He yelled as I sprinted to the thick cover of the trees. After I felt I had run far enough I stoped, panting from the long run.
I felt a twinge of guilt. How could I run from Sane like that? He had always helped me and cared for me. I was bought from the pet store by his owners, they tought he was lonly.
I felt so lost being in that display window by
other cats who wern't the nicest animals.
I saw them as they walked up to get a look at all
the cats.
I couldn't help myself from staring at them. I
couldn't get over how big of creatures they were, humans.
They kept pointing at me, it made me feel
"Well your popular arn't you?"the taby cat laying next to me said.
"What?" I said in surprise.
"Your going to be leaving soon," the taby said
rolling her eyes, "they're going to take you with them."
As I finally caught on I felt myself lift from the
the floor. I was then put in a box. That thing was hard to
stand in.
On the way to their house I heard them talking. "She's perfect." said a female voice.
"Lets hope." said the male voice.
"I'm sure he'll like her." she said back, "she's
so cute."
That's when Joseph and Mary had first brought me from the pet store. Now as I look back at when I first met Sane he really wasn't very nice to me.
I felt the box being carried again. I fought to
keep my balance as the box was set down and a bright light
flooded into the box from above.
A pair of hands lifted me from the box and there
I was face to face with Sane.
As I stared at him, his face grew dark. He turned
his back to me and stalked off, his tail swishing behind
"Great," I heard him mumbble.
This seemed to make me mad, how can every cat I
met seemed to be annoyed. 'It's not like I did anything
I ran to catch up to him.
"Hey umm.... I'm." I looked down at the collar
around my neck, they had just bought it for me in the pet
store. "ka... Ka... k..."
"Kare." He informed me.
"Oh." I said as I looked back up. He was right in
front of me.
"Woah!" I said as I jumped about a foot in the air.
I hadn't even heard him walk over.
"heh," He laughed amused at my reaction.
"That's not funny," I said embarresed with myself.
"Maybe not for you." He said with a grin. "Maybe
it will be fun living with you."
I couldn't help myself from smiling back. He seemed
nicer when he laughed.
We had gotten closer since the first time they brought me 6 months ago. He had always helped me with what I didn't know.
But soon my curiosoty for the outside world grew during that time too. I had asked him to tell me about it. He refused to talk about the outside at all though. I had asked him if he had ever been outside. He had said yes and that there are to many dangers out there for me.
Of course I just became more curious.
That's how I ended up here. I wanted to see the outside, to explore it myself. When he agreed to take me out to the backyard he said to stay on this side of the gate. I couldn't resist so I ran and here I am, in the woods breathless and tired.
I laied down, to tired to walk right now. I heard a crunch and my head snaped up, aware of this new precence. This creature wanted me to know they were there because the snaps and rustling kept coming.
Finally I saw the wolf walk out from behind a tree. I tensed but I was to scared and tired to run. Sane had warned me about cainines. They always chased cats and were natural enemys.
"Please stay calm." He told me as he came closer with measured steps. "are you okay? you look tired."
Seeing as he wasn't a threat, he would have eaten me by now, my paws gave out. I had never run like that before.
"Woah." He said in cocern.
"I'm fine, just tired." My eyes lids felt heavy as they started to fall.
"I've got some where you can sleep."
I opened my eyes in surprise as he got close and leaned over me.
"Get on my back." He said as I calmed down.
I tried to stand but my legs colapsed under me.
"Your to tired, do you mind if I carry you?" He asked cautiosly.
I shoke my head getting more tired by the second.
He fit his jaws around my neck and lifted me carfully. It didn't hurt in the slightest.
"What's your name?" I asked forgeting he was carring me.
"mafian." He said. Then he tried again, getting a little better at talking around me, "Weirian."
"Weirian?" He nodded in awncer.
"ats ors?" He asked. I got the main idea, he would want to know mine after I asked him.
I yawned and said, "Thank you weirian. I'm Ka..re." I finally driffted off.
As I started to regain concesnes I could hear excited whispers. When I open my eyes mt vision is filled with excited little puppy faces.
"Yow!" I said as I springed to my feet.
This was followed by little giggles and excited murmmers.
"heh heh." I laughed at my self, "sorry."
"It's fine." I heard the familier voice and wirhled around excited. That's weird why would I be excited to see someone I barly met.
There he was laying behind me. He must have slept behind me to keep me warm. My heart lept at this throught.
"Hi again." I said. "sorry for falling asleep."
"It's fine you seem tired." He thought for a while. "May I ask why?"
"Why I was tired? Well..." suddnly my back felt heavy and I collapsed.
"Hey,hey, come play with us!"
"We wanna play!"
"Please!" All the puppies spoke at once.
"you guys calm down," Weirian said in a stern voice, "she may still be..."
"No it's fine I feel better." I said as I started to get draged to the trees opposite us. "Thank you again," I smiled.
He smiled back, my hear lept again, weird.
I was back a full two hours later. After being doggy pilled hundreds of times, littraly. I was tired again.
Weirian was nowere to be seen, just a few wolves here and there. So I decided to climb a tree to see if I could find my house.
I couldn't see anything so I kept climbing until I was almost at the top. I stayed there for a long while watching as the sun set. I had been out here for a whole day.
I wonder what Sane is doing. Did he go to look for me or is he waiting at home.
"Kare?" My ears perked as I heard weirians voice, "Where are you?"
He sounded worried. The quickest way down was to jump, good thing cats always land on their feet.
"Weirian!" I yelled as I jumped of my perch.
"KARE!" He looked up and I saw fear cross his face. He ran to get under me and cusion my fall.
Right after I fell on him he jumped up and looked at me cocerned.
"Are you all right?, Does anything hurt?, Why were you up there?, Why did you jump?" He didn't seem to take a breath trough all his questions.
"I'm fine, sorry to worry you." I told him calmly.
"Good." He sighed as he put his head to mine.
"Why were you up there?" I could hear the cocern laced in his voice.
"I wanted to see if I could see my house." I smiled, "I was wondering if my family was thinking about me."
He seemed to think over my response.
"Would you like to go home?" He asked hiding his emotions.
"No, I've waited a long time to bo out here." I said as I stared into the trees.
"Hmm... I knew you were a house cat but you never went outside?" He seemed interseted.
"Yah six months ago I was bought from a pet store." I looked at him. "I've yearned to be out here since I got to the house."
"Well I won't mind at all if you want to stay with me a little longer." He seemed happy at the though, so did I.
I felt a wide smile come across my face. "Thank you!" I shouted as I jumped at him.
"Okay lets go sleep now." He layed down and I currled up next to him. His tail currled around my back.
I spent about four days with Weirian and the rest of the wolves. There were a few of the wolves who protested me being around them but I really loved being there.
I spent most of my time with the puppies and weirian. At night I would talk with weirian abvout anything I could think of. He always seemed to listen and I liked talking to him.
The more time I spent with him the less I wanted to leave. I really feel bad about leaving Sane and felt I should go see him. I just don't want to leave at all even for the smallest amount of time.
Right now I'm playing with the pups as usual.
suddenly I heard an uprise in voices and movement. I looked around and a group of wolves weree heading our way.
"You," The wolf in the fornt of the group started as the rest hushed up, "Your the one that brought him here!"
"What?" I started.
I didn't see it coming when I was suddenly picked up by my neck. This wasn't like when weirian carried me, this was painful.
As the pain suddnly came I screamed out not expecting it. I clamped my mouth shut, I didn't want them to know the pain they caused me.
The pups started to yell at them to put me down when the older wolves started to fight about it. I was in the middle of a huge group of pups and wolves all fighting over me. I felt so many bites on my body as I was pulled around.
I started to fade out as I heard a voice.
"Stop!" I heard him growl. All the wolves stoped suddnly and droped me. I didn't have the strength to stand.
He made the wolves part as he made his way to the center to see what they were fighting over.
I tried to stand as he finally caught sight of me. He rushed over to me and bent down to use his head to support me.
"Are you okay?" He whisperd in cocern.
"Yah it'll be fine." I said as I collapsed.
Weirian turned to the group.
"Who did this!?" He yelled and half growled at them.
The pups jumped in eger to help me. "The older wolves started it!" They whined.
"Why!?" He turned on them, I didn't hear the rest as I pased out.
` I woke a while later next to Weirian. As I tried to move pain shot through my body.
"Don't." I hear weirian say, "rest."
"OW," I said as I moved again. "Okay, okay." I laid back down next to him again.
"I'm sorry." He appologized.
"It wasn't your fault." I told him.
"I should have came sooner" There was a silence after that.
"Why were they angry?" I asked quietly.
"They apperntly they spotted a cat from a old clan that we used to fight with." I looked at him puzzled, "They said he was calling your name."
"Sane!" My heart lept as I said his name. It had to be him, but a wild clan?
"You know him?" He asked calmly.
"Sane was the reason my owners bought me. They thought he was lonly." I explaned how we first met and how he helped me. "But he refused to ever tell me about the outside or that he was in a wild clan.
"About eight months ago," He began his story. "there was a group of cats that lived neat us. We always fought thinking it was the natural thing to do. The clan ended up leaving but apparently one stayed.
"When you first saw me why didn't you attack, if cats are your enemys?"
"Because after all that fighting, after I saw how it made us harm each other and the pain it caused, I decided that I was going to take control..."
"Your the pcck leader!?" I said in surprise.
"Yes." he said patiently.
"Oh, sorry, please continue."
"After I took control of the pack I started to teach the pups that cats weren't our enemys, thugh the older wolves are harder though they listen when I tell them to leave cats alone."
"Oh so that's why you acted so nice to me." I said as it all fell into place. I felt a little disapointed.
"That and..." He looked me in the eye. "I fell in love at first sight."
This stoped me as I tried to absorb that fact. A wolf loving a cat but I finally knew the what I had been feeling since I had met Weirian.
"KARE!" I heard a voice call me from afar. As I looked around I was picked up by my neck again and Weirian was quickly disapering from my sight.
I saw as he jumped up an chased after me.
I looked up and saw Sane carrying me as he ran.
"Sane, stop." I told him.
"No, I won't let go again." He said between clenched teeth.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to out run Weirian for long he ran up a tree.
As he got to a high branch he let me go. Sane was breathing hard from the run and carring my extra weight.
"Are you okay Sane?" I said in cocern.
He rubbed his head against me. "I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too." It occured to me all the question I wanted to know. "You were once wild?"
"How did you find out?" His voice was shaky.
"The wolves." I said refusing to drop the subject.
He could tell I wouldn't let it go. "Yes, I was." He started, "They all left though and I refused to go with them. That's when I wandered into Joesph and marys yard. They took me in but I was depressed from my clan leaving. They thought I needed company, that's when you came in." He looked at me. "I decided to stay a house cat and leave the wild alone. I started to blame the wolves for my clan. So I tried to keep you out of the woods but it just made it worse."
As he finished I heard Weirian calling me. My heart jumped as I got to my feet.
Sane tensed as Weirian came into the clearing.
"Weirian!" I yelled. I saw his ears perk as he looked up.
I saw Sane tense up ready to attack. As he got ready to spring at Weirian, I jumped before him.
"KARE!" They both yelled. Weirian went to get under me again.
"I told you not to do that." He said as he got up to check I was okay.
"I know, I know," I said with a smile, happy to be close to him again.
Sane was climbing down the tree as Weirian positioned himself in front of me.
"Stop, I need you to not fight." I stood between them. Neither dared to attack while I was in the way.
After all was explaned and sorted out Sane, Weirian, and I were walking back to the house. I felt horrible to leave Weirian but he said I should go back, my owners were worried.
As the house came into veiw I turned to Weirian.
"I'm gonna miss you." Tears started to well up in my eyes.
"You can come anytime." He said smiling.
"I'm gonna bother you everyday."
"Good just as I had hoped."
"I love you too, since I first met you."
I saw shock cross his face as I put my head down in embaressment.
"Make sure to come everyday." He said as he kissed the top of my head.
"okay, okay time to go." Sane said as he started to drag me to the house.
Weirian grabed me back, "I'm not ready to let her go yet."
I sighed as they continued their agument, well at least I'm happy.

- Title: Wanting the wild
- Artist: XsagwaX
- Description: Kare is a recently adopted house cat, living with one other cat, Sane, and her two owners. Kare is excited by her new suroundings, especially the woods out in the back, but Sane refuses to tell her anything about the wild. She decides to take this problem away by running away, to the woods. Where she finds a wolf and some suprising things about the past.
- Date: 12/06/2009
- Tags: wanting wild
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