Ice Clan
Territory: Lake Acurity/ rt. 217
• Leader: Charged with the responsibility to watch over, manage, maintaining discipline, order and protection to an entire clan/#Blizzardprint: Easygoing & old; grateful for the warmth of his clan. Wears a Zinc band. Rookie:*Shyphase
• Lieutenant: the second-in-command to the leader and responsible for organizing the clan/*Breezetail: Wears a plain glittering sliver scarf with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:#Bouncephase
• Healer: Heals the clan's injuries and deciphers signs sent from Star Clan/#Frostbite: Trustworthy & smart; Loves to be in the nursery with the pups so much he actually moved his chamber in there. Wears a Persim scarf.
• Warriors: Pokémon who've devoted their lives to protect, defend, and feed the clan /*Diamondtail: Inconsiderate & skillful; mother of Crowfood. Wears a plain glittering crimson scarf with an Ice symbol. Rookie: *Snowphase
• *Featherstorm: Wears a plain glittering onyx band with an Ice symbol. Rookie:#Whitephase
• #Icefang: Wears a plain glittering light cobalt scarf with an Ice symbol. Rookie:*Crystalphase
• #Fringeheart: Wears a plain glittering gold band with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:#Articphase
• *Cloudpaws: Wears a plain glittering bronze band with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:*Cottonphase
• *Bluenose: Wears a plain glittering copper scarf with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:*Hollyphase
• *Frostpelt: Wears a plain glittering metallic pink band with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:*Mossphase
• #Raggedtail: Wears a plain glittering metallic sliver band with a white Ice symbol. Rookie:#Clawphase
• Queens: Females caring for their young in the nursery/*Mirrorpelt: Wears a plain glittering metallic blue scarf with a white Ice symbol. Fathering Icefang's pups. Pups/ Nightpup & Kelppup.
• Elders: Retired Warriors/*Moonpool #Lepardpelt
Fire Clan
Territory:Wayward Cave
• Leader/*Fireprint: Wears a Def. Scarf as a head band. Rookie:*Scarletphase
• Lieutenant/#Scorchbomb: Wears a plain charcoal-smeared butterscotch bandana with a red Fire symbol. Rookie:#Razorphase
• Warriors/#Thornbush: Wears a plain charcoal-smeared white scarf with a red Fire symbol. Father of Netphase, Blossomphase, and Swiftphase
#=Male *=Female
Chapter #10
The Journey through Mt. Coronet
Part 2
I not sure how long I was out for but when I came to, Breezetail was gently rasping her tongue over my head. Blood trickled down from where the rock knocked me out. "...Mossphase? Are you awake? Can you stand?"
Fresh pain spread from my limbs down to my pink fleshy pads as I struggled to rise to my paws. After Breezetail had to help nudge me up to a sitting position she then wrapped her dusty tail over my tan pelt. A strong gust of wind blasted the smell of blood and earth in my face. I'm back in Mt. Coronet.
Blinking my eye to adjust to the gloom, I saw Bluenose, Whitephase, and Articphase stood in front of the giant boulders staring down at a pool of blood that streamed gently out of the fractured rocks. Bluenose abruptly sat down and pointed her muzzle up at the rock ceiling. A low ghastly groan rumbled in her throat as she quietly mourned for her lost pup. Moments later, pity wield up in my chest as I steadily eyed the mistrusting warrior.
Articphase slowly wandered over to comfort his clan mate’s lost but, Whitephase brushed him off and got up to stand motionless with his head hanging over the pool. Articphase remained where he was; gravely staring up at the rock wall that block us off from the other half of the gathering party.
In a corner not too far from me, Hollyphase and Snowphase were huddled close against Cloudpaws's warmth. Cloudpaws eyed the grieving mother with great sympathy while Hollyphase was lying on her side with her eyes closed. For a few heartbeats, I wondered if the she-eevee was padding up the starry staircase to Star Clan as I spoke. But suddenly her flank briefly rose then dropped at a slow rhythm. My mind quickly slid back down to a troubled ease.
Snowphase didn't seem interested in her clan mate’s death at all. Only staring down thoughtfully at mother's crimson band that was matted with dirt. She must be worried about mother. I assumed bitterly. I, on the other paw, could now careless about her. I'll never forgive her! Not after what she's done to Crystalphase! Nor Aries! I dug my claws into the stiff dirt. ...Crystalphase...
It felt like moons before I gathered up enough strength to stand on all four paws. Breezetail mildly ran the tip of her tail down my back; enticing me lie down and rest but I ignored her. What I was about to do was far more important.
Trembling, I gingerly placed one paw after the other; fully aware I was being stared down by the split party, until I was a tail-length away from Whitephase. It was ages before he sensed my presence. He stared up at me; though his eyes were unreadable they sparkled with something I couldn't name. "Maybe she's still alive..." Whitephase murmured so low I almost didn't catch what he said. A bit louder he asked. "Have you come to help me dig her up? No one won't help me..."
"...She gone Whitephase."
"No she isn't!" He snarled. His fur puffed out making him appear twice as big. "She can't be dead..."
"There's nothing we can do. The boulders are too heavy to move."
Whitephase eyes suddenly grew tired and slowly let his fur down. "But we didn't even try..."
A little quieter I replied. “I talked to Crystalphase in a dream. She wanted to let you know she'll miss you and will always be with you."
The delusional rookie said nothing, only staring down at his paw where his claws had torn off.
Breezetail padded up to us, bent down and whispered in my ear. "We should leave soon. These caverns have become far too dangerous for us at the moment."
"How much farther do we have to go to get to Hearthome City?" Hollyphase whined to herself. We're not going to get their today that's for sure.
Hours after the violent rock fall, what was now left of the gathering party move on. Deeper and deeper into the unpredictable mountains. I trotted a bit at the edge, observing the group. Breezetail was leading the party while Bluenose padded so close to her it almost seemed like she was leaning against the lieutenant. Still mourning for Crystalphase.
Following close behind, Cloudpaws remained vigilant. Swiveling her head back every now and then, flinching at every tiny sound that echoed throughout the caves. She looked bold and strong like a leader but a fear scent came from her, growing stronger with every paw step.
Hollyphase and Articphase padded close together, muttering something incoherent from my position. Clawphase, Snowphase, and I padded apart. Clawphase appeared deep in thought while Snowphase trotted a little farther behind. Carrying around mother's band like a motherless pup clinging on to lost memories.
What kind of gathering party is this? Has Crystalphase's death silenced us all with fear and grief? Crystalphase won't be happy seeing us like this.
A bitter smell touched my nose. It's smelt kind of like stuffy, burning wood. I quickly jogged up to the lieutenant. "Breezetail, what's that awful smell?"
The she-glaceon paused and tasted the air. Cloudpaws and Bluenose decided to do the same. Then simultaneously seated themselves on the cold rock floor. Their tails curled neatly around their paws. And they all stared directly in the shadows of the tunnels. All the rookies, including myself, watched them in bewilderment. "Why are you guys sitting down for?" I murmured to Breezetail.
She gave me a quick playful glimpse before giving the caves her full attention. "We're waiting for a few Pokémon to show up."
I had no idea what Breezetail was talking about. Everyone accounted for was right in front of her, why would she wait for strangers to catch up? Articphase slipped in-between the other rookies until he confronted me. "The other clan is gaining up to us, finally. I was starting to get worried."
Then out of the darkest shadows, a slick, well-groomed orange paw stepped out. And as delicate as the first, its next paw steps revealed a fluffy tan mane, an orange muzzle, and a dab of tan fur growing on its head. Tied around the she-Pokémon’s neck was a Defense Scarf. Her brown eyes gleamed through the gloom.
Nearly a dozen more of them padded out into the open. Some of the other Pokémon had colored band with an orange flame symbol, smeared with what looked like dirt or charcoal maybe.
"The Flareons of Fire Clan has finally come." Cloudpaws whispered.
Breezetail rose up to her paws. She almost seemed bumptious in the undisturbed caverns when she spoke. "I'm glad to see you and your gathering party, Fireprint. I was beginning to worry."
"Well now we are here." Fireprint replied dryly. "Fire Clan had to take a longer route after our original tunnels abruptly caved in. Before we can go on, my clan must rest our aching paws."
Immediately, three Fire Clan rookies bolted into the Ice Clan party mingling into the others while the remaining Fire Clan members took a more refined approach. The three rookies darted over to Bluenose and deeply drew in her scent. The littlest of the three eevees had emerald eyes and squeaked. "Wow glareon! You smell like frost and it isn't even snowing yet."
The rookie that spoke after had emerald eyes and noticeable scarlet flecks on her pelt. "How is that even possible?!"
The next rookie to speak had light maroon paws. "Yeah glareon, how!?"
Bluenose sighed softly. "First of all, I'm not a 'glareon', I'm a glaceon. My name is Bluenose. My clan and I came from a land of lone ice and snow farther up north. We live near Lake Acurity where one of the legendary beings are said to live."
The rookies sat wide eyed. "That amazing!" The youngest rookies exclaimed. "Hey, my name is Razorphase." He flicked his tail at the other emerald-eyed rookie, then at maroon paw. "This is Scarletphase and Netphase. We were just apprenticed a few days ago!"
"That's wonderful...so did my pups. You'll make you clan proud one day."
While Scarletphase and Razorphase tried to hide their embarrassment by rasping over their chest fur. Their tongues rasped over their yellow and orange flame emblems. Netphase stared dubiously up Bluenose. "What's wrong? I thought parents would be proud seeing their pups being apprenticed. Ours did. Why do you seem so sad?"
Bluenose glanced over at Breezetail. Her eyes flickered with great emotion before Breezetail solemnly nodded her head. Swiveling her head back at the listening group, Bluenose explained. "One of my pups, Crystalphase, was stoned to death from an avalanche earlier today..."
Behind me, Whitephase slightly moaned in the corner he curled up to sleep in at the sound his sister's death. Though Netphase shamefully stared down at his paws, Scarletphase and Razorphase gazed at older warrior with wonder gleaming from their eyes. Scarletphase was the first to talk. "Did you cry?"
"Did Crystalphase reappear with a pelt full of stars like the elders tell us in their stories?" Piped up Razorphase. "That's probably the coolest thing about dying!"
Fury burned in my belly and surged through my fur. Had this pup have any respect for the dead? Whitephase suddenly shot up. "What kind of sick rookie talks about death like that?!"
"Relax you crazy furball!" Razorphase fur slowly rose and his claws unsheathed. "I was only trying to lighten the mood!"
"She was my sister, for Star Clan sake! Don't make me claw your pelt off!"
"I'd love to see you try! Bug-brain!" Before fur could fly, I rushed in-between the feuding rookies. "Damn you! Out of my way before I claw you too!"
Now Articphase and Hollyphase stood to face the rookie, obviously offended by his threat. Snowphase was pawing at mother's band in a content silence. I however remained calm. “We’re all exhausted and still have a long way to go. Sheath your claws before you regret something....The both of you."
Scarletphase snorted. “Believe me. He won't regret teaching him a lesson! I wouldn't mind shredding Ice Clan rookies myself. You guys take things too far!"
"Razorphase! Scarletphase!" An older Fire Clan warrior grunted by his leader's side. He too had a scarlet spotted pelt and emerald eyes. I guess he's there father. "Haven't you two caused enough trouble?"
"But Smoothrock-!"
"No buts. Get your tails over here-now!"
Reluctantly the two rookies, glared at me before they dragged themselves over to their father's side. Smoothrock got up to curtly nod at Bluenose, and wander to the back of the parties.
Scarletphase briefly swung her at Whitephase and hissed. "Don't think this is over!"
"Who ever said it was?" Whitephase angrily countered.
Hollyphase padded up until she and the fire clan rookie stood eye to eye. "You know, for rookies, you guys aren't the sharpest claws on your paws."
Just when Razorphase was about to snarl an insalt, their father growled something incoherent and the two scampered after him.
Hollyphase and Whitephase only snorted, and then padded off to Snowphase who seemed to be the only Pokémon in the parties who didn't know what was going on, to talk.
The warriors stared at us and muttered in hushed voices to one another. I tried to hide my frustration by washing my face. The Goddess Star ran smoothly over my scratched muzzle. I think I'd preferred the uneasy silence than this hot tension between fire and ice.
I slowly started to hate the caves and everything about them the longer Ice Clan and Fire Clan padded onwards. I didn't like the way the tunnels seemed so close together, making me feel more cramp than normal. I detested the annoying sounds that constantly echoed off the cave's walls. And I hated how the caves unnaturally block out the sun, the moon, and the stars from me. Never in my life have I ever felt so far away from my warrior ancestors. How long is it going to take to get out of these blasted tunnels?!
The two hot-tempered Fire Clan rookies kept a well-away distance from Ice Clan rookies. They padded so close that their fur mingled together, almost making them appear as a small creature walking with eight legs. They grumble to each other, obviously still upset. It's their damn fault. They were the ones who started the fight in the first place!
I was so deep into thought that I wasn't even aware of the other three rookies of Fire Clan was padding up to until two of them flaked my side. The maroon pawed rookie from earlier slowly walked behind me. Netphase...was it? "I'm sorry we angered your clan." Netphase whispered. "Please forgive Fire Clan on Scarletphase and Razorphase behalf."
"It would be nice to make friends with other clans where we didn't have to fight and defend our territory against." The dark burgundy colored she-Eevee spoke.
"Whatever. As long as they keep to themselves like they're doing now then blood won't be spilt." I didn't have any grudges against Fire Clan. I just don't like Scarletphase and Razorphase, that's all.
The other rookie that flaked my other side must have taken my reply for accepting there apology, because now the he chatted happily as if there wasn't any tension to begin with. "My name is Swiftphase. That's my sister Blossomphase and you've already know my brother Netphase. What's your name?"
For a few heartbeats, I wondered if I should tell them my real name. But I voted against it. "My name is Mossphase."
"Okay Mossphase so tell me,"-Blossomphase studied my coat-" The elders told us that Ice Clan lived the farthest from all clans. How come you have claw marks and scratches all over your pelt?"
"Even though Ice Clan lives a great distance from the other clans, Ice Clan has to defend their borders from Sickle Tribe. They are a group of absols that are always trying to muscle into our territory. We fought them days before we entered the mountains."
Netphase's black eyes widened in the gloom. "What's a tribe?"
Are you kidding me?! "Tribes are kinda like clans and follow rules similar to the warrior code but they don't like to be mistaken for clans, that what our clan healer told me. They always have to make themselves different from us somehow by using weird names or painting their faces with berry juice or something..."
"Where's Ice Clan camp at?" Netphase piped up from the behind.
"We live in a forest that shields Lake Acurity."
"Where Azelf is said to live?!" The awestricken Blossomphase questioned.
"Uxie. Azelf lives in Lake Valor."
"Did the snow over their melt so bad that is flooded the lake of something?"
Don't you guys ever get tired of asking all these questions? I flinched when my paw stepped over some sharp edged rocks. I twisted my paw to lick off the blood oozing out of my sore pad. The annoying rookies stared down at my paw, awestricken.
"Whoa. I've never seen a pad so fleshy and pink like that before!" Swiftphase gapped.
I got irritated answering all these stupid question these Fire Clan rookies keeps giving me. But I think this was the ridiculous one of them all. "Aren't your pads like that too?"
Netphase shook his head. "Nope. Right below the west side of Mt. Coronet, Fire Clan's camp is inside a series of tunnels called Wayward Cave." He then lifted up his paw revealing a tough gray pad. "We're use to padding on rocky terrains and jumping on rock ledges."
I glanced over at Netphase who was surprisingly padded down the earth anxiously. "But these caves feel weird somehow. Like something evil is scaring everything away. Haven't you guys ever noticed how there aren't any Zubats or Digletts around?"
Just the thought of food made my belly rumbled. I was so hungry I felt as if my belly was trying to eat it's self. For the past few days Ice Clan tired to survive off of what little prey that could be found here. Sometimes an Ice Clan warrior would catch a Sentret or collect some nasty, weird colored mushrooms and fungus that grew through cracks and behind rocks. How can such a gigantic mountain not have enough prey? How unusual... Was food dwindling? Did the mountains become too dangerous? Or was it just our luck?
Whatever the reason, if the parties couldn't find anything to eat soon then we'll have to sleep through another night starving. What I wouldn't do for a disgusting blue mushroom right now...
Nothing, and I mean nothing, felt so magnificent than that fresh blast of cold air that exploded into my face. When I reopened my eyes, there laid a tunnel with a bright ivory light gleaming at the end. Yes! Finally, an exit! Oh, thank you Star Clan! No more dank dripping caves. No more stuffy darkness. No more sharp rocks. Nothing but fresh, clean air!
Fire and Ice Clan parties padded boldly out of the cramped caves and into a snow covered mountain tops. We're not at the mountain base?! I slightly cursed to myself. Then that means we're gonna have to go back into to mountains to reach the bottom. Despite how disappointed I felt, Breezetail, Cloudpaws, and Bluenose never looked better.
"It feels so good to be out of those tunnels!" Cloudpaws exclaimed. "And into a terrain Ice Clan can work with. Maybe now we can find something tasty out here."
"Maybe we should try and hunt?" Bluenose suggested. My paws tingled to go hunt out into the open. In plain view of our warrior ancestors.
And just a few tail lengths away, a winged Pokémon I have never seen before was pecking into the snow. Not aware of my presences. I quickly dropped down to a crouch and slowly crawled over to it. My paws gently crunched under the soothing snow. The three bothersome rookies from before stared bewilder at me.
"What are you doing?" Netphase asked.
"Shut up and watch!" I hissed. Stared back down at the Pokémon. Still focused on whatever it was pecking at.
Thankfully, I was downwind from it as I crawled closer and closer to it until I was at least a rookie's length away from it. Soon I could see every detail about it. The winged Pokémon was completely white except for a blue stripe stretched over each wing. And its pale orange beak was dapped with gray at its tips. In my case, any bird Pokémon would make my day. No matter how strange it looked, my hunger countered all doubt.
I positioned my hind paws underneath your body, then pounce on top of it and sank my claws into its tender feathers. The bird Pokémon tired to shake me off and shot water attack out before I gave it a swift bite on its neck, killing it instantly. Tears almost fell out of my eyes at how delicious the bird's blood tasted on my muzzle. I wanted to wolf the whole thing down but, Breezetail and the Fire Clan rookies trotted up. "Good job taking down that Wingull Mossphase. Your mentor would be proud. We need hunters like you to help feed the parties."
"How did you pounce like that? When Fire Clan hunts, we chase down after our prey and kill it before it squeezes through cracks or flies away." Netphase eyed my catch with hungry eyes. I hope he realizes that my clan's needs come first before Fire Clan can come in a gobble everything up.
I gripped the dead Wingul by its wing and dragged it over to the resting parties behind Breezetail. "Wonderful new. Prey is plentiful here. We can all have our share before we go on. Bluenose, Snowphase, and Articphase can wander out east."
Fireprint suddenly got up from her rest spot. Her fur bristling. "My clan is not helpless." She growled. "We can hunt for ourselves-Thornbush you go with them." A young Flareon awkwardly scrambled up and trotted to catch up with the departing hunting party. Breezetail said nothing.
"Cloudpaws can take"-Breezetail cautiously glanced at the offended leader-"Razorphase and Scarletphase along with Hollyphase and Whitephase. Sometime a warrior must put aside their differences for a better cause." The rookies merely glared at them before they went off south, the fire clan rookies reluctantly padded behind them.
Then the young lieutenant turned her attentions over to me. "Mossphase, why don't you, Blossomphase, Swiftphase, and Fireprint go? If it's alright by her."
"By all means." She replied drily. "Fire Clan can use these lessons when we're forced to hunt outside of our caves. When the full brunt of winter hits." There was a certain challenge in her voice when she spoke to the lieutenant, but even if Breezetail did noticed it, she didn't pay no mind to it. She just curtly nodded to pad around to discuss farther instruction with Netphase and Smoothrock. As we trotted onwards and crossed over a slight steep ice bend, Fireprint chuckled lightly. "That's the kind of pride only a leader posses."
All my time in the mountains so far and the hunting has never been better on its mountain tops. A little too good. Proof that the Pokémon were indeed leaving the mountain caves. But why? That's what I want to know. After I caught and buried another Wingull and a Starly under the snow, the Fire Clan rookies was feasting on a Scorupi that was passing by. Finishing the whole bug in a few famished bites.
A throaty growl came to ear. I swung my head in the other direction at the furious warrior glaring down at the rookies. Snow clung to her fire pelt and a Starly gripped in her jaws. Fireprint dropped her catch by her paws. "Have you pups lost your minds!? Since when do you eat on a hunting patrol!?" She snarled. Flames burned with her eyes. "You both know that the clan must be fed first! That's part of the warrior code!" Blossomphase and Swiftphase miserably stared down at their bloody paws.
"Please try and calm yourself down." I whispered to the leader in a way a healer would to a fretting mother. "You'll scare off any chances for food that's around. If that happens then the clans will really be in trouble."
Reluntantly, Fireprint let her fur lie flat. "They still should know better." She grumbled, half to herself. "By the way they act sometime you would think that they were still pups sleeping in the nursery. They'll bring great shame to Fire Clan if they continue to behalf so immaturely." She picked up her kill and padded past the rookies. "Let's go." Fireprint's commands were muffled by feathers. "It'll be freezing by the time the sun fully sets. It's time we'd head back.
It was sunset by the time the hunting party rounded around a bend; we were nearly close back at the gathering party shelter. Blossomphase boldly stepped out but was abruptly stopped when Fireprint slammed her paw down on her brushy tail. Blossomphase let out a squeak of pain. "Don't be bird-brain." The leader mumbled through her prey. "Doesn’t the slope look steeper than it did at sun high?"
The sun beaten down restlessly on the snow all day. Not a single cloud in sight. The sun must've melted the bend. Fish-bile! Now we have to find another way around!
"Uh-oh...," Swiftphase ran his eyes from the snow bend down towards the mountains abyss." How in the name of Star Clan are we gonna get across?"
At the far end of the bend, a faded reddish-brown fluff with maroon paws was eyeing us, then at the bend, and back at us again. "There's no way getting over this now. It's probably too weak to support a new born pup." Netphase troubled look shifted to a more hopeful look. "But there's another bend down the mountain that my hunting party took and we got across fine."
Blossomphase wiped around and slid down a rock pile. "Race you guys down!"
"No fair Blossomphase! You got a head start!" Swiftphase squeaked before he too stumbled down the wall. On the other side, even Netphase darted off after his littermates. Are they rookies or pups?! Fury radiated from the older leader but she chooses to remain quiet.
Following the childish rookies paw prints in the snow, in the distance I could see the edge of a bridge. Padding around the tiring Fire Clan leader, the Fire Clan rookies were play fighting in the snow. Gently cuffing each other in the ears. Swiftphase leaped onto Blossomphase and pinned her shoulder down. He then looked up at me. "Finally! You and Fireprint came. We got bored."
"I can tell." I mumbled through feathers.
On the other end Netphase was just trotting to the other end, panting. Swift phase abandoned his sister and stood facing his brother. "And what took you so long!?"
Netphase stared down at his snow covered paws. "I got lost." He mumbled so low I almost didn't catch. "Where's Fireprint?"
"She's catching up."
Netphase made lopsided swirls in the snow. "Why don't you guys get across already? It's getting kind of lonely over here..."
"Awwww. Lil'Netphase misses us already." Blossomphase was padding up to Swiftphase and me, vigorously shaking of snow that stubbornly stuck to her pelt. "We've only been gone for a sky set."
"But it feels like a whole day!" Netphase mumbled. "We've never been apart for so long....not even when we were still pups..."
"Alright pup, we're coming." Swiftphase fearlessly trotted over with Blossomphase not too far behind. Don't they seem confident? I was well aware of the dangers of crossing the ledge and I pressed my flank against the ice wall and slowly nudged onwards. Careful not to drop my fresh-kills. The freezing ice felt cool on my warm pelt after a successful day of hunting.
Glancing at the pink sky, the setting sun dipped steadily behind the treacherous mountains, casting golden rays onto the rock hard ice. Making them glimmer faintly like the stars that are eager to show themselves in the skies once again. At least I get to see Sliveridge before the parties’ heads back into mt. Coronet again.
Behind me, Fireprint was taking caution with the ledge as well, because she too edged closer and closer to the other side. But I was still a few rookies length away from me as I nudging halfway around the slope. Far ahead, Blossomphase, Swiftphase, and Netphase all tussled and play-fighted with one another; safe on the other side. Though I was annoyed, I couldn't help but feel a tang of regret. If Wildphase and Hawkphase were still alive, would we act just like them? Would we be laughing and playing in the snow together too? Like a family?
Netphase dug his paws into Blossomphase's fur but, being a small as he was, Blossomphase brushed him off. And Netphase fell into a pile of snow. Swiftphase padded the snow under his paws impatiently watching me mosey on along the ice ledge. "What's taking so long? Why are you padding so slow for? Blossomphase and I got across in a few heartbeats but, the way you a Fireprint are going, it's going to be midnight by the time we get back to camp!"
"Well maybe if I had some help carrying these two bird Pokémon back, then maybe it wouldn't take so long?"
"I'll help!" Netphase piped up from the pile. He tentively darted across the ledge until he was a nose-length away. He firmly gripped the Starly and quickly trotted back to the other side. Attempting not to look down.
Soon after Netphase reached to the other side, Swiftphase boldly padded out onto the ice. Blossomphase ventured out onto the ledge too. Both of them confronted me on the bend. "I'll help you." Swiftphase offered.
"No, you'll gnaw on the fresh-kill until it'll look all chewed up and raw! I'll do it." Blossomphase boasted.
Under the friendly bickering, cracking could be heard under paw. Panic rose in my chest. "No!" I mumbled under the Starly's feathers. "Go back! All our weight on the ledge like this is going to give it away!"
Just as I spoke, the ice ledge beneath our paws gave away. A huge chuck of ice broke off of the ledge, and it along with the Swiftphase flailed about as they both tumbled violently down the mountains. Until Swiftphase screeching disappeared in its snowy depts.
"Swiftphase! No!" Netphase helplessly wailed after his brother as he went out of sight.
Shortly after Swiftphase's fall, the ice beneath Blossomphase crumbled and shattered under her paws. She steadily fell backward. Frantically, Blossomphase ranked her claws into my shoulders and onto the breaking ice to get a paw hold. I dropped my prey and cried out as wielded out. But there were more important things to care think about. I gingerly padded over my prey and stood over Blossomphase. Her front paws clinged onto the damaged ice for dear life while her hind-paws flailed wildly about to give her support.
"Please!" She gasped. "Help me! Don't let me fall! Please!!"
Quickly I reached out and gripped her scruff and tried to summon the strength to pull her up. Suddenly, the very ice under my front paws shattered and in the mayhem, Blossomphase wrenched out of my teeth. And bluntly fell down the mountains, brutally slamming against what seemed like every boulder and hard ice on the mountain side wall until, she too, fell silent under the sounds of tumbling pebbles and snow.
With nothing for my front paws to grip, I too was well on my way to Star Clan when a muscle paw pressed down hard on my tail. Fireprint scent wafted into my nose as she gripped my scruff and held me up to her paws. Netphase desperate wails bounced off the mountain side. "Noooo! Not Blossomphase too!? Come back! Don't leave me like this! You have to come back, you guys just have too!"
Below the cries, Fireprint's voice quivered with grief. "Blossomphase and Swiftphase are well on their way to a better place. Far away from these snow covered mountains." She pointed her muzzle up at the darkening sky. Two little specs of light danced about in the early winter dusk. "They walk amongst the stars now." May Star Clan accepts you and honors you both into their ranks among the stars.
- by Starlight115 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Mosstorm: The Stars' Message10
- Artist: Starlight115
chapter 10
After some casualties (including my microsoft crashing), the gathering party finally moves on and unites with another clan...but the danger still hasn't pass. As tempers flies and patience run low, will mt. Coronet sees it chance to claim yet another victim? ***Beware long chapter!!!*** - Date: 12/14/2009
- Tags: mosstorm stars message10
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Fantasizing Dreams - 01/21/2010
- Aww that was sad but very good.
- Report As Spam