Just a flick of his wrist brought the entire world into raucous obliteration. He found it simple, with the manipulation of fundamental structure that held up the world, he was unstoppable. A cool smirk remained etched across his lips, his eyes stayed shut in mild concentration. The side of his mouth tugged upwards slightly when he sensed a creature attempting to come up behind him in a pathetic ambush. Seconds later a fresh batch of screams joined into the noise of the roaring flames and shouts that could be heard from miles around. There was a new source of heat, coming from where the burnt remnants behind him lay; their bodies had scorched in mere seconds. It was quickly doused by water, which wasn’t his own. It didn’t bother him, considering moments later the perpetrator was swallowed up by the rugged earth, allowing his shrieks of terror to be muffled within the depths of the ground. Soon enough he would reach the earth’s core and would be simply fried into nothingness.
His eyes did flutter open upon the entry of a much more threatening opponent. Topaz irises tainted with malevolent amusement and also somewhat professionally concealed malice scanned the sky for the new foe which squawked loudly to announce its entry to the battle. Momentarily he debated whether he should just scorch the bird’s wings, but soon discarded the idea due to the fact the wings were clouds; meaning they were made up of mass of water in the sky – or particles in the air. A sigh of dismay left his slightly parted lips, which subsequently became drowned out by the sound of chaotic destruction, or what some people figured to be music in his ears. He raised his hand and clicked his fingers in a brief swift movement that was unheard by the human ears. A far-off tempest of flames that had slowly been increasing in mass suddenly halted at the exact moment and instead a graceful green dragon materialized from the mounds of elemental conflicts and domination.
A deadly wind suddenly whipped up, spreading some of the many intense flames further across the charred ground, and capturing any unfortunate soul that had been trying to douse the terror. He rose slightly of the ground, and the force of gravity made him bend one knee to prevent himself from losing balance. The winds continued to increase, and occasionally decrease when the enemy on the bird managed to momentarily obtain dominance, until he was high enough for the green creature to swoop around and catch its master on its back which the emerald scales of it’s body were slightly softer for comfort. He settled himself on his newfound seat and kept one of his eyes fixed on the fast approaching blue phoenix-like bird. Perched on its back was a girl who seemed to be of a similar age as himself. Long Alice blue strands of hair billowed behind her, ultimately knotting together into a tangled mess of windblown tresses. Normally soft and caring apricot coloured eyes were now filled purely with infuriated infernos of abhorrence. Her task was pretty easy to comprehend; kill him.
The opposing bird began singing a song, although threatening tune. He narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if the girl really believed such a simple technique could really rid of him. If that were the case he would already be dead. But the gleam of triumph in her eyes and the satisfied smile did nothing to reinforce a trap. Still, he didn’t want to take his chances, and he changed the direction of the wind so the mellow music drifted away through another direction. Her expression instantly changed and her face became drained of all colour, realising that her sacrifice would now leave him at a bigger underhand. She screeched an order, telling the bird to silence itself. It did, but the effects were already coming into play, which became blatant upon a weak wobble in its flight. A content look shifted onto his face as he realised that was her only plan, and he now could simply dispose of her easily.
“Hyper Beam,” he murmured. The emerald dragon picked up his words and an orange-yellow orb was already quickly forming with its gaping mouth. The girl’s eyes widened with sudden fear, and she opened her mouth to order a counter, but the attack was already fired. She and the bird were engulfed in a large beam which made a static sound upon contact. Several moments passed before the move died down, and the two figures then began plummeting towards the ground, the bird either fainted or dead, but the girl with slight conscious. Without an order the dragon he sat on flapped its diamond shaped wings and swooped down towards the girl. He leaned over and seized her wrist in a tight grasp when they both close enough, pulling her away from the bird but keeping her hovering high above the ground. He smirked while she glared, and a whip of air cut through his cheek, letting crimson blood seep through the slash. He ignored it, although his lips wavered slightly in annoyance. “You always were impatient, you shouldn’t have disobeyed orders now.” he scolded with a disapproving shake of his head.
She tried once more to take control of the wind, but he was much more aware now and had none of it. Eventually, she gave up, trying to conserve what little energy she had left. “Why do you care? It just made your job quicker.” she spat. She then attempted to wriggle free, but his grasp just tightened, making her wince slightly in reply.
“Now, now, I’m just stating your mistake.” he sighed.
“Doesn’t matter now, does it.” she growled. “Now let go of me.”
She stopped struggling, realising what she had just said, but she couldn’t correct herself. His smirk grew before he muttered, “Of course.” He released his grasp around his thin wrist and watched her fall through then air, not having enough energy left to defy the laws of gravity. When her scream was silenced as she dropped like a stone onto the ground, but died as quickly as fine glass would shatter, he drew his thoughts to something else. He shifted his gaze away from the ground that she had broken her neck and many other bones on from being dropped at such a height and instead looked towards the dark sky which occasionally flashed, illuminating what the fire didn’t. “One down, two to go.” he reminded himself quietly. His stare changed in direction once more, and scanned over the deadly battle, hastily trying to identify the remaining two people which he searched for. One of them was definitely around, considering it wasn’t raining, even though it clearly should be, and he couldn’t make it meaning that someone else had full control.
They were doing a good job of hiding, and after several minutes of calm searching he began to grow slightly impatient, which is probably, he realised, what they wanted. With a flick of his wrist he summoned fire from the earth, covering the charred ground with flames in random places, and also in the process scorching people from either sides into oblivion, not that it mattered to him, considering there was only three other people who could hope to defeat him, and one was already dead. The mounds of people on either side were just fighting against each other to defend different beliefs that were drilled into their minds, and even if the opposing side did manage to conquest the other their attempts to kill the leader would be futile, and he happened to be one who ruled the whole of one side, whilst three ruled the other, or now two. Any chance of defeating him now without three combined strengths would be fruitless, with that he was sure. Flickering from thought he realised his fire plan had worked after all, and a heavy downpour had started to quench the flames without either harm to water manipulators or give away the main opponents location.
A slight grimace materialized across his face at the struggle he had to take control over the droplets which were quickly soaking his skin and dampening his hair, making it go several shades darker and flatten against his head. He was rather quick to conceal it once more, which in a few seconds became rather easy when he managed to generate a subtle earthquake on the far off ground which naturally wouldn’t affect him since he was still in the sky. It did, however knock the concentration of the rain manipulator and in that brief moment he seized control of the weathering tool. He instantly strengthened it so it was hammering it down with such force it stung upon contact. Of course he made the needle like droplets miss himself, so they simply slipped around him as if their were an invisible force field. He couldn’t stop though a large clump of earth wrenching out from the ground and smashing into the emerald dragon.
He growled under his breath and leapt off it, watching it transform into a different creature which was shaped like a blue ball except it had cotton puffs at the ends of what to be its arms and the top of its head. It simply floated around, flying where the breeze would take it, which is technically where he chose to take it – and himself. He quickly focused back o the rain, determined not to lose control, but at the same time grasping the power of the wind and evading the earth that was constantly being fired at him. No normal person would be capable of multitasking to such extremities, but then again, he wasn’t one that could be classed as normal. He decided to stay in the air, as finding someone at a height was much easier. His eyes fluttered to a close, helping him concentrate on the fight over the elements. He fought back the urge to smirk as he managed to force the mounds of earth into missing him every time, and he could sense the frustration coming from whoever was attempting to manipulate them over his powers.
He opened his eyes again, sensing the presence of a threat. He turned around, still in mid-air and managed to dodge the oncoming array of frozen icicles by sliding away to the side. It didn’t take much to identify the source of the attack, and sure enough, kneeling on a rock that was aloft was the burly figure of a man, with his roughly cut dark hair similarly plastered to his head like his own. Beside him was a giant creature which looked cross from a woolly mammoth and a wild boar, with large tusks which seemed like they were made of porcelain glass, when to anybody who knows better they can see they’re made purely of ice. Behind him he felt another attendant, and he didn’t have to look to know who it was. He could already see the girl standing on a circular ring of ice which was being levitated off the ground far below by a blast of water that was being emitted by a snow white seal like creature. He did spare her a glance however, and found the fact that her shoulder length auburn hair and clothes were still perfectly dry rather amusing.
Such an easy way to rid of the girl, and he simply ignited a flame where the ring she was balanced on was, making it melt in a matter of seconds. In the process of her trying to extinguish the fire that burnt at her feet, several rocks were fired towards him which he managed to nimbly dodge. He mocked a yawn, and whilst keeping the first flame alight he set fire to the two tusks of the mammoth creature, which wasn’t too pleased about that. To his surprise he was suddenly blasted by water, which managed to leave him sopping wet after he’d dried ever so slightly. He growled into the torrent of water, producing bubbles, before separating it into two streams and allowing it to drop onto the group several hundreds of feet below. A satisfied grin was plastered across the girls face at her successful attempt to annoy him, and it had also sliced through his clothing and skin in numerous places where ice shards had been concealed within it. When a few an array of miniscule rocks were also fired towards him, with one outstretched hand towards them he made them crumble into nothingness.
He then focused half his attention on the big one, and as he slowly clenched his hand to rock which the man and the mammoth creature stood began to quiver and crumble away slightly. It shook violently, making the two beings attempt to balance themselves and grasp control back of the mound of earth, but to no avail. He brought another out so it was facing the girl and countered any attack that was desperately being used to throw him off. Eventually the two rock manipulators both met the same fate as the girl on the bird from earlier, dead on the ground. A wrenched laugh left his lips which he couldn’t suppress any longer, evidently only angered the remaining girl who’s dark eyes only revealed pure hatred. He was forced to stifle it when he was unexpectedly attack by a aggressive downpour of rain that only struck him, which seemed practically like an unending stream that fell from the sky. Unable to control the gushing water, instead he forced it off track by a forceful wind. After successfully dealing with the water and several other attacks that were thrown at him through blind rage, he managed to look at the furious girl clearly.
Coming up behind her was a peculiar vampire bat like creature which has two outstretched claws and a tail similar to that of a scorpion’s trailing behind it. It’s pointed ears twitched slightly and its golden yellow eyes gleamed evilly, which gave him a pang of recognition as he recognised it as the emerald dragon and the blue creature from earlier which had transformed once more. He instantly changed the direction of the wind subtly, so it was now gliding towards the girl, levitating on the blowing air. The change didn’t go unnoticed, however, but by the time she had turned her head the creature had tackled her, gripping her arms and leaving them immobile. He smirked and forced her legs to the same stationary state as her arms by freezing them into place with water, and allowed the creature to hold her up whilst he drifted closer.
She eyed him warily, realising she couldn’t do anything anymore. “I’m surprised you lost your temper so quickly.” he taunted when he was within hearing range without having to shout over the screams that echoed from below.
“And I’m surprised it’s taking you this long to kill Me.” she retorted, piercing daggers into him.
He mocked a sarcastic laugh. “It might have taken me even longer if that pesky girl from earlier didn’t disobey orders. I’m pretty sure the three of you were going to attack at once, right?”
“Maybe we were, or maybe nothing went as planned.” she spat angrily.
“Maybe so.” he sighed. He then looked past her and at the creature holding her. “But either way it was a terrible plan, and all your futile attempts from before will be in vain.” He chuckled under his breath.
If looks could kill, then he would be the dead one by now, but apparently they didn’t. With a click of his fingers a shrill scream emitted through the air as the creature released her, and once more her fate was decided. A fulfilled gleam flashed in his eye, but he couldn’t be bothered to watch her die, after all, he saw it too often. There was though, one more person he wanted to take care of, and after the vampire like bat transformed into the emerald dragon once more he was already flying towards the location where the person would be at full speed. It didn’t take long to find the place, and he couldn’t be bothered to wait for the dragon to land, so instead he simply jumped to the ground several feet below, allowing the air to absorb the impact any normal person would feel.
After sorting out his footing he knocked open the large double doors of the mansion sized building with a blast of air, before walking in uninvited, leaving a small flame wherever he stepped which easily spread across the wooden floors. He stood in the middle of the large room for a few minutes before someone else walked in, an aged man with gray hair in a similar style to his own, only shorter. He was actually shorter in general, and had to look up to watch him.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure, Zakai.” he said calmly, regardless of the fact there was a war outside, the three strongest warriors were dead and his house was burning down.
“I just thought I’d kill you myself.” he replied smugly, already rearing himself up to allow the man before him to burn on the spot by his favourite element.
The older man shook his head in despair, pausing his movements for a brief moment. “And why would you want to kill your father?” he asked, glancing up at him.
Zakai scoffed. “You’re no father of mine.” he scorned.
“You really believe that now?” He sighed. “You can’t deny it, we’re of blood boy.”
“Shut up old man.” he shouted, his last nerve snapping rather quickly, surprisingly since he was usually calm. Of course only the man before him could do it. A flaming inferno ignited where the man stood, sending it billowing up above and into the dark sky which had now ceased from raining under his own commands. He couldn’t be doing with it simply.
“Your aim’s a little off.” a familiar voice said behind him.
He grit his teeth together, and whirled around ready to attack again, but his face paled intently when he found himself looking into a medallion which was dangling off a chain. Engraved into the circular disk was the yin yang symbol, one side made of what seemed like crystal, the other onyx. He attempted to take a step back but his body was already immobile, and the effects about to take place would now be irreversible. His eyes flickered towards his outstretched arms and he watched, half in fascination, half in horror as the tips of his fingers dispersed and drifted into the dangling pendant. By the time the process had reached his elbow it was already rapidly speeding up, and within the space of twenty minutes not much of him remained, and he was still immobile, all except his eyes. He knew all about the medallion, and that it didn’t kill him, it just trapped him.
Then he was gone, lost within the depths of the pendant. The man sighed, bending his arm at the elbow to admire his son inside, Zakai, who has trapped. “Until he finds a way out.” he murmured to himself. He shifted his gaze up at the burnt remnants of the house, and he knew he was trapped, and would burn to death. Several layers of sweat that had built up in the intense heat was already plastered to his skin. But the war was over – for now. A wooden beam then dropped from the ceiling, landing with a thud on him, and he fell over, now unconscious, whilst the pendant skidded across the ground, unharmed by the fire, or anything for that matter.
- by Charizard_Girl |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Lock|[+&]|Key
- Artist: Charizard_Girl
It's actually the start of a PokéFiction I'm working on, but I doubt it's generally noticeable to people. So yeah...Prologue of Key And Key; He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
Comment and all that stuff pleasee~ =D And odn't be put off by the size of it...Thank youuu...!! - Date: 10/14/2009
- Tags: lock pokemon keys mystery wars
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Feysera - 10/14/2009
- Beautiful. You're writing style is gorgeous; it flows, it attracts the reader, and the descriptions are amazing. 5 stars. c:
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