep me underwater, knowing I’d drown sooner or later. It must be Isonade coming up with these strategies. She was right under me now and I could count three full tails now. Sweat rolled down my already wet face from the rain. I had to think fast.
With the chakra I had gathered, I exchanged it for a half-ton of stardust which I turned into a giant stake-like weapon. As she was right under my feet, I jumped out of the water and pounded the blunt tip into her skull. The vibrations curled her body up and made her fall back into the waters, black blood rising to the top. I closed my eyes tight, sorry for what I’ve done. But also in denial knowing the three tails could not have been finished that easily. I bit my lip in sorrow and stood back on the rolling waves.
I kneeled down and looked into the water, seeing if Chikaku was still there. “She must have fallen to the very bottom,” I thought. “I wonder if Tatsuka wouldn’t care if the body is dead or not.” I worried, thinking, “I hope she’s not.” I heard a monstrous growl as the sea rolled into bigger and bigger waves. I stood ground (or should I say, water) and embraced myself. The waves got stronger and finally turned into swells; 5 feet, 10 feet, 20 feet, and just got stronger. It finally got to the point I couldn’t stand in the water correctly anymore. The sea was knocking me around as its little play toy. The sky was screaming at me like it was my mother. And I was stuck in the middle of all of it. The lightning made it daytime for a millisecond then faded away. Rain poured down in thick sheets, and not even sheets, blankets! “This can’t be a good sign,” I obviously said to myself. “So do you think this is a little game?” I heard. The voice was so demonically low and scarring, it struck me in place. “This isn’t just your average battle, Katakune. This will continue on as a war if you do not defeat me. And considering your current handicap, it will be impossible for you to accomplish my utter death. And keep in mind anyway, I am a demon. Minion of Naraka, the overlord of the underworld. Follower of Inari, god of the mischievous Kitsune, under Youko’s command. I have lived life in various ways, and can no longer be killed. If you try, good for you. But nothing in the world can stop me from causing utter chaos within the seas. I shall pollute the ocean, and nobody will have any supply of water, making them die of dehydration. My duty for Naraka is to poison the seas, and my job for Inari is to start off this war by gaining attention by killing the child I am sealed within. It would be an honor to murder a member of the Akatsuki as well. So I insist, try and stop me.”
His words pierced through my heart like a bloody katana and my knees shook in fear. Youko is the one who decided to destroy the world? He’s the one who put these demons on the earth? But why? Why Earth? Why not any other planet? So this whole time Youko has been lying to Tatsuka. He got on Tatsuka’s soft side and asked him to take away the demons of the innocent. But in reality, he just wanted his friends out of the concealment to gain true destruction of the world. But why did he do this? In revenge of the gods under them who forced them to become their servants…? Why would anyone do this?
A strange long purple lightning bolt screeched down on the surface of the water away from me and shook the Earth. In the distance, I could see the water rise up stories. “Another wave?” I thought. But I was wrong. Completely and totally wrong. The wave was coming towards me, yes, but under it was something unimaginable. The water gushed down from it and three colossal dorsal fins came out of the ocean. Each fin seemed the size of a mountain, and it only got worse. “How the hell could anything that huge fit into the ocean?” The head came out of the water and eyes emerged from the head. Oh, the eyes. Oh good lord, the eyes were horrific. The slit pupil followed you wherever you went, and burned into your very conscious, telling you to murder yourself. Not to mention how big the eyes were also. Just the look of the demon was terrifying. I couldn’t move. The only skin showing was on the head and fins; everything else was covered in armor. It haunted me to think of what the mouth looked like.
The Shark opened its colossal mouth, showcasing a black hole of terrorizing razor-sharp jaws, each, bigger than a Redwood. Just think of “Jaws”, only ten times bigger. Just the fins made Samehada look puny. But the whole monster itself made the ocean look like a puddle. ‘Am I going to die? I’m too late anyway. I waited too long. It fully possessed her and now there’s no possible way I can defeat the whole demon myself. I can’t even see the whole monster in my single vision. I’ve lost all hope. It will devour me in one gulp, and I’ll no longer exist.’ I closed my eyes and exhaled. Then, I decided, ‘I am going to die.’
I could see the monstrous gaping jaws curl up at the sides, smiling, knowing I’ve “given up”. But Katakune never gives up. Not now. Not ever! My eyes opened wide, glowing golden. “I will stop you, Isonade. Even if I die trying!” I raised my arms up, and up came a titanic wave. I moved my arms with force in front of me and turned the water into a raging giant ice spear, aiming right into the black hole-mouth. “Stardust – freeze!” I shouted, as the weapon entered the mouth, and went down its throat. I spread my fingers out and simultaneously, spikes of ice pierced outwards from the main spear and hooked onto the inside of his mouth, making him choke. The huge shark started squirming, lashing around the sea, splashing it like it was its own swimming pool. “No use, ya’ overgrown fish! The more you squirm, the more it will grow!” I brought my other hand out and formed a complex-looking chakram with an extending blade, covered with an abundance of exploding notes and pouches. I threw it deep down into the shark’s throat and waited for the finale. “This has gone on far too long, Isonade. You better count your blessings, because I could have made it a lot worse!” Just then, the explosion happened. Like a flash flood, the fire came from deep inside him up to his teeth. “I’ve damaged the inside, now’s time to break the armor on the outside and make him vulnerable!” I planned out.
With all my might, I swung the spear over my head, flipping the gargantuan over my head, through the clouds, and slamming him onto a nearby island, cracking the top of his armor slightly. The shark, disrupted, fell back into the ocean. “Come on, Isonade. Let’s finish this,” I tempted. “Good game, Katakune. You are very strong. But, sadly, you are still not strong enough to defeat me. Too bad.” Isonade jumped out of the water, over my head, and with all three of his caudal fins, swiped me down into the water. And the force was so unbearably strong; it knocked the air out of me and sped me down to the very depths of the ocean. Then I finally hit the very bottom.
I could hear Isonade racing down to finish me off, but there is no way I will die here. I put my hand to my mouth and nose and evaporated the water around it, giving me a little bubble of air to breathe in temporarily. “I’m not even going to think about letting you win,” I angrily thought. With my other hand, I formed a humongous harpoon, the size of the Titanic, connected to a very thick wire, and threw it in a crescent pattern upwards to Isonade. He was too fast to realize anything faster than him could catch up. The harpoon tore right into his armor, into his black heart, and out the other side, ending up over the water. That was number one. Number one slows him down. Number two stops him completely. The harpoon’s potential gravity stopped and it came crashing down with more kinetic energy than ever. The mighty spear tore through him once again, this time in the other side, and slowly caught back up with me. Number two.
I grabbed the harpoon back again and stuck it into the ground along with the wire. The wire around Isonade pulled together and tightened around him, making him fall to the very bottom of the sea. I realized this was very dangerous, and swam back up to the surface with no more energy of any kind. Once Isonade slammed to the surface, the ground cracked, activating molten lava from underground, melting the rest of his armor and singeing his skin. Isonade, knowing his squirming would only scorch him more, sucked himself back into Chikaku’s body, making her finally float back to the surface with me.
I tiredly stared at her body then, with the last of my chakra, rebuilt the boat she destroyed. The storm finally seized, and as an effect, made the waters calm down as well. I picked her almost-lifeless body up and lay her on the boat. Once I sat down in it, I kissed my palm, and placed it on her stomach. “I’m so sorry, Chikaku. Please forgive me,” and lifted the rest of her chakra out of her body, sealing it within a kunai, which I would use to find my way back home.
Once I gave Chikaku to Tatsuka, I immediately went back to my cell, refusing to witness her gruesome death. I thought to myself, “Am I always going to have to go through this pain? Will I ever get used to murdering the innocent? I can’t do this. It’s not in my heart to hurt anyone,” My eyes tear up, “I won’t believe my destiny is to be within Akatsuki. Why would Tatsuka believe Youko and create this god damned organization? It just doesn’t make sense. I know my brother is smarter than that.”
At least I rested well knowing that Chikaku is finally in a better place now.

- Title: Katakune Tamoku Chapter 11
- Artist: Katakune
- Description: continued from chapter 10...
- Date: 01/26/2010
- Tags: katakune tamoku chapter
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