It was the last day of school, Ash (Ashley) tapped her pencil on her desk, watching the clock. Sare (Sareena/Sar) doodled in her notebook, trying not to look at the clock. Sean looked at his book, then at the clock, so and so. Mels (Melody) was ready to leave her desk, ASAP. Justin looked around the classroom, waiting for the bell. BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGG! The bell finally rang! Ash, Sare, Sean, Justin, Mels and a few other kids ran to a corner in the classroom. "Okay! Finally! SUMMER!" Cried Ash. "So, we gunna rent a cabin in Oakie Woods?" Asked Justin. "Hell YEAH!" Cried Sare.
They all piled out of the old black van and ran into the office. "Hello. We would like to rent a medium size Cabin, if you please." Said Sean, calmly. The man looked at all the teens behind Sean. "We only have one medium size cabin left....But it's haunted." He said. "We'll take it!" Cried Mels, stepping up. "Okay. Go up the dirt road about 13 miles, there's your cabin. Number six." Said the man. Sean paid. They all got back into the van, Collin taking the wheel.
13 Miles Later..............................
"We're here! AT LAST!" Yelled Lori.
Sometime way back in 1956....
"Gotta get away...gotta get away.." Puffed the lumberjack. He was carrying his ax, and running as fast as he could. He had to get away. He came to the lake. He ran out onto the wooden dock. He looked up. There he was. on the other side of the lake.The lumberjack could not believe his eyes. He ran back into the woods....He stopped in front of a large puddle. He leaned down. His eyes where closed. He opened them, looking at the puddle. He saw his reflection.....blood filled the puddle.
(Year: 2000)
It was dusk. Everyone had their pj's on. The couples cuddled up together. The only three without couples where Clark, Wendy and Tyler. They sat in a circle. "I'll be right back." Said Sare. She went into a room. She was shoved into a closet, tape went around her mouth. "MGGMGMPHHHMH!" She screamed. Ash came in. "Sare? You in--" Ash screamed. She was cut up badly, and shoved under the bed. Finally, minutes later, Darryl (Sare's Boyfriend), came in. "Sare? You here?" He said. "MPHMHPHGGG!" She managed to cry. He ran to the wardrobe. He quickly opened it, and took the tape off Sare's mouth. "You okay, babe?" He said. "Ash is under the bed!" Sare cried. Sare and Darryl helped Ash. They cleaned her cuts and bandaged them up. "I'll be on the porch." Said Sare. She went out on the front porch. Ash sat on the floor with the other kids. Suddenly, the lights went out. Everyone freaked out. "Robert? Where are you, Robby?" Cried Ash. "I'm right here, hon." Said Robert, taking Ash into his arms. Someone came back in. "Sare?" Ash squeaked. Some people screamed........ash grabbed a nearby flashlight, and shined it toward the screams. Mels and Collin where dead. So was Justin, and everybody else expect Ash, Robert and Sean. "Robby...are we gunna die?" Asked Ash. Robby pulled ash closer. "I don't know, Ashy. I love you....I always will...." There was a sickening creek on the floor, it came from the kitchen. Ash froze, from fright. "I love you, Ash...I love you..." Said Robby, hugging Ash as tight as possible. "I love you too, Robby." Cried Ash, sobbing lightly. There was a shriek. Sean was dead. Robby knew it, Ash knew it. Ash escaped from Robby's grip and ran to the bathroom. The main room was littered with blood and corpses. Robby felt a sharp pain go up his leg. He couldn't stand up. He pulled himself toward the open door. He was almost there when something grabbed his foot. "We can finally be together....Robby. Now that there gone, and her. "Ash is...dead?" Robby asked.."Of course. We can be together, now..." The killer said. "I wouldn't ever go out with you!" Robby stabbed the killer in the stomach with his pocket knife. He heard the killer run somewhere in the house. The killer ran into the bathroom. The killer turned on the light. Ash we watching the killer, from the bath tub. The killer took off it's mask. "SARE!?" Cried Ash. "Oh." Said Sare, looking at Ash. "Ash! Why is.."" She said. "You killed all our friends! including me and Robby!!" Cried Ash. Ash grabbed the knife she was holding, and plunged it into Sare's heart. "Die. b***h!" Ash yelled. She ran. "Robby!? Robby, hon! You still alive?" Asked Ash, coming to the main room. "Hon?" Robby whispered, by the front door. Sare killed all of our friends....and tried to kill us, "Let's g-go..." Said Ash, helping Robby up. They went to the van, Ash turned on the engine, and drove off.
On the other side of the house...
"Poor little sis, when will she ever realize she can't always trust her big brother?" Asked Colby, to himself, taking off the same exact mask Sare had on. "Ash thought she had killed all of their friends, and tried to kill them...but no..It was me. I guess Sare didn't realize not to trust me a second before Ash killed her. I guess it's time to go think of a new plan to kill Robby and Ash....................." Said Colby, laughing.

- Title: The Cabin (The Phantom)
- Artist: Kagurome
A horror story I guess....Thought of it a while back.
Hope you enjoy this...It might be a short story, I dunno...' I just don't know!
It kind of sucks, I know.. - Date: 09/08/2009
- Tags: cabin phantom kill killer
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Sea of Apparitions - 07/01/2010
- that was pretty good. a lot of surprises for something so short :3 nice job :3
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