Wolves of War
By: Thowan
Chapter 1
The pretty white female wolf with gray paws, and sparky amber eyes walked through the snow, wondering where she was in the snow storm. She had been separated from the rest of the pack, and she was currently carrying pups. She shivered as a big gust of wind sent the snow straight to her skin. Her paw pads were almost frozen, but she kept on walking. The snow was as deep as her chest, making her travel very hard, and the worry for her expected pups only grew.
She looks up at the sky, and it was full of snow, and dark clouds. “Howler!” She called for her mate, but her voice was only ripped away by the wind. She was growing weak, and tired. Her pups where only slowing down her travel, but she didn't regret it. She was excitedly waiting for the day she would give birth.
The wind blew really hard, and she had to close her eyes as she padded forward. She then felt her front paws slip out from under her, and she went sliding down a hill. When she came to the bottom, she quickly checked her bulging belly. She still felt the life inside her belly squirming around. Satisfied, she then continued to walk. She then felt a pang of hunger, she hadn't eaten in a few days, the hunting had been bad, then she was separated from the pack..
She then met a snow hill, and sniffed it. The snow hill was a huge pile of snow, and it was very powdery. She jumped in it, laughing, and it all floated away on the wind. She laughed and continued to run around in it, but as soon as the snow hill was gone, she soon felt cold again. She'd felt like a warm puppy just now, enjoying the snow. She sighed, and continued to pad in the same direction. It'd been a mini avalanche that had separated her from the pack.
The avalanche had wiped away a whole side of the mountain, making it impassable. She had to turn back and find a different way around. “Howler!” She yelled again, wondering where her beloved mate was. She continued to travel, not knowing really were she was going. After a while, she started to get really weak, tired, and cold. She shivered from the cold, and shook from exhaustion. She soon started to look for a shelter, but everything was covered in snow. She then found another snow hill, but this time it was packed down tight. She started to dig in the snow. She soon had a den sized hole and crawled inside. Soon the entrance to the den was covered with snow again.
Inside the den, it soon got really warm. Cheyenne, the female wolf, laid down. Her breathing was fast, but as her body relaxed it slowed down. Her breathing had warmed up the snow den a lot, even melting some of the snow around her. She could still hear the storm outside with her sharp ears. She soon felt really tired, because of the warmth in the den. Her eyes started to close, and she soon fell asleep.
She woke up, the storm had ended by now, but she could hear something outside the den. It was another wolf. She wondered if she should expose herself, it could be a loner, or a pack member scouting for her. She decided to take the chance, and she started to dig out of her den. Her head popped out of the snow, and the light blinded her. She then looked at the wolf, she didn't recognize it “Loner” she snarled to herself. She pulled herself out of the snow den, and padded closer to the loner, snarling. The loner looked at her, and snarled back, but defensively. His fur was a handsome shade of gray, and he had black on his legs, and back. He also had bright silver eyes.
Cheyenne snarled at the loner some more “Why are you here? You're trespassing in Snow Pack territory!” she said, her usually kind and nice voice turning harsh. This caused the loner to back up a little, but he continued to snarl. “What's your name?” She asks the loner.
“My name is Titan” He says, his tail held high.
Cheyenne then answers “Well Titan, you need to leave, or be punished” She snarls
“Y-you don't understand though” He whimpers, suddenly losing all of his cool.
“I don't care, we may be a nice pack, but we have our own rules!”
“I-I'm running” He says
“From what?” She askes
“Eh, the wolves, the wolves that smell like blood” He says
“Yeah well, your going to be running from me in a bit if you don't leave!”
“Please” He whimpers “They'll kill me if they catch me”
Cheyenne walks closer to him “You run now, and I will hunt you down, got it?” He nods, agreeing not to run. She then proceeds to sniff him, catching his scent. “Well, you don't seem dangerous. But, you still did trespass, so you'll have to take the punishment”
“Okay” He says “What is it?”
“Oh, it's not that bad. You just have to be imprisoned to a den for a few days”
“Wow, you guys really are a nice pack. That other one was really scary, they wanted to kill me for just getting close to their territorial markers”
“How come I've never heard of this pack before?” She asks
“Oh, it's in the far south. It's really far from this somewhat peaceful land”
“Oh, well, I'm glad it's far from here” She grabs a frozen vine, and warms it up with her paws, making it flexible “Will you come peacefully, or do I have to take you forcefully?” Titan lowers his head.
“I'll go peacefully” He says
“Good boy” She says to him, and ties the vine around his neck so it won't slip off, and she can lead him “Just for that, you'll get out early. Hey, I'll make you a deal, you help me find the rest of my pack, and when we find them, I'll let you go”
“Okay” He says, his tail wags a bit. Cheyenne then leads him in the same direction she was going last night. The pack in the meantime, were as well, looking for Cheyenne.
The very handsome male wolf, with a white coat was sleeping with the rest of his pack. They were all curled into balls to keep warm, and they were all covered in snow. He woke up, and shook the snow off of him, and stretched. He looked around with his usually bright gray eyes, but they were now dull from worry. He'd howled and cried for a while, after him and his pack had been cut off from his mate. She'd fallen behind to take a little bit of a break, and had fallen way to far back. Then the avalanche occurred, cutting them off from each other. The path that had been hit by the avalanche was then in the valley below. Leaving a huge gorge in the middle of the path, Cheyenne on one side, the rest of the pack on another.
Howler padded over to the Beta Male of the pack, Kage. Kage had sleek white fur, and he had mysterious gray eyes, that seemed to question everything in the wolf. Kage woke up and looked at Howler with those eyes “Are you okay Howler?” He asked, worried about the alpha.
“I'm really worried about Cheyenne” Said Howler. He then started to pace
“Howler, please, try and calm down” He then stood up, and gave Howler a lick on the muzzle
“Kage, you don't understand how worried I am though”
“Yes I do Dad” he then said, showing yet again that he was Howler's oldest son.
“Cheyenne is carrying your brothers and sisters. And they are all in danger. We take this route every year to get to the dens because it is the safest”
“I know, you've been teaching me stuff since I was born, on how to be an alpha. I know that this is the safest was there and back, we'll have to find a next safest way”
“You're right, and I know your mother knows how to fight. But, I'm really worried about the pups”
“Dad, stop being such a worry wart!” But deep down, Kage was afraid for his mom also. He then licks Howler's muzzle again, trying to make him feel better.
“Okay, okay. I'll be better now” He then padded away, and sat on a boulder. He looked over the valley, the valley of snow it was usually called. It could snow all year round if it wanted to, and it's done it before. Kage then padded up close to the boulder.
“What if it doesn't stop snowing this year Howler?”
“We'll have to be extra careful with the pups, that's what we'll do”
“Okay” Kage sits “Do you think, I could be their guardian?” He asks
Howler looked at Kage “You really want to be their guardian?”
Kage's tail wags as he says “Yes, I would love to be their guardian”
“You do realize it's huge responsibility”
“Yes, of course. I would protect them with my life if I had to”
“Fine then, I make you the guardian of this years pups”
“Thank you, I can't tell you how glad I am to be the guardian. I won't let you down D- I mean Howler”
Howler looked at Kage “You really have to break the habit of calling me Dad, don't you?” He laughs
“Yeah, sorry about that” He lowers his head with embarrassment.
“It's okay” Howler then says “I used to do the same thing to, when my dad was alpha”
“Really? So we really are alike just like everyone says”
“Yes, we are” Howler continued to watch over the valley “My son, Kage. Get everyone up and ready to go. We will continue our search for Cheyenne now that the storm is over”
“Yes, I will get to it Howler” He then ran off to start waking up the rest of the pack. Soon the ten members of the pack were all standing in front of Howler. They all had white coats, because it helped them survive in this snowy land.
“My Pack, the Snow Pack” Calls Howler “We will continue our search for Cheyenne today, now that the storm is over” the pack then gets up and heads out. They are all very eager to find the Alpha Female of the pack.
On the hill just above where the pack was, there were two wolves laying side by side. They'd watched the pack and overheard everything.
“I didn't see that loner” Says the black coated male, with sparkling amber eyes.
“Me either” Said the gray female, who seemed to have the dullest gray eyes a wolf could have.
“Martha, should we go look down where that female fell?”
“Hmm, it'd be a good idea to check I guess. If those snobs catch the loner, I'm sure they'll imprison him” Said Martha
“Yeah, then we can just pup-nap him, and kill him” Laughed the male
“Oh, how I love your evil, Delta” She said “Well, lets go” She gets up and heads down the hill, with Delta following. Delta catches back up to Martha, and curls his tail around her's. They where both in love with each other, but their leader, Rage, would never allow it.
They soon found themselves down in the valley, near the area that Cheyenne had been the night before. They start to sniff around, and soon Delta had found something, he lets out a bark and Martha walks over to him.
“I found tracks” He says, he gives them a sniff “It's the loner” He starts to follow the tracks, until they meet up with Cheyenne's tracks.
“He's found another wolf” Says Martha, she sniffs Cheyenne's tracks “They must belong to that missing Alpha female” Delta grins, and Martha asks “What are you thinking?”
“I say, we give those two a little hello” he grins mischievously. Martha's eyes spark up “Come on, lets go” They go running off, following the tracks.
Cheyenne was padding around with the end of the vine in her jaws, leading Titan around. She was looking for some sort of landmark to help her find her way back to the pack's camp. She then saw a tree with branches reaching out far. She recognized it from her pup-hood. “I know where we are” She murmured “And if the tree's here, then home must be” She looks off towards the north “That way”
Titan said “So, when we get there, you'll let me go?”
“Well, if you see my pack along the way, but if we get to camp first, no”
“Oh” He whines. At that moment, Martha and Delta had just caught up with them, they both growl aggressively, making Titan and Cheyenne look back.
“Don't say anything” Says Cheyenne to Titan, then looks at Martha and Delta “Who are you, and what do you want?”
Delta snarls “We won't tell you who we are, but we will tell you we want him” He nods toward Titan. Titan backs up a little
“I recognize those two's scents” He says “They're part of that pack that tried to kill me” He whimpers, Cheyenne looks back at him, then to the two wolves.
“Leave now” She says “Or else”
“Or else what?” Asks Martha “Are you going to chase us off? I don't think a pregnant female can do that on her own”
“Want to bet?” Growls Cheyenne. Then Martha and Delta advance on Cheyenne, and they start fighting. Cheyenne is doing her best to keep her belly out of reach of their fangs. Titan watched the horrible fighting as Cheyenne started to lose. He then realized that if he wanted, he could run right now and save his own hide. He turns and bolts for it, Cheyenne sees him run and growls savagely as she fights.
As Titan gets a good distance away, he looks back and his heart drops to the bottom of his stomach. Cheyenne was fighting for him, and he'd just left her. He then thinks “Well, I'm free now, and if I run for it, I can outrun them” Martha and Delta easily pin Cheyenne down. Delta snaps at her swollen belly. Cheyenne lets out a yelp of fright, and tries to get them off her, but they have her pinned on her side. Martha licks Cheyenne's belly, teasing her, making her expect the teeth to sink into her belly next, killing her unborn pups.
Titan looked back one more time, and whined. He couldn't just leave Cheyenne like that. He charged and tackled both of them off of Cheyenne, biting and snarling. Cheyenne got up, and growled at him for not helping sooner. She and Titan then work together to fight Delta and Martha.
Eventually Cheyenne is covered in cuts and bruises, along with Titan, but they had fought well. Martha and Delta where still both growling, their hunches raised. They backed away, and Delta snarls “You haven't seen the last of us. We'll be back for that loner” he then turns and runs back south. Martha snarls at them one more time before following.
After they leave, Cheyenne turns on Titan growling “What the hell where you doing! They could have killed my pups!” She was very angry, and her eyes shone like daggers.
Titan whimpered and his ears flattened “I thought that I-”
“I don't care about your excuses” She cuts him off “You ever do that something like that again, and I'll make sure you don't leave a hole for a good month!” She snarls
“I'm sorry” He whines
Cheyenne took a deep breath to calm down, and picked up the vine still connected to Titan's neck “Lets go” She gives it a small tug, leading Titan north. Toward the camp of the Snow Pack wolves.
The Snow Pack was making their way towards their camp, their home. They'd spent the entire day searching for Cheyenne. Then all of a sudden, they caught a strange scent, the scent of a loner. They snarled and rushed to their camp, but when they got their, they where surprised to see the gray wolf, Titan, tied to a tree. Minaru, the beta female, that had a pure white coat, and pretty blue eyes, was the first to catch Cheyenne's scent, and she ran to the Alpha's Den. She let out a bark as she saw Cheyenne and gave her licks.
“Oh Cheyenne! We missed you so much, and we where so worried!” Exclaims Minaru excitedly, but she also sounded like she was about to cry.
Cheyenne nuzzles Minaru “Oh, I missed you guys to, come on, lets go outside and see the pack” She heads outside, but all the wolves where already surrounding the den. They gave her licks all over. Then Howler pushed himself to his mate, and gave her a big wet lick. His tail wagging excitedly.
“Cheyenne! You're okay!” He says, and gives her even more licks
“Yes Howler, I'm okay” She licks him back, and all she can think is “My pack, my family, they're all safe, thank god” Then after the pack became reacquainted, it was time to turn the attention to Titan. Cheyenne told everything she knew about Titan to Howler, she also added in the fight, and what he'd done.
Howler pads up to Titan growling “Loner, you are lucky my pups weren't killed. Because if they had been, I'd had to have killed you” He snarls, he then makes Titan roll onto his back, and Howler checks him over. “You need to be punished for running away like that, and thinking about just leaving my mate at the mercy of those two wolves” He paces. Titan is laying on the snowy ground, whining. He hasn't said a word yet. “I think, being left tied to this tree, under watch, without any food for a few days should be a good enough punishment” He says. He turns to leave.
“Thanks” Says Titan “For not being to harsh”
Howler looks back at him, “That was harsh for our pack, what do you consider harsh?”
“Being tortured, then killed” he whines
“Well, you don't have to worry about being tortured” he says, and pads away. Him and the rest of the pack then go hunting. Except for Cheyenne, and the Omega of the pack to watch Titan. Plus the Shaman who is to old to hunt. There is also the healer who stayed behind to gather herbs. Kagen, the Omega was laying a little ways away from the tree, watching Titan. Kagen had white fur like everyone else, but he had specks of black on his paws. His muzzle was also covered in black. His eyes where a bright yellow color. Titan was pacing back and forth, kind of testing the length of the vine.
Kagen got up and padded over to Titan “You know, you don't really have to worry about not getting any food. I'm sure that Howler was just upset about his mate and his pups almost being killed”
Titan looked at Kagen, “What makes you so sure?”
“I've know Howler for a very long time now. He doesn't usually give that bad of a punishment, he'll probably change it when he gets back”
Titan felt a little better now, and he said, “Thanks, for making me feel better. I really didn't want to go hungry for the next few days. I haven't had food in a while”
“Yes, the life of a loner. It's hard isn't it?”
“Yeah, but I grew up as a loner. I've very used to it”
“Yeah, I guess you would be” Says Kagen, but then he padded away, and laid under a tree, still watching Titan. Titan finally laid down also, and rested his head.
Meanwhile, the Shaman and the Healer where both talking about healing, but different forms of healing. The healer preforms physical healing, while the Shaman preforms mental, and spiritual healing. He also sees fortunes, whether it be in the land, the sky, or maybe he is sent a message in his mind from the already deceased wolves of the world.

- Title: Wolves of War Chapter 1
- Artist: Thowan
- Description: This is the first chapter about several packs going at it in war. In this chapter you find out about a pack called "Snow Pack" and a little about a pack called "Blood Pack"
- Date: 09/08/2009
- Tags: wolves chapter
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Comments (2 Comments)
- invisibleninja159 - 09/25/2009
- it was cool
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- Annelise loves polka dots - 09/11/2009
- that was really long....i didn't read it.....
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