I was panting as we ran laps in full snowtrooper gear.
It had to be 85 degrees in the indoor track.
"KEEP RUNNING PRIVATE!!!" the Gunny bellowed across the track.
Why didnt he have us running outside, I though to myself.
"Keep moving your squad has two more laps and then a 1 minute rest lets go." The gunny barked as we passed.
Just push em out lets get them done guys, i thought to myself, if the corporal didnt want to show up for what he caused i am going to come out on top looking better than him. Because he went AWOL we where assigned under Gunnery Sergeant John Walker for PT testing, man i hated him, his voice grew ever more annoying.
I used that feeling of hate to drive myself on.
Twenty-nine laps down one more to go. I kept looking over my shoulder at the two new recruits fresh out of basic.
'Thanks alot Corporal, now you may loose part of the squad for you little stunt.
One hundered meters left.
"Come on wampas lets go, push, lets prove that we are better, lets go, push it out!" I yelled over the comm unit to the squad.
"Thats the way Private, motivate the squad, lets go!" The Gunny's voice was beginning to grate on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
With one last burst of energy the squad moved as a whole across the finish line.
"GOOD job Wampas, now you got a minute before you start your one thousand push ups."
A groan escapes from one of the new recruits, i hope that Gunnery Sergeant Walker didnt hear that.
I sigh as the realization that we will be here all day.
"Because of Private Solotov you now have TWO thousand push ups, now assume push up position."
The Gunny waited for about good minute before yelling, "Begin!"
We pushed beyond our physical bounds.
"Hey guys...reach into that inner part of you...and dig out the thing you hate the most...and use it...gain strength from it," I was on a private line so the sergeant couldnt hear me, "Hate it out boys...hate it out."
Hate it out.
Heian Yoroichi
The story is centered around a character from a RP star wars game call Imperial directorate
The main character is Private First class Talis Skywalker, you are hearing his thought during his PT test after his squad was assigned under Gunnery Sergeant John Walker for the weeks PT.
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