Kyle in wonderland Chapter 1.1
((aaa errors point them out. I didn't really edit this much sorry~))
Chapter 1. part 1
Kyle Gets pushed down the rabbit-hole.
Kyle was starting to grow tired of Cartmans usual rude remarks, having no patience to deal with him the red head meekly set his book aside on the prop table.
“Hahaha I can't believe this!” Cartman gloated as he finished off the jumbo sized chip bag in his hand.
“Shut it fat a**!”
“AY I'm not fat you stupid Jew!”
“Your so fat that if you stood in the middle of a field people would mistake you for a mountain.” Kenny add,taking off his signature orange parka. His voice raised loud enough for everyone to hear.
Hushed giggles filled the air then echoed off the stage as people went back to their respective jobs.
“At least I'm not poor like you Kenny!” Huffed the brunette.
“F*** you.” Replied Kenny in his usual apathetic tone.
Cartman ignored the blond, turning his attention back to Kyle.
“I still can't believe it Kahl! You must have the worst luck ever!” Cartman laughed, letting a satisfied smirk creep across his face.
Stan had quietly made his way towards the group. “Lay off fat a**!”.
Cartman continued to talk, ignoring Stans blue eyed glare.
“Ay at least I'm not the one that has to wear a dress for this stupid play, what was it called again? Some Alice person in some weird land.”
“It's called Alice in wonderland you stupid tub of lard.” Kyle retorted, getting to his feet. His fist clenched at his sides. It was obvious that Kyle would get irritated but that's what Cartman always aimed for.
“There weren't enough girls to fill all the roles fat a** you know that! It's not Kyle's fault.” Stan sighed ,as he tried to break off the argument.
“I'm way to tired to deal with this..” Thought Kyle. “I'm going home.” He added aloud as he shoved his books into his bag. Stan quickly turned to say something but kyle had already made it up the stairs and through the door.
“Just let him go he's probably just PMSing. Stupid Jew..” Cartmans words echoed through out the empty hallway.
Kyle mumbled to himself as he opened the side door . The cold mountain air smacking him in the face. His eyes closed as the harsh glare of the sun reflected off the fresh snow on the field. He considered heading back to the school theater but quickly realized that the door had already closed behind him.
After taking a few steps forward he found himself tumbling down a steep slope. Landing on his back as he reached the bottom, his eyes still closed.
Kyle laid there for (what he guessed) to be five minutes before sitting up to brush the snow from his curly red hair.
“Jeez..” Kyle mumbled as he reached for his hat. “I must have the worst luck....IKE?!” Kyle Yelped as he watched his little brother hop across the field in front of him. Without a second thought Kyle started to his feet (At the time it seemed very natural for Ike to have rabbit ears and a little golden pocket watch.) Kyle chased after Ike, who quickly made his way down an unusually big hole. Kyle (whose eyes were filled with fear for his little brothers safety) began shouting “Ike! Ike are you Okay?!” . Clearly oblivious to the sound of feet walking towards him, he pulled at his cap nervously.
Within moments Kyle was falling. Down, down,down he went, unable to register what had happened.
I have nothing against Jewish people don't hurt me D:
http://Panic-Revelation.deviantart.com/ <--- My deviantart account.
Kyle in wonderland Chapter 1.1
Kyle gets the part of Alice in the southpark highschool play Alice in wonderland,Cartman is having a great time teasing kyle about. Kyle quickly gets annoyed and decides to leave early. After getting outside Kyle notices a Very familiar "Rabbit" and begins chasing it. he then gets pushed down the rabbit hole and into wonderland.
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