It's snowing again in this frozen wasteland of a town no birds song anymore there were no noise even the phoenixs are hiding.This town is called Frei which means free but we aren't free not anymore everything seems to have lost hope.We are slaves for what we are they come and took our home they killed my wolf Moon-Speaker.We are nekos we are humans with cat ears and a tail the ones who took our home are demons.I am Ayumi Yura I was the princess of Frei soon to be queen the stole that from me.Now I am the head demon's slave looking for anyway to be free again only to save my family.My mother was killed trying to escape many followed after her meeting the same fate since then they watched me waitting for me to do something.I always behaved like I should giveing them no reason to hit me or hurt me they pull tails.I was sitting in my closet that is my room before i had to start breakfast for the demon he never told me except for thee first time.I have knee lenght purple hair that I kept in a pony tail.I had a crescent moon on the left side of my face I was born with it not many people noticed it.My father said it was a mark of greatness that was before he left he will be back.He escaped before the demons came and took over I know hes still alive I know he will find a way to bring back hope.I wonder when he is coming back it's been four years I am now sixteen still a baby.Years of slavery happened when I was twelve my ded left then too since then i never talked I can I just don't.I hated being a princess but I had changes I wanted to make to the town something to help everyone.I left my closet and started cooking fish it's all they eat it smelt good but this was not for me.Good thing we nekos know how to make good fish I put a bit of pepper on it the way he liked it.They loved my fish I had no idea what it's plane compaired to other neko's fish they had better sensonings on it.I brought my master his food like a good neko I lost hope to do anything but his wishes.I put the fish on the table and stood in the coner like I do everyday I can't leave until he desmisses me.My master sat down not looking at me or saying anything something didn't feel right he usally tells me to leave.
"Ayumi you have been sold to a human go pack."my master told me
I nodded then left the room to go pack he has been trying to get me to get me to talk since the first day he met me it never worked.I wonder how my new master will be if he is crule i can't complane because I am a slave.They will beat me for not speaking but I won't I haven't spoken since my dad left.I packed up everything i had and sat there for a bit I am a little scared I don't want to be hit.I walked out of my closet with my stuff so my won't have to call me he never has to call me because I always know what to do.We nekos have great memory my old master came in he is all red with black wings and clawed feet.He is covered in scales and only wore pants he has fish eyes and is shaped like a human.My new master walked in and stared at me it creeped me out but I couldn't tell him to stop.My new master has black hair with green eyes he has a long face thin face he is tan with a bit of freckles.He looked around my age he kept staring at me why has he never seen a neko before.
"Ayumi this is your master Elias he lives alone he is sixteen his parents were killed keep him safe."my old master told me
"Does she speak?"Elias asked
"It can but it doesn't."
"How old is she?"
"It is sixteen still a baby."
"If shes a neko where are her ears and tail?"
"It hides them."
"Ayumi can I see your tail and ears please?"
I nodded I don't know why maybe it was his gental tone or that he gave me a choice but for the first time I am happy to obey.I closed my eyes and relised the magic that makes me look human my ears poped out making the hair tie break.My tail came through a hole I made in all my pants my tail and ears are black my tail started to move before I could stop it.I opened my eyes and saw Elias looking at me more then he was before it was creepy.I wanted to hide but slaves must never hide from their masters that gets them hit a good slave always does what they are told without being told.
"lets go Ayumi."Elias called
Elias walked out I followed him out I was the only slave who didn't get my tail pulled or ears flicked when I walked.Once the demons came they turned our beautiful forest home into a frozen waste land the birds left never to return until it was back to normal.Elias is shivering so I took off my jacket and gave it to him like a good slave.He tried to give it back but I shook my head he needs it demons don't need jackets but humans and nekos do.We came to a small green house two bedrooms by the looks of it.It smelt like pine I haven't smelt it in awhile my ears started to twitch a bit I missed the pine smell.Elias opened the door and motioned for me to go first I shool my head he sighed but went in.I followed and shut the door behind me I looked around the walls are white with a gray carpet and a gray couch.
"Come this way I will show you your room."Elias said
My room slaves don't get their own room this person must have never had a slave before it's a change for the demon I guess.I followed Elias to my room it has silver walls with gold carpet it has a silver dresser and a bed with gold sheets.Who would give this room to a slave I tried to look at Elias but the shiny things kept destrasting me.
"I know this is different then what you are use to but I see you as a person so you will be treated like one.Since I know you don't want to speak write it down anything you want or need."Elias explained
I found a peice of paper and wrote down what do I have to do? I handed it to Elias.
"Nothing today I want you to get use to the house first."Elias answered
"Because you can't work if you don't know where everything is."
I left the room and started to explore there was one bathroom it is white with yellow towels and fake yellow flowers.I exited the bathroom and walked into another bedroom it is black with red sheets on the bed.This is Elias room since he is the only other one who lives here I left I can't be in there.I went in the kitchen he was very organized he has spices in one cabnit then can foods in the last one he has junk food.His pans are on the counter I went back to my room and saw Elias was putting things up.
What are you doing?
"I am just putting clothes and things for you up I told you today is a free day for you."Elias said
I explored I know where everything is what do you want for dinner?
"No I will cook tonight I am making pizza."
"Despite what your old master led you to beliveing not everyone is like that.You will be treated like a person with me and maybe you will be comfortable enough to talk."
I can talk I just don't no one understands mama told me nekos can't speak when they are sad so I have to be happy to speak.My stomach growled loudly causeing me to fall insted of laughing Elias just helped me up.I felt a warm fuzzy feeling shoot up my arm and spread to the rest of my body the look on Elias face told me he felt it too.I stood up and pulled my hand out of his hold he walked out and went to the kitchen I decided to look around my room.In my closet there are muticolored shirts and a lot of shoes my tail started to wag again I don't understand why it keeps doing that.I smelt pizza souce I went to the kitchen and sniffed the air I love the smell of pizza souce.Elias stared at me as I walked around sniffing the air I wonder what he put in the souce I can't wait to tast it.He set the pizza on the table and handed me a slice I took the slice and stared at it.
"You can eat it I sweat there is nothing in there to harm you."Elias told me
Just to prove his point he took a slice and took a bite I sniffed it then took a bite it was really good there was a little bit of fish in the souce.I had four slices and Elias had the other four that's the best pizza I have ever had.I yawned I was really tired I think it's because I am full I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.The next thing I was being carried to my room I tried to scrim out of the arms but I am to tired I was asleep before I was set in bed.
I was sitting in a forest not the one I live in there were other nekos here they were laughing and talking.I backed up but I backed into someone I turned around to say sorry but I couldn't speak it was the only thing that was the same.It was Elias did he know where this is or how I got here I was scared I wanted to leave.
"Ayumi wake up!"Elias screamed
I shot up in bed and fell out of bed I didn't hit the floor I opened my eyes and saw Elias holding me I wanted down.
"you are really light you need to eat more."Elias said
I blushed and stuck my tounge out at Elias he laughed and carried me to the kitchen then set me in a chair.He set a plate of bacon in front of me I stared at it wondering when he made it and why he woke me up.I picked up a peice of bacon,sniffed it,and ate the peice it was really good today the nice treatment ends.It was good while it lasted it was a change but if I am the slave why did he cook.
"sorry if I scared you awake but you were sreaming in your sleep.You don't have to do much just the dishes and one arrens a day."Elias told me
That wasn't much maybe he's use to doing things on his own I won't take it away from him but I have no idea what I am going to do all day.I never had a lot of free time do I don't really have a hobby I will have to find one soon.Once I finished breakfast I went and washed the little dishes there were I stood there not really knowing what to do.I used a little magic to hide my tail and ears then pulled my hair into a pony tail I don't know why I left it down.
"Could you please not hide your ears and tail?"Elias asked
I relised the magic and my ears broke the hair tie again I can't wear my hair up with my ears out they always break the hair tie.I went to my room and looked in a dresser derw I saw ribbons I started jumping happily I love ribbons.I picked a pretty gold one and tied it to my tail to bad there were no bells I miss the jingle of bells.
"You found the ribbons already?"Elias asked
I nodded digging the derw then I shut it and looked at Elias flicking my left ear a bit most people found this so cute for some reason.He was watching something behind me I turned to see what he was watching it is my tail it is wagging.I grabbed it to keep it still I am happy thats why it keeps doing that.Maybe I could try speaking but I am going to wait a bit I am scared to speak I have no idea why but I am.
"I need you to take this to the house across the frozen river to the neko named Aqua."Elias explained
I nodded and took the box plus the two notes Elias have me one is for Aqua the other is if I get stoped which i will at the checkpoint.I went outside it got colder I forgot my coat I went to start my task but I was stopped Elias handed me my coat I handed the box and notes to Elias the quickly put on my coat.I took the stuff back and started walking away I walked fast I don't want Elias to be alone I don't know why but I want to be around him.Once I got past the check point I ran as fast as I could trying to hurry.When I saw the river coming I got ready to slide when I was close enough I jumped and slide across on my knees.It's really fun I turned so my back was to the oncomeing snowbank when I hit the snowbank I stood up and ran to Aqua's house.I knocked on the door on the other side I heard bells I missed that sound it's so peaceful.The neko who opened the door had waist lenght silverish blue hair she has a blue waterlily on the left side of her face.She has white ears and tail she has a blue ribbon on her tail also she has white eyes with a blue line across them.
"Can I help you?"Aqua asked
I handed Aqua the note first once she read it I handed her the box a human came behind Aqua he looked a lot like Elias.
"Aqua who is this?"the human asked
"She is Ayumi your brothers slave I mean friend that term doesn't fit.Oh and she doesn't speak."Aqua anwsered
"Would you like to rest before you set off again?"
I shook my head and ran they way I came and when I got to the ice I slide again the checkpoint came into view I stopped running I showed the demon my note and walked back home.Elias was standing there waitting you me why would he be waitting for me it's not like I am going to run away not after what happened to my mom.Elias seemed happy to see me back I don't understand this person he is kind when he should be mean he is confuseing.
"You look like you had fun your covered in snow come inside I don't want you to get sick."Elias laughed
Elias wrapped his arm around me and led me to the fireplace I sat down I am very confused why was he worried.He handed me some hot chocolate and sat next to me just stareing at me there he goes again with the stareing.My ears twiched a bit I sipped the hot chocolate so I didn't get burned plus Elias was watching me it was still creepy.I was really warm here more then I was at the demons house he always had a fire going too.I stared at Elias he was still stareing at me I had no idea why there was a knock at the door I ran to get it.When I opened the door Elias brother and Aqua were there I wanted to call Elias but I didn't know if I could.I looked over my shoulder and saw Elias behind me he scared me I jumped then fell then fell but Elias cought me.
"She seems like a clumsy one Elias"Elias brother stated
"I scared her Eli so she fell."said Elias
"Aqua why don't you and Ayumi go to her room."
"Ok Eli come on Ayumi."
Aqua grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room her bell jingleing the whole time I was scared what was she doing.Once we got to my room Aqua shut my door set me on my bed and started braiding my hair.Once she finished the strand she took a blue belled ribbon and tired it to my hair to keep it together.She led me to the mirror in my room I saw a girl with pale skin and silverish purple eyes that had light in them for the first time in years.Her purple hair with the silver streak braided with a dark blue ribbon with a gold bell on it.The black ears twitching and long black tail wagging happily on the left side of her face was a purple cresent moon.Was that me it couldn't be me the neko there looked happy and really pretty.It has to be me the mark clearly proved it was me but I am happy.
"Have you tried to speak yet?"Aqua asked
"You should try."
"It will be easier."
Fine I will try.
"You know this isn't going to work."
"It did though."
"It did?"
"you are talking"
Aqua started laughing at mr but I haven't spoken in so long I forgot what I sound like I have a harp sounding voice.My tail was wagging happily behind me I never thought I could be happy being a slave but we will be free again.I will sure of that even if it means I have to die to free us no one will stop me.Eli and Elias came into my room Aqua was on the floor laughing and I was stareing at her like shes lost her mind.
"Whats going on here?"Elias asked
"Nothing."Me and Aqua said together
"Ayumi you spoke!"
"I know it's thanks to you and Aqua."
Elias just walked up and hugged me Aqua was smileing at us then winked at Eli I stood there frozen afraid to move.Elias let go and stared at me I'm not use to getting hugs from my owner maybe from other slaves but not from my owner.
"Shes still new here isn't she?"Eli asked
"Yes."Elias answered
"We won't hurt you we promise we will make a blood oath if we have to."
"A blood oath?"
"A blood oath is where two or more people are bound by the blood of the person they are makeing the oath to."
"Oh my I can't ask anyone to do that for me."
"We have to so you will trust us."
"But you will get hurt."
"Ayumi we will be fine."
"Ayumi they did this with me too."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes tomorrow you need some sleep Aqua and Eli will be staying here they will be on the couch."
"No they can have my room I will sleep on the couch."
"You will not give up your room."
"Yes sir."
Eli and Aqua went and pulled the pull out couch out Elias hugged me then left I stared at the door as he left then shut it.I changed into some pajamas,put my clothes in a hamper,turned out the lights,and layed under the covers I was asleep in minutes.~Betty Anne Goss
- by KnittingNepeta |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/07/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Broken Dreams
- Artist: KnittingNepeta
- Description: This is my first chapter to my book The New Dawn I only feel safe posting it because this is the unedited and unchanged version I don't want my story to be taken it has taken me awhile to work on it I ask that all of you think of that for you who like to take stroys I ask that you don't this is my main goal to get plublished plus I always change my stroys but this story is my baby like all of the things I write read and tell me what you think enjoy.
- Date: 12/07/2009
- Tags: broken dreams
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