This story is about sprits, creatures, warriors spell casters and people controlling the four main elements. Long ago there was a great battle among fire water earth and air. During the battle elements were mixed and made new types like mist, steel, grass, and more. This caused war to see who was stronger so Night Dragon sent 10 sprits including him self to earth and entered 9 chosen fighters to restore peace. Instead of peace two villages got sent to extinction so the Night Dragon’s sprit entered one of the last 3 members from the light village. Chica was chosen among her sister Tamara and her brother Grayhorn.
Hacaru said ‘‘we have to seal the Night Dragon in her or the whole village might be destroyed. ‘‘Shelly replied ‘‘you might die doing that are you sure.’’ The giant dragon roared and Hacaru said, ’’I have to do it.’’ The moon was shining bright and lit up the forest, Hacaru and Shelly were standing on the tops of trees, and the army surrounded the forest to protect the people. The Night Dragon was about 250 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Hacaru said ‘‘Shelly get Chica.’’ Shelly jumped from tree to tree and finally reached her house. She rushed in grabbed Chica and left immediately. Tamara ran out and said ‘‘where are you going.’’ Tamara was 15 Chica was five and gray horn was seven. Shelly stopped and said ‘‘cannot talk now.’’
She continued running in to the forest and started jumping from tree to tree. Tamara went back in and said ‘‘we have to see what is happening in the forest.’’ Grayhorn said ‘‘I am sleepy you go.’’ Tamara said ‘‘what ever if I am not home in an hour get help.’’ Tamara left the house and ran to the forest. When she got closer, she saw a bright light and ran faster to it. Then she saw a giant dragon was sucked into a bright light. The light faded and she saw her father fall of the tree. She ran to the spot he fell off and saw him dead on the ground. Tamara fell to her knees and started to cry. Tamara noticed a light above her when she looked up she saw Chica floating above her. tell me if you like it.
the mix clan
action, elemental, anime, random,
my first story i hope its good
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