---August Final---
By, Monique.
Chapter1 Part 1
“An Explanation”
“Please let the winds upon the angels blow the spirits in Hidrapha. Kish, alcht mahrum gitchyudfruff.” I whispered to the grave of my mother and father. I am Pefa Hirot. My mother and father were both killed in a hostage stage by, Mihara Dondara. But, I will explain that later. I live in the city of Hidrapha. The skies of our city are like mood rings. They turn a certain shade depending on the weather.
Blue Kosyp is my guardian. He says he found me leaning against a tree as a baby in the RedBayne Park. I have one best friend her name is, Kadira Samson. She met me during Elementary school.
We have had the same teachers ever since.
“Pefa, it’s starting to snow. Come in.” Blue shouted from the house. Blue has taken care of me well even though he is still young. I love him like a big brother.
As I walked in the house it was warm and smelled like cinder from the attic.
‘Ring ring’ someone was calling. Blue walked passed the phone and set down some forks. “Aren’t you going to answer it?” I asked, he looked back at the phone and turned away. “It’s probably, Axiom.” He said coldly. “Can I answer it?” he hesitated for a second and nodded.
“Hi, is this Blue?” Axiom started. “No, it’s me Pefa. Do you want to speak to him?”
Axiom muttered some words to herself, “Um, yeah sure.” I handed the phone over to him, “What.” Blue started. “She’s too young!” his voice got louder and louder. “It’s too dangerous in RayRing Black.” I got up and took my food into my room. Although I could still hear him shouting. “Axiom you don’t understand. I don’t care if they want her to join. So what if Kadira will be in it too.” Then all I heard was silence. “Pefa, come speak to Axiom.” He handed the phone to me. “Hello Axiom.” “Hi, Pefa. Obviously Blue doesn’t want you doing this but it’s your choice.
Would you like to join August Final?”
I hesitated; The August Final was a troop that fought monsters in unknown locations. They travel on air ships to search for the dangerous fiends that haunt cities. “Kadira is joining. There will be a lot of trainers to help you girls prepare. What do you say?”
Blue leaned against the arch of the door. “Sure.” I said, Blue’s expression went into total shock, “You can’t do this! It’s too dangerous!” he mouthed. “Great, your training will start tomorrow. Meet me at Ahote’s.” As we both hung up Blue sighed, “Why are you doing this? Do you know what happens to kids who sign up for something like this?” I sighed, “How about you join too. Also, it seems fun. Slaying fiends and finding treasures at the same time.” I smiled, “I don’t know about this though. I will think about it.”
After dinner I went back in my room to make more charms. I set the candles down at the small altar with the stones of wisdom, “Melise reda yukiop smictehy” I chanted silently. I stuffed the oil bottle with rose pedals. Picked up my clothes pin and pricked my finger hard enough for blood to drip. I dripped the blood into the bottle.
I have been doing this ritual for several days now. I thought of it as my type of meditation.
Kadira does it too. “Kadira!” I remembered.
“Hi, Mr. Samson. Is Kadira home?” her father’s face was red with anger. Seemed like he didn’t like the decision Kadira made about joining the August Final. “Are you joining it too?” I nodded, “Blue wasn’t too happy either.” He turned and called down Kadira, “Pefa is here.”
Up in her room, the walls were black and purple, some posters of popular rock bands. “So you’re joined the August troop too?” I nodded; she stuck up a hand for a high five, “Blue is joining too.” She sighed, “My dad is worried about me joining.” “I saw. His face looked red.” She laughed, “Whatever I just hope he stays sane.”
Chapter1 (continuing) Part 2
“An Explanation”
As the next day came Blue walked in, “Are you ready to go?” I nodded. I was half excited and half scared. But I knew Blue and Kadira would be there.
I got on the back of Blue’s motorbike. “Ready?” “Yes.” As he drove fast the wind was clutching on to my soul. “I’m nervous.” I shouted, “Are you going to back out?” he replied, “Not that kind of nervous. The one where I might not do anything right?” he laughed, “They choose an attack that is suited best for you. They give you a special weapon that is also meant for you.”
When we both got there it was silent, “Where is everyone?” I asked, and then Axiom ran out of the door, “Great you’re here. Come inside and meet some of the members!” She took my hand and pulled me in, Blue followed. When I got in I saw three people, “This is Kura, Hanson and Felicity. There are more but they are just late.” Kura was beautiful, her brown glowing skin with her chocolate eyes. Then there was Felicity; she looked gorgeous with her radiant red eyes and hair. Hanson looked handsome. “Sup.” Hanson shook my hand firmly. Both of the girls said Hello. “Am I late?” Kadira had just walked in, “Just about. We haven’t started training you yet, girls. We should wait till everybody gets here.”
Kadira and I went to sit by the bay window in Ahote’s kitchen, “This is weird.” I started, “I know. I hope we don’t die.” I laughed, “I feel we won’t.” Then we heard the door bust open, “Hey! We late? Evry’ body here!” said a tall muscular man, “Girls, this is Ahote.” We both waved. More people started to walk in. There were two guys who looked about our age, and a girl who looked like a human fairy. “Girls, this is Aarush, Atritia, and Gafna.” They all waved and smiled. “So are we ready to start?” Axiom clapped. Blue sighed, “Let’s do this.”
Everybody walked out into the back. The yard looked more like a stage without lights and a deck. The ground was engraved with five stars. A blue star and a red star were across from each other, a green star in the middle. An orange star next to the red and a yellow one next to the blue. A white circle was in front of the green star. “Kadira, Pefa. This is an Atilp. It was put into the ground by my great grandfather. These stars are markings for how many people will fight. Right now it’s only you two today, now walk onto the blue and red star.” As we did, we both exchanged looks like they were crazy. “Okay Kadira. What can you do?” Kadira looked confused. “Um, I can sing.” Axiom laughed, “Okay give us a verse.” Pefa cleared her throat, “Lights keep moving slowly, Cars keep passing by me. Love is on its way there. Time will stand right by me.” She sung slowly and graceful. Ahote sighed in love, “Beautiful, dis’ is your skill. Your voice. You use it for attacks. To charm a simple fiend. Sometimes it will give big effect. Sometimes it will give little effect. But it always helpful.” Ahote explained. Basically he said that Kadira’s weapon was more like a sidekick. She sighed. “Good Job, Kadira. Now you Pefa.” I look stunned; I didn’t know what I could do. Suddenly I saw Blue from the back do a chopping motion. I forgot when I was five Blue signed me up for a karate class. I have been in karate ever since. “Oh, I do karate.” Axiom smiled, “Show us.”
I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly.
I then winded up and jumped as if I were performing a 360. When I was in the air, instead of shooting out a crescent kick, my right leg shot to the side as a sidekick and my left leg shot to the left as a ball kick. After that I did a couple of jackknife moves and a butterfly twist.
I then did more impressive moves that made everybody gasp. “Okay then. Ahote?” Axiom started, “You simply have the ability to be fast and accurate. You will be given two weapons. You no get them now, though.” I nodded. Kadira cheered, “Whoo!” a small cheer. “Blue, your turn.” Blue groaned and walked up to the green star. “Um. I guess I can knife fight.” Ahote laughed, “Are you fast?” Blue nodded, “Well we need more than knife fighting. These monsters we duel aren’t of putty.” Blue took that as an insult. Blue stealthily took out his pocketknife and he slowly wrapped his hand around the handle as if making a fist, turning it into a hammer grip. He then stabbed the air, only 2 centimeters away from Ahote’s ear. Ahote dodged 5 seconds later. Blue then almost thrusted the knife into Ahote’s side but he got his clothing. Blue sent out more dangerous moves until Blue knocked Ahote to the ground.
“Argh!” Ahote groaned. He then fell down. “Okay okay settle!” Axiom kicked the dirt. Blue stood up. Ahote slowly got back up breathing heavily, “Well, *breathe we seem to know what you will be. You will take care of the Inglet, which is a type of sword.” Ahote chuckled. “You three,” Axiom pointed to Aarush, Atritia, and Gafna. “Go inside with Kadira and Pefa.”
The five of us walked in together. I ran over to the brown couch. “This is still weird to me.” I started, Aarush laughed. “It gets weirder.” “What do you mean?” Kadira asked, “The monsters are scarier if the rate of the place is low.” “That means the less people, the more of monsters that get a chance to reproduce.” Eww. The sky started turning purple. “So are you girls sisters or something?” Atritia asked. “No, we’re just really close friends.” When I got a good look at Atritia I immediately thought he was charming. I couldn’t stop looking at him. Heh. Kadira slapped my knee. “Ow!” “Save the glances for later.” She mumbled. Gafna didn’t talk much. The guys basically spoke for her. It seemed like that was what she wanted.
“Blue seemed a bit feisty.” Gafna stated, “A bit? He got a little worked up.” I laughed. Everything fell silent, except for everybody outside. “Um, when will I get my uh, weapons?” I asked, Aarush scratched his head, “Probably in a few days, it won’t be that long. Even though they are custom made for you.” “What weapons do you use?” Kadira asked them. “I have a bow and arrow. Also a knife. The bow is metal.” He shined. “They also engrave your initials into your weapon too.” Gafna added. “I use a control chant. I can call up snakes and worms. Gross but cool.” Kadira laughed, “For me,” Aarush stuck out both of his hands. A stone like crystal was embedded into his palms. “My hands turn silver and shoot out crystal darts.” My eyes widened. “Wow.” Kadira said.
“Okay everyone you can go back home.” Axiom stated.
“Hey Kadira and Pefa!” Ahote hollered. “You two start official training tomorrow.” He smiled. We nodded and went home with everybody else.
Chapter1 (continuing) Part 3
“An Explanation”
The sun was starting to rise through my room, and then I remembered. My official training starts today. “Time to get dressed.” Blue shouted from downstairs. “Shnachts Mechts ya.” He mumbled.
When I got down stairs Blue was already by his bike. I got on the back and left. The sky was amber. Which meant that there would be some type of excitement today. When we got to Ahote’s, Axiom and Ahote were standing outside of the house. “Welcome back, the others are inside.” Axiom greeted. Ahote bowed his head. “Hey Pefa!” Kadira smiled and waved. Gafna and the guys were there too. “It’s only us kids who will be training today.” Atritia joined. Aarush just smiled. “Okay guys. We will start with the oldest. Aarush.” Aarush was 17 years old. He stood up and walked over to the back yard. He walked up to green star. We stared through the window. “Now Aarush, since you have had more experience this default fiend will be a little more harder. Ready?” Axiom started, “Bring it.” He said. She then opened a red chest filled with multi-colored glowing spheres. She then rolled one onto the white circle. The blue sphere then slowly morphed into a large goblin looking dragon. Aarush’s hair slowly turned into the color silver. He stuck out his hands as they slowly morphed into the color silver. The palm of his hands shot out black shiny darts. “Freaky!” Kadira said with her face pressed against the window. I was so into the monster that I didn’t notice Atritia was right next to me. “Crazy right?” he laughed, “Yeah totally!” Aarush had a slight smirk as though he had this monster in the bag, until the monster dodged all of the darts and took out a long purple sword.
The sword swung above Aarush’s head as he ducked. His hair turned grey. He was scared. The giant’s hand then lifted Aarush up and launched him into a tree. Axiom gasped and ran in front of the monster and small glass-like shards of diamonds shot out at the monster as he faded. Blue ran over to Aarush. “Is he going to be okay?” I asked, Atritia, “Yeah the attacks do hurt, but they don’t kill you in training. The wounds fade too.” “See? Stay alert.” Axiom told Aarush. His hair turned back to its regular color. As he walked in Kadira ran up to him. “How was it?” “What do you think?” He said breathing heavily. “Your turn Gafna.” Gafna shivered and got up slowly, “Wish me luck.”
Axiom headed for the chest and threw out a green sphere. “Get ready.” Gafna nodded. A twin-like Gafna appeared. “Hi, I’m Gafna.” The twin said. Gafna stood confused. “I would like to tell you something.” The fake Gafna’s eyes were yellow. She ran up to the
real Gafna, “Smaller things get around quicker.” The twin shrunk down into a little gross goblin. It jumped around making Gafna dizzy. “Wait! Where are you? Stay!” She yelled. Gafna then did a loud call, “Frechts Snmag Nechta!” Suddenly the ground started to shake and holes started to appear in the dirt. Little, big, and gross slithering things snaked out of the ground and rose behind Gafna. She pointed at the hyper goblin as it kept biting on Gafna. The snakes and worms slithered everywhere. They split up and also morphed into more worms and snakes. The goblin slowly faded while screaming, “Yes!” Gafna jumped in the air. “That was gross.” Kadira said. Blue looked grossed out.
“Great job!” Axiom shouted. The snakes and worms dug back into the ground as Gafna walked in the house. “Atritia!” Axiom shouted. He got up and sighed. “I hate training.” He coldly walked out and onto the green star. “Here it comes.” Axiom giggled and threw out a pink sphere. The ball slowly morphed into a huge armored giant. He grunted and charged for Atritia. He still stood there staring into the Giant’s eyes. The giant stopped running and stood. I looked at Atritia and noticed that his eyes were changing colors. He then smirked and jumped up, “HAAAAH!” he yelled and stabbed the giant in the left arm. Atritia landed on his shoulder and jumped again. Swiftly taking out his bow and arrow. He stuck the bow into the giant’s back as it faded. “Perfect!” Axiom laughed.
When it came to Kadira she slunk in her chair. “I’m gonna die.” Axiom shouted, “Kadira, Come on!” she slowly walked onto the green star and sighed. “What do I do?” she asked, “What you showed us yesterday!” Axiom shouted. “Sing.” Ahote laughed. Axiom rolled out an orange sphere. The sphere slowly morphed into a white and orange wolf. It roared as Kadira shrieked. The wolf then growled. She cleared her throat. The wolf kicked the dust and started to charge slowly. “Light winds blow, soft winds breeze. The green grass makes—.” She got stuck, “Makes me sneeze. Natures call.” As she continued to sing the Dragon stopped and began to fade. “Whoo!” she cheered. Axiom clapped. “Great, great job. See it doesn’t matter what you sing, as long as it sounds good. Pefa and Blue, we will have a private lesson when you get your weapons.” I nodded. This was so interesting I couldn’t wait till it was my day.
As we all went home I had dinner with Blue and we started talking. “So, do you think you could stick with this?” he started, “Yeah, you?” he nodded, “Maybe. The monsters freaked me out though.” He laughed. “I think you can do it.” I said.
Chapter 1 (continuing) Part 4
“An Explanation”
“Can you get the door, Pefa?” Blue yelled, “Yeah.” I went downstairs to see a deliveryman, “Are you Pefa?” he smiled, “Yep.” He then handed two packages to me. “This is also for Blue Kosyp. The delivery was free. No cost.” “Thank you.” As I closed the door I ran over to the couch. “Who was it?” Blue came in, “The delivery man.” I unwrapped the packaging as Blue did the same, “For Blue.” He read. “What do you suppose it is?” I asked. He opened the long, thick silver box. Blue’s eyes widened. “It’s an Inglet.” He took out the long bulky sword. On the side of the handle read Blue’s name. “Whoa. So, I guess that’s your weapon, huh?” I suggested. I opened my flat shiny black box and there were two metal fans and small burnt moon darts. On each dart my name was engraved, including the fans too. “These are beautiful!” I laughed; I took out one of the fans and unfolded it with my fingers. It slid out to be flat and sharp. I then flung one of the darts at the wall; it stuck. “Thanks.” Blue frowned, “Oh, sorry!”
“Did you guys get your weapons yet?” Axiom asked as she entered the house. I nodded. “Let’s go then!” As I got on the back of Axiom’s purple bike, Blue rode by himself; “I have special uniforms for you two at my house.” She shouted. I have never been to Axiom’s house. Only Blue has been there. He has never wanted me to go there anyway. This was a first. When we finally got there her house was huge. It was made of Silver crystal stone. “Here we are.” I got off and looked around. The trees looked all different, they swayed in different motions, like they were dancing. “We will be going in the back. But, you two need to change into your uniforms.” Blue sighed. She handed us our clothing. “Meet me in the back when you are done.”
“Wow, this will be comfortable,” I stretched, my uniform felt like a soft pillow, but looked like an outrageous costume. The top was Black and orange. The left side of the shirt crossed over to my right side, as the right did the same. The waist was cut into big holes. The bottom was a short matching skirt with metal strips. It had bloomers to go with. J I then put on the sharp orange thigh-high boots. It all felt comfortable. ‘Wow. I like it.’ I said to myself. When I walked out Blue looked like a futuristic ninja. He was wearing all black. His pants were baggy and tight at the bottom. The top was also black and loose. He didn’t have anything on his head though. “You look great.” I smiled, “You too.” He cheered. Once we got to the back Axiom’s eyes widened. “Wow. You guys look awesome!”
“Okay, Blue. You’re first. Come walk onto the green star.” He did so, Axiom rolled out a grey ball. “Get into a stance position!” she instructed, the small sphere slowly morphed into a large green and red wasp-looking thing. “This is a, Bacvirusea. They aren’t that strong, but also aren’t that weak. Their signature move is the hiving.” The bug flew up and landed a sting on Blue, “Ow!” he yelled, “That was a standard attack. This bug can do many attacks on you if he is strong enough.” He nodded and then slid his sword onto the ground while running he dragged it to create a dust to blind the Bacvirusea. “That was a delay attack. The fiend will be blind for a short amount of time. Take as much attacks as you need to finish him off!” She yelled, Blue ran and jumped in the air. “YAAAH!” He swung his sword to the Bacvirusea’s chest. He then ran again to the creature and stabbed its chest. The bug slowly fell to the ground and faded. I clapped, “Whoo! That was awesome!” Axiom laughed, “Great for your first try. But, you will be fighting with other people from the August troop, so you have a better chance of not getting injured.” She informed.
“Pefa, your turn.” I stood up to the green star. “Battle stance!” she yelled. I slid my right foot back like a lunge. She threw out a purple ball. It then morphed into a large white and black cat. “This is a Fesly. This is a strong beast. You mostly see them and their kind in the Gingera Hills. Its signature attack is the tough strike.” The cat-like tiger started to shake and little glowing lights surrounded the creature, “It’s getting ready to do a high attack.” The Fesly ran at full speed towards me and lifted its large paw and swung at my arm; ripping my sleeve and slicing my arm. I stood up and flipped out my fans and swung them, which caused me to fly towards the creature. I sliced the fan at he Fesly’s head and created gashes into the beast. It rapidly swung another paw at my foot, which caused me to fall on the ground. I took out my darts and threw them one by one. The creature yelped and fell back and faded. “Awesome, well done.” As the monster faded, so did my cuts. My sleeve even reappeared.
When we were all inside we heard a knock. “Come in.” Axiom yelled, it was Kadira, “Hi, you wanted me?” she asked, “Oh yeah. Since your only attack is your voice, take this.” She handed Kadira a large circle box. “What is it?” she asked, “Go look!” Kadira settled in the dining room chair and opened the box. There were two large rings with spikes on the outer part. They were a little smaller than a hula-hoop. “Wow. What is it?” I laughed, “It’s a Wrist ring Bangle.” I told her. “Yeah, you put them onto your wrist and the ring spins around your wrist. If you do it right, you slice through your enemy.” Blue added. “Well, I guess those acrobatic classes were worth something.” Kadira laughed. “Here is your uniform too.” She handed Kadira some Blue and Purple clothing.
I was starting to get used to what we were getting close to do. Blue, Kadira, and me continued training for two months until we were ready . . .
Chapter 1 (continuing) Part 5
As the sun started to go down my mind was fading. Then it hit me, “Blue, when will we start fighting for real?” I trudged. He stopped walking and stared at me with captivating eyes, “Um, ask Axiom or Ahote? Maybe one of the young people you met.” Then I thought, Atritia.
“Hey, you called?” he answered, “Yeah. I just wanted to know when we will start fighting, you know monsters?” he laughed. “Probably in a week or two Axiom will call us to Ahote’s place. As usual. Don’t worry about it though.” I could tell he was smiling. “So did you get your weapons and uniform yet?” he asked, “Yeah, I love my weapons and my outfit.” “I bet you look awesome.” He laughed.
I wasn’t ready to fall asleep. I heard Blue in the living room below, “The closet is terrible! No!” he yelled. I then heard loud blaring and heavy footsteps running into my room. “Can I borrow your Chena?” he huffed; I threw him Leslie, my stuffed dragon. He squeaked, “Thanks!” and ran back down stairs.
I then took out my phone, deciding on whom to bother at this time of night. “Hey, you have reached Kadira! I’m not here for a while, but leave me a message and junk!” said her voicemail. “Hey it’s me, Pefa. Um, I know it’s late and all but, I’m just bored.” I hung up and rested my head on the cold stone floor.
*The grass was wet but warm against my skin. I felt carnation petals falling and landing on me. A tear escaped from my eye as I stared into the black sky, salted with stars. A pretty rhythm bounced between my heartbeats. Purple bubbles started to fall through the sky and into my eyes.
I then heard a familiar female voice, “Love is what you seek. So is achievement and magic.” The voice faded at the last part. *
I abruptly then gasped for air like I was drowning. “Pefa, you okay?” I looked up and saw Axiom with one hand on her head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Where am I?” Axiom coughed in disbelief, “You’re in my backyard! Training, remember?” My face scrunched; confused. “But, I was just dreaming.” I looked at the ground; I saw the green star I was on. “No, you were fighting and then you fell to the pavement.” Her braid was a bit messed up and lingering into my face. “I think you are done for the day.” She nodded to herself as she got me to my feet. “I’m sorry if I scared you. I just passed out.” “Just?? Passed out??” she laughed a little manically, “Your eyes rolled up to the back. You were out cold!” She shook me. “I got it! I got it! Geez!” I freaked.
From then I had no clue of what happened to me that day. I remembered the monster that I was fighting, just not me falling to the ground. For the rest of that day I kept asking myself what happened. I must’ve sniffed too much Rose Oil the other night. It was my ritual. I guess it really did affect me.
We both were inside as I sat on her black couch. “Do you need anything?” she asked, “Maybe. I don’t know. I’m still trying to gather everything.” I folded my hands in my lap. Axiom sat down next to me, “So, how did you feel the night before all of this?” she sipped from a tall cylinder shaped cup. “I felt strange,” she cocked her eye to the side and lowered a sarcastic eyebrow. “Like I was still awake but in a dream. Kind of like being in water.” I smiled, “Weird, well I’m glad I helped!” she saluted and went upstairs. I sighed.
.................. PM me for chapter 2...................
- by CyberTeaGenocide |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/07/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: August Final Chapter 1
- Artist: CyberTeaGenocide
Pefa Hirot, only 15 and introduced into the most dangerous troop alive.
She and her friend Kadira are joining the August Final Troop to travel around the world (not earth) to battle monsters. See how this story goes.
ACTION ROMANCE maybe drama - Date: 09/07/2009
- Tags: august final chapter romance drama
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