• My head swam as i sat up.
    "Adrenalyn?" asked my dad.
    "Shut up." i grumbled.
    "Sweet heart, you need to change or you're going to die."
    "Well, i've survived sixteen years i'll live a few more."
    "Your animal side is kicking in. Soon you'll change with no warning and go on a rampage. You could kill anyone in your path, but one part i'm sure of is that you'll end by killing yourself."
    "Then let me!" i yelled. Then i dawned on me. "You were the wolf in front of my when i was walking huh?" my voice was accusing.
    "Yes, i've always kept an eye on you."
    "And why did that shape shifter call my name?"
    "The leader?" his voice was rusty.
    "Yeah, don't lie."
    "He's one of my best friends. I asked him to help me keep an eye on you."
    I stood up, and saw i was in the same place i had passed out. I turned and saw my dad. He looked just like he had in my pictures. "I hate you." i told him, and i walked away not even bothering to see if he flinched because i knew he head.
    "Sweet heart!" he called and i heard his footsteps.
    I swung around, and snarled, "Keep out of my life! You left me thinking you were dead for five years, and then you show up saying i can turn into an animal!? I don't think so." i turned and stalked away.
    "Look i'm sorry." he called.
    "Oh, he's sorry."
    "Please, just do this. You would be a beautiful animal."
    My red, shoulder length hair billowed around me as is stopped. "You owe me." i whispered. I walked back to him.
    "Thank you sweetie."
    "Cut it out. You have no right to call me our daughter. That's something you earn, not get."
    "You're so smart."
    "Let's get this over with."
    "Well, since you're half shape shifter you only have one shape."
    "Then tell me what shape it is." i snarled.
    "My guess would be cat."
    I folded my arms. "A cat?"
    "A black cat."
    My eyebrows raised.
    "We'll know in time. The change will start."
    "How?" my suspicions rose.
    "Your colors will change. Like your red hair will change to your fur color. Your eyes will look more animal. Your outer appearance basically, and then there's the inner change."
    "Like what?"
    "Like if you are a cat then your walking will be quieter and more balanced." that was the best news that came out of this whole thing. I was a total klutz. "And your eating will change."
    I groaned.
    I stared at him.
    "What was the groan for?"
    "Say i'm a carnivorous animal."
    "Again: what was the groan for?"
    "I'm a vegetarian. It's sad that you don't know that."
    "go to your mother. I'll keep an eye on you." and he vanished, and some how i knew he wasn't coming back.
    "Thanks dad!" i called out. "Couldn't even show me how to get home." i walked on and grumbled.
    If i had bothered to count how many times i had fallen down on the way home i would have won the Nobel Prize for counting.
    When i finally walked through the door my mom was standing there with Neklikei and kis family.
    "Hey," i grumbled.
    "Where have you been?" asked my mom.
    "You left Tony and his family alone!"
    "Then why don't i settle his problem." i walked up to Neklikei, slapped him, and said, "We're done."
    "We're breaking up."
    I hugged him to show i was sorry, and hissed in his ear, "Did you hear the sound my heart made when it broke." then i stopped the embrace, and went to my room.
    I sat on my bed, and thought about what my dad had said. My life was never going to be the same again.


    Over the next few days i noticed differences in my life. Just like dad had said, maybe i was part cat.
    The biggest change of all left me breathless. My short, red hair was now more blue than black and touched my waist. I struggled not to scream Then my dad came through the window.
    "That was a big change."
    "But my hair is blue."
    "It's nice."
    "But it's blue."
    "I like it."
    "But it's blue. That's it I'm not going to school." then i looked to see that my pupils were slits.
    "Then come with me." i followed him out. When i saw he jumped out the window onto the grass i froze. "You can't go through the door. Your mother will see."
    So i held my breath, crouched, and sprung. I landed onto the grass with ease. i looked around and saw no damage. "Okay, that's cool."
    "Yes, it is."
    Then we ran into the forest.
    "Adrenalyn!" called a voice. Neklikei.
    I spun around forgetting my hair. "What do you want?" i snarled which sounded like a hiss.
    "Whoa your hair."
    "Yeah, you like it?" i snapped.
    "What are you wearing?"
    I looked down and saw i was still wearing sweats, my school team shirt, and no shoes.
    "It's the latest style." i replied.
    "Who's that?"
    "My dad."
    My dad had ran back by that time, and glared at Naklikei. "Are you the reason i found my daughter dying in the woods?"
    "She was dying?" Neklikei got off his motorcycle.
    "Freezing to death more like it, but i thank you."
    "Because without you it would have been much harder to tell her that she's--" i slapped a hand over his mouth.
    "Tony doesn't deserve to know." i hissed.
    "Then we shall leave him be." we ran away from a frozen Naklikei.
    We got a few miles until i fall down crying out in pain.
    "Adrenalyn?" he asked.
    My screams echoed in the forest.
    "It's starting." he smiled.
    Things sprouted up on my head, and i could hear everything but then my screams rattled my ears, and i passed out for the rest of the change. When i passed out my father laid his hands on my chest and tried to still my pain.