It seemed to be everyone's favorite holiday. From birth to middle school, and sometimes beyond, it was the trick-or-treating and an enticing sack load of treats. Then afterwards, parties and R rated movies oozing gore. Shan liked these movies. Thus as his parents and younger brothers tottled off, he popped in House of a Thousand Corpses, put popcorn in the microwave, and relaxed. There would be no Trick-or-Treaters here tonight. No no, Shan had thought of that ahead of time. He had cunningly turned off the porch light after his parents had turned the corner, as they knew he would.
Okay, not so cunning, but at least it meant he would be able watch his movie in peace.
Or so he thought.
Half way through the movie, Shan's eyes bulged, his elbows on his knees and slouching as to get closer to the screen. Screams, lots of screams. He smirked. Did that make him twisted? He didn't think about that right now, so wrapped was he in his movie.
The doorbell rang obnoxiously.
And Shan squealed like a little school girl.
Shan's face blushed furiously as he went to open the door. Oh if his friends could see him now! He was the captain of the football team at Baker high school who dated the head cheerleader and threw band geeks in their precious percussion closet just to show them who was boss.
Oh yeah-
And squealed when Trick-or-Treaters rang the doorbell.
Undoing the security latch, he pulled the door open so he could pound the hell out of the elementary student who dare disturb his movie induced slumber. Of course it wasn't an elementary student and it wasn't a preschooler with his parents. It wasn't even a middle schooler who had forgotten how old they were. It was three high school students his age-
And one was bleeding profusely from...well.....Everywhere.
All Hallow's Eve
Gaze Ensun
Dunno if I should continue with this story... Anyhow, comment, rate, constructive criticism.... Etc. :3
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