kiki:*a small tear forms along her eye*kioki...im....sorry.
*kiki runs off into the night crying*
momo:*rubs his head*damn kiki packs a punch.
kioki:*opens his eyes and shudders*
momo:*glares at kioki*you pissed her off.....
kioki:*shouts* no i didnt !
momo:*looks at his hands*you said you wern't whipped..
kioki:*thinks to the night before....*
kioki:well, were could she be?
momo:*gets out some food*i dunno
kioki:*talks through his teeth*well find out
momo:*pushes kioki*its your love why dont you look
kioki:*spits on momo*yeah i will look , but shes your sister.
*kioki runs form the house smashing trees as he goes.*
kioki:*walks towards the lake were he sees kiki sleeping*
*kioki sits next to kiki*
kiki:*looks at him through one eye*what do you want mr. not whipped...
kioki:*kisses kiki leting his toung slide*
kiki:*sits up*why are you so handsom?
kioki:*laughs*cause, you think i am.
momo:*runs up gasping*guys, the bank is gettign robbed, lets go !
kiki:*kisses kioki*lets go babe
kioki:*smiles*you forgive me?
kiki:*runs off at lighting speed*no....
momo:*points to the upcoming building*that bank is the one.
kiki:*looks around*do you think its kaliegh's doing?
kioki:*grabs kiki's hand*not sure.be safe, lets split up.
*they all nod and take diffrent courses*
-----------------------part1 kiki-------------------------------------
"i hope there are some evil people to fight, or maby kaliegh."
kiki:*looks about the dark bank*hellloooo......HELLOOO
*kiki shrugs.*
kiki:*feeling herself frantically*where is my light?!
*she rembers her powers and conjours a ball of light to lead her way*
kiki:thats better, now if i were a robber, where would i hide.
*kiki hears small noises coming from a desk*
kiki:*walking to the desk*hello......momo? this isn't funny.
robber1:*looks up at kiki and smiles*well' ello there poppet.
kiki:*pulls out her gun*get out from there! ill call my brother.
man1:*stands with hands in the air*slow down er prety fing.
kiki:are you british?
man1:*moves closer to kiki*
kiki:*points gun for his head*stop! i asked you a question.
man1:*smirks*well, wot of ut ?
kiki:*presses her lips into a tight line*well, ill take that as a yes.
man1:*takes a closer step*wots your name pretty fing?
kiki:*starts to shake*uhh.... thats not you buisness is it?
man1:my name us simon.and you must be kiki?
kik:*stares at simon* how'd....how'd youu-u knoww?
simon:*wraps his arm around kiki's waist*i heard ov yor powars.
kiki:*lies smoothly*i have none.
simon:*kisses her cheeks*i doubt that poppet, bot i got overs that know.
kiki:*pulls away*who?
simon:*looks at his watch*i must be goin but wotch your bac poppet.cause i am.
*simon vanishes*
--------------------------part2 kioki-------------------------
*i havent found anyone or anything, as momo had told us,he is dumb*
kioki:*hears someone running* whos there?*points his gun*
kik:*out of breath from running*its me....i....saw....this...man
kioki:*grabs her*where? ill kill him if he hurt you!
kiki:*slides to the floor and sits down*his name.....is....simon
kioki:*starts walking*is he still here?
kiki:no...he .....dissapeard.....he ....knows...my power.
kioki:*scoops up kiki and runs from the building*
-------------------------------part3 momo--------------
********* kioki and his eternal love, kiki was mine first*
momo:*punches wall*there's nothing here!
*uses his powers to change into a mouse*
momo*thinks*i can runand hide, pretend i did some work. ha.
*momo runs along the wall till he hears people wispering*
man1:*leans accros table*i found' er
man2:*looks satisfied*wher?
man3:*holds them back*we gota wait, we'l get er soon enof.
man1:*smells the air*there's magic among os.
*man 1 walks towards momo*
man1:*smiles at the mouse*jost a cute lil mous
man3:*lets leave gentlmen.
*they all leave wispering and looking over theire shoulders*
momo:*looks around frantically*weres kiki!
*momo runs outside to see kiki and kioki sitting on a bench*
momo:*runs up to them*guys!
kiki:*stares on in disgust*either thats a talking rat or its momo.
momo:*laughs*im not a rat im a mouse. more classy!
kioki:*rollls his eyes*yeah its momo allright!
momo:*jumps on kiki's lap*well you should hear what i did!
*momo tells them of the english men and the powers*
kiki:*gasps*thats the man that talked to me!
momo:*hugs kiki and sees kioki jelous*better watch out for them!
kioki:*walks away*lets go im tired.
*they reach home*
momo:*streaches*im gonna go eat some food.
kioki:*punches him*is thats all you do?
momo:*pretends to be hurt*well....no.
kioki:*kisses kiki*love, would you like to accompany me in my room?
kioki:*punches momo's arm*jelouse?
kiki:*jumps into kioki's arms*the room awaits us.
momo:*covers his ears*im leaving if u guys are gonna be inapropriate.
*laughing, kiki and kioki head to theire room for the night*
momo:*punches a tree as it shudders and splits in half.*i hate kioki,
to be continued....
manga part 10.
haha long tie no write D: well here it is. if u want the last 9 parts just add me to your favorite and check em' out ;D thanks to all my fans who have fallowed me and i hope i gain mroe along the way.
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