It was strange, sleeping in the woods after spending so long in those cramped, dark cells. The world seemed to go on in every direction, the rough, twisting shapes of trees replacing the unnaturally straight iron bars I was so used to. The soft cushion of grass was also an odd sensation, compared to the cold, smooth stone floors of the compound.
Possibly the most startling difference was the lack of a ceiling. Instead of the textured panels, with uncomfortably bright lights spaced evenly between, an enormous curtain of brilliant blue hang overhead, the only break being the ball of orange heading towards the west. I decided to follow that light, for a period of time, at least. Maybe it would take me somewhere different.
I kept walking, the trees becoming fewer and fewer in number as I neared what appeared to be the end of the forest. The glowing ball, finding it's resting place for the day, dulled to a dark orange. The sky seemed to reflect this image, painting itself in various hues of red, purple, and orange. The clearing in front of me seemed alive, the slight wind shifting the long grass filling the space, creating ripples and waves. It was here, amidst all this beauty and movement, I decided to spend the night.
Strange, I thought to myself, that I had forgotten all about the beauty of this world. As I set down my small pack, laid down on the soft carpet of grass, and closed my eyes.
Brother Rangmen
Soon to be continued.
Everything will be cleared up in time.
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