In the beginning of my crazy dream, I was the elagent princess Jasmine Santos (not the one in aladdin). I was getting ready for my wedding with my handsome prince Declan Galbraith. Until we herd a bomb drop. Everyone ducked. And it was happening again world war 2 had broken out again. The notcies were all over the place the searched and searched to find all the jews. After a while, it got quit nobody even took one single breath. All we herd was the crackling of the fire. BOOM the notcies burst in the wedding chapple THINKING we were jews ,but they made a huge mistake. They took and all my friends the only people that were left were my family, me ,and my delicate prince. I was hidding with my dad in this door opening the notcies were to stupid to find me and my dad we were right in front of them. Until, a bow ‘n arrow shot my dad right in the heart they had finaly found me I started to sword fight with them until they shot me with a knock out dart. I was a sleep like a dead animal on the side of the road. The notcies through my friends and me in the back of this truck. It was dark and quit, everyone was silent we were put in chakels. Each of the guards took us one bye one they throughs all in one little cell. We thought the guards would kill us. But we thought wrong. The guards took all of us and put us all on this machine. It was a fan like machine on each wing there were seats. They made us each get on one wing. Dogs (not guard) were sourounding us. The machine was called the off machine because if you fall off a wing we get sent back to the small cell. They turn on the off machine it spun and spun it went so fast I was the first one off. After I fell off I snuck out the off machine room and went to a small doctors office right outside the off machine room. Outside the off machine room looked like a real hospital hall. So I went to the nearest office not turning back. i grabed a knife out of nowere and kept it with me to kill any guards or notcie. As I went in the office, I locked the door really fast I looked around see if anybody was in there. A nurse was right behinde me. Oh my gasp she scared me ,but I scared here more with the knife in my hand. “I don’t have any money.” Said the nurse. “I’m not here for money the notcies tried to hurt me and put me in a cell.” I said. I showed her my arm there was blood dripping frommy arm to my wedding dress. The nursed patched up my arm and put some gauzz on it. She left the room. All of a sudden the dogs from the off machine room came through the window. I started crying. I closed my eyes very tight and climbed through the small window. I ran to the the church (aka wedding chapple). I saw my mom out side the church I ran to her all my brides maids were saying what happened what happened. “I’ll explain later, right now I need to marry my prince.”I said. “Um honey your wedding is about to start” my mom said. “WHAT” I said. I went to go get my backup dress. I got dress faster than the off machine. Now the moment at last my wedding with my dear prince. The wedding song started I walked down the asile and smiled. To bad my dad was dead and not there to walk me down the asile. But then I closed my eyes really tight and I looked beside me. It was my dad right beside me I started to cry. And my back up dress was my first dress with no blood stain on it from the sward fight. I was so very happy. Then we continued with the wedding and went to our honeymoon. And we lived happliy ever after.
My crazy dream.
The classy asian
I cant explain just read it. It will get so random
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